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Barber Booth - Дом на продажу

137 964 131 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

3 к
6 сп
3 вн
Ссылка: EDEN-T97646858 / 97646858
Follow the picturesque country drive alongside the Chapel-en-le-Frith golf course to the impressive Grade II-listed Bradshaw Hall. This 17th-century Jacobean country house, constructed in 1620 by Francis Bradshaw, is a prime example of Jacobean architecture. It features an L-shaped design, gabled rooflines, and mullioned windows. A later extension increased the house's footprint, elevating its grand position at the foot of Eccles Pike. The house is impressive with its many period features, and the grand gateway, also Grade II listed and adorned with the Bradshaw family arms, adds to the charm. The substantial property includes Bradshaw Hall, several outbuildings, and a large greenhouse on nearly 30 acres of grazing land.Inside, the home boasts original panelling, most notably in the dining and living rooms, a 17th-century oak staircase, original oak flooring, and a plasterwork ceiling at the first landing with a central Tudor rose and an inscription that reads 'A MAN WITHOUT MERCY OF MERCY SHALL MISS BUT HE SHALL HAVE MERCY THAT MERCIFUL IS: LOVE GOD BUT NOT GOULD'. The house's most striking feature is the mullioned windows, indicative of the period's architecture. The HouseBradshaw Hall's entrance hall leads to two large reception rooms, a generous dining kitchen, and a scullery. There are also four bedrooms, two of which are very impressive in size and feature stone hearth fireplaces. Two bathrooms, which are en-suite to two bedrooms, ensure residents' convenience. The oak staircase extends to the loft and roof access. Another entrance hall connects to the extension, which features a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom upstairs.Outside and Gardens The property has several outbuildings, including two double garages, a large barn, and sheds across three buildings. These present an opportunity to repurpose for use or further development, subject to planning. The extensive gardens add to the home's magnificence with lush green lawns and several fields comprising nearly 30 acres of land, surrounded by unspoilt views of the Combs Valley to the front and Eccles Pike to the back. A shining example and evidence of the property's rich history is the well-documented archway, which is also Grade II listed and prominently displayed in the garden. Adjacent to the archway is a stonewall-enclosed and intimate garden offering another magical retreat. In Conclusion Bradshaw Hall is a fantastic example of a grand Grade II-listed country home that offers the opportunity to own a piece of history as a multi-generational family home or to develop the property with a business venture in mind. With a multitude of possibilities, this home is sure to impress! Показать больше Показать меньше Follow the picturesque country drive alongside the Chapel-en-le-Frith golf course to the impressive Grade II-listed Bradshaw Hall. This 17th-century Jacobean country house, constructed in 1620 by Francis Bradshaw, is a prime example of Jacobean architecture. It features an L-shaped design, gabled rooflines, and mullioned windows. A later extension increased the house's footprint, elevating its grand position at the foot of Eccles Pike. The house is impressive with its many period features, and the grand gateway, also Grade II listed and adorned with the Bradshaw family arms, adds to the charm. The substantial property includes Bradshaw Hall, several outbuildings, and a large greenhouse on nearly 30 acres of grazing land.Inside, the home boasts original panelling, most notably in the dining and living rooms, a 17th-century oak staircase, original oak flooring, and a plasterwork ceiling at the first landing with a central Tudor rose and an inscription that reads 'A MAN WITHOUT MERCY OF MERCY SHALL MISS BUT HE SHALL HAVE MERCY THAT MERCIFUL IS: LOVE GOD BUT NOT GOULD'. The house's most striking feature is the mullioned windows, indicative of the period's architecture. The HouseBradshaw Hall's entrance hall leads to two large reception rooms, a generous dining kitchen, and a scullery. There are also four bedrooms, two of which are very impressive in size and feature stone hearth fireplaces. Two bathrooms, which are en-suite to two bedrooms, ensure residents' convenience. The oak staircase extends to the loft and roof access. Another entrance hall connects to the extension, which features a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom upstairs.Outside and Gardens The property has several outbuildings, including two double garages, a large barn, and sheds across three buildings. These present an opportunity to repurpose for use or further development, subject to planning. The extensive gardens add to the home's magnificence with lush green lawns and several fields comprising nearly 30 acres of land, surrounded by unspoilt views of the Combs Valley to the front and Eccles Pike to the back. A shining example and evidence of the property's rich history is the well-documented archway, which is also Grade II listed and prominently displayed in the garden. Adjacent to the archway is a stonewall-enclosed and intimate garden offering another magical retreat. In Conclusion Bradshaw Hall is a fantastic example of a grand Grade II-listed country home that offers the opportunity to own a piece of history as a multi-generational family home or to develop the property with a business venture in mind. With a multitude of possibilities, this home is sure to impress! Siga o pitoresco passeio campestre ao lado do campo de golfe Chapel-en-le-Frith até o impressionante