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  • Винковци


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Винковци - Квартира на продажу

22 301 606 RUB

Квартира (Продажа)

3 к
2 сп
1 вн
76 м²
Ссылка: XZOA-T1638 / 494727
Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.PRIVLAKA, ZADAR- APARTMENT ON THE 1ST FLOOR WITH A VIEW
In Privlaka near Zadar, a luxurious Villa Estera with 10 residential units is being built, 70 m from the sea, with a beautiful view of the crystal blue sea, the nearby islands, the beach and the famous sunset from the westernmost point of Dalmatia. The villa has its own garden with a beautifully landscaped yard enriched with autochthonous herbs and plants to achieve the best possible Mediterranean atmosphere. This modern, newly built building is located in a quiet part of Privlaka, right next to the sea, close to all the necessary amenities of urban life (shops, cafes and restaurants). During the design, care was taken to apply the original building values, such as simplicity, functionality, from which comfort and quality follow, both of the surrounding terrain - the yard and the interior space.Each apartment has a view of the sea from beautiful comfortable terraces. One outdoor parking space is provided for each apartment in the yard. The villa has its own swimming pool for tenants in the courtyard, while the upper apartments-penthouses have their own pools-jacuzzi. When designing, the swimming pool was placed on a part of the field so as not to disturb the intimacy of the apartments.
The apartments will be built from the highest quality materials, chosen to satisfy energy efficiency, luxury and comfort. Illuminated by an abundance of natural light through large sliding balcony walls and equipped with the most modern materials, Villa Estera apartments will amaze and satisfy even the most demanding customers. If you want an apartment where you will feel like you stepped out of a postcard, these Villas are for you! With the beach in the palm of your hand, the smell of clean air, a view of the beautiful crystal blue sea, beautifully landscaped gardens with greenery, you will feel as if you are in a Mediterranean fairy tale.
All apartments have:
- Smart Inverter air conditioning heating and cooling systems in all rooms
- Floor heating in the bathrooms
- Superior interior carpentry with full stocks of modern design and lines
- Modern six-chamber PVC exterior joinery with triple-pane insulated glass and Low-e coating from the outside of renowned European manufacturers, the exterior joinery is equipped with electro-operated ALU blinds
drive and integrated mosquito nets
- Top quality sanitary equipment from renowned EU manufacturers
- First-class parquet and ceramics
- Preparation for the smart installation of Smart key cards for the entrance to the building
- Video intercom
- Electric vehicle charging station
- Thermo facadeAll structural elements are dimensioned and will be executed according to the highest standards in earthquake engineering (9 seismic zones).Apartment S06 is located on the first floor of this beautiful villa, has a southwest orientation, and consists of: open space kitchen and living room (area 21.76 m2), two bedrooms (area 10.54 m2 and 12.21 m2), bathroom (4.29 m2), covered terrace (area 24.10 m2). The apartment also has a parking space in front of the building.
The net sales area of the apartment is 75.80 m2.EXPECTED MOVE-IN DATE 04/25Privlaka is a picturesque tourist and fishing village located on a spacious, flat peninsula. Embraced on all three sides by the crystal sea and God-given beaches, located between the historically and culturally rich cities of Zadar and Nin, it is the westernmost point of Dalmatia. It is known for its beautiful sunsets with sandy coves and fishing tradition. Ideal for a family holiday, but also for those who like sports (running, cycling, rollerblading, surfing...).
Clean air and healing black mud make this location attractive to people with health problems such as asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, etc. Swimming in Privlaka is extremely easy: wherever you turn, beautiful sandy bays await you, enchanting and enticing with their beauty. Swimming is possible as early as May, and in September and October the northern beaches of the peninsula become a paradise for surfers, and besides Bol on Brač, it is the most famous kite surfing destination due to the favorable wind from Velebit. Privlaka is an ideal place for those who want to relax, but also participate in various events. It is far enough from the hustle and bustle of the city to provide the necessary peace, and close enough when you want to experience the glamor of a larger tourist city.Documentation and ownership in order.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
All other information on request.
