22 306 636 RUB
Квартира (Продажа)
/ 130240197
Тип сделки:
Тип недвижимости:
80 м²
, 3 , , , .
, , , , , 5 , 15 A8 1 .* , .*
: D
#ref:130240197 Показать больше Показать меньше 3-Zimmer-Wohnung im Zentrum von Lourinhã.
Komplett renoviert, bestehend aus 3 Schlafzimmern, eines davon mit eigenem Bad, offenem Wohnzimmer und Küche sowie zwei Badezimmern.
Befindet sich im obersten Stockwerk eines Gebäudes mit Aufzug.
Hervorragende Sonneneinstrahlung mit Blick auf die Landschaft und die Stadt.
Im Zentrum der Stadt, mit Zugang zu allen Dienstleistungen, öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Schulen, Supermärkten, 5 Minuten vom Strand, 15 km von der A8-Zufahrt und weniger als 1 Stunde von Lissabon entfernt.*Die bereitgestellten Informationen dienen ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken, sind unverbindlich und ersetzen nicht die Notwendigkeit, einen Makler zu konsultieren.*
Energiekategorie: D
#ref:130240197 Apartamento de 3 dormitorios en el centro de Lourinhã.
Totalmente reformado, consta de 3 dormitorios, uno de ellos en suite, salón y cocina diáfana y dos baños.
Situado en la última planta de un edificio con ascensor.
Excelente exposición solar con vistas al campo y al pueblo.
En el centro del pueblo, con acceso a todos los servicios, transporte público, colegios, supermercados, a 5 minutos de la playa, a 15 km del acceso a la A8 y a menos de 1 hora de Lisboa.*La información facilitada es meramente informativa, no vinculante, y no sustituye la necesidad de consultar a un corredor.*
Categoría Energética: D
#ref:130240197 Appartement de 3 chambres dans le centre de Lourinhã.
Entièrement rénové, comprenant 3 chambres dont une en suite, séjour et cuisine ouverte et deux salles de bains.
Situé au dernier étage d'un immeuble avec ascenseur.
Excellente exposition au soleil avec vue sur la campagne et la ville.
Au centre de la ville, avec accès à tous les services, transports en commun, écoles, supermarchés, à 5 minutes de la plage, à 15 km de l'accès A8 et à moins d'1 heure de Lisbonne.*Les informations fournies sont à titre informatif uniquement, non contraignantes et ne remplacent pas la nécessité de consulter un courtier.*Lourinhã est une charmante commune située dans le district de Lisbonne, dans la région Centre Ouest du Portugal. Avec une histoire riche, des paysages époustouflants et une identité culturelle unique, la commune est une région qui enchante les résidents et les visiteurs.Sa situation privilégiée, proche de la mer et avec accès à d'importantes routes terrestres, a contribué à la croissance économique au fil des années.L'agriculture a joué un rôle crucial dans l'économie de Lourinhã. Les vastes champs sont dédiés à la culture de la vigne, des légumes et des fruits, fournissant des produits frais qui enrichissent la cuisine locale.De plus, Lourinhã est connue pour ses vestiges archéologiques et paléontologiques. La présence de fossiles de dinosaures trouvés dans la région en a fait une destination importante pour les amateurs de paléontologie.La beauté naturelle est également un point fort à Lourinhã. Les plages, comme Praia da Areia Branca et Praia de Porto Dinheiro, offrent du sable doré et des eaux cristallines, offrant des moments de détente et de loisirs. Le paysage rural, marqué par les collines verdoyantes et les vignobles, invite aux promenades paisibles et à la découverte de la nature environnante.La communauté locale est accueillante et préserve les traditions, en promouvant des événements culturels tout au long de l'année, tels que des fêtes populaires, des foires gastronomiques et des événements sportifs.La commune, en plus de ses richesses historiques et naturelles, présente également un environnement commercial dynamique et varié, offrant aux résidents et aux visiteurs une gamme diversifiée de commerces et de services.Les marchés locaux jouent un rôle important dans la vie commerciale de Lourinhã. Ici, les produits frais de la région, comme les fruits, les légumes, les fromages et le poisson, sont vendus directement par les producteurs, favorisant l'agriculture locale et offrant aux consommateurs un accès à une alimentation de qualité.Dans le secteur des services, Lourinhã dispose d'une variété d'établissements qui répondent à tous les besoins de la population locale.En bref, la municipalité de Lourinhã allie histoire, culture et nature avec hospitalité, ce qui en fait un lieu de vie très attractif.
