Ljubuski - Офисы и коммерческая недвижимость на продажу
165 365 277 RUB
Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость (Продажа)
/ 15082
Тип сделки:
Тип недвижимости:
Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость
Подтип недвижимости:
Коммерческая недвижимость
5 085 м²
4 806 м²
Тихое место:
A larger building has been constructed in rough works on a four-story structure, located in an excellent location. The total area of the building is 5085 m2.
The land area on which the building is constructed is 4800 m2.
Given that the building is in rough construction with installations, it can be repurposed for various uses such as a hotel, motel, retirement home, healthcare clinic, etc.
The buyer will be responsible for the repurposing and associated costs.
The property is located in a very attractive area, and there are no more available plots nearby for such an investment.
www.biliskov.com ID: 15082-1 Показать больше Показать меньше Međugorje, Gewerbegebäude im Bau, 5085 m²
Ein größeres vierstöckiges Gebäude in hervorragender Lage wurde im Rohbau errichtet. Die Gesamtfläche beträgt 5085 m².
Das Grundstück, auf dem das Gebäude steht, ist 4800 m² groß.
Da sich das Gebäude im Rohbau mit Installationen befindet, kann es für verschiedene Zwecke wie z. B. als Hotel, Motel, Seniorenheim oder Klinik genutzt werden.
Der Käufer trägt die Kosten für die Umnutzung.
Die Immobilie befindet sich in einer sehr attraktiven Lage, und in der Nähe gibt es keine weiteren verfügbaren Grundstücke für eine solche Investition.
www.biliskov.com ID: 15082-1 Međugorje, poslovna zgrada u izgradnji 5085 m2
Na jako dobroj lokaciji izgrađen je u grubim radovima veći objekt na četiri etaže. Ukupna površina objekta je 5085 m2.
Površina zemljišta na kojem je izgrađen objekt je 4800 m2.
S obzirom da je objekt izgrađen u grubim građevinskim radovima sa instalacijama, isti je moguće prenamijeniti u različite svrhe; hotel, motel, starački dom, zdravstvena klinika...
Prenamjena i troškove iste preuzima kupac.
Objekt se nalazi na vrlo atraktivnoj lokaciji, te u blizini nema više slobodnih parcela, odnosno mogućnosti za ovakav tip investicije.
www.biliskov.com - ID: 15082 Međugorje, Commercial Building Under Construction, 5085 m2
A larger building has been constructed in rough works on a four-story structure, located in an excellent location. The total area of the building is 5085 m2.
The land area on which the building is constructed is 4800 m2.
Given that the building is in rough construction with installations, it can be repurposed for various uses such as a hotel, motel, retirement home, healthcare clinic, etc.
The buyer will be responsible for the repurposing and associated costs.
The property is located in a very attractive area, and there are no more available plots nearby for such an investment.
www.biliskov.com ID: 15082-1