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Пула - Дом на продажу

131 240 702 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

9 к
3 вн
500 м²
участок 900 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T100917761 / 100917761

Only 2 km from the beach, this apartment house or holiday house with a swimming pool is located near the old fishing village of Banjole, which is 11 km from the largest city on the peninsula - Pula. The house is 5 km away from the protected landscape of the Kamenjak nature park full of beautiful beaches and untouched nature, 2-4 km from the nearest marinas Volme and ACI marina Pomer for accommodation of boats and 9 km away from the popular tourist resort of Medulin. The distance from Pula airport is 13 km.


This holiday house with a swimming pool or apartment house with the potential for tourism is intended as a residential-business building, has a use permit according to its purpose and has a categorization for 3 apartments, and is currently rented as a holiday house for 21 people. It is divided into 3 apartments, which can be seen on the floor plans (each of the apartments is indicated in a different color), but it is currently rented as a whole, of course each one can be rented separately.

The building as such has 500 m2 of living space on two floors + 222 m2 of an auxiliary building that is currently unused.

The adjoining yard is 900 m2, has 40 olive trees, the pool is 70 m2 with a shallow area for children and a jacuzzi. The house has central gas heating, gas and electric hot water heating and a solar panel, and in winter the internal fireplace has the possibility of central heating. There are also 9 air conditioners in the house. With regard to the spatial plan, there is the possibility of upgrading the building, the maximum built-up area according to the spatial plan is 50%, while the current built-up area is somewhere around 37. The building has two floors in the residential part and one floor in the part of the auxiliary building, and it is possible to build 3 floors so that there is also additional space that provides potential for various purposes, especially due to the zone in which it is located. The house is located in the business zone, K1, mostly commercial. Literally everything can be done, business premises, shop, store, restaurants and everything related to tourism.

The house itself, in its current condition, brings in 90,000-100,000 euros of annual turnover (only during the summer season for 4 months) through tourism (we can support this with papers for a serious buyer), and it has a huge potential for more with some investments. Let's say the space of the auxiliary facility (hall) can be used for indoor wellness or more accommodation units or something else. It should be noted that by upgrading the building, an extremely spacious hotel with a restaurant can be made.

The house is being sold furnished while the 2024 season is already booked for the purpose of tourism, so the new buyer can take over reservations for the upcoming season or buy the house and take it over from October 1, 2024. year.

For all questions and information or to arrange an appointment for a real estate inspection, contact us today, and you can view our General Terms and Conditions at the link https://angelusnekretnine.hr/about-nama.

ID CODE: 4928

Igor Vitasović
Voditelj ureda
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Nur 2 km vom Strand entfernt liegt dieses Apartmenthaus bzw. Ferienhaus mit Swimmingpool in der Nähe des alten Fischerdorfes Banjole, das 11 km von der größten Stadt der Halbinsel – Pula – entfernt ist. Das Haus liegt 5 km von der geschützten Landschaft des Naturparks Kamenjak voller schöner Strände und unberührter Natur, 2-4 km von den nächsten Yachthäfen Volma und ACI-Marina Pomer für die Unterbringung von Booten und 9 km vom beliebten Touristenort entfernt Medulin. Die Entfernung vom Flughafen Pula beträgt 13 km.


Dieses Ferienhaus mit Schwimmbad bzw. Apartmenthaus mit touristischem Potenzial ist als Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude gedacht, verfügt über eine Nutzungserlaubnis entsprechend seinem Verwendungszweck und verfügt über eine Kategorisierung für 3 Wohnungen und wird derzeit als Ferienhaus für 21 Personen vermietet Menschen. Es ist in 3 Wohnungen aufgeteilt, was auf den Grundrissen zu erkennen ist (jede Wohnung ist in einer anderen Farbe gekennzeichnet), wird aber derzeit als Ganzes vermietet, natürlich kann auch jede einzeln gemietet werden.

Das Gebäude als solches verfügt über 500 m2 Wohnfläche auf zwei Etagen + 222 m2 eines derzeit ungenutzten Nebengebäudes.

