9 019 640 RUB
1 485 м²
The distance from the main roads allows quick and easy access to the city and surrounding areas.The total area of the land is 1724 m².
The land is ideal for building a family house with a large green garden or an apartment building.
The slight slope of the terrain provides opportunities for creative architectural solutions.
It allows the future owners to play with the exterior decoration as well as the possibility of growing their own fruit and vegetable plantations.The terrain has an arranged driveway and access via an asphalted road.
All necessary connections are available in the immediate vicinity of the plot.The land is proprietary, without any encumbrances or restrictions.
All necessary documentation is in order and available for inspection.The land is located near an elementary school, a kindergarten, a supermarket and a health facility, which makes it ideal for family life.
Public transport is available allowing easy access to all the necessary facilities.We are happy to be at your disposal for any additional information.ID CODE: 2009-20DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Показать больше Показать меньше Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Čavle, Cernik.Čavle, großzügiges Baugrundstück.Das Feld liegt in Čavle, einer beliebten und ruhigen Siedlung in der Nähe von Rijeka.
Die Entfernung zu den Hauptstraßen ermöglicht einen schnellen und einfachen Zugang zur Stadt und den umliegenden Gebieten.Die Gesamtfläche des Grundstücks beträgt 1724 m².
Das Grundstück ist ideal für den Bau eines Einfamilienhauses mit großem grünen Garten oder eines Mehrfamilienhauses.
Die leichte Hangneigung des Geländes bietet Möglichkeiten für kreative architektonische Lösungen.
Es bietet den zukünftigen Eigentümern die Möglichkeit, mit der Außendekoration zu spielen und eigene Obst- und Gemüseplantagen anzubauen.Das Gelände verfügt über eine angelegte Zufahrt und Zufahrt über eine asphaltierte Straße.
Alle notwendigen Anschlüsse sind in unmittelbarer Nähe des Grundstücks vorhanden.Das Grundstück ist Eigentum, ohne Belastungen oder Beschränkungen.
Alle erforderlichen Unterlagen sind in Ordnung und können eingesehen werden.Das Grundstück liegt in der Nähe einer Grundschule, eines Kindergartens, eines Supermarkts und einer Gesundheitseinrichtung und ist somit ideal für das Familienleben. Es stehen öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zur Verfügung, die einen einfachen Zugang zu allen notwendigen Einrichtungen ermöglichen.Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.ID CODE: 2009-20DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Čavle, Cernik.Čavle, prostrano građevinsko zemljište.Teren se nalazi u Čavlima, popularnom i mirnom naselju u blizini Rijeke.
Udaljenost od glavnih prometnica omogućava brz i jednostavan pristup gradu i okolnim područjima.Ukupna površina zemljišta iznosi 1724 m².Zemljište je idealno za građenje obiteljske kuće s velikom zelenom okućnicom ili višestambene zgrade.
Blaga nakošenost terena pruža mogućnosti za kreativna arhitektonska rešenja.
Budućim vlasnicima omogućava poigravanje s vanjskim uređenjem kao i mogućnost uzgoja vlastitih nasada voća i povrća.Teren ima uređen prilaz i pristup asfaltiranim putem.
Svi potrebni priključci su dostupni u neposrednoj blizini parcele.Zemljište je vlasnički čisto, bez ikakvih tereta ili ograničenja.
Sva potrebna dokumentacija je uredna i dostupna na uvid.Teren se nalazi u blizini osnovne škole, vrtića, supermarketa i zdravstvene ustanove, što ga čini idealnim za porodični život.
Javni prijevoz je dostupan omogućavajući jednostavan pristup svim potrebnim sadržajima.Za sve dodatne informacije sa zadovoljstvom stojimo na raspolaganju.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 2009-20DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Čavle, Cernik.Čavle, ampio terreno edificabile.Il campo si trova a Čavle, un insediamento popolare e tranquillo vicino a Rijeka.
La distanza dalle principali arterie stradali consente un facile e veloce accesso alla città e alle zone limitrofe.La superficie totale del terreno è di 1724 m².
Il terreno è ideale per costruire una villa bifamiliare con ampio giardino verde o un condominio.
La leggera pendenza del terreno offre opportunità per soluzioni architettoniche creative.
Permette ai futuri proprietari di giocare con la decorazione esterna e con la possibilità di coltivare le proprie piantagioni di frutta e verdura.Il terreno è dotato di accesso carrabile sistemato e accesso tramite strada asfaltata.
Tutti i collegamenti necessari sono disponibili nelle immediate vicinanze del terreno.Il terreno è di proprietà, senza alcun vincolo o vincolo.
Tutta la documentazione necessaria è in ordine e disponibile per l'ispezione.Il terreno si trova vicino ad una scuola elementare, un asilo, un supermercato e una struttura sanitaria, il che lo rende ideale per la vita familiare.
Il trasporto pubblico è disponibile consentendo un facile accesso a tutti i servizi necessari.Siamo felici di essere a vostra disposizione per qualsiasi informazione aggiuntiva.ID CODE: 2009-20DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
www.diamond-realestate.hr Location: Primorsko-goranska županija, Čavle, Cernik.Čavle, spacious building plot.The field is located in Čavle, a popular and quiet settlement near Rijeka.
The distance from the main roads allows quick and easy access to the city and surrounding areas.The total area of the land is 1724 m².
The land is ideal for building a family house with a large green garden or an apartment building.
The slight slope of the terrain provides opportunities for creative architectural solutions.
It allows the future owners to play with the exterior decoration as well as the possibility of growing their own fruit and vegetable plantations.The terrain has an arranged driveway and access via an asphalted road.
All necessary connections are available in the immediate vicinity of the plot.The land is proprietary, without any encumbrances or restrictions.
All necessary documentation is in order and available for inspection.The land is located near an elementary school, a kindergarten, a supermarket and a health facility, which makes it ideal for family life.
Public transport is available allowing easy access to all the necessary facilities.We are happy to be at your disposal for any additional information.ID CODE: 2009-20DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: 052210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr