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Панояш - Дом на продажу

Дом (Продажа)

Ссылка: EDEN-T99653982 / 99653982
Новая застройка
Дома для продажи
10 квартир
В самом сердце Байшу Алентежу, в районе Бежа, находится Herdade da Torre Vã, место, где каждый посетитель может написать свою собственную историю. Этот визионерский проект, созданный архитектором Жуаном Мендесом Рибейру в сотрудничестве с архитектором Андре Таваресом, посвящен сохранению и улучшению существующего архитектурного, исторического, ландшафтного и природного наследия. В этом очаровательном убежище, помимо отеля, есть набор из 12 отдельных домов, которые гармонируют с ландшафтом - "Casas da Herdade". Каждый дом, с типами от Т1 до Т2 и площадью от 212 до 311 кв.м, имеет открытое пространство и частный бассейн, предлагая оазис спокойствия и комфорта. В этом сказочном туристическом комплексе, в опции гарантированной доходности, у владельца будет возможность наслаждаться тремя неделями в году, включая выходные, плюс три дополнительных выходных, в общей сложности 27 дней, чтобы создать незабываемые воспоминания. Дизайн интерьера Casas da Herdade был тщательно спланирован таким образом, чтобы свести к минимуму внешний объем и при этом обеспечить максимальную функциональность и комфорт. Вдохновленные традиционными и современными сельскими постройками, все дома имеют планировку, которая способствует взаимодействию с окружающим ландшафтом, создавая частную и семейную среду. Окружающий ландшафт представляет собой смесь холмов и плато, которые приглашают к вдохновению и созерцанию. Дни длинные и безмятежные, залитые золотым светом солнца, освещающего виноградники Herdade. Старые вспомогательные здания сельского хозяйства были преобразованы в пространства с новым использованием, в том числе ресторан отеля, инновационный «Центр инноваций», винодельню, а также зону дегустации и дегустации вин. Снаружи, в гармонии с главным зданием, находятся бассейн, конюшни и манеж для верховой езды, теннисный корт, а также СПА-зона. Позвольте себе окунуться в тишину сельской местности и откройте для себя в Herdade da Torre Vã место, где ваши мечты могут сбыться. Местная информация - Аэропорт Фару находится в 1 часе 15 минутах езды на машине - Лучшие пляжи находятся примерно в 55 минутах езды на машине - До порта Синес можно доехать за 50 минут - Подготовительная и средняя школа находятся в 13 минутах езды Ключевые особенности - Частные открытые пространства - Частные бассейны -Винный завод -Спа -Корт -Ресторан - Конюшни и манеж для верховой езды
На продажу
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат
Показать больше Показать меньше New development
Houses for sale
10 units
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
For sale
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Nový projekt
Domy pro prodat
10 jednotek
V srdci Baixo Alentejo, ve čtvrti Beja, leží Herdade da Torre Vã, místo, kde si každý návštěvník může napsat svůj vlastní příběh. Tento vizionářský projekt, který vytvořil architekt João Mendes Ribeiro ve spolupráci s architektem André Tavaresem, oslavuje zachování a zlepšení stávajícího architektonického, historického, krajinného a přírodního dědictví. V tomto okouzlujícím útočišti se kromě hotelu nachází soubor 12 samostatných domů, které harmonizují s krajinou - "Casas da Herdade". Každý dům, s typy od T1 do T2 a plochou mezi 212 a 311 m2, má venkovní prostor a soukromý bazén, který nabízí oázu klidu a pohodlí. V tomto báječném turistickém rozvoji, ve variantě garantovaného výnosu, bude mít majitel možnost užít si tři týdny ročně, včetně víkendů, plus tři další víkendy, celkem 27 dní, aby si vytvořil nezapomenutelné vzpomínky. Design interiéru hotelu "Casas da Herdade" byl pečlivě naplánován tak, aby se minimalizoval vnější objem a zároveň byla zajištěna maximální funkčnost a komfort. Všechny domy, inspirované tradičními i současnými venkovskými stavbami, mají uspořádání, které podporuje interakci s okolní krajinou a vytváří soukromé a rodinné prostředí. Okolní krajina je směsicí kopců a náhorních plošin, které vybízejí k inspiraci a rozjímání. Dny jsou dlouhé a klidné, koupající se ve zlatavém světle slunce, které osvětluje vinice Herdade. Staré zemědělské podpůrné budovy byly přeměněny na prostory s novým využitím, včetně hotelové restaurace, inovativního "inovačního centra", vinařství a degustační a degustační oblasti vína. Venku, v souladu s hlavní budovou, je bazén, stáje a jízdárna, tenisový kurt a SPA. Nechte se obklopit klidem venkova a objevte v Herdade da Torre Vã místo, kde se vaše sny mohou stát skutečností. Místní informace - Letiště Faro je vzdáleno 1 hodinu a 15 minut jízdy autem - Nejlepší pláže jsou vzdáleny přibližně 55 minut jízdy autem - Přístav Sines je vzdálen 50 minut jízdy - Přípravná a střední škola je vzdálena 13 minut jízdy autem Klíčové vlastnosti - Soukromé venkovní prostory - Soukromé bazény -Vinařství -Lázně -Tenisové hřiště -Restaurace - Stáje a jízdárna
