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Эрисейра - Готовый бизнес на продажу

10 003 127 RUB

Готовый бизнес (Продажа)

2 вн
73 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T96126620 / 96126620
Commercial store with 83m2.
Shop in the finishing phase of construction. It has 3 fronts with windows and excellent visibility.
The store, located in Malveira, next to the traditional Feira do Gado, has all kinds of commerce and services nearby, which results in an added value for any business. It is 2 minutes from the A21 (Mafra and Ericeira) and the A8 (Lisbon, Torres Vedras) accesses.
This store, like others in the same area, offers the possibility of changing the allocation of the property from "commerce" to "housing" upon presentation of a project for consideration and approval by the local authority.
Malveira, a village in the municipality of Mafra, is located 8.5 km (10 mins) from the county seat and less than 20 km (17 mins) from Ericeira, the first World Surfing Reserve in Portugal and Europe.Benefits/Advantages of the Property:
Shop with 83m2
2 bathrooms
Store in the finishing phase of constrution
Located a 2-minute walk from the center of Malveira next to Largo da Feira do Gado, commerce and services
1 parking space in closed garage
Close to the accesses of the A21 and A8 (Lisbon, Mafra, Ericeira, Torres Vedras).Inquisitiveness:
Malveira, a village in the municipality of Mafra, has a vast cultural and historical heritage, and one of the most famous fairs in the country, whose beginnings date back to the end of the eighteenth century.
The annual fair is the first "royalty-free" one, by the charter of D. Maria I. In confectionery, the most famous delicacy is the Trouxa, a recipe that has more than a century of existence, and which consists of a small pie filled with a delicious cream.
In Mafra, the National Palace of Mafra, also known as the Convent of Mafra, stands out as a cultural element. It consists of a palace and a convent, in Baroque style, of Roman and Germanic influence, to which is associated a garden and the Tapada Nacional de Mafra-
The Legend has it that the name Ericeira means, originally, "land of hedgehogs", due to the numerous sea urchins that abounded on its beaches. Ericeira is also known in terms of surfing due to the waves, which surfers say are all different.
It is also the 1st world surfing reserve in Europe and 2nd in the world.
Показать больше Показать меньше Magasin commercial avec 83m2.
Atelier en phase finale de construction. Il a 3 façades avec fenêtres et une excellente visibilité.
Le magasin, situé à Malveira, à côté de la Feira do Gado, a toutes sortes de commerces et de services à proximité, ce qui se traduit par une valeur ajoutée pour toute entreprise. Il est à 2 minutes de laccès à lA21 (Mafra et Ericeira) et à lA8 (Lisbonne, Torres Vedras).
Ce magasin, comme dautres dans la même zone, offre la possibilité de changer lattribution du bien de « commerce » à « logement » sur présentation dun projet pour examen et approbation par lautorité locale.
Malveira, un village de la municipalité de Mafra, est situé à 8,5 km (10 minutes) du siège du comté et à moins de 20 km (17 minutes) dEriceira, la première réserve mondiale de surf au Portugal et en Europe.Avantages de la propriété:
Boutique avec 83m2
2 salles de bain
Stocker dans la phase de finition
Situé à 2 minutes à pied du centre de Malveira à côté de Feira do Gado, commerce et services
1 place de parking dans garage fermé
Proche de laccès à lA21 et A8 (Lisbonne, Mafra, Ericeira, Torres Vedras).Malveira, un village de la municipalité de Mafra, possède un vaste patrimoine culturel et historique, et lune des foires les plus célèbres du pays, dont les débuts remontent à la fin du XVIII siècle. La foire annuelle est la première « libre de droits », par la charte de D. Maria I. En confiserie, la délicatesse la plus célèbre est la Trouxa, une recette qui a plus dun siècle dexistence, et qui consiste en une petite tarte remplie dune délicieuse crème.
À Mafra, le Palais national de Mafra, également connu sous le nom de Couvent de Mafra, se distingue comme un élément culturel. Il se compose dun palais et dun couvent, de style baroque, dinfluence romaine et germanique, auquel est associé un jardin et la Tapada Nacional de Mafra-
La légende raconte que le nom Ericeira signifie, à lorigine, « terre de hérissons », en raison des nombreux oursins qui abondaient sur ses plages. Ericeira est également connue en termes de surf en raison des vagues, que les surfeurs disent être toutes différentes.
Cest aussi la 1ère réserve mondiale de surf en Europe et la 2ème au monde.
Loja comercial com 83m2.