Contact: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID CODE: 300501020-177Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
Показать больше Показать меньше Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.PRIVLAKA, ZADAR – WOHNUNG IM 1. STOCK MIT AUSSICHT
In Privlaka bei Zadar entsteht eine luxuriöse Villa Estera mit 10 Wohneinheiten, 70 m vom Meer entfernt, mit wunderschönem Blick auf das kristallblaue Meer, die nahegelegenen Inseln, den Strand und den berühmten Sonnenuntergang vom westlichsten Punkt Dalmatiens. Die Villa verfügt über einen eigenen Garten mit einem wunderschön angelegten Garten, der mit einheimischen Kräutern und Pflanzen angereichert ist, um die bestmögliche mediterrane Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Dieses moderne, neu erbaute Gebäude liegt in einem ruhigen Teil von Privlaka, direkt am Meer, in der Nähe aller notwendigen Annehmlichkeiten des städtischen Lebens (Geschäfte, Cafés und Restaurants). Bei der Gestaltung wurde darauf geachtet, die ursprünglichen Gebäudewerte wie Einfachheit und Funktionalität, aus denen sich Komfort und Qualität ergeben, sowohl auf das umliegende Gelände – den Hof als auch den Innenraum – anzuwenden.Jede Wohnung hat einen Blick auf das Meer von schönen, komfortablen Terrassen. Für jede Wohnung steht ein Außenparkplatz im Hof ​​zur Verfügung. Die Villa verfügt über einen eigenen Swimmingpool für die Mieter im Innenhof, während die oberen Apartments-Penthouses über einen eigenen Pool-Whirlpool verfügen. Bei der Planung wurde das Schwimmbad auf einem Teil des Grundstücks platziert, um die Intimität der Wohnungen nicht zu beeinträchtigen.
Die Wohnungen werden aus Materialien höchster Qualität gebaut, die ausgewählt wurden, um Energieeffizienz, Luxus und Komfort zu erfüllen. Die Apartments der Villa Estera werden durch große, verschiebbare Balkonwände mit viel natürlichem Licht beleuchtet und mit den modernsten Materialien ausgestattet und werden selbst die anspruchsvollsten Kunden begeistern und zufriedenstellen. Wenn Sie eine Wohnung suchen, in der Sie das Gefühl haben, einer Postkarte entsprungen zu sein, sind diese Villen genau das Richtige für Sie! Mit dem Strand in Ihrer Hand, dem Geruch sauberer Luft, einem Blick auf das wunderschöne kristallblaue Meer und wunderschön angelegten Gärten mit viel Grün werden Sie sich wie in einem mediterranen Märchen fühlen.
Alle Wohnungen verfügen über:
- Intelligente Inverter-Klimaanlagen, Heiz- und Kühlsysteme in allen Räumen
- Fußbodenheizung in den Badezimmern
- Hochwertige Innenschreinerei mit modernem Design und moderner Linienführung
- Moderne Sechskammer-PVC-Außenschreinerei mit Dreifach-Isolierglas und Low-e-Beschichtung von außen namhafter europäischer Hersteller, die Außenschreinerei ist mit elektrobetriebenen ALU-Jalousien ausgestattet
Antrieb und integrierten Moskitonetzen
- Hochwertige Sanitärausstattung von namhaften EU-Herstellern
- Erstklassiges Parkett und Keramik
- Vorbereitung für die intelligente Installation von Smart-Key-Karten für den Gebäudeeingang
- Video-Gegensprechanlage
- Ladestation für Elektrofahrzeuge
- ThermofassadeAlle Strukturelemente sind dimensioniert und werden nach den höchsten Standards der Erdbebentechnik (9 seismische Zonen) ausgeführt.Das Apartment S06 befindet sich im ersten Stock dieser schönen Villa, ist nach Südwesten ausgerichtet und besteht aus: offener Küche und Wohnzimmer (Fläche 21,76 m2), zwei Schlafzimmern (Fläche 10,54 m2 und 12,21 m2), Badezimmer (4,29 m2). , überdachte Terrasse (Fläche 24,10 m2). Zur Wohnung gehört auch ein Parkplatz vor dem Gebäude.
