'May I one day find refuge in the forests of an island in Oceania, and live there in ecstasy, peace, and art.' (Gauguin, 1890) Today, Gauguin could realize this dream right in the heart of Lisbon, in Alvalade, one of the city's trendiest neighborhoods. Surrounded by a lush, tropical landscape, this T1+1 loft apartment of 105m² is anything but ordinary. It reflects the owner's passion for the arts, travel, and the diversity of the world. A lover of green spaces and tropical flora, the owner designed a unique tropical garden around his homea project recognized by the local council as an urban garden. This vibrant sanctuary hosts over 100 tropical and subtropical species, creating an authentic biodiversity haven in the city center. Pineapples, banana trees, mangoes, papayas, and goldenberries are just a few examples among many others. The residence itself is fascinating. It's essentially an atelier equipped for living, with a kitchen, bedrooms, and sanitary facilities. Originally a garage in a building from the Estado Novo era, it has insulated walls and ceilings with air chambers, rendering air conditioning unnecessary. The temperature is mild and stablecool in the summer and relatively warm in winter. The kitchen is well-equipped, featuring an island with an induction cooktop and exhaust system. This space is not conventional and not for a conventional buyer. It's for someone who seeks a space with soul, originality, and character, offering tranquility and an escape in the heart of the city, close to the bustling shops, services, and cultural and artistic offerings of Lisbon's trendiest neighborhood. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:NR8513