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Сан-Педру-да-Афурада - Квартира на продажу

54 290 846 RUB

Квартира (Продажа)

1 183 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T98708032 / 98708032
Balance and HarmonyThe Garden's Harmony development is designed to promote an active lifestyle, rooted in the connection with nature and complemented by an exquisite touch.
This project aims to provide residents with the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a welcoming environment where the well-being of the whole family is a priority.
The chosen colour palette reflects the sobriety and refinement of the project, with neutral and sophisticated tones, giving a timeless and elegant look to the façade.In full connection with nature, with 5000m2, the garden, meticulously designed, is enveloped by an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The soothing sounds of nature and the soothing view of the garden provide a sense of balance and well-being.
As you walk through the garden, you will discover inviting spaces to relax and enjoy the tranquillity of the outdoors. Strategically placed benches provide a perfect spot to sit, read a book, meditate, or simply take in the stunning view around you.
The entire condominium will have a private garden; outdoor swimming pool and four Padel courts.Garden's Harmony is organised in a gated community, all the apartments in the development are oriented to be able to enjoy the excellent garden area that characterises the private garden.
Inside, detail and elegance stand out.
Refined details add a touch of elegance without compromising the connection with nature
Enjoy, Relax and Live at Garden's Harmony, nature on your doorstep!Condominium closed with:
Private Garden
Garages with Storage
Padel Courts
Outdoor Swimming PoolLocation:
Next to Arrábida Shopping
Near Marina Douro
A few meters away from the access to the A1
Near Schools/colleges
Bike path in the vicinity of the development with direct access to the beachi-Wish Offer Legal Advice
i-Wish Offer Financial AdvisoryConstruction completion date: end of 2024
Deeds: Q1 2025Payment Terms:
20% CPCV
80% Scripture(*) Due to the recent change in the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 1182013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the assessment and development phase by the competent authorities.
Показать больше Показать меньше Balance and HarmonyThe Garden's Harmony development is designed to promote an active lifestyle, rooted in the connection with nature and complemented by an exquisite touch.
This project aims to provide residents with the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a welcoming environment where the well-being of the whole family is a priority.
The chosen colour palette reflects the sobriety and refinement of the project, with neutral and sophisticated tones, giving a timeless and elegant look to the façade.In full connection with nature, with 5000m2, the garden, meticulously designed, is enveloped by an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The soothing sounds of nature and the soothing view of the garden provide a sense of balance and well-being.
As you walk through the garden, you will discover inviting spaces to relax and enjoy the tranquillity of the outdoors. Strategically placed benches provide a perfect spot to sit, read a book, meditate, or simply take in the stunning view around you.
The entire condominium will have a private garden; outdoor swimming pool and four Padel courts.Garden's Harmony is organised in a gated community, all the apartments in the development are oriented to be able to enjoy the excellent garden area that characterises the private garden.
Inside, detail and elegance stand out.
Refined details add a touch of elegance without compromising the connection with nature
Enjoy, Relax and Live at Garden's Harmony, nature on your doorstep!Condominium closed with:
Private Garden
Garages with Storage
Padel Courts
Outdoor Swimming PoolLocation:
Next to Arrábida Shopping
Near Marina Douro
A few meters away from the access to the A1
Near Schools/colleges
Bike path in the vicinity of the development with direct access to the beachi-Wish Offer Legal Advice
i-Wish Offer Financial AdvisoryConstruction completion date: end of 2024
Deeds: Q1 2025Payment Terms:
20% CPCV
80% Scripture(*) Due to the recent change in the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 1182013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the assessment and development phase by the competent authorities.
Equilibrio y armoníaEl desarrollo Harmony del Jardín está diseñado para promover un estilo de vida activo, arraigado en la conexión con la naturaleza y complementado con un toque exquisito.
Este proyecto tiene como objetivo brindar a los residentes la oportunidad de disfrutar del aire libre en un ambiente acogedor donde el bienestar de toda la familia es una prioridad.
