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Winfield - Дом на продажу

117 780 400 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

участок 1 687 539 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T95529936 / 95529936
The Blue Gate Ranch is located in Cowley County, KS and features a total of 417 acres, with 97 of those acres tillable and 325 acres of pasture, ponds and recreational timber. Historically, the property has held 35 to 40 cow/calf pairs and the majority of the tillable acres are currently planted to brome and baled each season. There are 3 good ponds and good recreational value as well. This property is a wonderful mix of tillable farm acreage, cattle pasture and recreational opportunities. The landscape is typical of the Kansas Flint Hills and has a rolling appearance with huge cottonwood trees and thicker vegetation in the creek bottoms and lower lying areas. The property is easy to navigate and travel upon, making both ranching and hunting enjoyable. The pasture area of the property is fenced with barbed wire. There is a rural water line along two sides of the property and the northern frontage is on blacktop. This property has everything that a Kansas sportsman would want. There are pockets of heavily timbered creek bottoms, ponds that have proven their value by keeping water even through the worst of the drought years and ravines that provide cover for wildlife. Whitetail deer sign is everywhere. Tracks, rubs and scrapes beat up the landscape. Waterfowl frequent each of the ponds and bobwhite quail can be heard along the fence rows and among the plumb thickets. Turkey can be seen patrolling the lowlands and cedar filled southwest side of the property. Predator and small game hunting is also available on this property. Please note that this property has been very lightly hunted over the last generation and is ready for you to further develop habitat and enjoy the rewards. The tillable portion of the property is currently planted to brome grass and baled as supplement winter feed, although it could easily be put back into grain production as well. The pasture has historically held 35 to 40 pairs throughout the grazing season. Water Rights and Mineral Rights are both set to transfer to the Buyer upon closing. Cowley County, Kansas experiences all four seasons, with summer highs reaching into the 100s and winter lows dipping toward zero degrees. The county averages 38 inches of rain per year and 9 inches of snow per annum. The sun shines an average of 225 days per year and there is typically a breeze in the air. This property sits just 8 miles north of Winfield, KS. Winfield provides all the needed ammenities including medical care, grocery, hotels, restaurants, banking and entertainment. Winfield is also home to Southwestern College, two quality golf courses and an annual summer bluegrass festival. The property is also only 35 minutes from Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita, Kansas. Показать больше Показать меньше The Blue Gate Ranch is located in Cowley County, KS and features a total of 417 acres, with 97 of those acres tillable and 325 acres of pasture, ponds and recreational timber. Historically, the property has held 35 to 40 cow/calf pairs and the majority of the tillable acres are currently planted to brome and baled each season. There are 3 good ponds and good recreational value as well. This property is a wonderful mix of tillable farm acreage, cattle pasture and recreational opportunities. The landscape is typical of the Kansas Flint Hills and has a rolling appearance with huge cottonwood trees and thicker vegetation in the creek bottoms and lower lying areas. The property is easy to navigate and travel upon, making both ranching and hunting enjoyable. The pasture area of the property is fenced with barbed wire. There is a rural water line along two sides of the property and the northern frontage is on blacktop. This property has everything that a Kansas sportsman would want. There are pockets of heavily timbered creek bottoms, ponds that have proven their value by keeping water even through the worst of the drought years and ravines that provide cover for wildlife. Whitetail deer sign is everywhere. Tracks, rubs and scrapes beat up the landscape. Waterfowl frequent each of the ponds and bobwhite quail can be heard along the fence rows and among the plumb thickets. Turkey can be seen patrolling the