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Варна - Склад и производство на продажу

18 839 291 RUB

Склад и производство (Продажа)

4 992 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T100990615 / 100990615
RE/MAX offers for sale an industrial premises with a total built-up area of 670 sq.m and an adjoining plot of 4992 sq.m. It is located 42 km southwest of the town of Sofia. Varna. The village of Pchelnik is a large and lively village with well-developed infrastructure and asphalted streets. Over the past 15 years, an area with industrial needs, car services, car washes, a round-the-clock gas station, etc., has been established in the village. The plot is located on the main road in the town of Sliven. Dolni Chiflik - Provadia, which is a ring road for the village and provides an excellent prerequisite for the development of various types of industrial activities. Availability of three-phase electricity and a separate batch for water. The building has a reinforced concrete structure, single-pitched, with an average height of about 5 meters. 670 sq.m are distributed as follows: 64 sq.m (8x8 m) with a deep channel and an average height of about 5 meters; Second part about 64 sq.m, divided into three rooms with a height of 2.70 meters; The third part - a hall of about 470 sq. m. m (8x60 m), with two large portal doors. Mutual. Dolni Chiflik is located in the southeastern part of the Varna region. It covers the Kamchia Valley, Longoza, the northern slopes of the Kamchia Balkan and the Black Sea coastline with its adjacent shelf. Sheltered away from major sources of pollution, the municipality of Dolni Chiflik is an ecological oasis: clean air, clean soil, clean waters and coziness, protected from machine and technological noises. Close to the beautiful beach of the village of Shkorpilovtsi, nearby, 4 km from Eco Park Venelin and Ethnographic Complex Krivini - Krivini village. A lively and populated village with opportunities for business development, trade and production. Many retail outlets have been opened in the village, it has a round-the-clock gas station, a retail outlet for the sale of building materials, etc. The locals have preserved traditions and customs over the years. In the village there is an Orthodox church 'Holy Ascension of the Lord' and a landscaped park, a kindergarten and 'Hristo Botev' Primary School. Показать больше Показать меньше RЕ/МАX Ви предлага за продажба промишлено помещение с РЗП от 670 кв.м и прилежащ терен от 4992 кв.м. Намира се на 42 км югозападно от гр. Варна. Село Пчелник е голямо и оживено село с добре развита инфраструктура и асфалтирани улици. През последните 15 години в селото се обособи зона с промишлени нужди, автосервизи, автомивки, денонощна бензиностанция и др. Парцелът се намира на главен път гр. Долни чифлик- Провадия, който е околовръстен за селото и дава отлична предпоставка за развитието на различни видове промишлени дейности. Наличие на трифазен ток и самостоятелна партида за вода. Сградата е със стоманобетонна конструкция, едноскатна, със средна височина около 5 метра. 670 кв.м са разпределени по следния начин: 64 кв.м (8х8 м) с дълбок канал и средна височина около 5 метра; Втора част около 64 кв.м, разделена на три помещения с височина от 2.70 метра; Третата част- хале около 470 кв. м (8х60 м), с две големи портални врати. Общ. Долни чифлик се намира в югоизточната част на Варненска област. Обхваща Камчийска долина, Лонгоза, северните склонове на Камчийския Балкан и Черноморската брегова линия с прилежащия ѝ шелф. Закътана далеч от големи източници на замърсяване, община Долни чифлик е екологичен оазис: чист въздух, чиста почва, чисти води и уют, опазен от машинни и технологични шумове. Близо до прекрасната плажна ивица на с. Шкорпиловци, близо, на 4 км от Еко парк Венелин и Етнографски комплекс Кривини - с.