/ 99378718
Тип сделки:
Тип недвижимости:
Земельный участок
10 675 м²
Город |
Сред. цена м2 дома |
Сред. цена м2 квартиры |
Сезимбра | 267 686 RUB | 387 086 RUB |
Сетубал | 289 628 RUB | 270 229 RUB |
Сейшал | 280 019 RUB | 250 641 RUB |
Мойта | - | 186 327 RUB |
Баррейру | - | 205 261 RUB |
Сетубал | 324 632 RUB | 264 899 RUB |
Мойта | 190 376 RUB | 165 183 RUB |
Алмада | 330 523 RUB | 282 788 RUB |
Палмела | 265 349 RUB | 223 223 RUB |
Алмада | 288 665 RUB | 266 203 RUB |
Монтижу | 248 876 RUB | 265 308 RUB |
Алкошети | 269 764 RUB | 319 079 RUB |
Лиссабон | 649 455 RUB | 605 068 RUB |
Алжеш | - | 534 455 RUB |
Алкошети | 284 086 RUB | 363 415 RUB |
Линда-а-Велья | - | 497 628 RUB |
Алфражиде | - | 327 676 RUB |
Амадора | - | 280 731 RUB |
Одивелаш | 296 558 RUB | 328 460 RUB |
The area covered by the project has sea views (10 minutes walk to the beach) and is developed in a quiet area with excellent road access.
According to the Municipal Master Plan of Sesimbra the land is located in "Urban/Urbanisable Space", mostly in "Residential Spaces", not overlapping with areas of National Agricultural Reserve (RAN) and/or National Ecological Reserve (REN).
Sesimbra is a Portuguese village, seat of the municipality to which it gives its name and includes 3 parishes: Quinta do Conde, Castelo and Santiago.
It belongs to the district of Setúbal, and is part of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
In 10 years the population of Sesimbra grew by 30.1% and currently has 52,394 inhabitants (2021 census).
In 2011 there were 31,836 dwellings in Sesimbra. Although the majority of the population is located in the parish of Quinta do Conde, it is the parish of Castelo that has more dwellings, due to the fact that there are many second homes: 38.2% of the total. In turn, the parish of Santiago has more second homes: 56.1%
Due to the location, the increase in demand for first and second homes in this area, come and see the opportunity to invest in Sesimbra. It's worth it! Показать больше Показать меньше Terrain de 10 675 m2, pour la construction de 15 à 18 villas, dans la paroisse de Santiago, à Sesimbra.
La zone couverte par le projet a une vue sur la mer (10 minutes à pied de la plage) et est développée dans une zone tranquille avec un excellent accès routier.
Selon le plan directeur municipal de Sesimbra, le terrain est situé dans un " espace urbain/urbanisable ", principalement dans des " espaces résidentiels ", sans chevauchement avec des zones de réserve agricole nationale (RAN) et/ou de réserve écologique nationale (REN).
Sesimbra est une ville portugaise, siège de la municipalité à laquelle elle donne son nom et qui englobe 3 paroisses : Quinta do Conde, Castelo et Santiago. Elle appartient au district de Setúbal et fait partie de l'aire métropolitaine de Lisbonne.
En 10 ans, la population de Sesimbra a augmenté de 30,1 % et compte actuellement 52 394 habitants (recensement de 2021).
En 2011, il y avait 31 836 logements à Sesimbra. Bien que la majorité de la population se trouve dans la paroisse de Quinta do Conde, c'est la paroisse de Castelo qui compte le plus de logements, en raison de la présence de nombreuses résidences secondaires : 38,2 % du total. De son côté, la paroisse de Santiago compte plus de résidences secondaires : 56,1%
En raison de l'emplacement, de l'augmentation de la demande de résidences principales et secondaires dans cette région, venez voir l'opportunité d'investir à Sesimbra. Cela en vaut la peine ! Terreno com 10.675 m2, para construção de 15 a 18 moradias, na freguesia de Santiago, em Sesimbra.
A área abrangida pelo projeto tem vista mar (a 10 minutos a pé para a praia) e desenvolve-se numa zona tranquila e com excelentes acessos rodoviários.
De acordo com o Plano Diretor Municipal de Sesimbra o terreno situa-se em Espaço Urbano/Urbanizável, maioritariamente em Espaços Residenciais, não se sobrepondo a áreas de Reserva Agrícola Nacional (RAN) e/ou de Reserva Ecológica Nacional (REN).
Sesimbra é uma vila portuguesa, sede do município a que dá o nome e engloba 3 freguesias: Quinta do Conde, Castelo e Santiago.
Pertence ao distrito de Setúbal, e integra-se na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa.
Em 10 anos a população de Sesimbra cresceu 30,1% e conta atualmente com 52 394 habitantes (censo de 2021).
Em 2011 existiam em Sesimbra 31.836 alojamentos. Embora a maioria da população se localize na freguesia de Quinta do Conde, é a freguesia do Castelo que tem mais alojamentos, devido ao facto de existirem muitas casas de segunda habitação: 38,2% do total. Por sua vez, a freguesia de Santiago tem mais casas de segunda habitação: 56,1%
Pela localização, pelo aumento da procura de primeira e segunda habitação nesta zona, venha conhecer a oportunidade de investir em Sesimbra. Vale a pena! Land with 10,675 m2, for construction of 15 to 18 villas, in the parish of Santiago, in Sesimbra.
The area covered by the project has sea views (10 minutes walk to the beach) and is developed in a quiet area with excellent road access.
According to the Municipal Master Plan of Sesimbra the land is located in "Urban/Urbanisable Space", mostly in "Residential Spaces", not overlapping with areas of National Agricultural Reserve (RAN) and/or National Ecological Reserve (REN).
Sesimbra is a Portuguese village, seat of the municipality to which it gives its name and includes 3 parishes: Quinta do Conde, Castelo and Santiago.
It belongs to the district of Setúbal, and is part of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
In 10 years the population of Sesimbra grew by 30.1% and currently has 52,394 inhabitants (2021 census).
In 2011 there were 31,836 dwellings in Sesimbra. Although the majority of the population is located in the parish of Quinta do Conde, it is the parish of Castelo that has more dwellings, due to the fact that there are many second homes: 38.2% of the total. In turn, the parish of Santiago has more second homes: 56.1%
Due to the location, the increase in demand for first and second homes in this area, come and see the opportunity to invest in Sesimbra. It's worth it!