Performance Énergétique: D
#ref:130240197 3-bedroom apartment in the center of Lourinhã.
Fully renovated, comprising 3 bedrooms, one of which is en suite, open plan living room and kitchen and two bathrooms.
Located on the top floor of a building with elevator.
Excellent sun exposure with views of the countryside and the town.
In the center of the town, with access to all services, public transport, schools, supermarkets, 5 minutes from the beach, 15km from the A8 access and less than 1 hour from Lisbon.*The information provided is for informational purposes only, non-binding, and does not replace the need to consult a broker.*Lourinhã is a charming council located in the district of Lisbon, in the Center West region of Portugal. With a rich history, stunning landscapes and a unique cultural identity, the council is a region that enchants residents and visitors.Its privileged location, close to the sea and with access to important land routes, has contributed to economic growth over the years.Agriculture played a crucial role in Lourinhã's economy. The vast fields are dedicated to the cultivation of vineyards, vegetables, and fruits, providing fresh products that enrich the local cuisine.Furthermore, Lourinhã is known for its archaeological and paleontological remains. The presence of dinosaur fossils found in the region has made it an important destination for paleontology lovers.Natural beauty is also a highlight in Lourinhã. The beaches, such as Praia da Areia Branca and Praia de Porto Dinheiro, offer golden sands and crystal-clear waters, providing relaxing and leisure moments. The rural landscape, marked by green hills and vineyards, invites to peaceful walks and explore the surrounding nature.The local community is welcoming and preserves traditions, promoting cultural events throughout the year, such as popular festivals, gastronomic fairs, and sporting events.The municipality, in addition to its historical and natural riches, also presents a dynamic and varied commercial environment, providing residents and visitors with a diverse range of commerce and services.Local markets play an important role in the commercial life of Lourinhã. Here, the region's fresh products, such as fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and fish, are sold directly by producers, promoting local agriculture, and providing consumers with access to quality food.In the services sector, Lourinhã has a variety of establishments that meet all the needs of the local population.In short, the municipality of Lourinhã combines history, culture, and nature with hospitality, which makes it a very attractive place to live.
Energy Rating: D
#ref:130240197 3-Zimmer-Wohnung im Zentrum von Lourinhã.
Komplett renoviert, bestehend aus 3 Schlafzimmern, eines davon mit eigenem Bad, offenem Wohnzimmer und Küche sowie zwei Badezimmern.
Befindet sich im obersten Stockwerk eines Gebäudes mit Aufzug.
Hervorragende Sonneneinstrahlung mit Blick auf die Landschaft und die Stadt.
Im Zentrum der Stadt, mit Zugang zu allen Dienstleistungen, öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Schulen, Supermärkten, 5 Minuten vom Strand, 15 km von der A8-Zufahrt und weniger als 1 Stunde von Lissabon entfernt.*Die bereitgestellten Informationen dienen ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken, sind unverbindlich und ersetzen nicht die Notwendigkeit, einen Makler zu konsultieren.*
Energiekategorie: D
#ref:130240197 Apartamento T3 no centro da Lourinhã.
Totalmente renovado, composto por 3 quartos, um deles em suíte, sala e cozinha em open space e duas wc.
Localizado no último piso em prédio com elevador.
Óptima exposição solar com vistas de campo e vila.