Die Nettoverkaufsfläche der Wohnung beträgt 75,80 m2.Voraussichtlicher Einzugstermin 04/25Privlaka ist ein malerisches Touristen- und Fischerdorf auf einer weitläufigen, flachen Halbinsel. Auf allen drei Seiten vom kristallklaren Meer und den von Gott geschenkten Stränden umgeben, liegt es zwischen den historisch und kulturell reichen Städten Zadar und Nin und ist der westlichste Punkt Dalmatiens. Es ist bekannt für seine wunderschönen Sonnenuntergänge mit Sandbuchten und seine Fischertradition. Ideal für einen Familienurlaub, aber auch für Sportbegeisterte (Laufen, Radfahren, Inlineskaten, Surfen...).
Saubere Luft und heilender schwarzer Schlamm machen diesen Ort für Menschen mit gesundheitlichen Problemen wie Asthma, Rheuma, Arthritis usw. attraktiv. Das Schwimmen in Privlaka ist äußerst einfach: Wohin Sie auch gehen, erwarten Sie wunderschöne Sandbuchten, die mit ihrer Schönheit bezaubernd und verlockend sind. Schwimmen ist bereits im Mai möglich, und im September und Oktober werden die nördlichen Strände der Halbinsel zu einem Paradies für Surfer, und neben Bol auf Brač ist es aufgrund des günstigen Windes vom Velebit das bekannteste Kitesurfziel. Privlaka ist ein idealer Ort für diejenigen, die sich entspannen, aber auch an verschiedenen Veranstaltungen teilnehmen möchten. Es ist weit genug vom Trubel der Stadt entfernt, um die nötige Ruhe zu bieten, und nah genug, wenn Sie den Glamour einer größeren Touristenstadt erleben möchten.Dokumentation und Eigentumsverhältnisse in Ordnung.
Besichtigung nach vorheriger Absprache möglich.
Alle weiteren Informationen auf Anfrage.
Kontakt: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID CODE: 300501020-177Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.U mjestu Privlaka kod Zadra, gradi se luksuzna Villa Estera sa 10 stambenih jedinica, udaljena 70 m od mora, s prelijepim pogledom na kristalno plavo more, obližnje otoke, plažu te na daleko čuveni zalazak sunca sa najzapadnije točke Dalmacije. Villa ima svoju vlastitu okućnicu sa lijepo uređenim dvorištem obogaćeno autohtonim biljem i raslinjem da bi se postigao što bolji ugođaj Mediterana. Ovo moderno zdanje novogradnje smješteno je u mirnom dijelu Privlake neposredno uz more, blizu svih potrebnih sadržaja urbanog života (prodavaonice, kafića i restorana). Pri projektiranju vodilo se računa o primjeni izvornih vrijednosti građenja, kao što su jednostavnost, funkcionalnost iz čega slijede udobnost - komfor i kvaliteta, kako okolnog terena - dvorišta tako i unutarnjeg prostora.Svaki stan ima pogled na more s prelijepih komfornih terasa. Za svaki stan u dvorištu je predviđeno jedno vanjsko parkirno mjesto. Villa ima vlastiti bazen za stanare u dvorištu, dok gornji stanovi-penthouse imaju svoje vlastite bazene-jacuzzi-je. Pri projektiranju bazen je smješteni na dijelu terena da se ne narušava intimnost stanova.
