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Plau - Дом в сезонную аренду

53 367 RUB  -  64 403 RUB / неделю

Дом (Краткосрочная аренда)

1 сп
70 м²
Ссылка: EURL-T123427 / dms02060-f
Sunny, cozy holiday home with a well-tended garden in the Plau district of Karow. The Plauer See with its endless water sports opportunities is located on the southern edge of the area. In the north, the municipality borders on the beautiful Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide nature park. If you are looking for relaxation, who like nature and lots of water, this is the place for you! Plau am See is not only a charming town with many sights, but also a recognized climatic health resort. Here you will find various restaurants with regional dishes - of course freshly caught fish plays an important role and also a whole range of different shops.Highlights: 15% discount on the rental of boats from the Müritz fishermen at their fishing yards in Plau am See, Krakow am See and goods activities Nearby: The popular holiday resort is characterized by the abundance of nature-related activities such as freshwater fishing, boat tours with passenger ships, canoe tours, and kilometers of cycle paths. A fascinating flora and fauna wants to be discovered on long walks and hikes. Choose between numerous excursion destinations to historic castles and fairytale castles, museums worth seeing and the tranquil places in the region. Visits to the monkey forest with summer toboggan run and the bear forest are great for children. About Belvilla At Belvilla, you experience holidays exactly the way you want. Choose from an extensive range of holiday homes, apartments and caravan parks from Europe to Florida. From a cabin by the Norwegian fjord to an exclusive villa on the Côte d'Azur, and from an apartment in Rome to a country estate in Tuscany. At Belvilla you will find the perfect holiday home for an unforgettable time with your family, partner or friends. You will also find holiday homes for larger groups, spread across various regions in Europe. Belvilla offers a wide variety of holiday homes: small and cosy with a sauna or spacious with an outdoor pool, roof terrace and numerous bedrooms. At Belvilla, for example, you can choose from holiday homes in prime locations, with luxury amenities and homes particularly suitable for families. Of course, many holiday homes also have a space reserved for your dog. You can choose from practical holiday homes in popular holiday destinations, city houses in cosmopolitan cities such as Venice or Rome, dreamy holiday homes in top locations and spacious holiday homes with unique furnishings. Besides holiday homes by the sea, Belvilla also offers holiday homes with swimming pool and/or wellness facilities. Показать больше Показать меньше Sonnig gelegenes, gemütliches Ferienhaus mit gepflegtem Garten im Plauer Ortsteil Karow. Der Plauer See mit seinen unendlich vielen Wassersportmöglichkeiten liegt am südlichen Rand des Gebietes. Im Norden grenzt die Gemeinde an den wunderschönen Naturpark Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide. Wer Erholung sucht, die Natur und viel Wasser mag, ist hier genau richtig! Plau am See ist nicht nur ein reizvolles Städtchen mit vielen Sehenswürdigkeiten, sondern zugleich auch ein anerkannter Luftkurort. Sie finden hier diverse Restaurants mit regionalen Gerichten - wobei natürlich fangfrischer Fisch eine große Rolle spielt und auch eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Geschäfte. Highlights: 15% Ermäßigung auf den Verleih von Booten der Müritzfischer auf deren Fischereihöfen in Plau am See, Krakow am See und Waren Aktivitäten in der Nähe: Der beliebte Ferienort zeichnet sich aus durch die Fülle naturverbundener Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten wie Süßwasserangeln, Bootstouren mit Fahrgastschiffen, Kanutouren, kilometerlangen Radwegen. Eine faszinierende Flora und Fauna will auf ausgiebigen Spaziergängen und Wanderungen entdeckt werden. Wählen Sie zwischen zahlreichen Ausflugszielen zu historischen Schlössern und märchenhaften Burgen, sehenswerten Museen und den beschaulichen Orten der Region. Für Kinder sind Besuche des Affenwaldes mit Sommerrodelbahn und der Bärenwald eine tolle Sache. Casa de vacaciones soleada y acogedora con un jardín bien cuidado en el distrito Plau de Karow. El Plauer See, con sus infinitas oportunidades para practicar deportes acuáticos, se encuentra en el extremo sur de la zona. En el norte, el municipio limita con el hermoso parque natural Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide. Si buscas relax, te gusta la naturaleza y mucha agua, ¡este es tu lugar! Plau am See no es solo un pueblo encantador con muchos lugares