Na prodej
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Dům • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Dům • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Dům • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Dům • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Dům • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Dům • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Dům • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Dům • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Dům • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Dům • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Neue Entwicklung
Häuser zu kaufen
10 Einheiten
Im Herzen von Baixo Alentejo, im Stadtteil Beja, befindet sich die Herdade da Torre Vã, ein Ort, an dem jeder Besucher seine eigene Geschichte schreiben kann. Dieses visionäre Projekt, das vom Architekten João Mendes Ribeiro in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Architekten André Tavares entworfen wurde, zelebriert die Bewahrung und Aufwertung des bestehenden architektonischen, historischen, landschaftlichen und natürlichen Erbes. In diesem bezaubernden Refugium gibt es neben einem Hotel eine Reihe von 12 einzelnen Häusern, die mit der Landschaft harmonieren - die "Casas da Herdade". Jedes Haus mit Typen von T1 bis T2 und Flächen zwischen 212 und 311 m² verfügt über einen Außenbereich und einen privaten Pool, der eine Oase der Ruhe und des Komforts bietet. In dieser fabelhaften touristischen Entwicklung hat der Eigentümer in der Option mit garantierter Rendite die Möglichkeit, drei Wochen pro Jahr, einschließlich Wochenenden, sowie drei zusätzliche Wochenenden mit insgesamt 27 Tagen zu genießen, um unvergessliche Erinnerungen zu schaffen. Das Innendesign der "Casas da Herdade" wurde sorgfältig geplant, um das Außenvolumen zu minimieren und gleichzeitig ein Höchstmaß an Funktionalität und Komfort zu gewährleisten. Inspiriert von traditionellen und zeitgenössischen ländlichen Bauten haben alle Häuser einen Grundriss, der die Interaktion mit der umliegenden Landschaft fördert und eine private und familienfreundliche Umgebung schafft. Die umliegende Landschaft ist eine Mischung aus Hügeln und Hochebenen, die zum Inspirieren und Nachdenken einladen. Die Tage sind lang und ruhig, getaucht in das goldene Licht der Sonne, das die Weinberge der Herdade erhellt. Die alten landwirtschaftlichen Nebengebäude wurden in Räume mit neuer Nutzung umgewandelt, darunter das Hotelrestaurant, das innovative "Innovation Hub", das Weingut und der Bereich für Weinproben und -verkostungen. Im Außenbereich, in Harmonie mit dem Hauptgebäude, befinden sich der Pool, die Ställe und der Reitplatz, der Tennisplatz und der SPA-Bereich. Lassen Sie sich von der Ruhe der Landschaft umhüllen und entdecken Sie in der Herdade da Torre Vã den Ort, an dem Ihre Träume wahr werden können. Lokale Informationen - Der Flughafen Faro ist 1 Stunde und 15 Minuten mit dem Auto entfernt - Die besten Strände sind ca. 55 Minuten mit dem Auto entfernt - Den Hafen von Sines erreichen Sie nach einer 50-minütigen Autofahrt - Die Vor- und Sekundarschule ist eine 13-minütige Autofahrt entfernt Hauptmerkmale - Private Außenbereiche - Private Pools -Weinkellerei -Kurort -Tennisplatz -Restaurant - Ställe und Reitplatz
Zu verkaufen
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Haus • 2 Bett. • 3 Bad. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Haus • 2 Bett. • 3 Bad. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Haus • 2 Bett. • 3 Bad. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Haus • 1 Bett. • 2 Bad. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Haus • 1 Bett. • 2 Bad. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Haus • 2 Bett. • 3 Bad. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Haus • 2 Bett. • 3 Bad. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Haus • 1 Bett. • 2 Bad. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Haus • 1 Bett. • 2 Bad. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Haus • 2 Bett. • 3 Bad.