Stanovi će biti izgrađeni od najkvalitetnijih materijala, birani tako da zadovolje energetsku efikasnost, luksuz kao i komfor. Osvijetljeni obiljem prirodnog svijetla preko velikih kliznih balkonskih stjenki te opremljeni najmodernijim materijalima, stanovi Ville Estera zadivit će i zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije kupce. Ako želite stan u kojem ćete se osjećati kao da ste izašli iz razglednice, ove Ville su za vas! Uz plažu na dlanu, miris čistog zraka, pogled na prekrasno kristalno plavo more, predivno uređene okućnice sa zelenilom imat ćete osjećaj kao da ste u mediteranskoj bajci.
Svi stanovi posjeduju:
- Smart Inverter klima sustave grijanja i hlađenja u svim prostorijama
- Podno grijanje u kupaonicama
- Vrhunsku unutarnju stolariju sa punim štokovima modernog dizajna i linija
- Modernu šestkomornu PVC vanjsku stolariju sa izo troslojnim staklima i Low-e premazom sa vanjske strane renomiranih europskih proizvođača, vanjska stolarija je opremljena sa ALU roletama na elektro
pogon i integriranim komarnicima
- Vrhunska sanitarna oprema renomiranih EU proizvođača
- Parket i keramika prve klase
- Priprema za smart instalaciju Smart ključ-kartica za ulaz u zgradu
- Video portafon
- Punionica El.vozila
- Thermo fasadaSvi konstruktivni elementi su dimenzionirani i bit će izvedeni po najvišim standardima u potresnom inženjerstvu (9 seizmička zona).Stan S06 nalazi se na prvom katu ove prekrasne ville , jugozapadne je orijentacije, a sastoji se od: open space kuhinje i dnevnog boravka (površine 21,76 m2), dviju spavaćih soba (površina 10,54 m2 i 12,21 m2), kupaonice ( 4,29 m2), natkrivene terase (površine 24,10 m2). Stanu pripada i parkirno mjesto ispred objekta.
Neto prodajna površina stana iznosi 75,80 m2.PREDVIĐENI TERMIN USELJENJA 04/25Privlaka je slikovito turističko i ribarsko mjesto smješteno na prostranom, ravnom poluotoku. Sa sve tri strane obgrljena kristalnim morem i bogomdanim plažama, smještena između povijesno i kulturno bogatih gradova Zadra i Nina te je najzapadnija točka Dalmacije. Poznata je po prekrasnim zalascima sunca s pješčanim uvalama te ribarskoj tradiciji. Idealna za obiteljski odmor, ali i za one koji vole sportove (trčanje, biciklizam, rolanje, surfanje...).
Čist zrak i ljekovito crno blato ovu lokaciju čini atraktivnom i ljudima sa zdravstvenim problemima poput astme, reume, artritisa itd. Okupati se u Privlaci iznimno je lako: gdje god se okrenuli čekaju vas prekrasne pješčane uvale koje očaravaju i mame svojom ljepotom. Kupanje je moguće već od svibnja a u rujnu i listopadu sjeverne plaže poluotoka postaju raj za surfere te je pored Bola na Braču najpoznatija kite surferska destinacija zbog povoljnog vjetra s Velebita Privlaka je idealno mjesto za one koji se žele opustiti, ali i sudjelovati u raznim događanjima. Dovoljno je daleko od gradske vreve da pruži potreban mir, a dovoljno blizu kada se želi doživjeti glamour većeg turističkog grada.Dokumentacija i vlasništvo uredno.
Razgled moguć uz prethodni dogovor.
Sve ostale informacije na upit.
Kontakt: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID KOD AGENCIJE: 300501020-177Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka. Location: Zadarska županija, Privlaka, Privlaka.PRIVLAKA, ZADAR- APARTMENT ON THE 1ST FLOOR WITH A VIEW
In Privlaka near Zadar, a luxurious Villa Estera with 10 residential units is being built, 70 m from the sea, with a beautiful view of the crystal blue sea, the nearby islands, the beach and the famous sunset from the westernmost point of Dalmatia. The villa has its own garden with a beautifully landscaped yard enriched with autochthonous herbs and plants to achieve the best possible Mediterranean atmosphere. This modern, newly built building is located in a quiet part of Privlaka, right next to the sea, close to all the necessary amenities of urban life (shops, cafes and restaurants). During the design, care was taken to apply the original building values, such as simplicity, functionality, from which comfort and quality follow, both of the surrounding terrain - the yard and the interior space.Each apartment has a view of the sea from beautiful comfortable terraces. One outdoor parking space is provided for each apartment in the yard. The villa has its own swimming pool for tenants in the courtyard, while the upper apartments-penthouses have their own pools-jacuzzi. When designing, the swimming pool was placed on a part of the field so as not to disturb the intimacy of the apartments.