de interés, sino también un reconocido balneario climático. Aquí encontrará varios restaurantes con platos regionales, por supuesto, el pescado fresco juega un papel importante y también una gran variedad de tiendas diferentes. Aspectos destacados: 15% de descuento en el alquiler de barcos de los pescadores de Müritz en sus astilleros en Plau am See , Krakow am See and goods activities Nearby: The popular holiday resort is characterized by the abundance of nature-related activities such as freshwater fishing, boat tours with passenger ships, canoe tours, and kilometers of cycle paths. Una fascinante flora y fauna quiere ser descubierta en largas caminatas y caminatas. Elija entre numerosos destinos de excursiones a castillos históricos y castillos de cuentos de hadas, museos dignos de ver y los lugares tranquilos de la región. Las visitas al bosque de monos con tobogán de verano y al bosque de osos son excelentes para los niños. Maison de vacances ensoleillée et confortable avec un jardin bien entretenu dans le quartier Plau de Karow. Le Plauer See avec ses possibilités infinies de sports nautiques est situé à la limite sud de la région. Au nord, la commune borde le magnifique parc naturel Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide. Si vous êtes à la recherche de détente, que vous aimez la nature et beaucoup d'eau, c'est l'endroit qu'il vous faut ! Plau am See n'est pas seulement une ville charmante avec de nombreuses curiosités, mais aussi une station climatique reconnue. Vous y trouverez divers restaurants proposant des plats régionaux - bien sûr, le poisson fraîchement pêché joue un rôle important ainsi que toute une gamme de magasins différents.Points forts : 15 % de réduction sur la location de bateaux des pêcheurs de Müritz dans leurs chantiers de pêche à Plau am See , Krakow am See and goods activities Nearby: The popular holiday resort is characterized by the abundance of nature-related activities such as freshwater fishing, boat tours with passenger ships, canoe tours, and kilometers of cycle paths. Une flore et une faune fascinantes demandent à être découvertes lors de longues promenades et randonnées. Choisissez parmi de nombreuses destinations d'excursion vers des châteaux historiques et des châteaux de conte de fées, des musées à voir et des endroits tranquilles de la région. Les visites de la forêt des singes avec piste de luge d'été et de la forêt des ours sont idéales pour les enfants. Casa vacanze soleggiata e accogliente con giardino ben curato nel quartiere Plau di Karow. Il Plauer See con le sue infinite possibilità di sport acquatici si trova all'estremità meridionale dell'area. A nord, il comune confina con il bellissimo parco naturale Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide. Se siete alla ricerca di relax, a cui piace la natura e tanta acqua, questo è il posto che fa per voi!Plau am See non è solo una città affascinante con molte attrazioni, ma anche una località climatica riconosciuta. Qui troverai vari ristoranti con piatti regionali - ovviamente il pesce appena pescato gioca un ruolo importante e anche tutta una serie di negozi diversi.In evidenza: 15% di sconto sul noleggio delle barche dei pescatori Müritz nei loro cantieri di Plau am See , Krakow am See and goods activities Nearby: The popular holiday resort is characterized by the abundance of nature-related activities such as freshwater fishing, boat tours with passenger ships, canoe tours, and kilometers of cycle paths. Un'affascinante flora e fauna vuole essere scoperta durante lunghe passeggiate ed escursioni. Scegli tra numerose mete per escursioni a castelli storici e da favola, musei da vedere e luoghi tranquilli della regione. Le visite alla foresta delle scimmie con la pista estiva per slittino e la foresta degli orsi sono l'ideale per i bambini. Zonnig, gezellig vakantiehuis met verzorgde tuin in de wijk Plau van Karow. Aan de zuidelijke rand van het gebied ligt de Plauer See met zijn eindeloze watersportmogelijkheden. In het noorden grenst de gemeente aan het prachtige natuurpark Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide. Als u op zoek bent naar ontspanning, van de natuur en veel water houdt, dan is dit de plek voor u!Plau am See is niet alleen een charmant stadje met veel bezienswaardigheden, maar ook een erkend luchtkuuroord. Hier vindt u verschillende restaurants met regionale gerechten - natuurlijk speelt vers gevangen vis een belangrijke rol en ook een heel scala aan verschillende winkels. Hoogtepunten: 15% korting op de huur van boten van de Müritz-vissers op hun viswerf in Plau am See , Krakow am See and goods activities Nearby: The popular holiday resort is characterized by the abundance of nature-related