La paleta de colores elegida refleja la sobriedad y el refinamiento del proyecto, con tonos neutros y sofisticados, dando un aspecto atemporal y elegante a la fachada.En plena conexión con la naturaleza, con 5000m2, el jardín, meticulosamente diseñado, está envuelto por una atmósfera de paz y serenidad. Los relajantes sonidos de la naturaleza y la relajante vista del jardín proporcionan una sensación de equilibrio y bienestar.
Mientras caminas por el jardín, descubrirás espacios acogedores para relajarte y disfrutar de la tranquilidad del aire libre. Los bancos estratégicamente colocados brindan un lugar perfecto para sentarse, leer un libro, meditar o simplemente disfrutar de la impresionante vista que lo rodea.
Todo el condominio tendrá un jardín privado; piscina exterior y cuatro pistas de pádel.Garden's Harmony está organizado en una urbanización cerrada, todos los apartamentos de la urbanización están orientados para poder disfrutar de la excelente zona ajardinada que caracteriza al jardín privado.
En el interior destacan los detalles y la elegancia.
Los detalles refinados añaden un toque de elegancia sin comprometer la conexión con la naturaleza
¡Disfruta, relájate y vive en Garden's Harmony, con la naturaleza a la vuelta de la esquina!Condominio cerrado con:
Jardín privado
Garajes con trastero
Pistas de Pádel
Piscina al aire libreUbicación:
Al lado de Arrábida Shopping
Cerca de Marina Douro
A escasos metros del acceso a la A1
Cerca de escuelas/colegios
Carril bici en las inmediaciones de la urbanización con acceso directo a la playai-Wish ofrece asesoramiento legal
Oferta de i-Wish Asesoría FinancieraFecha de finalización de la construcción: finales de 2024
Escrituras: Q1 2025Condiciones de pago:
20% CPCV
80% Escritura(*) Debido al reciente cambio en la legislación sobre certificación energética de edificios (Decreto-Ley nº 1182013, de 20 de agosto) y al elevado número de trámites en curso, ya se ha solicitado el certificado energético de este inmueble, pero se encuentra en fase de evaluación y desarrollo por parte de las autoridades competentes.
Équilibre et harmonieLe développement Harmonie du jardin est conçu pour promouvoir un mode de vie actif, ancré dans le lien avec la nature et complété par une touche exquise.
Ce projet vise à offrir aux résidents la possibilité de profiter du plein air dans un environnement accueillant où le bien-être de toute la famille est une priorité.
La palette de couleurs choisie reflète la sobriété et le raffinement du projet, avec des tons neutres et sophistiqués, donnant un aspect intemporel et élégant à la façade.En pleine connexion avec la nature, avec 5000m2, le jardin, minutieusement conçu, est enveloppé d'une atmosphère de paix et de sérénité. Les sons apaisants de la nature et la vue apaisante sur le jardin procurent un sentiment d'équilibre et de bien-être.
En vous promenant dans le jardin, vous découvrirez des espaces invitants pour vous détendre et profiter de la tranquillité de l'extérieur. Des bancs stratégiquement placés offrent un endroit idéal pour s'asseoir, lire un livre, méditer ou simplement profiter de la vue imprenable qui vous entoure.
L'ensemble de la copropriété disposera d'un jardin privé ; piscine extérieure et quatre courts de padel.Garden's Harmony est organisé en une communauté fermée, tous les appartements du développement sont orientés pour pouvoir profiter de l'excellent jardin qui caractérise le jardin privé.
À l'intérieur, les détails et l'élégance ressortent.
Les détails raffinés ajoutent une touche d'élégance sans compromettre le lien avec la nature
Profitez, détendez-vous et vivez au Garden's Harmony, la nature à votre porte !Copropriété fermée avec :
Jardin privé
Garages avec rangement
Terrains de padel
Piscine extérieureEmplacement:
À côté des boutiques d'Arrábida
Près de Marina Douro
A quelques mètres de l'accès à l'A1
Près des écoles/collèges
Piste cyclable à proximité du développement avec accès direct à la plagei-Wish offre des conseils juridiques
i-Wish offre des conseils financiersDate d'achèvement des travaux : fin 2024
Actes : T1 2025Modalités de paiement:
20 % de CPCV
80% Écriture(*) En raison de la récente modification de la législation sur la certification énergétique des bâtiments (décret-loi n° 1182013, du 20 août) et du nombre élevé de processus en cours, le certificat énergétique de cette propriété a déjà été demandé, mais est en phase d'évaluation et de développement par les autorités compétentes.
