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Канфанар - Дом на продажу

30 695 010 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

3 к
2 сп
3 вн
105 м²
участок 400 м²
Ссылка: ZNYK-T68376 / 491456
Location: Istarska županija, Svetvinčenat, Svetvinčenat.Istria, Svetvinčenat, Surroundings,In the very heart of Istria, near the charming town of Svetvinčenat, lies this oasis of peace and comfort. Surrounded by greenery and close to historical landmarks, this location offers an ideal blend of tradition and modern life. This corner of Istria delights with its green hills and proximity to historical landmarks. Svetvinčenat, with its charming squares and streets, is just a step away, giving you the opportunity to explore the rich history and culture of this area.This beautiful house has everything you need for comfortable living. The spacious living area with kitchen, dining room, and living room provides the perfect ambiance for socializing with family and friends. From the living room, you step out onto the spacious covered terrace overlooking the enchanting pool, ideal for refreshing swims on hot summer days. Two comfortable bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms ensure privacy and restful sleep.This house represents an extraordinary opportunity for those seeking the perfect blend of nature, culture, and comfort. Let this oasis of peace become your new home or investment opportunity. Don't miss out on this chance and book your viewing today!ID CODE: 1018-1235DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Показать больше Показать меньше Location: Istarska županija, Svetvinčenat, Svetvinčenat.Istrien, Svetvinčenat, Umgebung,Im Herzen Istriens, in der Nähe der charmanten Stadt Svetvinčenat, liegt diese Oase des Friedens und des Komforts. Umgeben von Grünflächen und in der Nähe historischer Sehenswürdigkeiten bietet dieser Ort eine ideale Mischung aus Tradition und modernem Leben. Diese Ecke Istriens begeistert mit ihren grünen Hügeln und der Nähe zu historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten. Svetvinčenat, mit seinen charmanten Plätzen und Straßen, ist nur einen Schritt entfernt und bietet die Möglichkeit, die reiche Geschichte und Kultur dieser Gegend zu erkunden.Dieses schöne Haus hat alles, was Sie für ein komfortables Leben brauchen. Der geräumige Wohnbereich mit Küche, Esszimmer und Wohnzimmer bietet die perfekte Atmosphäre, um sich mit Familie und Freunden zu treffen. Vom Wohnzimmer aus gelangen Sie auf die geräumige überdachte Terrasse mit Blick auf den bezaubernden Pool, ideal für erfrischende Schwimmen an heißen Sommertagen. Zwei komfortable Schlafzimmer mit eigenen Badezimmern sorgen für Privatsphäre und erholsamen Schlaf.Dieses Haus bietet eine außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit für diejenigen, die die perfekte Mischung aus Natur, Kultur und Komfort suchen. Lassen Sie diese Oase des Friedens Ihr neues Zuhause oder Investitionsmöglichkeit werden. Verpassen Sie nicht diese Chance und buchen Sie noch heute Ihre Besichtigung!ID CODE: 1018-1235DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Svetvinčenat, Svetvinčenat.Istra, Svetvinčenat, okolica,U samom srcu Istre, u blizini čarobnog gradića Svetvinčenat, leži ova oaza mira i udobnosti. Okružena zelenilom i blizu povijesnih znamenitosti, ova lokacija nudi idealan spoj tradicije i suvremenog života. Ovaj kutak Istre oduševljava svojim zelenim brežuljcima i blizinom povijesnih znamenitosti. Svetvinčenat, s njegovim šarmantnim trgovima i uličicama, samo je korak dalje, pružajući vam priliku da istražite bogatu povijest i kulturu ovog područja.Ova prekrasna kuća ima sve što vam je potrebno za udoban život. Prostrani dnevni prostor s kuhinjom, blagovaonicom i dnevnim boravkom pruža savršen ambijent za druženje s obitelji i prijateljima. Iz dnevnog boravka izlazi se na prostranu natkrivenu terasu koja gleda na očaravajući bazen, idealan za osvježenje u vrućim ljetnim danima. Dvije udobne spavaće sobe s vlastitim kupaonicama osiguravaju privatnost i opuštajući san.Ova kuća predstavlja izvanrednu priliku za one koji traže savršen spoj prirode, kulture i udobnosti. Neka ova oaza mira postane vaš novi dom ili investicijska prilika. Ne propustite priliku i rezervirajte svoj obilazak već danas!ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1018-1235DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Svetvinčenat, Svetvinčenat.Istria, Svetvinčenat, Dintorni,Nel cuore stesso dell'Istria, vicino all'incantevole cittadina di Svetvinčenat, si trova quest'oasi di pace e comfort. Circondata dal verde e vicina a luoghi storici, questa location offre un connubio ideale tra tradizione e vita moderna. Questo angolo dell'Istria delizia con le sue colline verdi e la vicinanza a luoghi storici. Svetvinčenat, con le sue piazze e strade incantevoli, è a un passo, offrendoti l'opportunità di esplorare la ricca storia e cultura di questa zona.Questa bellissima casa ha tutto il necessario per una vita confortevole. L'ampio soggiorno con cucina, sala da pranzo e soggiorno offre l'ambiente perfetto per socializzare con famiglia e amici. Dal soggiorno, si accede alla spaziosa terrazza coperta che si affaccia sulla piscina incantevole, ideale per rinfrescanti nuotate nelle calde giornate estive. Due comode camere da letto con bagni privati garantiscono privacy e sonno riposante.Questa casa rappresenta un'opportunità straordinaria per coloro che cercano il perfetto connubio tra natura, cultura e comfort. Lascia che quest'oasi di pace diventi la tua nuova casa o opportunità di investimento. Non perdere questa occasione e prenota la tua visita oggi stesso!ID CODE: 1018-1235DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Svetvinčenat, Svetvinčenat.Istria, Svetvinčenat, Surroundings,In the very heart of Istria, near the charming town of Svetvinčenat, lies this oasis of peace and comfort. Surrounded by greenery and close to historical landmarks, this location offers an ideal blend of tradition and modern life. This corner of Istria delights with its green hills and proximity to historical landmarks. Svetvinčenat, with its charming squares and streets, is just a step away, giving you the opportunity to explore the rich history and culture of this area.This beautiful house has everything you need for comfortable living. The spacious living area with kitchen, dining room, and living room provides the perfect ambiance for socializing with family and friends. From the living room, you step out onto the spacious covered terrace overlooking the enchanting pool, ideal for refreshing swims on hot summer days. Two comfortable bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms ensure privacy and restful sleep.This house represents an extraordinary opportunity for those seeking the perfect blend of nature, culture, and comfort. Let this oasis of peace become your new home or investment opportunity. Don't miss out on this chance and book your viewing today!ID CODE: 1018-1235DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Ссылка: ZNYK-T68376
Страна: HR
Город: Svetvinčenat
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 105 м²
Участок: 400 м²
Комнат: 3
Спален: 2
Ванных: 3
Парковка: 1
Бассейн: Да
Кондиционер: Да
Балкон: Да
Терасса: Да


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