The apartments will be built from the highest quality materials, chosen to satisfy energy efficiency, luxury and comfort. Illuminated by an abundance of natural light through large sliding balcony walls and equipped with the most modern materials, Villa Estera apartments will amaze and satisfy even the most demanding customers. If you want an apartment where you will feel like you stepped out of a postcard, these Villas are for you! With the beach in the palm of your hand, the smell of clean air, a view of the beautiful crystal blue sea, beautifully landscaped gardens with greenery, you will feel as if you are in a Mediterranean fairy tale.
All apartments have:
- Smart Inverter air conditioning heating and cooling systems in all rooms
- Floor heating in the bathrooms
- Superior interior carpentry with full stocks of modern design and lines
- Modern six-chamber PVC exterior joinery with triple-pane insulated glass and Low-e coating from the outside of renowned European manufacturers, the exterior joinery is equipped with electro-operated ALU blinds
drive and integrated mosquito nets
- Top quality sanitary equipment from renowned EU manufacturers
- First-class parquet and ceramics
- Preparation for the smart installation of Smart key cards for the entrance to the building
- Video intercom
- Electric vehicle charging station
- Thermo facadeAll structural elements are dimensioned and will be executed according to the highest standards in earthquake engineering (9 seismic zones).Apartment S06 is located on the first floor of this beautiful villa, has a southwest orientation, and consists of: open space kitchen and living room (area 21.76 m2), two bedrooms (area 10.54 m2 and 12.21 m2), bathroom (4.29 m2), covered terrace (area 24.10 m2). The apartment also has a parking space in front of the building.
The net sales area of the apartment is 75.80 m2.EXPECTED MOVE-IN DATE 04/25Privlaka is a picturesque tourist and fishing village located on a spacious, flat peninsula. Embraced on all three sides by the crystal sea and God-given beaches, located between the historically and culturally rich cities of Zadar and Nin, it is the westernmost point of Dalmatia. It is known for its beautiful sunsets with sandy coves and fishing tradition. Ideal for a family holiday, but also for those who like sports (running, cycling, rollerblading, surfing...).
Clean air and healing black mud make this location attractive to people with health problems such as asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, etc. Swimming in Privlaka is extremely easy: wherever you turn, beautiful sandy bays await you, enchanting and enticing with their beauty. Swimming is possible as early as May, and in September and October the northern beaches of the peninsula become a paradise for surfers, and besides Bol on Brač, it is the most famous kite surfing destination due to the favorable wind from Velebit. Privlaka is an ideal place for those who want to relax, but also participate in various events. It is far enough from the hustle and bustle of the city to provide the necessary peace, and close enough when you want to experience the glamor of a larger tourist city.Documentation and ownership in order.
Viewing possible with prior agreement.
All other information on request.
Contact: Emil Perović (+385 98 633617)ID CODE: 300501020-177Emil Perović
Agent s licencom
Mob: +385 98 633 617
Tel: 053 560 173
E-mail: e.perovic@remax.hr
Ссылка: XZOA-T1638
Страна: HR
Город: Privlaka
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 76 м²
Комнат: 3
Спален: 2
Ванных: 1
Этажей: 2
Этаж: 1
Тип отопления: Центральное
Парковка: 1
Сигнализация: Да
Бассейн: Да
Кондиционер: Да
Балкон: Да
Магистральный коллектор: Да


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