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Вале-де-Сантарен - Дом на продажу

83 949 607 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

8 сп
5 вн
1 800 м²
участок 120 000 м²
Ссылка: GTWW-T347 / 7971
Estate with 12 hectares in the Vale de Santarém with a charming house of the Century. XVII, with a lot of history to tell.Located in one of the region of low population density, one of the best kept secrets of Portugal arises. Occupying a position of extreme relevance in the national territory, it unveils unique landscapes, immaculate, endless and of incalculable beauty.
Land of welcome and hospitality, it is known for its gastronomy and wines of excellence, respect for environmental sustainability and preservation of ancestral traditions and customs.
The Herdade, located in the heart of the village of the Santarém valley, emerges framed in this time capsule that extends over 12 hectares,
This property has all the infrastructures both to support agriculture and horse breeding. These animals, magnificent, can run in almost a wild register, freeway through valleys and mountains.The main house consists of two living rooms, library, office, kitchen and five bedrooms. There are also horse pits, a dilapidated distillery, warehouses and staff facilities.
This property is prepared for the challenges of farm life, equestrian breeding, agriculture or perhaps a charming hotel.
Here, time does not seem to walk, history goes back to time immemorial, the territory occupies an endless space and one lives a day-to-day submerged in a silence where it is possible to observe nature in its fullness.
Far and close to everything, an immensity of losing sight that allows you to live in privacy, harmony and security.
An exclusivity that serves the purposes of those looking for a Herdade near Lisbon.
Показать больше Показать меньше Estate with 12 hectares in the Vale de Santarém with a charming house of the Century. XVII, with a lot of history to tell.Located in one of the region of low population density, one of the best kept secrets of Portugal arises. Occupying a position of extreme relevance in the national territory, it unveils unique landscapes, immaculate, endless and of incalculable beauty.
Land of welcome and hospitality, it is known for its gastronomy and wines of excellence, respect for environmental sustainability and preservation of ancestral traditions and customs.
The Herdade, located in the heart of the village of the Santarém valley, emerges framed in this time capsule that extends over 12 hectares,
This property has all the infrastructures both to support agriculture and horse breeding. These animals, magnificent, can run in almost a wild register, freeway through valleys and mountains.The main house consists of two living rooms, library, office, kitchen and five bedrooms. There are also horse pits, a dilapidated distillery, warehouses and staff facilities.
This property is prepared for the challenges of farm life, equestrian breeding, agriculture or perhaps a charming hotel.
Here, time does not seem to walk, history goes back to time immemorial, the territory occupies an endless space and one lives a day-to-day submerged in a silence where it is possible to observe nature in its fullness.
Far and close to everything, an immensity of losing sight that allows you to live in privacy, harmony and security.
An exclusivity that serves the purposes of those looking for a Herdade near Lisbon.
Energiekategorie: In Bearbeitung
Finca con 12 hectáreas en el Valle de Santarém con una casa de encanto del siglo XVII, con mucha historia que contar.Situada en una región de baja densidad de población, es uno de los secretos mejor guardados de Portugal. Ocupando una posición de extrema relevancia en el territorio nacional, desvela paisajes únicos, inmaculados, interminables y de una belleza incalculable.
Tierra de hospitalidad y acogida, es conocida por su excelente gastronomía y vinos, el respeto por la sostenibilidad medioambiental y la preservación de tradiciones y costumbres ancestrales.
De esta cápsula del tiempo, que se extiende a lo largo de 12 hectáreas, surge la finca, situada en el corazón de la ciudad del Valle de Santarém,
Esta propiedad cuenta con todas las infraestructuras para apoyar tanto la agricultura como la cría de caballos. Estos magníficos animales pueden correr en un registro casi salvaje, de forma libre a través de valles y montañas.La casa principal consta de dos salones, biblioteca, estudio, cocina y cinco dormitorios. También hay establos para los caballos, una destilería en ruinas, almacenes e instalaciones para el personal.
Esta propiedad está preparada para los retos de la vida en una granja, la cría de caballos, la agricultura o quizás un hotel boutique.
Aquí, el tiempo parece detenerse, la historia se remonta a tiempos inmemoriales, el territorio ocupa un espacio infinito y se vive día a día en un silencio donde es posible observar la naturaleza en su plenitud.
Cerca y lejos de todo, una inmensidad para perder de vista que permite vivir en intimidad, armonía y seguridad.