Der angrenzende Garten ist 900 m2 groß, hat 40 Olivenbäume, der Pool ist 70 m2 groß mit einem flachen Bereich für Kinder und einem Whirlpool. Das Haus verfügt über eine zentrale Gasheizung, eine Gas- und Elektro-Warmwasserbereitung sowie ein Solarpanel. Im Winter besteht die Möglichkeit einer Zentralheizung für den internen Kamin. Es gibt auch 9 Klimaanlagen im Haus. Hinsichtlich des Raumplans besteht die Möglichkeit einer Aufwertung des Gebäudes, die maximale bebaute Fläche beträgt laut Raumplan 50 %, die aktuelle bebaute Fläche liegt bei etwa 37 %. Das Gebäude hat zwei Stockwerke Wohnteil und eine Etage im Teil des Nebengebäudes, und es ist möglich, drei Etagen zu bauen, so dass auch zusätzlicher Raum entsteht, der Potenzial für verschiedene Zwecke bietet, insbesondere aufgrund der Zone, in der er sich befindet. Das Haus liegt im Gewerbegebiet K1, überwiegend gewerblich genutzt. Im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes kann alles erledigt werden, Geschäftsräume, Geschäfte, Restaurants und alles, was mit Tourismus zu tun hat.

Das Haus selbst erwirtschaftet derzeit in seinem jetzigen Zustand einen jährlichen Umsatz von ... Euro (nur während der Sommersaison von 4 Monaten) durch den Tourismus (wir können dies mit Papieren für einen ernsthaften Käufer belegen) und es hat ein enormes Potenzial für mehr mit einigen Investitionen. Nehmen wir an, der Raum der Nebenanlage (Halle) kann für Indoor-Wellness, weitere Wohneinheiten oder etwas anderes genutzt werden. Es ist zu beachten, dass durch die Modernisierung des Gebäudes ein äußerst großzügiges Hotel mit Restaurant entstehen kann.

Das Haus wird möbliert verkauft, während die Saison 2024 bereits für touristische Zwecke ausgebucht ist, sodass der neue Käufer Reservierungen für die kommende Saison übernehmen oder das Haus kaufen und ab dem 1. Oktober 2024 übernehmen kann. Jahr.

Für alle Fragen und Informationen oder um einen Termin für eine Immobilienbesichtigung zu vereinbaren, kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute. Unsere Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen können Sie unter dem Link https://angelusnekretnine.hr/about-nama einsehen.

ID CODE: 4928

Igor Vitasović
Voditelj ureda
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
E-mail: ...

Samo 2km metara od plaže, ova apartmanska kuća ili kuća za odmor s bazenom smještena je u blizini u starog ribarskog mjesta Banjole koje je 11 km udaljeno od najvećeg grada na poluotoku - Pule. Kuća je 5 km udaljena od zaštićenog krajobraza parka prirode Kamenjak punog predivnih plaža i netaknute prirode, 2-4 km od najbližih marina Volme i ACI marine Pomer za smještaj plovila te 9 km udaljeno od popularnog turističkog mjesta Medulin. Udaljenost od pulske zračne luke je 13 km.


Ova kuća za odmor s bazenom ili apartmanska kuća sa potencijalnom za bavljenje turizmom je po namjeni stambeno-poslovna zgrada, ima uporabnu dozvolu shodno namjeni te ima kategorizaciju za 3 apartmana, a trenutno se iznajmljuje kao kuća za odmor za 21 osobu. Podijeljena je u 3 apartmana, što se vidi na tlocrtima (svaki od apartmana je naznačen u različitoj boji), ali se trenutno iznajmljuje kao cjelina, naravno može i svaka posebno.

Zgrada kao takva ima 500 m2 stambene površine na dvije etaže + 222 m2 pomoćnog objekta koji je trenutno bez namjene.

Pripadajuće dvorište ima 900 m2, ima 40 maslina, bazen ima 70 m2 sa plitkim dijelom za djecu i jaccuzijem. Kuća ima centralno plinsko grijanje, grijanje tople vode na plin i struju te solarni panel, te po zimi unutarnji kamin ima mogućnost centralnog grijanja. Također u kući se nalaze 9 klima uređaja. S obzirom na prostorni plan, postoji mogućnost nadogradnje objekta, maksimalna izgrađenost prema prostornom planu je 50%, dok je trenutna izgrađenost negdje oko 37. Zgrada ima dvije etaže u stambenom dijelu i jednu etažu u dijelu pomoćnog objekta, a može se izgraditi 3 etaže tako da i tu ima dodatnog prostora koji pruža potencijal za raznu namjenu naročito zbog zone u kojoj se nalazi. Kuća se nalazi u poslovnoj zoni, K1, pretežito trgovačka. Može se raditi doslovno sve, poslovni prostori, dućan, trgovina, restorani i sve vezano za turizam.

