Здание (Продажа)
1 251 м²
/ ht_40475
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1 251 м²
Plenty of parking.
With immense potential to have your work space and leisure area.
You can also transform it into a tourist building with associated recreational activities.
The size of this building and its lot, as well as the fantastic location of this allows an immense variety of situations to be executed in this space, just give wide to your imagination.To know Montijo is to know a secular land, with deep roots and distant memories. A municipality that evolved from Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo to Vila do Montijo.
To know Montijo is to know a municipality that on several occasions in its history, was a bridge between different territories and the Vasco da Gama Bridge put it back in a privileged location.
Crossing the Vasco da Gama Bridge and arriving at Montijo, is to know a dynamic, modern, entrepreneurial and solidary land, full of attractiveness and place chosen by old and new Montijense.
Energy Rating: E
#ref:HT_40475 Показать больше Показать меньше Building with immense potential in the Center about 700mts from the Tagus River.Situated in Montijo near the Bullring, we have this Building / Building consisting of housing, services and warehouses.
Plenty of parking.
With immense potential to have your work space and leisure area.
You can also transform it into a tourist building with associated recreational activities.
The size of this building and its lot, as well as the fantastic location of this allows an immense variety of situations to be executed in this space, just give wide to your imagination.To know Montijo is to know a secular land, with deep roots and distant memories. A municipality that evolved from Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo to Vila do Montijo.
To know Montijo is to know a municipality that on several occasions in its history, was a bridge between different territories and the Vasco da Gama Bridge put it back in a privileged location.
Crossing the Vasco da Gama Bridge and arriving at Montijo, is to know a dynamic, modern, entrepreneurial and solidary land, full of attractiveness and place chosen by old and new Montijense.
Energy Rating: E
#ref:HT_40475 Edificio con inmenso potencial en el Centro a unos 700mts del río Tajo.Situado en Montijo cerca de la Plaza de Toros, disponemos de este Edificio/Edificación compuesto por viviendas, servicios y almacenes.
Mucho aparcamiento.
Con un inmenso potencial para tener su espacio de trabajo y área de ocio.
También puede transformarlo en un edificio turístico con actividades recreativas asociadas.
El tamaño de este edificio y su lote, así como la fantástica ubicación de este permite que una inmensa variedad de situaciones se ejecuten en este espacio, solo dale mucho a tu imaginación.Conocer Montijo es conocer una tierra laica, con raíces profundas y recuerdos lejanos. Un municipio que evolucionó de Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo a Vila do Montijo.
Conocer Montijo es conocer un municipio que en varias ocasiones en su historia, fue puente entre diferentes territorios y el Puente Vasco da Gama lo puso de nuevo en una ubicación privilegiada.
Cruzar el Puente Vasco da Gama y llegar a Montijo, es conocer una tierra dinámica, moderna, emprendedora y solidaria, llena de atractivo y lugar elegido por el montijense antiguo y nuevo.
Categoría Energética: E
#ref:HT_40475 Bâtiment avec un immense potentiel dans le centre à environ 700 mètres du Tage.Situé à Montijo près des arènes, nous avons ce bâtiment / bâtiment composé de logements, de services et d'entrepôts.
Beaucoup de parking.
Avec un immense potentiel pour avoir votre espace de travail et votre espace de loisirs.
Vous pouvez également le transformer en un bâtiment touristique avec des activités récréatives associées.
La taille de ce bâtiment et de son terrain, ainsi que l'emplacement fantastique de celui-ci permet une immense variété de situations à exécuter dans cet espace, il suffit de donner large à votre imagination.Connaître Montijo, c'est connaître une terre séculière, avec des racines profondes et des souvenirs lointains. Une municipalité qui a évolué d'Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo à Vila do Montijo.
Connaître Montijo, c'est connaître une municipalité qui, à plusieurs reprises dans son histoire, a été un pont entre différents territoires et le pont Vasco da Gama l'a remis dans un emplacement privilégié.
Traverser le pont Vasco da Gama et arriver à Montijo, c'est connaître un terrain dynamique, moderne, entrepreneurial et solidaire, plein d'attractivité et de lieu choisi par l'ancien et le nouveau Montijense.
Performance Énergétique: E
#ref:HT_40475 Edificio con immenso potenziale nel centro a circa 700 metri dal fiume Tago.Situato a Montijo vicino all'arena, abbiamo questo edificio / edificio composto da alloggi, servizi e magazzini.
Un sacco di parcheggio.
Con un immenso potenziale per avere il tuo spazio di lavoro e l'area per il tempo libero.
Puoi anche trasformarlo in un edificio turistico con attività ricreative associate.