Balance and HarmonyThe Garden's Harmony development is designed to promote an active lifestyle, rooted in the connection with nature and complemented by an exquisite touch.
This project aims to provide residents with the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a welcoming environment where the well-being of the whole family is a priority.
The chosen colour palette reflects the sobriety and refinement of the project, with neutral and sophisticated tones, giving a timeless and elegant look to the façade.In full connection with nature, with 5000m2, the garden, meticulously designed, is enveloped by an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The soothing sounds of nature and the soothing view of the garden provide a sense of balance and well-being.
As you walk through the garden, you will discover inviting spaces to relax and enjoy the tranquillity of the outdoors. Strategically placed benches provide a perfect spot to sit, read a book, meditate, or simply take in the stunning view around you.
The entire condominium will have a private garden; outdoor swimming pool and four Padel courts.Garden's Harmony is organised in a gated community, all the apartments in the development are oriented to be able to enjoy the excellent garden area that characterises the private garden.
Inside, detail and elegance stand out.
Refined details add a touch of elegance without compromising the connection with nature
Enjoy, Relax and Live at Garden's Harmony, nature on your doorstep!Condominium closed with:
Private Garden
Garages with Storage
Padel Courts
Outdoor Swimming PoolLocation:
Next to Arrábida Shopping
Near Marina Douro
A few meters away from the access to the A1
Near Schools/colleges
Bike path in the vicinity of the development with direct access to the beachi-Wish Offer Legal Advice
i-Wish Offer Financial AdvisoryConstruction completion date: end of 2024
Deeds: Q1 2025Payment Terms:
20% CPCV
80% Scripture(*) Due to the recent change in the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 1182013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the assessment and development phase by the competent authorities.
Equilíbrio e HarmoniaO empreendimento Garden's Harmony, surge para promover um estilo de vida ativo, enraizado na ligação com a natureza e complementado por um toque requintado.
Este projeto visa proporcionar aos residentes a oportunidade de desfrutar do ar livre num ambiente acolhedor, onde o bem-estar de toda a família é uma prioridade.
A paleta de cores escolhida reflete a sobriedade e o requinte do projeto, com tons neutros e sofisticados, conferindo um aspeto atemporal e elegante à fachada.Em plena conexão com a natureza, com 5000m2, o jardim, meticulosamente projetado, é envolvido por uma atmosfera de paz e serenidade. Os sons suaves da natureza e a visão tranquilizadora do jardim proporcionam uma sensação de equilíbrio e bem-estar.
Ao percorrer o jardim, irá descobrir espaços convidativos para relaxar e desfrutar da tranquilidade do ar livre. Bancos estrategicamente posicionados proporcionam um local perfeito para se sentar, ler um livro, meditar ou simplesmente apreciar a vista deslumbrante ao seu redor.
Todo o condomínio terá jardim privado; piscina exterior e quatro quadras de Padel.O Garden's Harmony encontra-se organizado em condomínio fechado, todos os apartamentos do empreendimento estão orientados para conseguirem usufruir da excelente área ajardinada que caracteriza o jardim privado.
No seu interior o detalhe e a elegância sobressaem.
Os detalhes refinados acrescentam um toque de elegância, sem comprometer a conexão com a natureza
Desfrute, Relaxe e Viva no Garden's Harmony, a natureza à sua porta!Condomínio fechad com:
Jardim Privado
Garagens com Arrumo
Quadras de Padel
Piscina ExteriorLocalização:
Próximo ao Arrábida Shopping
Próximo a Marina Douro
A poucos metros de distância do acesso à A1
Próximo a Escolas/colégios
Ciclovia nas imediações do empreendimento com acesso direto à praiaAssessoria jurídica oferta i-Wish
Assessoria financeira oferta i-WishData de conclusão de obra: final de 2024
Escrituras: 1º trimestre de 2025Condições de pagamento:
20% CPCV
80% Escritura(*) Devido à recente alteração da legislação sobre certificação energética de edifícios (Decreto-Lei n.º 1182013, de 20 de Agosto) e ao elevado número de processos em curso, o certificado energético deste imóvel já foi solicitado, mas encontra-se em fase de apreciação e desenvolvimento pelas entidades competentes.
