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Квартира (Продажа)

3 к
2 вн
159 м²
участок 237 м²
Ссылка: EEFI-T333 / 240739
This contemporary luxury development consists of 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, next to the city center of Portimão.The luxury finishes and equipment are of high quality. The highlight is the air conditioning, the underfloor heating from Daikin, the appliances from Bosch.All apartments are flanked by large and magnificent balconies, from where you can enjoy a splendid view.We also highlight the large outdoor swimming pool and the garden.The ideal place for those looking for something unique and differentApartment features:Air conditioning - DAIKINElectric underfloor heating in bathroomsElectric blinds and blindsEquipped kitchen - BOSCHsolar water heaterVideo intercomExcellent thermal and acoustic insulationQuality materials and luxury finishesOutdoor swimming poolGymnasiumPrivate indoor parkingAbout Portimão:All this wonderful project takes place in one of the most beloved cities in the Algarve: Portimão. Situated on the estuary of the River Arade, Portimão is the largest city in the Western Algarve with around 60,000 inhabitants and is known for its historic centre, lively marina and proximity to several idyllic beaches such as Praia da Rocha, perhaps the best known of the Algarve's beaches, the image of its huge sand is a tourist poster widely spread internationally with ochre cliffs as a backdrop and the medieval fort of Santa Catarina de Ribamar.Portimão has other excellent golden sandy beaches, with pleasant and calm waters, which make it a very popular holiday destination. About three kilometres from the centre, Praia da Rocha is perhaps the best known of the Algarve's beaches, and the image of its huge sandy beach is a tourist attraction widely spread internationally.A popular seaside resort since the beginning of the twentieth century, it has a casino and a number of leisure activities. In recent years, the mouth of the Arade River has been the scene of major events. It is also the site of the Portuguese race of the international Formula 1 championship in motorboating.Portimão is today a reference municipality in the Algarve and is distinguished by its tourist offer, its own pulse and dynamism, and by a diversity of activities that make your day-to-day life be lived, at various levels, in an intense way and marked by a rhythm that is maintained throughout the year. Показать больше Показать меньше Ce développement de luxe contemporain se compose dappartements de 2 et 3 chambres, à côté du centre-ville de Portimão.Les finitions et équipements de luxe sont de haute qualité. Le point culminant est la climatisation, le chauffage au sol de Daikin, les appareils de Bosch.Tous les appartements sont flanqués de grands et magnifiques balcons, doù vous pourrez profiter dune vue splendide.Nous soulignons également la grande piscine extérieure et le jardin.Lendroit idéal pour ceux qui recherchent quelque chose dunique et de différentCaractéristiques de lappartement:Air conditionné - DAIKINChauffage au sol électrique dans les salles de bainsStores électriques et storesCuisine équipée - BOSCHchauffe-eau solaireInterphone vidéoExcellente isolation thermique et acoustiqueMatériaux de qualité et finitions de luxePiscine extérieureGymnaseParking privé intérieurÀ propos de Portimão:Tout ce merveilleux projet se déroule dans lune des villes les plus aimées de lAlgarve: Portimão. Située sur lestuaire de la rivière Arade, Portimão est la plus grande ville de louest de lAlgarve avec environ 60 000 habitants et est connue pour son centre historique, son port de plaisance animé et sa proximité de plusieurs plages idylliques telles que Praia da Rocha, peut-être la plus connue des plages de lAlgarve, limage de son immense sable est une affiche touristique largement répandue internationalement avec des falaises ocres en toile de fond et le fort médiéval de Santa Catarina de Ribamar.Portimão possède dautres excellentes plages de sable doré, avec des eaux agréables et calmes, ce qui en fait une destination de vacances très populaire. À environ trois kilomètres du centre, Praia da Rocha est peut-être la plus connue des plages de lAlgarve, et limage de son immense plage de sable est une attraction touristique largement répandue dans le monde entier.Station balnéaire prisée depuis le début du XXe siècle, elle dispose dun casino et dun certain nombre dactivités de loisirs. Ces dernières années, lembouchure de la rivière Arade a été le théâtre dévénements majeurs. Cest aussi le site de la course portugaise du championnat international de Formule 1 en motonautisme.Portimão est aujourdhui une municipalité de référence en Algarve et se distingue par son offre touristique, son pouls et son dynamisme, et par une diversité dactivités qui font vivre votre vie quotidienne, à différents niveaux, de manière intense et marquée par un rythme qui se maintient tout au long de lannée. Este empreendimento contemporâneo de luxo é composto por apartamentos de tipologias T2 e T3, junto ao