Готовый бизнес (Продажа)
55 м²
/ 99611203
Gloria e Vera Cruz
Тип сделки:
Тип недвижимости:
Готовый бизнес
55 м²
Город |
Сред. цена м2 дома |
Сред. цена м2 квартиры |
Авейру | 205 255 RUB | 354 782 RUB |
Гафанья-да-Назарэ | - | 255 110 RUB |
Ильяву | 200 294 RUB | 258 570 RUB |
Албергария-а-Велья | 136 509 RUB | 216 453 RUB |
Авейру | 173 350 RUB | 308 409 RUB |
Оливейра-ду-Байру | 140 698 RUB | - |
Овар | 173 126 RUB | 195 478 RUB |
Оливейра-ди-Аземейш | 146 179 RUB | - |
Овар | 175 480 RUB | 206 449 RUB |
Фейра | 170 749 RUB | 178 228 RUB |
Санта-Мария-да-Фейра | 167 135 RUB | 196 199 RUB |
Эшпинью | - | 331 818 RUB |
Коимбра | 143 669 RUB | 254 818 RUB |
Коимбра | 161 558 RUB | 273 139 RUB |
Esta poderá ser a sua oportunidade!Doçaria, Pastelaria e Café para trespasse no Bairro do Liceu, em Aveiro!
Muito bem localizado, inserido em zona residencial, perto de escolas, serviços e com clientela fidelizada.Composto por:
Piso 1
- Sala com vitrine de exposição e com 15 lugares sentados;
- Esplanada com 10 lugares;
- Cozinha totalmente equipada para preparação de refeições, fabrico próprio de pastelaria, padaria, doçaria e similares.Piso 0
- Casa de banho masculina;
- Casa de banho feminina;
- Casa de banho para funcionários;
- Escritório e depósito.Agende a sua visita e venha conhecer!!Área Bruta Privativa - 49 m2
Área Bruta Dependente - 6 m2
Área Útil - 49 m2Ref.: 1012078/24 GL A Arcada Imobiliária é uma empresa de referência, 100% Portuguesa e no mercado há mais de 24 anos! Sempre na vanguarda, apostamos na inovação e na qualidade dos nossos recursos humanos, proporcionando-lhes formação contínua e certificada.
Na Arcada prestamos um serviço de excelência, tanto a nível de Mediação Imobiliária, como na área da Intermediação de Crédito e na Mediação de Seguros, com aconselhamento personalizado e independente, adequado a cada cliente.
A nossa missão é encontrar a solução adequada à necessidade de cada cliente, seja na compra venda, arrendamento, crédito ou seguro.
Pretendemos criar valor na vida de quem nos procura e superar as expectativas de que confia em nós. Partilha com outras imobiliárias com licença AMI válida. Do you want to increase your business or start a new business?
This could be your opportunity! Confectionery, Pastry and Coffee for transfer in Bairro do Liceu, in Aveiro!
Very well located, inserted in a residential area, close to schools, services and with loyal clientele. Composed of:
Floor 1
- Room with exhibition showcase and 15 seats;
- Terrace with 10 seats;
- Fully equipped kitchen for meal preparation, own manufacture of pastries, bakery, confectionery and the like. Floor 0
- Men's bathroom;
- Women's bathroom;
- Bathroom for employees;
- Office and storage room. Schedule your visit and come and visit!! Gross Private Area 49 m2
Gross Dependent Area -6 m2
Net Area -49 m2 Ref.: 1012078/24 GL Arcada real estate is a benchmark company, 100% Portuguese and in business for over 24 years! Always at the forefront, we are committed to innovation and the quality of our human resources, providing them with continuous and certified training. At Arcada we provide a service of excellence in, Real Estate, Credit Intermediation and Insurance Mediation, with personalized and independent advice tailored to each client. Our mission is to find the right solution for each client's needs, whether it's buying, selling, renting, credit or insurance. Our aim is to create value in the lives of those who come to us and to exceed the expectations of those who trust us. We share with other real estate agencies with a valid AMI license. Do you want to increase your business or start a new business? This could be your opportunity! Confectionery, Pastry and Coffee for transfer in Bairro do Liceu, in Aveiro! Very well located, inserted in a residential area, close to schools, services and with loyal clientele. Composed of: Floor 1 - Room with exhibition showcase and 15 seats; - Terrace with 10 seats; - Fully equipped kitchen for meal preparation, own manufacture of pastries, bakery, confectionery and the like. Floor 0 - Men's bathroom; - Women's bathroom; - Bathroom for employees; - Office and storage room. Schedule your visit and come and visit!! Gross Private Area - 49 m2 Gross Dependent Area - 6 m2 Living Area - 49 m2 Ref.: 1012078/24 GL Arcada Imobiliária is a reference company, 100% Portuguese and in the market for over 24 years! Always at the forefront, we are committed to innovation and the quality of our human resources, providing them with continuous and certified training. At Arcada we provide a service of excellence, both in terms of Real Estate Mediation, as well as in the area of Credit Intermediation and Insurance Mediation, with personalized and independent advice, appropriate to each client. Our mission is to find the right solution to the needs of each client, whether in buying, selling, renting, credit or insurance. We aim to create value in the lives of those who seek us and exceed the expectations that they trust us. Sharing with other real estate agencies with a valid AMI license. Do you want to increase your business or start a new business? This could be your opportunity! Confectionery, Pastry and Coffee for transfer in Bairro do Liceu, in Aveiro! Very well located, inserted in a residential area, close to schools, services and with loyal clientele. Composed of: Floor 1 - Room with exhibition showcase and 15 seats; - Terrace with 10 seats; - Fully equipped kitchen for meal preparation, own manufacture of pastries, bakery, confectionery and the like. Floor 0 - Men's bathroom; - Women's bathroom; - Bathroom for employees; - Office and storage room. Schedule your visit and come and visit!! Gross Private Area 49 m2 Gross Dependent Area -6 m2 Net Area -49 m2 Ref.: 1012078/24 GL Arcada real estate is a benchmark company, 100% Portuguese and in business for over 24 years! Always at the forefront, we are committed to innovation and the quality of our human resources, providing them with continuous and certified training. At Arcada we provide a service of excellence in, Real Estate, Credit Intermediation and Insurance Mediation, with personalized and independent advice tailored to each client. Our mission is to find the right solution for each client's needs, whether it's buying, selling, renting, credit or insurance. Our aim is to create value in the lives of those who come to us and to exceed the expectations of those who trust us. We share with other real estate agencies with a valid AMI license.