No centro da vila, com acesso a todos os serviços, transportes públicos, escolas, hipermercados, a 5 minutos da praia, 15km do acesso da A8 e a menos 1h de Lisboa.*As informações disponibilizadas são de cariz meramente informativo, não vinculativo, não dispensando a consulta da mediadora.*A Lourinhã é um encantador concelho situado no distrito de Lisboa, na região Centro Oeste de Portugal. Com uma rica história, paisagens deslumbrantes e uma identidade cultural única, o concelho é uma região que encanta residentes e visitantes.A sua localização privilegiada, próxima ao mar e com acessos a importantes vias terrestres, contribuiu para o crescimento económico ao longo dos anos.A agricultura desempenhou um papel crucial na economia da Lourinhã. Os vastos campos são dedicados ao cultivo de vinha, hortaliças e frutas, proporcionando produtos frescos que enriquecem a gastronomia local.Além disso, a Lourinhã é conhecida pelos seus vestígios arqueológicos e paleontológicos. A presença de fósseis de dinossauros encontrados na região tornou-a um importante destino para os amantes da paleontologia.A beleza natural também é um destaque na Lourinhã. As praias, como a Praia da Areia Branca e a Praia de Porto Dinheiro, oferecem areias douradas e águas cristalinas, proporcionando momentos relaxantes e de lazer. A paisagem rural, marcada por colinas verdejantes e vinhedos, convida a caminhadas tranquilas e a explorar a natureza envolvente.A comunidade local é acolhedora e preserva as tradições, promovendo eventos culturais ao longo do ano, tais como festas populares, feiras gastronómicas e eventos desportivos.O concelho, para além das suas riquezas históricas e naturais, apresenta também um ambiente comercial dinâmico e variado, proporcionando aos residentes e visitantes uma oferta de comércio e serviços diversificada.Os mercados locais desempenham um papel importante na vida comercial da Lourinhã. Aqui, os produtos frescos da região, como frutas, legumes, queijos e peixes, são vendidos diretamente pelos produtores, promovendo a agricultura local e proporcionando aos consumidores acesso a alimentos de qualidade.No setor de serviços, a Lourinhã conta com uma variedade de estabelecimentos que atendem a todas as necessidades da população local.Em resumo, o concelho da Lourinhã alia a história, a cultura e a natureza à hospitalidade, o que o torna num local muito atrativo para habitar.
Categoria Energética: D
#ref:130240197 3- .
, 3 , , , .
, , , , , 5 , 15 A8 1 .* , .*
: D
#ref:130240197 3-bedroom apartment in the center of Lourinhã.
Fully renovated, comprising 3 bedrooms, one of which is en suite, open plan living room and kitchen and two bathrooms.
Located on the top floor of a building with elevator.
Excellent sun exposure with views of the countryside and the town.
In the center of the town, with access to all services, public transport, schools, supermarkets, 5 minutes from the beach, 15km from the A8 access and less than 1 hour from Lisbon.*The information provided is for informational purposes only, non-binding, and does not replace the need to consult a broker.*Lourinhã is a charming council located in the district of Lisbon, in the Center West region of Portugal. With a rich history, stunning landscapes and a unique cultural identity, the council is a region that enchants residents and visitors.Its privileged location, close to the sea and with access to important land routes, has contributed to economic growth over the years.Agriculture played a crucial role in Lourinhã's economy. The vast fields are dedicated to the cultivation of vineyards, vegetables, and fruits, providing fresh products that enrich the local cuisine.Furthermore, Lourinhã is known for its archaeological and paleontological remains. The presence of dinosaur fossils found in the region has made it an important destination for paleontology lovers.Natural beauty is also a highlight in Lourinhã. The beaches, such as Praia da Areia Branca and Praia de Porto Dinheiro, offer golden sands and crystal-clear waters, providing relaxing and leisure moments. The rural landscape, marked by green hills and vineyards, invites to peaceful walks and explore the surrounding nature.The local community is welcoming and preserves traditions, promoting cultural events throughout the year, such as popular festivals, gastronomic fairs, and sporting events.The municipality, in addition to its historical and natural riches, also presents a dynamic and varied commercial environment, providing residents and visitors with a diverse range of commerce and services.Local markets play an important role in the commercial life of Lourinhã. Here, the region's fresh products, such as fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and fish, are sold directly by producers, promoting local agriculture, and providing consumers with access to quality food.In the services sector, Lourinhã has a variety of establishments that meet all the needs of the local population.In short, the municipality of Lourinhã combines history, culture, and nature with hospitality, which makes it a very attractive place to live.
Energy Rating: D