152 611 RUB
Квартира (Долгосрочная аренда)
/ w-02z992
Тип сделки:
Долгосрочная аренда
Тип недвижимости:
80 м²
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro district is the one where the most important museums are concentrated, among which we mention: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and Campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, enlivened by the nearby university center and the typical cafes, restaurants and markets.Available in 4 languages Показать больше Показать меньше Ort: Municipalità Venezia-Murano-Burano, Venedig
Nach San Marco ist der Stadtteil Dorsoduro derjenige, in dem sich die wichtigsten Museen konzentrieren, darunter die Accademia-Galerie, die Peggy Guggenheim-Sammlung, der Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, das Punta della Dogana-Museum – François-Pinault-Stiftung. Einen Besuch wert sind auch der Squero di San Trovaso und der Campo Santa Margherita, ein Treffpunkt für Venezianer und Studenten.Das Anwesen liegt im Viertel Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini, belebt durch das nahegelegene Universitätszentrum und die typischen Cafés, Restaurants und Märkte. Location: Municipality 1 Venezia-Murano-Burano, Venice
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro district is the one where the most important museums are concentrated, among which we mention: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and Campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, enlivened by the nearby university center and the typical cafes, restaurants and markets.Available in 4 languages Posizione: Venezia-Murano-Burano, Venezia
Dopo San Marco, il sestiere di Dorsoduro è quello dove più si concentrano musei importanti, tra cui ricordiamo: la Galleria dell'Accademia, la Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, il museo Punta della Dogana - Fondazione François Pinault. Meritano una visita anche lo squero di San Trovaso e campo Santa Margherita, luogo di ritrovo per veneziani e studenti.L'immobile si trova nella zona di Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini, animata dal vicino polo universitario e dai tipici caffè, ristoranti e mercatini. Location: Municipality 1 Venezia-Murano-Burano, Venice
After San Marco, the Dorsoduro district is the one where the most important museums are concentrated, among which we mention: the Accademia Gallery, the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, the Punta della Dogana museum - François Pinault Foundation. Also worth a visit are the squero di San Trovaso and Campo Santa Margherita, a meeting place for Venetians and students.The property is located in the Campo Santa Margherita/Carmini area, enlivened by the nearby university center and the typical cafes, restaurants and markets.Available in 4 languages