Una exclusividad que sirve a los propósitos de aquellos que buscan una Granja cerca de Lisboa.Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor (url oculto)
Categoría Energética: En trámite
Domaine de 12 hectares dans la vallée de Santarém avec une maison de charme du 17ème siècle, avec beaucoup d'histoire à raconter.Situé dans une région à faible densité de population, c'est l'un des secrets les mieux gardés du Portugal. Occupant une position extrêmement pertinente dans le territoire national, elle dévoile des paysages uniques, immaculés, infinis et d'une beauté incalculable.
Terre d'accueil et d'hospitalité, elle est connue pour l'excellence de sa cuisine et de ses vins, le respect de la durabilité environnementale et la préservation des traditions et des coutumes ancestrales.
Le domaine, situé au cur de la ville de la vallée de Santarém, émerge de cette capsule temporelle qui s'étend sur 12 hectares,
Cette propriété dispose de toutes les infrastructures nécessaires à l'agriculture et à l'élevage de chevaux. Ces magnifiques animaux peuvent courir dans un registre presque sauvage, en toute liberté à travers vallées et montagnes.La maison principale se compose de deux salons, d'une bibliothèque, d'un bureau, d'une cuisine et de cinq chambres. Il y a également des écuries pour les chevaux, une distillerie en ruine, des entrepôts et des installations pour le personnel.
Cette propriété est prête à relever les défis de la vie à la ferme, de l'élevage de chevaux, de l'agriculture ou peut-être d'un hôtel de charme.
Ici, le temps semble s'arrêter, l'histoire remonte à des temps immémoriaux, le territoire occupe un espace infini et nous vivons au jour le jour dans un silence où il est possible d'observer la nature dans toute sa plénitude.
Proche et loin de tout, une immensité à perdre de vue qui permet de vivre dans l'intimité, l'harmonie et la sécurité.
Une exclusivité qui répond aux besoins de ceux qui recherchent une ferme près de Lisbonne.Traduit avec (url caché) (version gratuite)
Performance Énergétique: En cours
Estate with 12 hectares in the Vale de Santarém with a charming house of the Century. XVII, with a lot of history to tell.Located in one of the region of low population density, one of the best kept secrets of Portugal arises. Occupying a position of extreme relevance in the national territory, it unveils unique landscapes, immaculate, endless and of incalculable beauty.
Land of welcome and hospitality, it is known for its gastronomy and wines of excellence, respect for environmental sustainability and preservation of ancestral traditions and customs.
The Herdade, located in the heart of the village of the Santarém valley, emerges framed in this time capsule that extends over 12 hectares,
This property has all the infrastructures both to support agriculture and horse breeding. These animals, magnificent, can run in almost a wild register, freeway through valleys and mountains.The main house consists of two living rooms, library, office, kitchen and five bedrooms. There are also horse pits, a dilapidated distillery, warehouses and staff facilities.
This property is prepared for the challenges of farm life, equestrian breeding, agriculture or perhaps a charming hotel.
Here, time does not seem to walk, history goes back to time immemorial, the territory occupies an endless space and one lives a day-to-day submerged in a silence where it is possible to observe nature in its fullness.
Far and close to everything, an immensity of losing sight that allows you to live in privacy, harmony and security.
An exclusivity that serves the purposes of those looking for a Herdade near Lisbon.
Energy Rating: In progress
Estate with 12 hectares in the Vale de Santarém with a charming house of the Century. XVII, with a lot of history to tell.Located in one of the region of low population density, one of the best kept secrets of Portugal arises. Occupying a position of extreme relevance in the national territory, it unveils unique landscapes, immaculate, endless and of incalculable beauty.
Land of welcome and hospitality, it is known for its gastronomy and wines of excellence, respect for environmental sustainability and preservation of ancestral traditions and customs.
The Herdade, located in the heart of the village of the Santarém valley, emerges framed in this time capsule that extends over 12 hectares,
This property has all the infrastructures both to support agriculture and horse breeding. These animals, magnificent, can run in almost a wild register, freeway through valleys and mountains.The main house consists of two living rooms, library, office, kitchen and five bedrooms. There are also horse pits, a dilapidated distillery, warehouses and staff facilities.
This property is prepared for the challenges of farm life, equestrian breeding, agriculture or perhaps a charming hotel.
Here, time does not seem to walk, history goes back to time immemorial, the territory occupies an endless space and one lives a day-to-day submerged in a silence where it is possible to observe nature in its fullness.
Far and close to everything, an immensity of losing sight that allows you to live in privacy, harmony and security.
An exclusivity that serves the purposes of those looking for a Herdade near Lisbon.