Kuća sama trenutno u stanju kakva je nosi ... eura godišnjeg prometa (samo kroz ljetnu sezonu 4 mjeseca) kroz turizam (ozbiljnom kupcu to možemo potkrijepiti papirima), a ima ogroman potencijal i za više uz neka ulaganja. Recimo prostor pomoćnog objekta (hale) se može namijeniti za unutarnji wellness ili još smještajnih jedinica ili nešto drugo. Treba napomenuti da se nadogradnjom zgrade može napraviti izuzetno prostran hotel s restoranom.

Kuća se prodaje namještena dok je sezona 2024. već bukirana za svrhu turizma pa novi kupac može prema dodatnom dogovoru preuzeti rezervacije za nadolazeću sezonu ili kuću kupiti te preuzeti od 1.10.2024. godine.

Za sva pitanja i informacije ili za dogovor termina pregleda nekretnine kontaktirajte nas već danas, a na poveznici https://angelusnekretnine.hr/o-nama možete pogledati naše Opće uvjete poslovanja.


Igor Vitasović
Voditelj ureda
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
E-mail: ...

Only 2 km from the beach, this apartment house or holiday house with a swimming pool is located near the old fishing village of Banjole, which is 11 km from the largest city on the peninsula - Pula. The house is 5 km away from the protected landscape of the Kamenjak nature park full of beautiful beaches and untouched nature, 2-4 km from the nearest marinas Volme and ACI marina Pomer for accommodation of boats and 9 km away from the popular tourist resort of Medulin. The distance from Pula airport is 13 km.


This holiday house with a swimming pool or apartment house with the potential for tourism is intended as a residential-business building, has a use permit according to its purpose and has a categorization for 3 apartments, and is currently rented as a holiday house for 21 people. It is divided into 3 apartments, which can be seen on the floor plans (each of the apartments is indicated in a different color), but it is currently rented as a whole, of course each one can be rented separately.

The building as such has 500 m2 of living space on two floors + 222 m2 of an auxiliary building that is currently unused.

The adjoining yard is 900 m2, has 40 olive trees, the pool is 70 m2 with a shallow area for children and a jacuzzi. The house has central gas heating, gas and electric hot water heating and a solar panel, and in winter the internal fireplace has the possibility of central heating. There are also 9 air conditioners in the house. With regard to the spatial plan, there is the possibility of upgrading the building, the maximum built-up area according to the spatial plan is 50%, while the current built-up area is somewhere around 37. The building has two floors in the residential part and one floor in the part of the auxiliary building, and it is possible to build 3 floors so that there is also additional space that provides potential for various purposes, especially due to the zone in which it is located. The house is located in the business zone, K1, mostly commercial. Literally everything can be done, business premises, shop, store, restaurants and everything related to tourism.

The house itself, in its current condition, brings in 90,000-100,000 euros of annual turnover (only during the summer season for 4 months) through tourism (we can support this with papers for a serious buyer), and it has a huge potential for more with some investments. Let's say the space of the auxiliary facility (hall) can be used for indoor wellness or more accommodation units or something else. It should be noted that by upgrading the building, an extremely spacious hotel with a restaurant can be made.

The house is being sold furnished while the 2024 season is already booked for the purpose of tourism, so the new buyer can take over reservations for the upcoming season or buy the house and take it over from October 1, 2024. year.

For all questions and information or to arrange an appointment for a real estate inspection, contact us today, and you can view our General Terms and Conditions at the link https://angelusnekretnine.hr/about-nama.

ID CODE: 4928

Igor Vitasović
Voditelj ureda
Mob: ...
Tel: ...
E-mail: ...
Ссылка: EDEN-T100917761
Страна: HR
Город: Medulin
Почтовый индекс: 52100
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 500 м²
Участок: 900 м²
Комнат: 9
Ванных: 3
Туалетов: 4


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