13 959 182 RUB Участок 435 т.м. Опис Chrisi Ammoudia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок Площадь: 435 m2, Код. 1827, 150.000 € Земельный участок в районе Хриси Аммудиа на острове Тасос. Он ровный и пригодный для строительства, его общая площадь составляет 435 кв.м. Коэффициент застройки 0,4, возможность строительства 175 кв.м. Он расположен в 800 м. От прекрасного пляжа Хриси Аммудиа. Он имеет 10 оливковых деревьев. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary, you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
30 244 893 RUB Агроземля 6500 т.м. Опис Skala Kallirachis ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 6500 m2, Код. 11450, 325.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
5 583 673 RUB Агроземля 3388 т.м. Опис Skala Kallirachis ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 3388 m2, Код. 11368, 60.000 € Земельный участок недалеко от поселка Скала Каллирахис в тихом месте, подходит для каравана. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
111 673 453 RUB Жилое здание 640 т.м. Опис Pentakosia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Жилое здание Площадь: 640 m2, 2-й этаж, Год постройки: 1960, Центральное-дизельное, Хорошее состояние, Не указано, , Код. 11421, 1.200.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. 640 м² этаж 2 Кавала
1 861 224 RUB 1 675 102 RUB Участок 114 т.м. Опис Potamia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок под строительство Площадь: 114 m2, Код. 11403, 18.000 € Строится двухуровневый дом, общей площадью 114 кв.м. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary, you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
651 428 RUB Агроземля 522 т.м. Опис Potamia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 522 m2, Код. 11415, 7.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
14 889 794 RUB Агроземля 9200 т.м. Опис Astrida ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 9200 m2, Код. 1759, 160.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
23 265 303 RUB Участок 1700 т.м. Опис Ormos Prinou ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок Площадь: 1700 m2, Код. 11393, 250.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
8 933 876 RUB Дом 100 т.м. Опис Amisiana ПРОДАЁТСЯ Дом 2 Cпальни, 1 Гостиная 1 Кухня 2 Ванная 2 WC Площадь: 100 m2, 2 Уровни, Незаконченный , Широкий обзор, Светлая, Код. 11364, 96.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. 2 к 100 м² участок 200 м² Кавала
14 517 549 RUB Дом 100 т.м. Опис Amisiana ПРОДАЁТСЯ Дом 3 Cпальни, 1 Гостиная 1 Кухня 2 Ванная 2 WC Площадь: 100 m2, 2 Уровни, Хорошее состояние, Склад, Сад, Камин, Широкий обзор, Светлая, Код. 11363, 156.000 € Рядом с участком выставлен на продажу недостроенный дом аналогичной планировки по цене €96 000. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. 3 к 100 м² участок 200 м² Кавала
12 097 957 RUB Участок 436 т.м. Опис Chrisi Ammoudia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок под строительство Площадь: 436 m2, Код. 11383, 130.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
18 612 242 RUB Агроземля 4100 т.м. Опис Chrisi Ammoudia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 4100 m2, Код. 11392, 200.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
6 048 979 RUB 5 583 673 RUB Участок 567 т.м. Опис Limenaria ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок Площадь: 567 m2, Код. 11378, 60.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
55 836 726 RUB 51 183 666 RUB Участок 1000 т.м. Опис Chrisi Ammoudia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок под строительство Площадь: 1000 m2, Код. 11376, 550.000 € Отличный участок в районе с отличным ремонтом, идеально подходит для туристических объектов. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
4 653 061 RUB Агроземля 5308 т.м. Опис Potos ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 5308 m2, Код. 11388, 50.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
3 257 142 RUB Агроземля 1264 т.м. Опис Chrisi Ammoudia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 1264 m2, Код. 11374, 35.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
7 817 142 RUB Агроземля 4040 т.м. Опис Skala Kallirachis ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 4040 m2, Код. 11367, 84.000 € Оливковая роща общей площадью 4040 кв.м. расположен между поселками Скала Мариес и Скала Каллиракис, рядом с двумя сельскими дорогами и всего в 100 метрах от моря. Он идеально подходит для строительства загородного дома или небольшого гостиничного комплекса общей площадью 200 кв.м. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
22 334 691 RUB Агроземля 7625 т.м. Опис Skala Rachoniou ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 7625 m2, Код. 11343, 240.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary, you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
13 959 182 RUB Магазин 115 т.м. Опис Skala Kallirachis ПРОДАЁТСЯ Магазин 1 WC Площадь: 115 m2, Цоколь этаж, Год постройки: 1999, После ремонта, Фасад, Окна и Двери, Светлая, Окрашенный, Код. 11274, 150.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary, you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. 115 м² Тасос
6 514 285 RUB Агроземля 21050 т.м. Опис Rachoni ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 21050 m2, Код. 11349, 70.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
16 751 018 RUB Участок 565 т.м. Опис Skala Rachoniou ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок Площадь: 565 m2, Код. 11355, 180.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос
2 791 836 RUB Агроземля 783 т.м. Опис Chrisi Ammoudia ПРОДАЁТСЯ Сельхоз. земля Площадь: 783 m2, Код. 11351, 30.000 € Оливковая роща в районе Хриси Амудия имеет общую площадь 783 кв.м. и доступ с сельской дороги. Тасос
НЕТ ФОТОГРАФИЙ Опис Limenaria ПРОДАЁТСЯ Гостиница 7 Помещения, 7 Кухня 7 Ванная Площадь: 259 m2, 4 Уровни, Необходимость ремонта, Меблированная, Шкаф, Широкий обзор,... 45 599 993 RUB Гостиница 259 т.м. Опис Limenaria ПРОДАЁТСЯ Гостиница 7 Помещения, 7 Кухня 7 Ванная Площадь: 259 m2, 4 Уровни, Необходимость ремонта, Меблированная, Шкаф, Широкий обзор, Светлая, Код. 11339, 490.000 € The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary, you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. 259 м² этаж 3 Тасос
4 839 183 RUB 4 355 265 RUB Участок 302 т.м. Опис Limenas ПРОДАЁТСЯ Участок под строительство Площадь: 302 m2, Код. 11340, 46.800 € Отличный участок в непосредственной близости от центра Лименаса. Есть возможность построить двухэтажное здание общей площадью 240 кв.м. The office of Thassos Realestate is located on Thassos Island and specializes in the island's real estate market. For more information contact us via mail at [email protected] or call +30 2593023101. We are at your disposal for any further information. For the indication of the property, it is necessary, you to present us the identity card or passport and sign the agreement between us. Тасос