activities such as freshwater fishing, boat tours with passenger ships, canoe tours, and kilometers of cycle paths. Een fascinerende flora en fauna wil ontdekt worden tijdens lange wandelingen en trektochten. Kies uit talrijke excursiebestemmingen naar historische kastelen en sprookjeskastelen, bezienswaardige musea en de rustige plekjes in de regio. Bezoeken aan het apenbos met zomerrodelbaan en het berenbos zijn geweldig voor kinderen. Słoneczny, przytulny dom wakacyjny z zadbanym ogrodem w dzielnicy Plau Karów. Na południowym krańcu obszaru znajduje się Plauer See z nieskończoną liczbą sportów wodnych. Na północy gmina graniczy z pięknym rezerwatem przyrody Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide. Jeśli szukasz relaksu, takiego jak natura i dużo wody, to dobrze trafiłeś! Plau am See to nie tylko urokliwe miasteczko z wieloma zabytkami, ale także uznane uzdrowisko klimatyczne. Znajdziesz tu kilka restauracji serwujących dania kuchni regionalnej - ze świeżo złowionymi rybami naturalnie odgrywającymi główną rolę, a także całą gamę różnorodnych sklepów. Szczegóły: 15% zniżki na wynajem łodzi od rybaków z Müritz na ich łowiskach w Plau am See, Krakow am See i Waren Aktywność w okolicy: Popularna miejscowość wypoczynkowa charakteryzuje się bogactwem atrakcji związanych z przyrodą, takich jak woda słodka wędkarstwo, wycieczki statkiem ze statków pasażerskich, wycieczki kajakowe, mil ścieżek rowerowych. Fascynująca flora i fauna chcą być odkrywane podczas długich spacerów i wędrówek. Wybieraj spośród licznych celów wycieczek do historycznych zamków i zamków z bajek, muzeów wartych zobaczenia i cichych miejsc w regionie. Dla dzieci wspaniałe są wizyty w małpim lesie z letnim torem saneczkowym i niedźwiedzim lesie. Nie nadaje się dla osób o ograniczonej sprawności ruchowej Sunny, cozy holiday home with a well-tended garden in the Plau district of Karow. The Plauer See with its endless water sports opportunities is located on the southern edge of the area. In the north, the municipality borders on the beautiful Nossentiner-Schwinzer Heide nature park. If you are looking for relaxation, who like nature and lots of water, this is the place for you! Plau am See is not only a charming town with many sights, but also a recognized climatic health resort. Here you will find various restaurants with regional dishes - of course freshly caught fish plays an important role and also a whole range of different shops.Highlights: 15% discount on the rental of boats from the Müritz fishermen at their fishing yards in Plau am See, Krakow am See and goods activities Nearby: The popular holiday resort is characterized by the abundance of nature-related activities such as freshwater fishing, boat tours with passenger ships, canoe tours, and kilometers of cycle paths. A fascinating flora and fauna wants to be discovered on long walks and hikes. Choose between numerous excursion destinations to historic castles and fairytale castles, museums worth seeing and the tranquil places in the region. Visits to the monkey forest with summer toboggan run and the bear forest are great for children. About Belvilla At Belvilla, you experience holidays exactly the way you want. Choose from an extensive range of holiday homes, apartments and caravan parks from Europe to Florida. From a cabin by the Norwegian fjord to an exclusive villa on the Côte d'Azur, and from an apartment in Rome to a country estate in Tuscany. At Belvilla you will find the perfect holiday home for an unforgettable time with your family, partner or friends. You will also find holiday homes for larger groups, spread across various regions in Europe. Belvilla offers a wide variety of holiday homes: small and cosy with a sauna or spacious with an outdoor pool, roof terrace and numerous bedrooms. At Belvilla, for example, you can choose from holiday homes in prime locations, with luxury amenities and homes particularly suitable for families. Of course, many holiday homes also have a space reserved for your dog. You can choose from practical holiday homes in popular holiday destinations, city houses in cosmopolitan cities such as Venice or Rome, dreamy holiday homes in top locations and spacious holiday homes with unique furnishings. Besides holiday homes by the sea, Belvilla also offers holiday homes with swimming pool and/or wellness facilities.
Ссылка: EURL-T123427
Страна: DE
Город: Plau am See
Почтовый индекс: 19395
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Краткосрочная аренда
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 70 м²
Спален: 1
Вместимость: 4
Парковка: 1
Терасса: Да
Телевидение: Да
Холодильник: Да
Духовка: Да
Микроволновка: Да


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