lowlands and cedar filled southwest side of the property. Predator and small game hunting is also available on this property. Please note that this property has been very lightly hunted over the last generation and is ready for you to further develop habitat and enjoy the rewards. The tillable portion of the property is currently planted to brome grass and baled as supplement winter feed, although it could easily be put back into grain production as well. The pasture has historically held 35 to 40 pairs throughout the grazing season. Water Rights and Mineral Rights are both set to transfer to the Buyer upon closing. Cowley County, Kansas experiences all four seasons, with summer highs reaching into the 100s and winter lows dipping toward zero degrees. The county averages 38 inches of rain per year and 9 inches of snow per annum. The sun shines an average of 225 days per year and there is typically a breeze in the air. This property sits just 8 miles north of Winfield, KS. Winfield provides all the needed ammenities including medical care, grocery, hotels, restaurants, banking and entertainment. Winfield is also home to Southwestern College, two quality golf courses and an annual summer bluegrass festival. The property is also only 35 minutes from Eisenhower National Airport in Wichita, Kansas. O Blue Gate Ranch está localizado no Condado de Cowley, KS e possui um total de 417 acres, com 97 desses acres lavráveis e 325 acres de pastagem, lagoas e madeira recreativa. Historicamente, a propriedade tem mantido de 35 a 40 pares vaca/bezerro e a maioria dos hectares lavráveis são atualmente plantados para bromar e enfardar a cada temporada. Há 3 bons lagos e bom valor recreativo também. Esta propriedade é uma mistura maravilhosa de área cultivada na fazenda, pastagem de gado e oportunidades de lazer. A paisagem é típica do Kansas Flint Hills e tem uma aparência ondulante com enormes árvores de algodão e vegetação mais espessa nos fundos do riacho e áreas mais baixas. A propriedade é fácil de navegar e viajar, tornando a pecuária e a caça agradáveis. A área de pastagem da propriedade é cercada com arame farpado. Há uma linha de água rural ao longo de dois lados da propriedade e a fachada norte está em blacktop. Esta propriedade tem tudo o que um esportista do Kansas desejaria. Há bolsões de fundos de riachos fortemente arborizados, lagoas que provaram seu valor mantendo a água mesmo durante os piores anos de seca e ravinas que fornecem cobertura para a vida selvagem. O sinal do veado-de-cauda-branca está em toda parte. Trilhas, esfregões e arranhões batem na paisagem. Aves aquáticas frequentam cada uma das lagoas e codornas bobwhite podem ser ouvidas ao longo das fileiras de cercas e entre os matos de prumo. A Turquia pode ser vista patrulhando as terras baixas e o lado sudoeste cheio de cedro da propriedade. Caça de predadores e caça pequena também está disponível nesta propriedade. Por favor, note que esta propriedade tem sido muito levemente caçada ao longo da última geração e está pronta para você desenvolver ainda mais o habitat e desfrutar das recompensas. Atualmente, a parte lavrável da propriedade é plantada para bromar capim e enfardado como suplemento de ração de inverno, embora possa ser facilmente recolocada na produção de grãos também. A pastagem tem historicamente mantido 35 a 40 pares durante toda a estação de pastejo. Os Direitos de Água e os Direitos Minerais devem ser transferidos para o Comprador após o fechamento. O condado de Cowley, Kansas, experimenta todas as quatro estações, com as máximas de verão chegando aos 100 graus e as mínimas de inverno caindo para zero grau. O condado tem uma média de 38 centímetros de chuva por ano e 9 centímetros de neve por ano. O sol brilha uma média de 225 dias por ano e normalmente há uma brisa no ar. Esta propriedade fica a apenas 8 milhas ao norte de Winfield, KS. Winfield fornece todas as ammenities necessárias, incluindo cuidados médicos, mercearia, hotéis, restaurantes, bancos e entretenimento. Winfield também é o lar do Southwestern College, dois campos de golfe de qualidade e um festival anual de bluegrass de verão. A propriedade também fica apenas a 35 minutos do Aeroporto Nacional Eisenhower, em Wichita, Kansas.
Ссылка: EDEN-T95529936
Страна: US
Город: Winfield
Почтовый индекс: 67156
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Участок: 1 687 539 м²
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