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Лабин - Дом на продажу

45 996 536 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

9 к
3 сп
3 вн
137 м²
участок 250 м²
Ссылка: ZNYK-T89038 / 433951c24100206r
Location: Istarska županija, Labin, Labin.We are selling a beautiful new building near the center of Labin. This newly built semi-detached house is located on a plot of 592 m2 with a garden of 250 m2. The house is designed as a one-story house, with a total usable area of 136.50 m2. The ground floor includes a living room connected to a dining room and a kitchen with a pantry, a toilet and a storage room, while on the first floor there is a laundry room and three comfortable bedrooms, one of which has its own bathroom, while the remaining two share one bathroom. Two rooms have a common covered terrace. All rooms will have oak three-layer parquet, while high-quality rectified 1st class Italian porcelain will be installed in bathrooms, toilets, storage rooms and on the terraces. In the bathrooms, high-quality sanitary ware is planned (Olympia, Grohe, Aquastil). The staircase is made with oak treads (4 cm). Heating and cooling is through Mitsubishi air conditioning (the most awarded AP model), which will be installed in all rooms. Hot water is provided by a heat pump with a 250l boiler, which has the option of connecting to solar panels for which pre-installations will be made. The carpentry is high-quality PVC - Deceuninck Elegant, in the living room there are lifting-sliding glass walls (three-layer glass) for easy opening with an electric motor for blinds. Two parking spaces are provided, and the pre-installation of an electrical shaft for chargers of electrically powered vehicles has been prepared. The property is sold according to the "turnkey" system, which leaves the future owner to choose the interior decoration and adaptation to his own tastes and wishes. The planned completion of the property is in March 2024. This exceptional property is a real opportunity to acquire a quality family home near the center of Labin, close to all the necessary facilities for permanent living.ID CODE: 2003-549DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Показать больше Показать меньше Location: Istarska županija, Labin, Labin.Wir verkaufen ein schönes neues Gebäude in der Nähe des Zentrums von Labin. Diese neu erbaute Doppelhaushälfte befindet sich auf einem Grundstück von 592 m2 mit einem Garten von 250 m2. Das Haus ist als einstöckiges Haus konzipiert, mit einer Gesamtnutzfläche von 136,50 m2. Das Erdgeschoss umfasst ein Wohnzimmer, das mit einem Esszimmer verbunden ist, und eine Küche mit Speisekammer, Toilette und Abstellraum, während sich im ersten Stock eine Waschküche und drei komfortable Schlafzimmer befinden, von denen eines über ein eigenes Badezimmer verfügt die restlichen zwei teilen sich ein Badezimmer. Zwei Zimmer verfügen über eine gemeinsame überdachte Terrasse. Alle Räume werden mit Eichen-Dreischichtparkett ausgestattet, während in Badezimmern, Toiletten, Lagerräumen und auf den Terrassen hochwertiges rektifiziertes italienisches Porzellan der 1. Klasse verlegt wird. In den Bädern sind hochwertige Sanitärartikel geplant (Olympia, Grohe, Aquastil). Die Treppe besteht aus Eichenstufen (4 cm). Die Heizung und Kühlung erfolgt über eine Mitsubishi-Klimaanlage (das am häufigsten ausgezeichnete AP-Modell), die in allen Räumen installiert wird. Warmwasser wird von einer Wärmepumpe mit einem 250-l-Boiler bereitgestellt, der über die Möglichkeit verfügt, an Solarpaneele anzuschließen, für die Vorinstallationen vorgenommen werden. Die Zimmerei ist aus hochwertigem PVC – Deceuninck Elegant, im Wohnzimmer gibt es Hebe-Schiebe-Glaswände (dreischichtiges Glas) zum einfachen Öffnen mit einem Elektromotor für Jalousien. Es sind zwei Parkplätze vorhanden und die Vorinstallation eines Elektroschachts für Ladegeräte von Elektrofahrzeugen ist vorbereitet. Der Verkauf der Immobilie erfolgt nach dem „schlüsselfertigen“ System, das es dem zukünftigen Eigentümer überlässt, die Inneneinrichtung zu wählen und an seine eigenen Vorlieben und Wünsche anzupassen. Die geplante Fertigstellung der Immobilie ist im März 2024. Diese außergewöhnliche Immobilie ist eine echte Gelegenheit, ein hochwertiges Einfamilienhaus in der Nähe des Zentrums von Labin zu erwerben, in der Nähe aller notwendigen Einrichtungen für ein dauerhaftes Wohnen.ID CODE: 2003-549DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Labin, Labin.Prodajemo prekrasnu novogradnju nadomak centra grada Labina.Ova novoizgrađena dvojna kuća smjestila se na terenu veličine 592 m2 sa pripadajućom okućnicom od 250 m2. Kuća je koncipirana kao katnica, ukupne korisne površine 136.50 m2. Prizemlje obuhvaća dnevni boravak povezan sa blagovaonicom i kuhinjom sa ostavom, toalet i spremište, dok se na katu nalazi praonica te tri komforne spavaće sobe od kojih jedna ima vlastitu kupaonicu dok preostale dvije dijele jednu kupaonicu. Dvije sobe imaju i zajedničku natkrivenu terasu. U svim sobama biti će postavljen hrastov troslojni parket, dok će u kupaonicama, toaletu, spremištima i na terasama biti postavljen visokokvalitetni rektificirani talijanski porculan 1. klase. U kupaonicama su planirane visokokvalitetne sanitarije (Olympia, Grohe, Aquastil). Stubište je izvedeno sa hrastovim gazištima (4 cm).Grijanje i hlađenje je