1 175 261 185 RUB Water Park (deactivated) with adjacent land totaling 178,198 m2. The total land consists of 3 plots, all with more than 50,000 m2 that allow the implementation of tourist projects. Positive answer from a request for Prior Information that has been submitted to the City Council for each of the plots, 1 for a hotel, 1 for a caravan park and 1 for a bungalow resort. Located next to the main national road and the access road to the A22 motorway. Next to a roundabout. Proximity to the best beaches in the Eastern Algarve (Praia da Altura, Praia da Manta Rota, Praia Verde). Please contact us for more information. Energy Rating: D #ref:CS-ESPM-86453 2 000 м² участок 178 198 м² Алтура
7 051 567 RUB Земельный участок площадью 59080m² - Расположен в Corte do Gago в Азинхале - Кастро Марим - Алгарве Возможность строительства. Рядом с плотиной Беличе. Возможность строительства дома для фермера и сельскохозяйственного обеспечения и/или складов, площадью до 500м². Сельский туризм до 2 000 м². Агротуризм. Экологический туризм. Туризм за жильем. Отлично подходит для устойчивых сельскохозяйственных проектов или пермакультуры. Туристические проекты. Извините за дыру. Земельный участок с хорошим подъездом. Вид на озеро На участке уже есть лицензия на сбор воды. Совок. Возможность строительства виллы, фермерского дома, сельского туризма, сельского отеля. Проект экологического туризма, сельское хозяйство. Хороший подъезд. Тихое и уединенное место. Возможность иметь свое поместье, свою ферму в Алгарве или свой холм в Алгарве на берегу плотины Белише. Всего в 25 минутах от лучших пляжей Алгарве. В 20 минутах от границы с Испанией Айямонте. Он находится в 55 минутах езды от аэропорта Фару и в 20 минутах от центра деревни Кастро Марим. Для получения дополнительной информации или планирования визита, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам! - Мы помогаем на протяжении всего процесса покупки и продажи 2 500 м² участок 59 080 м² Азиньял
6 131 797 RUB Warehouse, in the village of Fortes in Castro Marim - Algarve. Warehouse with electricity. With big door. Located in a village. Good access by asphalt. Located 30 minutes from the center of Castro Marim and the border with Spain. It is 35 minutes from the best of the best beaches in the Algarve. One hour from Faro airport. Book your Visit. Energy Rating: Exempt #ref:CS-ARM-90262 67 м² участок 79 м² Оделейте
48 543 397 RUB Cafe Bar, Snack Bar and Bar with several terraces for sale in Altura beach. Algarve. Located in Altura. With three terraces. With privileged location in Full Operation. The Owners give training, contact, suppliers to the new owners. Close to Altura beach and in a privileged area with easy parking. Are two shops are sold together. Your Business, ready to function, Turnkey in the Algarve. Has Living Room, Bathrooms, Warehouse, Private Bathroom, Clothes. Space fully equipped and ready to work, with Clients. The business has a regular clientele. The Bar has live music several days a week. May be Daily. About 75 seats inside and 160 seats on the terraces. Good access to the N-125 and A-22. Located 2 minutes away from the best beaches of the Algarve. Near Praia Verde, 5 minutes from the access to the A22, 10 minutes from the Spanish border. Your Turnkey Business in the Algarve. Book Your Visit. Energy Rating: C #ref:CS-BAR-89591 140 м² участок 600 м² Алтура
21 972 274 RUB Commercial property, with terraces for sale in Altura Beach. Algarve. Located in Altura. With terraces. Privileged location. Good accesses. Close to Altura beach and in a privileged area with easy parking. Commerce For several activities. With Bathroom. Good accesses to N-125 and A-22. Located 2 min away from the best beaches of the Algarve. Near Praia Verde, 5 mins to the A22, 10 mins to the Spanish border. Your Business in Algarve. Book Your Visit. Energy Rating: C #ref:CS-LOJ-89507 75 м² участок 150 м² Алтура