Le dimensioni di questo edificio e del suo lotto, così come la fantastica posizione di questo permette di eseguire un'immensa varietà di situazioni in questo spazio, basta dare ampio alla vostra immaginazione.Conoscere Montijo è conoscere una terra secolare, con radici profonde e ricordi lontani. Un comune che si è evoluto da Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo a Vila do Montijo.
Conoscere Montijo è conoscere un comune che in diverse occasioni della sua storia, è stato un ponte tra diversi territori e il Ponte Vasco da Gama lo ha riportato in una posizione privilegiata.
Attraversare il Ponte Vasco da Gama e arrivare a Montijo, è conoscere una terra dinamica, moderna, imprenditoriale e solidale, piena di attrattive e luogo scelto dalla vecchia e dalla nuova Montijense.
Categoria energetica: E
#ref:HT_40475 Building with immense potential in the Center about 700mts from the Tagus River.Situated in Montijo near the Bullring, we have this Building / Building consisting of housing, services and warehouses.
Plenty of parking.
With immense potential to have your work space and leisure area.
You can also transform it into a tourist building with associated recreational activities.
The size of this building and its lot, as well as the fantastic location of this allows an immense variety of situations to be executed in this space, just give wide to your imagination.To know Montijo is to know a secular land, with deep roots and distant memories. A municipality that evolved from Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo to Vila do Montijo.
To know Montijo is to know a municipality that on several occasions in its history, was a bridge between different territories and the Vasco da Gama Bridge put it back in a privileged location.
Crossing the Vasco da Gama Bridge and arriving at Montijo, is to know a dynamic, modern, entrepreneurial and solidary land, full of attractiveness and place chosen by old and new Montijense.
Energy Rating: E
#ref:HT_40475 Edifício com imenso potencial no Centro do Montijo a cerca de 700mts do Rio Tejo.Situado no Montijo próximo à Praça de Touros, temos este Edifício / Prédio constituído por habitação, serviços e armazéns.
Bastante estacionamento.
Com imenso potencial para ter o seu espaço de trabalho e zona de lazer.
Poderá também transformar num edifício de turismo com actividades lúdicas associadas.
O tamanho deste edifício e do seu lote, bem como a fantástica localização deste permite uma variedade imensa de situações a poderem ser executadas neste espaço, apenas dê largas à sua imaginação.Conhecer o Montijo é conhecer uma terra secular, com raízes profundas e memórias longínquas. Um concelho que evoluiu de Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo a Vila do Montijo.
Conhecer o Montijo é conhecer um concelho que em várias ocasiões da sua história, foi uma ponte entre diferentes territórios e a Ponte Vasco da Gama voltou a colocá-lo numa localização privilegiada.
Atravessar a Ponte Vasco da Gama e chegar ao Montijo, é conhecer uma terra dinâmica, moderna, empreendedora e solidária, plena de atratividade e local escolhido por antigos e novos montijenses.
Categoria Energética: E
#ref:HT_40475 Building with immense potential in the Center about 700mts from the Tagus River.Situated in Montijo near the Bullring, we have this Building / Building consisting of housing, services and warehouses.
Plenty of parking.
With immense potential to have your work space and leisure area.
You can also transform it into a tourist building with associated recreational activities.
The size of this building and its lot, as well as the fantastic location of this allows an immense variety of situations to be executed in this space, just give wide to your imagination.To know Montijo is to know a secular land, with deep roots and distant memories. A municipality that evolved from Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo to Vila do Montijo.
To know Montijo is to know a municipality that on several occasions in its history, was a bridge between different territories and the Vasco da Gama Bridge put it back in a privileged location.
Crossing the Vasco da Gama Bridge and arriving at Montijo, is to know a dynamic, modern, entrepreneurial and solidary land, full of attractiveness and place chosen by old and new Montijense.
Energy Rating: E
#ref:HT_40475 Building with immense potential in the Center about 700mts from the Tagus River.Situated in Montijo near the Bullring, we have this Building / Building consisting of housing, services and warehouses.
Plenty of parking.
With immense potential to have your work space and leisure area.
You can also transform it into a tourist building with associated recreational activities.
The size of this building and its lot, as well as the fantastic location of this allows an immense variety of situations to be executed in this space, just give wide to your imagination.To know Montijo is to know a secular land, with deep roots and distant memories. A municipality that evolved from Aldeia Galega do Ribatejo to Vila do Montijo.
To know Montijo is to know a municipality that on several occasions in its history, was a bridge between different territories and the Vasco da Gama Bridge put it back in a privileged location.
Crossing the Vasco da Gama Bridge and arriving at Montijo, is to know a dynamic, modern, entrepreneurial and solidary land, full of attractiveness and place chosen by old and new Montijense.
Energy Rating: E