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Ровинь - Дом на продажу

139 522 774 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

4 к
2 сп
2 вн
270 м²
участок 11 484 м²
Ссылка: ZNYK-T70552 / 504103
Location: Istarska županija, Rovinj, Rovinj.Istria, RovinjThis house, hidden among olive trees and surrounded by a beautiful forest, is less than 1 kilometer from the beautiful Rovinj beaches. It is located on a building plot of approximately 400 m2, with two additional buildings, with a total gross area of 270 m2. The house consists of two units with separate entrances. The first unit consists of a large open space of 42 m2, which offers plenty of light and the possibility to decorate as desired, a hallway and a bathroom. The second unit, with an area of 50 m2, consists of a living room with kitchen and dining room, hallway, bathroom and bedroom. In front of the house is a beautiful covered terrace of 32 m2 with a view of the beautiful nature and a parking lot with enough space to park several cars. Behind the house there are two more legalized buildings with an area of 90 m2 that can be arranged or upgraded as desired. The land that surrounds the house guarantees you privacy, peace and quiet. This is a really good opportunity for anyone who wants to live, rest or build near the beach, enjoying the relaxing environment and the charms of this truly unique location in Rovinj.ID CODE: 1019-65DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Показать больше Показать меньше Location: Istarska županija, Rovinj, Rovinj.Istrien, RovinjDieses Haus liegt versteckt zwischen Olivenbäumen und umgeben von einem wunderschönen Wald, weniger als 1 Kilometer von den wunderschönen Stränden von Rovinj entfernt. Es befindet sich auf einem Baugrundstück von ca. 400 m2, mit zwei weiteren Gebäuden, mit einer Gesamtbruttofläche von 270 m2. Das Haus besteht aus zwei Einheiten mit separaten Eingängen. Die erste Einheit besteht aus einem großen offenen Raum von 42 m2, der viel Licht und die Möglichkeit bietet, ihn nach Wunsch zu gestalten, einem Flur und einem Badezimmer. Die zweite Einheit mit einer Fläche von 50 m2 besteht aus einem Wohnzimmer mit Küche und Esszimmer, Flur, Bad und Schlafzimmer. Vor dem Haus befindet sich eine schöne überdachte Terrasse von 32 m2 mit Blick auf die wunderschöne Natur und ein Parkplatz mit ausreichend Platz zum Abstellen mehrerer Autos. Hinter dem Haus befinden sich zwei weitere legalisierte Gebäude mit einer Fläche von 90 m2, die nach Belieben angeordnet oder aufgewertet werden können. Das Grundstück, das das Haus umgibt, garantiert Ihnen Privatsphäre, Ruhe und Frieden. Dies ist eine wirklich gute Gelegenheit für alle, die in Strandnähe wohnen, entspannen oder bauen und dabei die entspannte Umgebung und den Charme dieses wirklich einzigartigen Ortes in Rovinj genießen möchten.ID CODE: 1019-65DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Rovinj, Rovinj.Istra, RovinjOva kuća skrivena među maslinama i okružena predivnom šumom, nalazi se na manje od 1 kilometra od predivnih rovinjskih plaža.Smještena je na građevinskom zemljištu od otprilike 400 m2, sa još dva dodatna objekta, ukupne bruto površine 270 m2.Kuća se sastoji od dvije jedinice koje imaju odvojene ulaze. Prva jedinica sastoji se od velikoga open space prostora od 42 m2 koji nudi pregršt svijetla i mogućnosti da se uredi po želji, hodnika i kupaonice.Druga jedinica površine 50 m2, se sastoji od dnevnoga boravka s kuhinjom i blagovaonicom, hodnika, kupaonice i spavaće sobe.Ispred kuće je predivna natkrivena terasa površine 32 m2 sa koje se pruža pogled na predivnu prirodu i parking sa dovoljno mjesta za parkiranje više automobila.Iza kuće nalaze se još dva legalizirana objekta površine 90 m2 koja se mogu urediti po želji ili nadograditi.Zemljište kojim je kuća okružena jamči vam privatnost, mir i tišinu.Ovo je zaista dobra prilika za svakoga tko želi živjeti, odmarati ili graditi blizu plaže, uživajući tako u opuštajućem okruženju i čarima ove zaista jedinstvene lokacije u Rovinju.ID KOD AGENCIJE: 1019-65DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Rovinj, Rovinj.Istria, RovignoQuesta casa, nascosta tra gli ulivi e circondata da uno splendido bosco, si trova a meno di 1 chilometro dalle bellissime spiagge di Rovigno. Si trova su un terreno edificabile di circa 400 mq, con due ulteriori fabbricati, per una superficie lorda complessiva di 270 mq. La casa è composta da due unità con ingressi separati. La prima unità è composta da un ampio open space di 42 mq che offre molta luce e la possibilità di disporlo a piacimento, un disimpegno ed un bagno. La seconda unità, della superficie di 50 mq, è composta da soggiorno con cucina e sala da pranzo, disimpegno, bagno e camera da letto. Davanti alla casa c'è una bellissima terrazza coperta di 32 m2 con vista sulla bellissima natura e un parcheggio con spazio sufficiente per parcheggiare più auto. Dietro la casa ci sono altri due edifici legalizzati con una superficie di 90 mq che possono essere allestiti o ristrutturati a piacere. Il terreno che circonda la casa vi garantisce privacy, pace e tranquillità. Questa è davvero una buona opportunità per chiunque voglia vivere, riposarsi o costruire vicino alla spiaggia, godendosi l'ambiente rilassante e il fascino di questa posizione davvero unica a Rovigno.ID CODE: 1019-65DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Location: Istarska županija, Rovinj, Rovinj.Istria, RovinjThis house, hidden among olive trees and surrounded by a beautiful forest, is less than 1 kilometer from the beautiful Rovinj beaches. It is located on a building plot of approximately 400 m2, with two additional buildings, with a total gross area of 270 m2. The house consists of two units with separate entrances. The first unit consists of a large open space of 42 m2, which offers plenty of light and the possibility to decorate as desired, a hallway and a bathroom. The second unit, with an area of 50 m2, consists of a living room with kitchen and dining room, hallway, bathroom and bedroom. In front of the house is a beautiful covered terrace of 32 m2 with a view of the beautiful nature and a parking lot with enough space to park several cars. Behind the house there are two more legalized buildings with an area of 90 m2 that can be arranged or upgraded as desired. The land that surrounds the house guarantees you privacy, peace and quiet. This is a really good opportunity for anyone who wants to live, rest or build near the beach, enjoying the relaxing environment and the charms of this truly unique location in Rovinj.ID CODE: 1019-65DIAMOND REAL ESTATE D.O.O.
Mob: +38552210824
Tel: +38552210824
E-mail: office@diamond-realestate.hr
Ссылка: ZNYK-T70552
Страна: HR
Город: Rovinj
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 270 м²
Участок: 11 484 м²
Комнат: 4
Спален: 2
Ванных: 2
Парковка: 1
Кондиционер: Да


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