Νέο συγκρότημα
Σπίτια για πώληση
(αριθμός Μονάδων) μονάδες
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
Προς πώληση
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Σπίτι • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Σπίτι • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Σπίτι • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Σπίτι • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Σπίτι • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Σπίτι • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Σπίτι • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Σπίτι • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Σπίτι • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Σπίτι • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Nueva promoción
Casas para vender
10 unidades
En el corazón del Baixo Alentejo, en el distrito de Beja, se encuentra la Herdade da Torre Vã, un lugar donde cada visitante puede escribir su propia historia. Este proyecto visionario, creado por el arquitecto João Mendes Ribeiro en colaboración con el arquitecto André Tavares, celebra la preservación y mejora del patrimonio arquitectónico, histórico, paisajístico y natural existente. En este encantador refugio, además de un hotel, hay un conjunto de 12 casas individuales que armonizan con el paisaje: las 'Casas da Herdade'. Cada casa, con tipologías que van de T1 a T2 y áreas entre 212 y 311 metros cuadrados, cuenta con espacio al aire libre y una piscina privada, ofreciendo un oasis de tranquilidad y confort. En este fabuloso desarrollo turístico, en la opción de rendimiento garantizado, el propietario tendrá la oportunidad de disfrutar de tres semanas anuales, incluyendo fines de semana, más tres fines de semana adicionales, totalizando 27 días para crear recuerdos inolvidables. El diseño interior de las 'Casas da Herdade' ha sido meticulosamente planificado para minimizar el volumen exterior y garantizar la máxima funcionalidad y confort. Inspiradas en construcciones rurales tradicionales y contemporáneas, todas las casas tienen un diseño que promueve la interacción con el paisaje circundante, creando un ambiente privado y familiar. El paisaje circundante es una mezcla de colinas y mesetas que invitan a la inspiración y la contemplación. Los días son largos y serenos, bañados por la luz dorada del sol que ilumina los viñedos de la Herdade. Los antiguos edificios de apoyo a la agricultura se han transformado en espacios con nuevos usos, como el Restaurante del Hotel, el innovador 'Innovation Hub', la Bodega y la zona de cata y degustación de vinos. En el exterior, en armonía con el edificio principal, se encuentran la piscina, los establos y el picadero, la cancha de tenis y la zona de SPA. Déjate envolver por la paz del campo y descubre en Herdade da Torre Vã el lugar donde tus sueños pueden hacerse realidad. Información local - El aeropuerto de Faro está a 1 hora y 15 minutos en coche - Las mejores playas están a aproximadamente 55 minutos en coche - El puerto de Sines se encuentra a 50 minutos en coche - La escuela preparatoria y secundaria se encuentra a 13 minutos en coche Características principales - Espacios privados al aire libre - Piscinas privadas -Bodega -Balneario -Pista de tenis -Restaurante - Establos y picadero
Se vende
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 2 Dormitorio(s) • 3 Baño. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Dormitorio(s) • 3 Baño. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Dormitorio(s) • 3 Baño. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Dormitorio(s) • 2 Baño. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Dormitorio(s) • 2 Baño. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Dormitorio(s) • 3 Baño. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Dormitorio(s) • 3 Baño. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Dormitorio(s) • 2 Baño. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Dormitorio(s) • 2 Baño. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Dormitorio(s) • 3 Baño.