Кривини. Живо и населено село с възможности за развитие на бизнес, търговия и производство. В селото са открити много търговски обекти, разполага с денонощна бензиностанция, търговски обект за продажба на строителни материали и др. Местнте жители са съхранили в годините традиции и обичаи. В селото има православен храм 'Свето Възнесение Господне' и гоям озеленен парк, детска градина и ОУ 'Христо Ботев'. RE/MAX bietet ein Industriegelände mit einer bebauten Gesamtfläche von 670 m² und einem angrenzenden Grundstück von 4992 m² zum Verkauf an. Er liegt 42 km südwestlich der Stadt Sofia. Varna. Das Dorf Pchelnik ist ein großes und lebendiges Dorf mit gut ausgebauter Infrastruktur und asphaltierten Straßen. In den letzten 15 Jahren wurde im Dorf ein Gebiet mit industriellem Bedarf, Autoservice, Autowaschanlagen, einer rund um die Uhr geöffneten Tankstelle usw. eingerichtet. Das Grundstück befindet sich an der Hauptstraße in der Stadt Sliven. Dolni Chiflik - Provadia, die eine Umgehungsstraße für das Dorf darstellt und eine hervorragende Voraussetzung für die Entwicklung verschiedener Arten von Industrieaktivitäten bietet. Verfügbarkeit von Drehstrom und einer separaten Charge für Wasser. Das Gebäude besteht aus einer Stahlbetonkonstruktion, die einteilig ist und eine durchschnittliche Höhe von etwa 5 Metern aufweist. 670 m² verteilen sich wie folgt: 64 m² (8x8 m) mit einem tiefen Kanal und einer durchschnittlichen Höhe von ca. 5 Metern; Zweiter Teil ca. 64 qm, aufgeteilt in drei Räume mit einer Höhe von 2,70 Metern; Der dritte Teil - ein Saal von ca. 470 m². m (8x60 m), mit zwei großen Portaltüren. Gegenseitig. Dolni Chiflik befindet sich im südöstlichen Teil der Region Varna. Er umfasst das Kamchia-Tal, Longoza, die Nordhänge des Kamchia-Balkans und die Schwarzmeerküste mit dem angrenzenden Schelf. Geschützt von den wichtigsten Verschmutzungsquellen ist die Gemeinde Dolni Chiflik eine ökologische Oase: saubere Luft, saubere Böden, sauberes Wasser und Gemütlichkeit, geschützt vor Maschinen- und Technologielärm. In der Nähe des schönen Strandes des Dorfes Shkorpilovtsi, in der Nähe, 4 km vom Ökopark Venelin und dem ethnographischen Komplex Krivini - Dorf Krivini. Ein lebendiges und bevölkertes Dorf mit Möglichkeiten für Geschäftsentwicklung, Handel und Produktion. In der Gemeinde wurden viele Einzelhandelsgeschäfte eröffnet, es gibt eine rund um die Uhr geöffnete Tankstelle, ein Einzelhandelsgeschäft für den Verkauf von Baumaterialien usw. Die Einheimischen haben über die Jahre Traditionen und Bräuche bewahrt. Im Dorf gibt es eine orthodoxe Kirche "Heilige Himmelfahrt des Herrn" und einen Landschaftspark, einen Kindergarten und die Grundschule "Hristo Botev". RE/MAX offers for sale an industrial premises with a total built-up area of 670 sq.m and an adjoining plot of 4992 sq.m. It is located 42 km southwest of the town of Sofia. Varna. The village of Pchelnik is a large and lively village with well-developed infrastructure and asphalted streets. Over the past 15 years, an area with industrial needs, car services, car washes, a round-the-clock gas station, etc., has been established in the village. The plot is located on the main road in the town of Sliven. Dolni Chiflik - Provadia, which is a ring road for the village and provides an excellent prerequisite for the development of various types of industrial activities. Availability of three-phase electricity and a separate batch for water. The building has a reinforced concrete structure, single-pitched, with an average height of about 5 meters. 670 sq.m are distributed as follows: 64 sq.m (8x8 m) with a deep channel and an average height of about 5 meters; Second part about 64 sq.m, divided into three rooms with a height of 2.70 meters; The third part - a hall of about 470 sq. m. m (8x60 m), with two large portal doors. Mutual. Dolni Chiflik is located in the southeastern part of the Varna region. It covers the Kamchia Valley, Longoza, the northern slopes of the Kamchia Balkan and the Black Sea coastline with its adjacent shelf. Sheltered away from major sources of pollution, the municipality of Dolni Chiflik is an ecological oasis: clean air, clean soil, clean waters and coziness, protected from machine and technological noises. Close to the beautiful beach of the village of Shkorpilovtsi, nearby, 4 km from Eco Park Venelin and Ethnographic Complex Krivini - Krivini village. A lively and populated village with opportunities for business development, trade and production. Many retail outlets have been opened in the village, it has a round-the-clock gas station, a retail outlet for the sale of building materials, etc. The locals have preserved traditions and customs over the years. In the village there is an Orthodox church 'Holy Ascension of the Lord' and a landscaped park, a kindergarten and 'Hristo Botev' Primary School.
Ссылка: EDEN-T100990615
Страна: BG
Город: Varna
Почтовый индекс: 9118
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Склад и производство
Площадь: 4 992 м²
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