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Умаг - Офисы и коммерческая недвижимость на продажу

163 549 361 RUB

Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость (Продажа)

20 к
790 м²
Ссылка: ZNYK-T101453 / 505131
Location: Istarska županija, Umag, Savudrija.Savudrija area, is home to this unique facility with a long-standing business. Very popular among locals in terms of restaurant offerings, celebrations and holding various events, and also a favorite vacation spot for tourists who enjoy having full service within the facility. The facility is equipped with a large restaurant, with a covered terrace next to a beautifully shaped pool where you can hear the murmur of water flowing from the fountain. On three cascading floors, everything is organized in a layout that provides apartments and rooms with maximum privacy and comfort. Total: 13 accommodation units. Through a courtyard in front of which there are 8 parking spaces is access to the reception with a bar. Behind the reception is a large kitchen, fully equipped with appliances including a shocker, a professional vacuum sealer, a convection oven and 3 large cooling chambers. The barbecue part of the kitchen is glazed and visible from the restaurant hall. There are also guest toilets and, at the back, a boiler room and a storage room with a central hot water boiler. The interior of the restaurant has 78 seats, and the exterior covered terrace has 80 seats. On the ground floor, with a completely separate access, there is a specific one-bedroom apartment, which, among other things, is adorned with a glass-enclosed bedroom. In front is a comfortable covered terrace with a large olive tree that provides shade. On the first floor there are a total of 8 units: 5 studios with kitchens and bathrooms and balconies, one apartment with high ceilings and a sleeping area on the gallery and a balcony, a larger apartment with a separate kitchen with a dining area, living room, bedroom and a spacious balcony overlooking the pool, and one two-bedroom apartment that served as a massage studio. On the lower side of the house there is another car access, a yard with 4 parking spaces, a bicycle shed and a comfortable terrace from which there are entrances to the other 4 studio apartments. The facility is fully equipped and ready to continue work. It has been decorated with antiques for years, so it has truly unique items such as 2 large anchors, old stone augers, wheels and a number of smaller items, both in the house and in the garden. The courtyard garden has 15 old olive trees, as well as Mediterranean herbs and spices such as rosemary and lavender. A very rare and unique object on the market!ID CODE: 1017-96DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Показать больше Показать меньше Location: Istarska županija, Umag, Savudrija.In der Gegend von Savudrija befindet sich dieses einzigartige Gebäude mit einem gut etablierten, langfristigen Geschäft. Sehr beliebt bei den Einheimischen hinsichtlich des Restaurantangebots, der Feierlichkeiten und der Durchführung verschiedener Veranstaltungen und auch ein beliebter Urlaubsort für Touristen, die den umfassenden Service im Lokal genießen. Die Anlage verfügt über ein großes Restaurant mit einer überdachten Terrasse neben einem wunderschön gestalteten Swimmingpool, in dem Sie das Plätschern des Wassers aus dem Brunnen hören können. Auf drei kaskadierten Etagen ist alles so organisiert, dass Wohnungen und Zimmer ein Höchstmaß an Privatsphäre und Komfort bieten. Insgesamt: 13 Wohneinheiten. Der Zugang zur Rezeption mit Bar erfolgt über einen Innenhof, vor dem sich 8 Parkplätze befinden. Hinter der Rezeption befindet sich eine große Küche, die komplett mit Geräten wie einem Elektroschocker, einem professionellen Staubsauger, einem Heißluftofen und drei großen Kühlkammern ausgestattet ist. Der Grillbereich der Küche ist verglast und vom Speisesaal aus sichtbar. Es gibt auch Toiletten für Gäste und auf der Rückseite einen Heizraum und einen Abstellraum mit einem zentralen Boiler für Warmwasser. Der Innenbereich des Restaurants verfügt über 78 Sitzplätze und die überdachte Außenterrasse bietet 80 Sitzplätze. Im Erdgeschoss, mit komplett separatem Eingang, befindet sich eine spezielle Einzimmerwohnung, die unter anderem mit einem verglasten Schlafzimmer ausgestattet ist. Davor befindet sich eine gemütliche überdachte Terrasse mit