New development
Houses for sale
10 units
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
For sale
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Nouveau lotissement
Maisons à vendre
10 unités
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
À vendre
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Maison • 2 Chambres • 3 Salle de bains SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Maison • 2 Chambres • 3 Salle de bains SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Maison • 2 Chambres • 3 Salle de bains SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Maison • 1 Chambres • 2 Salle de bains SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Maison • 1 Chambres • 2 Salle de bains SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Maison • 2 Chambres • 3 Salle de bains SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Maison • 2 Chambres • 3 Salle de bains SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Maison • 1 Chambres • 2 Salle de bains SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Maison • 1 Chambres • 2 Salle de bains SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Maison • 2 Chambres • 3 Salle de bains
Novi razvoj
Kuće za prodaja
10 jedinica
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
Za prodaju
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Kuća • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Kuća • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Kuća • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Kuća • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Kuća • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Kuća • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Kuća • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Kuća • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Kuća • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Kuća • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Nuovo complesso
Case in vendita
10 unità
Nel cuore del Baixo Alentejo, nel distretto di Beja, si trova Herdade da Torre Vã, un luogo dove ogni visitatore può scrivere la propria storia. Questo progetto visionario, realizzato dall'architetto João Mendes Ribeiro in collaborazione con l'architetto André Tavares, celebra la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico, storico, paesaggistico e naturale esistente. In questo incantevole rifugio, oltre a un hotel, c'è un insieme di 12 case singole che si armonizzano con il paesaggio: le "Casas da Herdade". Ogni casa, con tipologie che vanno dal T1 al T2 e aree comprese tra 212 e 311 mq, dispone di uno spazio esterno e di una piscina privata, offrendo un'oasi di tranquillità e comfort. In questo favoloso sviluppo turistico, nell'opzione di rendimento garantito, il proprietario avrà l'opportunità di godere di tre settimane all'anno, compresi i fine settimana, più tre fine settimana aggiuntivi, per un totale di 27 giorni per creare ricordi indimenticabili. Il design degli interni delle "Casas da Herdade" è stato meticolosamente pianificato per ridurre al minimo il volume esterno, garantendo al contempo la massima funzionalità e comfort. Ispirate alle costruzioni rurali tradizionali e contemporanee, tutte le case hanno una pianta che favorisce l'interazione con il paesaggio circostante, creando un ambiente privato e familiare. Il paesaggio circostante è un mix di colline e altipiani che invitano all'ispirazione e alla contemplazione. Le giornate sono lunghe e serene, bagnate dalla luce dorata del sole che illumina i vigneti del Pastore. I vecchi edifici di supporto all'agricoltura sono stati trasformati in spazi con nuove destinazioni d'uso, tra cui l'Hotel Ristorante, l'innovativo 'Innovation Hub', la Cantina e l'area degustazione e degustazione vini. All'esterno, in armonia con l'edificio principale, si trovano la piscina, il maneggio e il maneggio, il campo da tennis e l'area SPA. Lasciatevi avvolgere dalla pace della campagna e scoprite a Herdade da Torre Vã il luogo dove i vostri sogni possono diventare realtà. Informazioni locali - L'aeroporto di Faro è raggiungibile in 1 ora e 15 minuti in auto - Le migliori spiagge sono a circa 55 minuti di auto - Il porto di Sines è raggiungibile in 50 minuti di auto - La scuola preparatoria e secondaria è raggiungibile in 13 minuti di auto Caratteristiche principali - Spazi esterni privati - Piscine private -Cantina -Stazione termale -Campo di tennis -Ristorante - Maneggio e maneggio
In vendita
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 2 Letto. • 3 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Letto. • 3 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Letto. • 3 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Letto. • 2 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Letto. • 2 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Letto. • 3 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Letto. • 3 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Letto. • 2 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Letto. • 2 Vasca da bagno. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Letto. • 3 Vasca da bagno.