preko Mitsubishi klima (najnagrađivaniji AP model) koje će biti postavljene u svim prostorijama. Topla voda osigurana je putem dizalice topline s kotlom od 250l koja ima mogućnost spojiti se na solarne panele za koje će biti izvedene predinstalacije. Stolarija je visokokvalitetni PVC - Deceuninck Elegant, u dnevnom boravku postavljene su podizno-klizne staklene stijene (troslojno staklo) za lagano otvaranje sa elektro-motorom za rolete.Osigurana su dva parkirna mjesta a pripremljena je i predinstalacija elektro-šahta za punjače vozila na elektro pogon. Nekretnina se prodaje po sistemu "ključ u ruke" što budućem vlasniku ostavlja na izbor uređenje interijera i prilagodbu vlastitim ukusima i željama. Planirani dovršetak nekretnine je u Ožujku 2024. godine.Ova izuzetna nekretnina prava je prilika za stjecanje kvalitetne obiteljske kuće nadomak centra grada Labina blizu svih potrebnih sadržaja za stalan život.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 2003-549DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Labin, Labin.Vendiamo una bella costruzione nuova vicino al centro di Albona. Questa casa bifamiliare di nuova costruzione si trova su un terreno di 592 mq con giardino di 250 mq. La casa è progettata come una casa a un piano, con una superficie utile totale di 136,50 m2. Il piano terra comprende un soggiorno collegato ad una sala da pranzo e una cucina con dispensa, wc e ripostiglio, mentre al primo piano si trovano una lavanderia e tre comode camere da letto, di cui una con proprio bagno, mentre i restanti due condividono un bagno. Due camere hanno una terrazza coperta comune. Tutti gli ambienti saranno dotati di parquet in rovere tristrato, mentre nei bagni, nei servizi igienici, nei ripostigli e sui terrazzi sarà posato il pregiato gres porcellanato italiano rettificato di 1° classe. Nei bagni sono previsti sanitari di alta qualità (Olympia, Grohe, Aquastil). La scala è realizzata con gradini in rovere (4 cm). Il riscaldamento e il raffreddamento avvengono tramite l'aria condizionata Mitsubishi (il modello AP più premiato), che sarà installata in tutte le stanze. L'acqua calda è fornita da una pompa di calore con boiler da 250 lt, che ha la possibilità di collegamento a pannelli solari per i quali verranno effettuate le predisposizioni. La carpenteria è in PVC di alta qualità - Deceuninck Elegant, nel soggiorno sono presenti pareti in vetro alzante-scorrevole (vetro a tre strati) per una facile apertura con motore elettrico per avvolgibili. Sono previsti due posti auto ed è stata predisposta la predisposizione di un pozzo elettrico per la ricarica dei veicoli a trazione elettrica. L'immobile viene venduto secondo il sistema "chiavi in mano", che lascia al futuro proprietario la scelta dell'arredamento interno e l'adattamento ai propri gusti e desideri. Il completamento previsto della proprietà è nel marzo 2024. Questa proprietà eccezionale è una vera opportunità per acquisire una casa unifamiliare di qualità vicino al centro di Albona, vicino a tutti i servizi necessari per la vita permanente.ID CODE: 2003-549DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Labin, Labin.We are selling a beautiful new building near the center of Labin. This newly built semi-detached house is located on a plot of 592 m2 with a garden of 250 m2. The house is designed as a one-story house, with a total usable area of 136.50 m2. The ground floor includes a living room connected to a dining room and a kitchen with a pantry, a toilet and a storage room, while on the first floor there is a laundry room and three comfortable bedrooms, one of which has its own bathroom, while the remaining two share one bathroom. Two rooms have a common covered terrace. All rooms will have oak three-layer parquet, while high-quality rectified 1st class Italian porcelain will be installed in bathrooms, toilets, storage rooms and on the terraces. In the bathrooms, high-quality sanitary ware is planned (Olympia, Grohe, Aquastil). The staircase is made with oak treads (4 cm). Heating and cooling is through Mitsubishi air conditioning (the most awarded AP model), which will be installed in all rooms. Hot water is provided by a heat pump with a 250l boiler, which has the option of connecting to solar panels for which pre-installations will be made. The carpentry is high-quality PVC - Deceuninck Elegant, in the living room there are lifting-sliding glass walls (three-layer glass) for easy opening with an electric motor for blinds. Two parking spaces are provided, and the pre-installation of an electrical shaft for chargers of electrically powered vehicles has been prepared. The property is sold according to the "turnkey" system, which leaves the future owner to choose the interior decoration and adaptation to his own tastes and wishes. The planned completion of the property is in March 2024. This exceptional property is a real opportunity to acquire a quality family home near the center of Labin, close to all the necessary facilities for permanent living.ID CODE: 2003-549DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Ссылка: ZNYK-T89038
Страна: HR
Город: Labin
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 137 м²
Участок: 250 м²
Комнат: 9
Спален: 3
Ванных: 3
Туалетов: 1
Этажей: 1
Парковка: 1
Кондиционер: Да
Балкон: Да
Терасса: Да


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