Bradshaw Hall, listado como Grau II. Esta casa de campo jacobeia do século 17, construída em 1620 por Francis Bradshaw, é um excelente exemplo da arquitetura jacobiana. Apresenta um design em forma de L, telhados de duas águas e janelas com vidros fechados. Uma extensão posterior aumentou a pegada da casa, elevando sua grande posição aos pés de Eccles Pike. A casa é impressionante com suas muitas características de época, e o grande portal, também listado de Grau II e adornado com os braços da família Bradshaw, aumenta o charme. A propriedade substancial inclui Bradshaw Hall, várias dependências e uma grande estufa em quase 30 acres de pastagem.No interior, a casa possui painéis originais, principalmente nas salas de jantar e estar, uma escadaria de carvalho do século 17, piso de carvalho original e um teto de gesso no primeiro pouso com uma rosa Tudor central e uma inscrição que diz "UM HOMEM SEM MISERICÓRDIA DE MISERICÓRDIA PERDERÁ, MAS TERÁ MISERICÓRDIA QUE MISERICORDIOSO É: AME A DEUS, MAS NÃO A GOULD". A característica mais marcante da casa são as janelas amortecidas, indicativas da arquitetura da época. A CasaO hall de entrada do Bradshaw Hall leva a duas grandes salas de recepção, uma generosa cozinha de jantar e um scullery. Há também quatro quartos, dois dos quais são muito impressionantes em tamanho e apresentam lareiras de pedra. Dois banheiros, que são privativos para dois quartos, garantem a comodidade dos moradores. A escadaria de carvalho estende-se até ao acesso ao loft e ao telhado. Outro hall de entrada se conecta à extensão, que possui sala, cozinha, dois quartos e banheiro no andar de cima.Exterior e Jardins A propriedade tem várias dependências, incluindo duas garagens duplas, um grande celeiro e galpões em três edifícios. Estes apresentam uma oportunidade de reaproveitamento para uso ou desenvolvimento posterior, sujeito a planejamento. Os extensos jardins aumentam a magnificência da casa com gramados verdes exuberantes e vários campos que compreendem quase 30 hectares de terra, cercados por vistas intocadas do Vale Combs para a frente e Eccles Pike para trás. Um exemplo brilhante e evidência da rica história da propriedade é o arco bem documentado, que também é listado como Grau II e exibido com destaque no jardim. Adjacente ao arco há um jardim fechado e íntimo que oferece outro retiro mágico. Conclusão Bradshaw Hall é um exemplo fantástico de uma grande casa de campo listada como Grau II que oferece a oportunidade de possuir um pedaço da história como uma casa de família multigeracional ou desenvolver a propriedade com um empreendimento de negócios em mente. Com uma infinidade de possibilidades, essa casa com certeza vai impressionar! Podążaj malowniczą wiejską przejażdżką wzdłuż pola golfowego Chapel-en-le-Frith do imponującej Bradshaw Hall, wpisanej na listę zabytków klasy II. Ten XVII-wieczny wiejski dom w stylu jakobiańskim, zbudowany w 1620 roku przez Francisa Bradshawa, jest doskonałym przykładem architektury jakubowej. Ma konstrukcję w kształcie litery L, dwuspadowe linie dachów i okna ze szprosami. Późniejsza rozbudowa zwiększyła powierzchnię domu, podnosząc jego okazałą pozycję u podnóża Eccles Pike. Dom jest imponujący wieloma elementami z epoki, a wielka brama, również wpisana na listę zabytków i ozdobiona herbem rodziny Bradshaw, dodaje uroku. Pokaźna posiadłość obejmuje Bradshaw Hall, kilka budynków gospodarczych i dużą szklarnię na prawie 30 akrach pastwisk.Wewnątrz domu znajdują się oryginalne boazerie, zwłaszcza w jadalni i salonach, XVII-wieczne dębowe schody, oryginalna dębowa podłoga i gipsowy sufit na pierwszym podeście z centralną różą Tudorów i napisem "CZŁOWIEK BEZ MIŁOSIERDZIA MIŁOSIERDZIA BĘDZIE TĘSKNIŁ, ALE BĘDZIE MIAŁ MIŁOSIERDZIE, KTÓRE MIŁOSIERNE JEST: KOCHAJ BOGA, ALE NIE GOULD". Najbardziej rzucającą się w oczy cechą domu są okna ze szprosami, wskazujące na architekturę tego okresu. DomHol wejściowy Bradshaw Hall prowadzi do dwóch dużych sal recepcyjnych, obszernej kuchni jadalnej i zmywalni. Do dyspozycji Gości są również cztery sypialnie, z których dwie są imponujące pod względem wielkości i wyposażone są w kamienne kominki. Dwie łazienki, które są przynależne do dwóch sypialni, zapewniają wygodę mieszkańców. Dębowe schody rozciągają się na poddasze i wejście na dach. Kolejny hol wejściowy łączy się z dobudówką, w której znajduje się salon, kuchnia, dwie sypialnie i łazienka na piętrze.Na zewnątrz i w ogrodach Nieruchomość posiada kilka budynków gospodarczych, w tym dwa podwójne garaże, dużą stodołę i szopy w trzech budynkach. Stwarzają one możliwość zmiany przeznaczenia na potrzeby lub dalszego rozwoju, z zastrzeżeniem planowania. Rozległych ogrodów dodaje wspaniałości domu dzięki bujnym zielonym trawnikom i kilku polom o powierzchni prawie 30 akrów, otoczonych dziewiczymi widokami na dolinę Combs z przodu i Eccles Pike z tyłu. Doskonałym przykładem i dowodem bogatej historii posiadłości jest dobrze udokumentowany łuk, który jest również wpisany na listę zabytków klasy II i jest wyraźnie wyeksponowany w ogrodzie. Do łuku przylega otoczony kamiennym murem i kameralny ogród, w którym znajduje się kolejne magiczne schronienie. Wnioski w Bradshaw Hall to fantastyczny przykład wspaniałego wiejskiego domu wpisanego na listę zabytków klasy II, który oferuje możliwość posiadania kawałka historii jako wielopokoleniowego domu rodzinnego lub zagospodarowania nieruchomości z myślą o przedsięwzięciu biznesowym. Dzięki mnogości możliwości ten dom z pewnością zrobi wrażenie!
Ссылка: EDEN-T97646858
Страна: GB
Город: High Peak
Почтовый индекс: SK23 9UL
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Комнат: 3
Спален: 6
Ванных: 3


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