einem großen Olivenbaum, der Schatten spendet. Im ersten Stock befinden sich insgesamt 8 Einheiten: 5 Studios mit Küche und Bad und Balkon, ein Apartment mit hohen Decken und einem Schlafzimmer auf der Galerie und einem Balkon, ein größeres Apartment mit separater Küche mit Esszimmer, Wohnzimmer, Zimmer und einen geräumigen Balkon mit Blick auf den Pool sowie ein Zweizimmerapartment, das als Massagestudio diente. Auf der unteren Seite des Hauses befindet sich eine weitere Auffahrt, ein Hof mit 4 Parkplätzen, ein Fahrradschuppen und eine gemütliche Terrasse, von der aus man Zugänge zu den anderen 4 Studio-Apartments hat. Die Anlage ist komplett ausgestattet und bereit für die weitere Arbeit. Es ist seit Jahren mit Antiquitäten dekoriert und verfügt sowohl im Haus als auch im Garten über wirklich einzigartige Gegenstände wie 2 große Anker, alte Steinbohrer, Räder und eine Reihe kleinerer Gegenstände. Im Hofgarten stehen 15 alte Olivenbäume sowie mediterrane Kräuter und Gewürze wie Rosmarin und Lavendel. Ein sehr seltenes und einzigartiges Objekt auf dem Markt!ID CODE: 1017-96DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Istarska županija, Umag, Savudrija.Savudrija okolica, smjestio se ovaj jedinstveni objekt sa uhodanim dugogodišnjim poslom. Vrlo popularan među mještanima u smislu restoranske ponude, proslava i održavanja raznih događanja, a također omiljeno mjesto za odmor turistima koji uživaju imati punu uslugu u krugu objekta.Objekt je opremljen velikim restoranom, sa natkrivenom terasom uz lijepo oblikovani bazen u kojem se čuje žubor vode koja se iz fontane slijeva unutra. Na tri kaskadne etaže, sve je organizirano rasporedom koji apartmanima i sobama pruža maksimalnu privatnost i komfor.Ukupno: 13 smještajnih jedinica.Kroz jedno dvorište ispred kojeg je 8 parkirnih mjesta je pristup recepciji sa barom. Iza recepcije je velika kuhinja, potpuno opremljena aparatima uključujući šoker, profesionalni aparat za vakumiranje, konvektomat i 3 velike rashladne komore. Roštiljski dio kuhinje je ustakljen i vidljiv iz restoranske sale. Tu su i toaleti za goste te sa stražnje strane kotlovnica i spremište u kojem je centralni bojler za toplu vodu. Unutarnji dio restorana ima 78 mjesta, a vanjska natkrivena terasa 80 mjesta.Na prizemnom dijelu, potpuno odvojenim prilazom je jedan specifičan jednosobni apartman kojega između ostalog krasi ustakljena spavaća soba. Ispred je komforna natkrivena terasa sa velikom maslinom koja osigurava hlad.Na prvom katu je ukupno 8 jedinica: 5 studia sa kuhinjom i kupaonom i balkonima, jedan apartman sa visokim stropovima i spavaćim prostorom na galeriji te balkonom, veći apartman sa odvojenom kuhinjom sa blagovaonom, dnevnim boravkom, sobom i prostranim balkonom koji gleda na bazen, te jedan dvosoban apartman koji je služio kao masažni studio.Sa donje strane kuće je još jedan prilaz autom, dvorište sa 4 parkirna mjesta, kućica za bicikle i komforna terasa sa koje su ulazi za druga 4 studio apartmana.Objekt je potpuno opremljen i spreman za nastavak posla. Ukrašavan je antikvitetima godinama, tako da posjeduje zaista unikatne predmete poput 2 velika sidra, stare kamene šterne, kotače i noštvo sitnijih predmeta, što u kući, tako i kroz okućnicu. Dvorišni zeleniš ima 15 starih maslina, te mediteransko bilje i začine poput ruzmarina i lavande.Vrlo rijedak i jedinstven objekt na tržištu!ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1017-96DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Istarska županija, Umag, Savudrija.Nella zona di Savudrija si trova questo edificio unico con un'attività ben consolidata a lungo termine. Molto popolare tra la gente del posto per l'offerta di ristoranti, feste ed eventi vari, ed anche un luogo di vacanza preferito dai turisti che amano avere un servizio completo all'interno dei locali. La struttura è dotata di un ampio ristorante, con terrazza coperta adiacente ad una piscina dal design accattivante, dove si sente il mormorio dell'acqua che sgorga dalla fontana. Su tre piani a cascata, tutto è organizzato con un layout che garantisce agli appartamenti e alle camere la massima privacy e comfort. Totale: 13 unità abitative. L'accesso alla reception con bar avviene attraverso un cortile antistante il quale si trovano 8 posti auto. Dietro la reception si trova un'ampia cucina, completamente attrezzata di elettrodomestici tra cui un abbattitore, un aspirapolvere