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Пловдив - Склад и производство на продажу

1 087 700 047 RUB

Склад и производство (Продажа)

17 525 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T98083837 / 98083837
RE/MAX presents for sale with exclusive rights a warehouse/production base with a total total area of 27,000 sq.m. located on 38 acres of land. The base is positioned within the Trakia Economic Zone, which is one of the largest economic projects in Bulgaria, unites 6 industrial zones and becomes a center of attraction for foreign companies. The warehouses are at a distance of 9 km. from the center of Plovdiv and at a distance of 4.5 km from the exit of Trakia Motorway, which makes the location of the base extremely key for transport logistics. The built-up area of 27,000sq.m. is located in 10 buildings, and there is an opportunity to purchase separate plots with some of the built buildings. One of the buildings is administrative, with a modern vision, an office part with meeting rooms. The warehouses are equipped with racking systems, smoke exhausts, fire alarm, fire extinguishing system by means of sprinklers with its own reservoir, the capacity of which is 600 m³. The useful height of the warehouses is on average 7-9 m, with the highest warehouse being 9.60 m high. More advantages of the property: - Under sanded concrete - Metal structure with thermal panels - Industrial roller doors - Ramps with equalizers - LED lighting - Gas system through bottles, with a capacity of 250-300 m³ - Current power 1MW (for the entire base) The respective property of 17 525sq.m. It is a large hall with an area of 14800sq.m. with the organization of the production process: Entrance for workers, changing rooms, sanitary facilities, offices, warehouse for blanks (elevation '0'), assembly line, canteen built on the second level and warehouse for finished products with 4 industrial ramps with equalizers. Along the entire length of the warehouse there are separate parking spaces for employees. In the same plot of land with a total area of 27800sq.m. There are 3 more warehouses: 1 warehouse - 2080sq.m. 2 warehouse - 350sq.m. 3 warehouse - 300sq.m. Показать больше Показать меньше RE/MAX представя за продажба с ексклузивни права складово/производствена база с обща разгъната площ от 27 000кв.м. разположена върху 38дка земя. Базата е позиционирана в рамките на Тракия икономическа зона , която е един от най-мащабните икономически проекти на България, обединява 6 индустриални зони и се превръща в притегателен център за чуждестранни компании. Складовете са на разстояние 9км. от центъра на гр.Пловдив и на разстояние 4,5км от изхода на АМ Тракия , което прави локацията на базата изключително ключова за транспортната логистика. Застроената площ от 27 000кв.м. е разположена в 10 сгради, като има възможност за закупуване на отделни парцели с част от построените сгради. Една от сградите е административна, с модерна визия, офисна част със заседателни зали. Складовите помещения са оборудвани със стелажни системи, димоотводи, пожароизвестяване, система за пожарогасене посредством спринклери със собствен водоем, вместимостта на който е 600м³. Полезната височина на складовете е средно 7-9м, като най-високият склад е с височина 9.60м. Още предимства на имота: - Под шлайфан бетон - Метална конструкция с термопанели - Индустриални ролетни врати - Рампи с изравнители - Лед осветление - Газова система посредством бутилки, с вместимост 250-300 м³ - Токова мощност 1MW (за цялата база) Съответният имот от 17 525кв.м. представлява голямо хале с площ от 14800кв.м. с организация на производствен процес: Вход за работници, съблекални, санитарни помещения, офиси, склад за заготовки (кота '0'), поточна линия, столова изградена на второ ниво и склад за готова продукция с 4 индустриални рампи с изравнители. По цялото продължение на склада има обособени паркоместа за служителите. В същия поземлен имот с обща площ от 27800кв.м. има разположени още 3 склада: 1 склад - 2080кв.м. 2 склад - 350кв.м. 3 склад - 300кв.м. RE/MAX presents for sale with exclusive rights a warehouse/production base with a total total area of 27,000 sq.m. located on 38 acres of land. The base is positioned within the Trakia Economic Zone, which is one of the largest economic projects in Bulgaria, unites 6 industrial zones and becomes a center of attraction for foreign companies. The warehouses are at a distance of 9 km. from the center of Plovdiv and at a distance of 4.5 km from the exit of Trakia Motorway, which makes the location of the base extremely key for transport logistics. The built-up area of 27,000sq.m. is located in 10 buildings, and there is an opportunity to purchase separate plots with some of the built buildings. One of the buildings is administrative, with a modern vision, an office part with meeting rooms. The warehouses are equipped with racking systems, smoke exhausts, fire alarm, fire extinguishing system by means of sprinklers with its own reservoir, the capacity of which is 600 m³. The useful height of the warehouses is on average 7-9 m, with the highest warehouse being 9.60 m high. More advantages of the property: - Under sanded concrete - Metal structure with thermal panels - Industrial roller doors - Ramps with equalizers - LED lighting - Gas system through bottles, with a capacity of 250-300 m³ - Current power 1MW (for the entire base) The respective property of 17 525sq.m. It is a large hall with an area of 14800sq.m. with the organization of the production process: Entrance for workers, changing rooms, sanitary facilities, offices, warehouse for blanks (elevation '0'), assembly line, canteen built on the second level and warehouse for finished products with 4 industrial ramps with equalizers. Along the entire length of the warehouse there are separate parking spaces for employees. In the same plot of land with a total area of 27800sq.m. There are 3 more warehouses: 1 warehouse - 2080sq.m. 2 warehouse - 350sq.m. 3 warehouse - 300sq.m.
Ссылка: EDEN-T98083837
Страна: BG
Город: Plovdiv
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Склад и производство
Площадь: 17 525 м²
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