Nieuwe ontwikkeling
Huizen voor verkopen
10 eenheden
In het hart van Baixo Alentejo, in de wijk Beja, ligt Herdade da Torre Vã, een plek waar elke bezoeker zijn eigen verhaal kan schrijven. Dit visionaire project, gecreëerd door architect João Mendes Ribeiro in samenwerking met architect André Tavares, viert het behoud en de verbetering van het bestaande architecturale, historische, landschappelijke en natuurlijke erfgoed. In dit betoverende toevluchtsoord is er, naast een hotel, een reeks van 12 individuele huizen die harmoniëren met het landschap - de 'Casas da Herdade'. Elk huis, met types variërend van T1 tot T2 en gebieden tussen 212 en 311 m², beschikt over een buitenruimte en een privézwembad en biedt een oase van rust en comfort. In deze fantastische toeristische ontwikkeling, in de optie met gegarandeerde opbrengst, krijgt de eigenaar de mogelijkheid om drie weken per jaar te genieten, inclusief weekenden, plus drie extra weekenden, in totaal 27 dagen om onvergetelijke herinneringen te creëren. Het interieurontwerp van de 'Casas da Herdade' is zorgvuldig gepland om het buitenvolume te minimaliseren en tegelijkertijd maximale functionaliteit en comfort te garanderen. Geïnspireerd door traditionele en hedendaagse landelijke constructies, hebben alle huizen een lay-out die de interactie met het omringende landschap bevordert, waardoor een privé- en gezinsvriendelijke omgeving ontstaat. Het omringende landschap is een mix van heuvels en plateaus die uitnodigen tot inspiratie en contemplatie. De dagen zijn lang en sereen, badend in het gouden licht van de zon die de wijngaarden van de Herdade verlicht. De oude agrarische ondersteunende gebouwen zijn getransformeerd tot ruimtes met een nieuwe bestemming, waaronder het Hotel Restaurant, de innovatieve 'Innovation Hub', de Wijnmakerij en de wijnproeverij en degustatieruimte. Buiten, in harmonie met het hoofdgebouw, bevinden zich het zwembad, de stallen en de manege, de tennisbaan en de SPA. Laat u omhullen door de rust van het platteland en ontdek in Herdade da Torre Vã de plek waar uw dromen kunnen uitkomen. Lokale informatie - De luchthaven van Faro ligt op 1 uur en 15 minuten rijden met de auto - De beste stranden liggen op ongeveer 55 minuten rijden met de auto - De haven van Sines ligt op 50 minuten rijden - De voor- en naschoolse opvang ligt op 13 minuten rijden Belangrijkste kenmerken - Privé buitenruimtes - Privé zwembaden -Bodega -Badplaats -Tennisbaan -Restaurant - Stallen en rijbak
Te koop
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Huis • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Huis • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Huis • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Huis • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Huis • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Huis • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Huis • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Huis • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Huis • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Huis • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Nowa budowa
Domów za sprzedaj
Liczba jednostek: 10
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
Na sprzedaż
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Budynek • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Budynek • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Budynek • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Budynek • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Budynek • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Budynek • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Budynek • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Budynek • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Budynek • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Budynek • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Nova construção
Casas para venda
10 unidades
No coração do Baixo Alentejo, no distrito de Beja, encontra-se a Herdade da Torre Vã, um lugar onde cada visitante pode escrever a sua própria história. Este é um projeto visionário do Arquiteto João Mendes Ribeiro, em colaboração com o Arquiteto André Tavares, que celebra a preservação e a valorização do património arquitetónico, histórico, paisagístico e natural existente. Neste refúgio encantador, além de um hotel, encontra-se um conjunto de 12 moradias individuais que se harmonizam com a paisagem - as 'Casas da Herdade'. Cada casa, com tipologias que variam de T1 a T2 e áreas entre 212 e 311 m², possui espaço exterior e piscina privativa, oferecendo um oásis de tranquilidade e conforto. Neste fabuloso empreendimento turístico, na opção de rendimento garantido, o proprietário terá a oportunidade de desfrutar anualmente de três semanas, incluindo