Loja em fase de acabamento de construção. Dispõe de 3 frentes com janelas e excelente visibilidade.
A loja, localizada na Malveira, junto ao largo da Feira do Gado tem todo o tipo comércio e serviços na proximidade, o que resulta numa mais-valia para qualquer negócio. Encontra-se a 2 minutos do acesso à A21 (Mafra e Ericeira) e da A8 (Lisboa, Torres Vedras).
Esta loja à imagem de outras na mesma zona oferece a possibilidade de se alterar a afetação do referido imóvel de comércio para habitação mediante apresentação de projeto para apreciação e aprovação por parte da autarquia local.
A Malveira, vila do município de Mafra, encontra-se a 8,5 Km (10 mins) da sede de concelho e a menos de 20 Km (17 mins) da Ericeira, a primeira Reserva Mundial de Surf em Portugal e na Europa.Benefícios/Vantagens do Imóvel:
Loja com 83m2
2 casas de banho
Loja em fase de acabamentos
Localizada a 2 minutos a pé do centro da Malveira junto ao Largo da Feira do Gado, comércio e serviços
1 lugar de estacionamento em garagem fechada
Próximo do acesso à A21 e A8 (Lisboa, Mafra, Ericeira, Torres Vedras).Somos Intermediários de Crédito, certificados pelo Banco de Portugal com a licença nº 0007297. Desta forma podemos ajudá-lo a encontrar a melhor solução para o seu crédito habitação. Curiosidade:
A Malveira, vila do município de Mafra, possui um vasto património cultural e histórico, e uma das mais famosas feiras do país, cujo início remonta a finais do século XVIII. A feira anual é a primeira livre de direitos, pelo foral de D. Maria I. Na doçaria, a iguaria mais famosa é a trouxa, uma receita que tem mais de um século de existência, e que consiste numa pequena torta recheada com um creme delicioso.
Em Mafra destaca-se como elemento cultural o Palácio Nacional de Mafra, também conhecido como Convento de Mafra. É composto por um palácio e um convento, em estilo barroco, de influência romana e germânica, a que se associa um jardim e a Tapada Nacional de Mafra -
Reza a lenda que o nome Ericeira significa, na origem, terra de ouriços, devido aos numerosos ouriços do mar que abundavam nas suas praias. A Ericeira é também conhecida em termos de surf devido às ondas, que os surfistas dizem ser todas diferentes.
É de resto a 1ª reserva mundial de surf da Europa e 2ª do mundo.
Commercial store with 83m2.
Shop in the finishing phase of construction. It has 3 fronts with windows and excellent visibility.
The store, located in Malveira, next to the traditional Feira do Gado, has all kinds of commerce and services nearby, which results in an added value for any business. It is 2 minutes from the A21 (Mafra and Ericeira) and the A8 (Lisbon, Torres Vedras) accesses.
This store, like others in the same area, offers the possibility of changing the allocation of the property from "commerce" to "housing" upon presentation of a project for consideration and approval by the local authority.
Malveira, a village in the municipality of Mafra, is located 8.5 km (10 mins) from the county seat and less than 20 km (17 mins) from Ericeira, the first World Surfing Reserve in Portugal and Europe.Benefits/Advantages of the Property:
Shop with 83m2
2 bathrooms
Store in the finishing phase of constrution
Located a 2-minute walk from the center of Malveira next to Largo da Feira do Gado, commerce and services
1 parking space in closed garage
Close to the accesses of the A21 and A8 (Lisbon, Mafra, Ericeira, Torres Vedras).Inquisitiveness:
Malveira, a village in the municipality of Mafra, has a vast cultural and historical heritage, and one of the most famous fairs in the country, whose beginnings date back to the end of the eighteenth century.
The annual fair is the first "royalty-free" one, by the charter of D. Maria I. In confectionery, the most famous delicacy is the Trouxa, a recipe that has more than a century of existence, and which consists of a small pie filled with a delicious cream.
In Mafra, the National Palace of Mafra, also known as the Convent of Mafra, stands out as a cultural element. It consists of a palace and a convent, in Baroque style, of Roman and Germanic influence, to which is associated a garden and the Tapada Nacional de Mafra-
The Legend has it that the name Ericeira means, originally, "land of hedgehogs", due to the numerous sea urchins that abounded on its beaches. Ericeira is also known in terms of surfing due to the waves, which surfers say are all different.
It is also the 1st world surfing reserve in Europe and 2nd in the world.
Ссылка: EDEN-T96126620
Страна: PT
Город: Mafra
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Готовый бизнес
Площадь: 73 м²
Ванных: 2


Средняя цена за м²
Окт 2023
3 мес
1 год
377 881 RUB
397 476 RUB



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