Energie Categorie: In proces
Herdade com 12 hectares no Vale de Santarém com uma casa de charme do Séc. XVII, com muita história para contar.Localizada numa da região de baixa densidade populacional, surge um dos segredos mais bem guardados de Portugal. Ocupando uma posição de extrema relevância no território nacional, desvenda paisagens únicas, imaculadas, intermináveis e de incalculável beleza.
Terra de acolhimento e de hospitalidade, é conhecida pela sua gastronomia e vinhos de excelência, respeito pela sustentabilidade ambiental e preservação de tradições e costumes ancestrais.
A Herdade, localizada em pleno coração da vila do vale de Santarém, emerge enquadrada nesta cápsula do tempo que se estende por 12 hectares,
Esta propriedade possui todas as infraestruturas quer ao apoio à agricultura quer à criação de cavalos. Esses animais, magníficos, podem correr em quase num registo selvagem, de forma livre por entre vales e serras.A casa principal é composta por duas salas, biblioteca, escritório, cozinha e cinco quartos. Existem também boxes para cavalos, uma destilaria que se encontra em ruínas, armazéns e instalações para pessoal.
Esta propriedade está preparada para os desafios da vida de Quinta, criação equestre, agricultura ou quem sabe um hotel de charme.
Aqui, o tempo parece não caminhar, a história recua a tempos imemoriais, o território ocupa um espaço sem fim e vive-se um dia-a-dia submerso num silêncio onde é possível observar a natureza na sua plenitude.
Longe e perto de tudo, uma imensidão de perder de vista que permite viver em privacidade, harmonia e segurança.
Uma exclusividade que serve os propósitos de quem procura uma Herdade próximo de Lisboa.
Categoria Energética: Em processo
Estate with 12 hectares in the Vale de Santarém with a charming house of the Century. XVII, with a lot of history to tell.Located in one of the region of low population density, one of the best kept secrets of Portugal arises. Occupying a position of extreme relevance in the national territory, it unveils unique landscapes, immaculate, endless and of incalculable beauty.
Land of welcome and hospitality, it is known for its gastronomy and wines of excellence, respect for environmental sustainability and preservation of ancestral traditions and customs.
The Herdade, located in the heart of the village of the Santarém valley, emerges framed in this time capsule that extends over 12 hectares,
This property has all the infrastructures both to support agriculture and horse breeding. These animals, magnificent, can run in almost a wild register, freeway through valleys and mountains.The main house consists of two living rooms, library, office, kitchen and five bedrooms. There are also horse pits, a dilapidated distillery, warehouses and staff facilities.
This property is prepared for the challenges of farm life, equestrian breeding, agriculture or perhaps a charming hotel.
Here, time does not seem to walk, history goes back to time immemorial, the territory occupies an endless space and one lives a day-to-day submerged in a silence where it is possible to observe nature in its fullness.
Far and close to everything, an immensity of losing sight that allows you to live in privacy, harmony and security.
An exclusivity that serves the purposes of those looking for a Herdade near Lisbon.
Estate with 12 hectares in the Vale de Santarém with a charming house of the Century. XVII, with a lot of history to tell.Located in one of the region of low population density, one of the best kept secrets of Portugal arises. Occupying a position of extreme relevance in the national territory, it unveils unique landscapes, immaculate, endless and of incalculable beauty.
Land of welcome and hospitality, it is known for its gastronomy and wines of excellence, respect for environmental sustainability and preservation of ancestral traditions and customs.
The Herdade, located in the heart of the village of the Santarém valley, emerges framed in this time capsule that extends over 12 hectares,
This property has all the infrastructures both to support agriculture and horse breeding. These animals, magnificent, can run in almost a wild register, freeway through valleys and mountains.The main house consists of two living rooms, library, office, kitchen and five bedrooms. There are also horse pits, a dilapidated distillery, warehouses and staff facilities.
This property is prepared for the challenges of farm life, equestrian breeding, agriculture or perhaps a charming hotel.
Here, time does not seem to walk, history goes back to time immemorial, the territory occupies an endless space and one lives a day-to-day submerged in a silence where it is possible to observe nature in its fullness.
Far and close to everything, an immensity of losing sight that allows you to live in privacy, harmony and security.
An exclusivity that serves the purposes of those looking for a Herdade near Lisbon.
Energy Rating: In progress
Ссылка: GTWW-T347
Страна: PT
Регион: Santarém
Город: Santarém
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Подтип недвижимости: Ферма
Площадь: 1 800 м²
Участок: 120 000 м²
Спален: 8
Ванных: 5
Гараж: 1
Камин: Да


Средняя цена за м²
Сен 2013
3 мес
1 год
96 425 RUB


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