fins de semana, além de três fins de semana adicionais, somando um total de 27 dias para criar memórias inesquecíveis. O design interior das 'Casas da Herdade' foi meticulosamente planeado para minimizar a volumetria exterior, garantindo ao mesmo tempo máxima funcionalidade e conforto. Inspiradas nas construções rurais tradicionais e contemporâneas, todas as casas têm uma distribuição que promove a interação com a paisagem envolvente, criando um ambiente reservado e familiar. A paisagem circundante é uma mescla de montes e planaltos que convidam à inspiração e à contemplação. Os dias são longos e serenos, banhados pela luz dourada do sol que ilumina as vinhas da Herdade. Os antigos edifícios de apoio agrícola foram transformados em espaços com novos usos, incluindo o Restaurante do Hotel, o inovador 'Innovation Hub', a Adega e o espaço de provas e degustação de vinhos. No exterior, em harmonia com o edifício principal, destacam-se a piscina, as cavalariças e o picadeiro, o court de ténis e a área de SPA. Deixe-se envolver pela paz do campo e descubra na Herdade da Torre Vã o lugar onde os seus sonhos podem se tornar realidade. Envolvência - O aeroporto de Faro está a 1h15 minutos, de carro - As melhores praias estão a aproximadamente 55 minutos, de carro - O Porto de Sines está a uma distância de 50 minutos, de carro - A escola preparatória e secundária encontra-se a 13 minutos, de carro Key Features - Espaços exteriores privativos - Piscinas privativas - Adega - Spa - Court de ténis - Restaurante - Cavalariças e picadeiro
Para venda
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 2 Quartos • 3 Casas de banho SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Quartos • 3 Casas de banho SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Quartos • 3 Casas de banho SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Quartos • 2 Casas de banho SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Quartos • 2 Casas de banho SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Quartos • 3 Casas de banho SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Quartos • 3 Casas de banho SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Quartos • 2 Casas de banho SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Casa • 1 Quartos • 2 Casas de banho SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Casa • 2 Quartos • 3 Casas de banho
Новая застройка
Дома для продажи
10 квартир
В самом сердце Байшу Алентежу, в районе Бежа, находится Herdade da Torre Vã, место, где каждый посетитель может написать свою собственную историю. Этот визионерский проект, созданный архитектором Жуаном Мендесом Рибейру в сотрудничестве с архитектором Андре Таваресом, посвящен сохранению и улучшению существующего архитектурного, исторического, ландшафтного и природного наследия. В этом очаровательном убежище, помимо отеля, есть набор из 12 отдельных домов, которые гармонируют с ландшафтом - "Casas da Herdade". Каждый дом, с типами от Т1 до Т2 и площадью от 212 до 311 кв.м, имеет открытое пространство и частный бассейн, предлагая оазис спокойствия и комфорта. В этом сказочном туристическом комплексе, в опции гарантированной доходности, у владельца будет возможность наслаждаться тремя неделями в году, включая выходные, плюс три дополнительных выходных, в общей сложности 27 дней, чтобы создать незабываемые воспоминания. Дизайн интерьера Casas da Herdade был тщательно спланирован таким образом, чтобы свести к минимуму внешний объем и при этом обеспечить максимальную функциональность и комфорт. Вдохновленные традиционными и современными сельскими постройками, все дома имеют планировку, которая способствует взаимодействию с окружающим ландшафтом, создавая частную и семейную среду. Окружающий ландшафт представляет собой смесь холмов и плато, которые приглашают к вдохновению и созерцанию. Дни длинные и безмятежные, залитые золотым светом солнца, освещающего виноградники Herdade. Старые вспомогательные здания сельского хозяйства были преобразованы в пространства с новым использованием, в том числе ресторан отеля, инновационный «Центр инноваций», винодельню, а также зону дегустации и дегустации вин. Снаружи, в гармонии с главным зданием, находятся бассейн, конюшни и манеж для верховой езды, теннисный корт, а также СПА-зона. Позвольте себе окунуться в тишину сельской местности и откройте для себя в Herdade da Torre Vã место, где ваши мечты могут сбыться. Местная информация - Аэропорт Фару находится в 1 часе 15 минутах езды на машине - Лучшие пляжи находятся примерно в 55 минутах езды на машине - До порта Синес можно доехать за 50 минут - Подготовительная и средняя школа находятся в 13 минутах езды Ключевые особенности - Частные открытые пространства - Частные бассейны -Винный завод -Спа -Корт -Ресторан - Конюшни и манеж для верховой езды
На продажу