professionale, un forno a convezione e 3 grandi camere di raffreddamento. La parte barbecue della cucina è vetrata e visibile dalla sala ristorante. Sono inoltre presenti i servizi igienici per gli ospiti e, sul retro, un locale caldaia ed un ripostiglio con caldaia centralizzata per l'acqua calda. I posti interni del ristorante sono 78, mentre la terrazza esterna coperta ne ha 80. Al piano terra, con ingresso completamente separato, si trova uno specifico monolocale, che, tra l'altro, è decorato con una camera da letto vetrata. Di fronte c'è un comodo terrazzo coperto con un grande ulivo che fa ombra. Ci sono un totale di 8 unità al primo piano: 5 monolocali con cucina e bagno e balconi, un appartamento con soffitti alti e una camera da letto sul ballatoio e balcone, un appartamento più grande con cucina separata con sala da pranzo, soggiorno, una camera e un ampio balcone con vista sulla piscina, e un bilocale che fungeva da studio massaggi. Sul lato inferiore della casa si trova un ulteriore accesso carrabile, un cortile con 4 posti auto, una rimessa per biciclette ed un comodo terrazzo dal quale si accede agli altri 4 monolocali. La struttura è completamente attrezzata e pronta per il lavoro continuo. E' stata arredata per anni con pezzi d'antiquariato, quindi ha oggetti davvero unici come 2 grandi ancore, vecchie trivelle in pietra, ruote e una serie di oggetti più piccoli, sia in casa che in giardino. Il giardino del cortile ha 15 ulivi secolari, oltre a erbe e spezie mediterranee come rosmarino e lavanda. Oggetto molto raro ed unico sul mercato!ID CODE: 1017-96DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Location: Istarska županija, Umag, Savudrija.Savudrija area, is home to this unique facility with a long-standing business. Very popular among locals in terms of restaurant offerings, celebrations and holding various events, and also a favorite vacation spot for tourists who enjoy having full service within the facility. The facility is equipped with a large restaurant, with a covered terrace next to a beautifully shaped pool where you can hear the murmur of water flowing from the fountain. On three cascading floors, everything is organized in a layout that provides apartments and rooms with maximum privacy and comfort. Total: 13 accommodation units. Through a courtyard in front of which there are 8 parking spaces is access to the reception with a bar. Behind the reception is a large kitchen, fully equipped with appliances including a shocker, a professional vacuum sealer, a convection oven and 3 large cooling chambers. The barbecue part of the kitchen is glazed and visible from the restaurant hall. There are also guest toilets and, at the back, a boiler room and a storage room with a central hot water boiler. The interior of the restaurant has 78 seats, and the exterior covered terrace has 80 seats. On the ground floor, with a completely separate access, there is a specific one-bedroom apartment, which, among other things, is adorned with a glass-enclosed bedroom. In front is a comfortable covered terrace with a large olive tree that provides shade. On the first floor there are a total of 8 units: 5 studios with kitchens and bathrooms and balconies, one apartment with high ceilings and a sleeping area on the gallery and a balcony, a larger apartment with a separate kitchen with a dining area, living room, bedroom and a spacious balcony overlooking the pool, and one two-bedroom apartment that served as a massage studio. On the lower side of the house there is another car access, a yard with 4 parking spaces, a bicycle shed and a comfortable terrace from which there are entrances to the other 4 studio apartments. The facility is fully equipped and ready to continue work. It has been decorated with antiques for years, so it has truly unique items such as 2 large anchors, old stone augers, wheels and a number of smaller items, both in the house and in the garden. The courtyard garden has 15 old olive trees, as well as Mediterranean herbs and spices such as rosemary and lavender. A very rare and unique object on the market!ID CODE: 1017-96DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
Ссылка: ZNYK-T101453
Страна: HR
Город: Umag
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость
Подтип недвижимости: Офис
Площадь: 790 м²
Комнат: 20
Этажей: 1
Парковка: 1
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