Готовый бизнес (Продажа)
126 м²
/ 103874813
Offer 66248: We offer to your attention the opportunity to purchase a premise with the status of a Shop, LOCATED ON A BUSY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY with a large front window, with a bonus Parking - consisting of 3 parking spaces in front of the Store itself!! Located in one of the fastest growing areas of the city. Suitable for any type of commercial activity, as well as for Children's Center, Café - Confectionery, Shop or Office. The property is located near newly built buildings that will provide an additional flow of people and customers. It consists of one main commercial premises, a warehouse, a bathroom. There is a possibility for different types of reconstructions according to the activity for which it will be used. THE PRICE INCLUDES VAT!! SEE MORE GREAT DEALS ON https:// ... / WITH DAILY UPDATES!
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Оферта 66248: Предлагаме на Вашето внимание възможността да закупите помещение със статут на Магазин, РАЗПОЛОЖЕН НА ОЖИВЕН БУЛЕВАРД В ГРАДА с голяма лицева витрина, с бонус Паркинг - състоящ се от 3 паркоместа пред самия Магазин !!! Разположен в един в един от най-бързо развиващи се райони на града. Подходящ за всякакъв вид търговска дейност, както и за Детски Център, Кафе - сладкарница, Магазин или Офис. Имотът се намира в близост до новоизградени сгради, които ще осигурят допълнителен поток от хора и клиенти. Състои се от едно основно търговско помещение, склад, санитарен възел. Има възможност за различни видове преустройства спрямо дейността, за която ще се ползва. ЦЕНАТА Е С ВКЛЮЧЕНО ДДС!!!ВИЖТЕ ОЩЕ ИЗГОДНИ ОФЕРТИ НА https:// ... / С ЕЖЕДНЕВНА АКТУАЛИЗАЦИЯ!
Offer 66248: We offer to your attention the opportunity to purchase a premise with the status of a Shop, LOCATED ON A BUSY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY with a large front window, with a bonus Parking - consisting of 3 parking spaces in front of the Store itself!! Located in one of the fastest growing areas of the city. Suitable for any type of commercial activity, as well as for Children's Center, Café - Confectionery, Shop or Office. The property is located near newly built buildings that will provide an additional flow of people and customers. It consists of one main commercial premises, a warehouse, a bathroom. There is a possibility for different types of reconstructions according to the activity for which it will be used. THE PRICE INCLUDES VAT!! SEE MORE GREAT DEALS ON https:// ... / WITH DAILY UPDATES!
Offre 66248 : Nous offrons à votre attention la possibilité d’acheter un local avec le statut d’un magasin, SITUÉ SUR UN BOULEVARD TRÈS FRÉQUENTÉ DE LA VILLE avec une grande vitrine avant, avec un parking bonus - composé de 3 places de parking devant le magasin lui-même !! Situé dans l’un des quartiers à la croissance la plus rapide de la ville. Convient à tout type d’activité commerciale, ainsi qu’au centre pour enfants, au café - confiserie, au magasin ou au bureau. La propriété est située à proximité de bâtiments nouvellement construits qui fourniront un flux supplémentaire de personnes et de clients. Il se compose d’un local commercial principal, d’un entrepôt, d’une salle de bains. Il est possible de réaliser différents types de reconstructions en fonction de l’activité pour laquelle il sera utilisé. LE PRIX COMPREND LA TVA !! VOYEZ PLUS D’OFFRES EXCEPTIONNELLES SUR https:// ... / AVEC DES MISES À JOUR QUOTIDIENNES !
Offerta 66248: Offriamo alla vostra attenzione l'opportunità di acquistare un locale con lo status di un negozio, SITUATO SU UN VIALE TRAFFICATO DELLA CITTÀ con un'ampia vetrina frontale, con un bonus Parcheggio - composto da 3 posti auto di fronte al negozio stesso!! Situato in una delle zone in più rapida crescita della città. Adatto per qualsiasi tipo di attività commerciale, così come per Centro per bambini, Caffetteria - Pasticceria, Negozio o Ufficio. L'immobile si trova in prossimità di edifici di nuova costruzione che forniranno un ulteriore flusso di persone e clienti. Si compone di un locale commerciale principale, un magazzino, un bagno. C'è la possibilità di diversi tipi di ricostruzioni a seconda dell'attività per cui verrà utilizzato. IL PREZZO È COMPRENSIVO DI IVA!! SCOPRI ALTRE FANTASTICHE OFFERTE SU https:// ... / CON AGGIORNAMENTI QUOTIDIANI!
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Готовый бизнес
126 м²