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Дом • 1 Комн. • 2 ванных комнат SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Дом • 2 Комн. • 3 ванных комнат
Nový vývoj
Domy pre predať
10 jednotiek
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
Na predaj
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Dom • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Dom • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Dom • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Dom • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Dom • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Dom • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Dom • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Dom • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Dom • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Dom • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
New development
House for sale
10 units
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
For sale
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Hus för sälj
10 enheter
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
Hus • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
Hus • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
Hus • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
Hus • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
Hus • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
Hus • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
Hus • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
Hus • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
Hus • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
Hus • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
New development
Houses for sale
10 units
In the heart of Baixo Alentejo, in the district of Beja, lies Herdade da Torre Vã, a place where each visitor can write their own story. This visionary project, created by Architect João Mendes Ribeiro in collaboration with Architect André Tavares, celebrates the preservation and enhancement of the existing architectural, historical, landscape, and natural heritage. In this enchanting refuge, besides a hotel, there is a set of 12 individual houses that harmonize with the landscape - the 'Casas da Herdade'. Each house, with types ranging from T1 to T2 and areas between 212 and 311 sq.m, features outdoor space and a private pool, offering an oasis of tranquility and comfort. In this fabulous tourist development, in the guaranteed yield option, the owner will have the opportunity to enjoy three weeks annually, including weekends, plus three additional weekends, totaling 27 days to create unforgettable memories. The interior design of the 'Casas da Herdade' has been meticulously planned to minimize the exterior volume while ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. Inspired by traditional and contemporary rural constructions, all the houses have a layout that promotes interaction with the surrounding landscape, creating a private and family-friendly environment. The surrounding landscape is a mix of hills and plateaus that invite inspiration and contemplation. The days are long and serene, bathed in the golden light of the sun that illuminates the Herdade's vineyards. The old agricultural support buildings have been transformed into spaces with new uses, including the Hotel Restaurant, the innovative 'Innovation Hub', the Winery, and the wine tasting and degustation area. Outside, in harmony with the main building, are the pool, stables and riding arena, tennis court, and SPA area. Let yourself be enveloped by the peace of the countryside and discover at Herdade da Torre Vã the place where your dreams can come true. Local Information - Faro Airport is 1 hour and 15 minutes away by car - The best beaches are approximately 55 minutes away by car - The Port of Sines is a 50-minute drive away - The preparatory and secondary school is a 13-minute drive away Key Features - Private outdoor spaces - Private pools - Winery - Spa - Tennis court - Restaurant - Stables and riding arena
For sale
SAV15256_E ... • EUR 610,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_F ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_G ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_H ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_L ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_D ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_M ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath. SAV15256_B ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_I ... • EUR 610,000
House • 1 Bed. • 2 Bath. SAV15256_C ... • EUR 850,000
House • 2 Bed. • 3 Bath.
Ссылка: EDEN-T99653982
Страна: PT
Город: Beja Ourique
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
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