centro da cidade de Portimão.Os acabamentos de luxo e equipamentos são de alta qualidade. O destaque vai o ar condicionado, o pavimento radiante da Daikin, os eletrodomésticos da Bosch.Todos os apartamentos são ladeado por amplas e magníficas varandas, de onde se pode desfrutar de uma esplendorosa vista.Destacamos, ainda, a ampla piscina exterior e o jardim.O local ideal para quem procura algo único e diferenteCaracterísticas do apartamento:Ar condicionado - DAIKINPiso radiante elétrico nos banheirosEstores e persianas elétricasCozinha equipada - BOSCHaquecedor solar de águavídeo porteiroExcelente isolamento térmico e acústicoMateriais de qualidade e acabamentos de luxopiscina exteriorGinásioEstacionamento interior privadoSobre Portimão:Todo este maravilhoso projeto realiza-se em uma das cidades mais queridas do Algarve: Portimão. Situada no estuário do Rio Arade, Portimão é a maior cidade do Barlavento Algarvio com cerca de 60.000 habitantes e é conhecida pelo centro histórico, pela animada marina e pela proximidade a várias praias idílicas como a Praia da Rocha, talvez a mais conhecida das praias algarvias, sendo a imagem do seu areal enorme um cartaz turístico largamente difundido internacionalmente com penhascos ocre como pano de fundo e o forte medieval de Santa Catarina de Ribamar.Portimão conta com outras excelentes praias de areais douradas, de águas agradáveis e calmas, que a tornam um destino de férias muito procurado. A cerca de três quilómetros do centro, a Praia da Rocha é talvez a mais conhecida das praias algarvias, sendo a imagem do seu areal enorme um cartaz turístico largamente difundido internacionalmente.Concorrida estância balnear desde o início do século XX, possui um casino e um sem número de atividades de lazer. Nos últimos anos, a foz do rio Arade tem sido palco de grandes eventos. É também lugar da prova portuguesa do campeonato internacional de Fórmula 1 em motonáutica.Portimão é hoje um município de referência no Algarve e distingue-se pela sua oferta turística, pelo seu pulsar e dinamismo, muito próprios, e por uma diversidade de atividades que fazem com que o seu dia-a-dia seja vivido, a variados níveis, de forma intensa e marcado por um ritmo que se mantém ao longo do ano. This contemporary luxury development consists of 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, next to the city center of Portimão.The luxury finishes and equipment are of high quality. The highlight is the air conditioning, the underfloor heating from Daikin, the appliances from Bosch.All apartments are flanked by large and magnificent balconies, from where you can enjoy a splendid view.We also highlight the large outdoor swimming pool and the garden.The ideal place for those looking for something unique and differentApartment features:Air conditioning - DAIKINElectric underfloor heating in bathroomsElectric blinds and blindsEquipped kitchen - BOSCHsolar water heaterVideo intercomExcellent thermal and acoustic insulationQuality materials and luxury finishesOutdoor swimming poolGymnasiumPrivate indoor parkingAbout Portimão:All this wonderful project takes place in one of the most beloved cities in the Algarve: Portimão. Situated on the estuary of the River Arade, Portimão is the largest city in the Western Algarve with around 60,000 inhabitants and is known for its historic centre, lively marina and proximity to several idyllic beaches such as Praia da Rocha, perhaps the best known of the Algarve's beaches, the image of its huge sand is a tourist poster widely spread internationally with ochre cliffs as a backdrop and the medieval fort of Santa Catarina de Ribamar.Portimão has other excellent golden sandy beaches, with pleasant and calm waters, which make it a very popular holiday destination. About three kilometres from the centre, Praia da Rocha is perhaps the best known of the Algarve's beaches, and the image of its huge sandy beach is a tourist attraction widely spread internationally.A popular seaside resort since the beginning of the twentieth century, it has a casino and a number of leisure activities. In recent years, the mouth of the Arade River has been the scene of major events. It is also the site of the Portuguese race of the international Formula 1 championship in motorboating.Portimão is today a reference municipality in the Algarve and is distinguished by its tourist offer, its own pulse and dynamism, and by a diversity of activities that make your day-to-day life be lived, at various levels, in an intense way and marked by a rhythm that is maintained throughout the year.
Ссылка: EEFI-T333
Страна: PT
Город: Portimão
Почтовый индекс: 8500-069
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 159 м²
Участок: 237 м²
Комнат: 3
Ванных: 2
Оборудованная кухня: Да
Способ отопления: Солнечное
Парковка: 1
Гараж: 1
Лифт: Да
Домофон: Да
Тихое место: Да
Бассейн: Да
Кондиционер: Да
Подвал: Да
Магистральный коллектор: Да
Автоматический полив: Да
Стиральная машина: Да



Средняя цена за м²
Окт 2023
3 мес
1 год
281 953 RUB
290 899 RUB



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