Balance and HarmonyThe Garden's Harmony development is designed to promote an active lifestyle, rooted in the connection with nature and complemented by an exquisite touch.
This project aims to provide residents with the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in a welcoming environment where the well-being of the whole family is a priority.
The chosen colour palette reflects the sobriety and refinement of the project, with neutral and sophisticated tones, giving a timeless and elegant look to the façade.In full connection with nature, with 5000m2, the garden, meticulously designed, is enveloped by an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The soothing sounds of nature and the soothing view of the garden provide a sense of balance and well-being.
As you walk through the garden, you will discover inviting spaces to relax and enjoy the tranquillity of the outdoors. Strategically placed benches provide a perfect spot to sit, read a book, meditate, or simply take in the stunning view around you.
The entire condominium will have a private garden; outdoor swimming pool and four Padel courts.Garden's Harmony is organised in a gated community, all the apartments in the development are oriented to be able to enjoy the excellent garden area that characterises the private garden.
Inside, detail and elegance stand out.
Refined details add a touch of elegance without compromising the connection with nature
Enjoy, Relax and Live at Garden's Harmony, nature on your doorstep!Condominium closed with:
Private Garden
Garages with Storage
Padel Courts
Outdoor Swimming PoolLocation:
Next to Arrábida Shopping
Near Marina Douro
A few meters away from the access to the A1
Near Schools/colleges
Bike path in the vicinity of the development with direct access to the beachi-Wish Offer Legal Advice
i-Wish Offer Financial AdvisoryConstruction completion date: end of 2024
Deeds: Q1 2025Payment Terms:
20% CPCV
80% Scripture(*) Due to the recent change in the legislation on energy certification of buildings (Decree-Law No. 1182013, of 20 August) and the high number of ongoing processes, the energy certificate of this property has already been requested, but is in the assessment and development phase by the competent authorities.
Equilibrio e armoniaLo sviluppo di The Garden's Harmony è progettato per promuovere uno stile di vita attivo, radicato nel legame con la natura e completato da un tocco squisito.
Questo progetto mira a fornire ai residenti l'opportunità di godersi la vita all'aria aperta in un ambiente accogliente, dove il benessere di tutta la famiglia è una priorità.
La palette cromatica scelta rispecchia la sobrietà e la raffinatezza del progetto, con toni neutri e sofisticati, conferendo un aspetto senza tempo ed elegante alla facciata.In piena connessione con la natura, con 5000m2, il giardino, meticolosamente progettato, è avvolto da un'atmosfera di pace e serenità. I suoni rilassanti della natura e la vista rilassante sul giardino forniscono un senso di equilibrio e benessere.
Passeggiando per il giardino, scoprirete spazi accoglienti per rilassarvi e godervi la tranquillità della vita all'aria aperta. Le panchine posizionate strategicamente offrono un luogo perfetto per sedersi, leggere un libro, meditare o semplicemente ammirare la vista mozzafiato che ti circonda.
L'intero condominio avrà un giardino privato; piscina all'aperto e quattro campi da padel.Garden's Harmony è organizzato in una gated community, tutti gli appartamenti dello sviluppo sono orientati per poter godere dell'eccellente area giardino che caratterizza il giardino privato.
All'interno spiccano i dettagli e l'eleganza.
I dettagli ricercati aggiungono un tocco di eleganza senza compromettere il legame con la natura
Divertiti, rilassati e vivi al Garden's Harmony, la natura a portata di mano!Condominio chiuso con:
Giardino privato
Garage con deposito
Campi da padel
Piscina all'apertoUbicazione:
Vicino allo shopping di Arrábida
Vicino a Marina Douro
A pochi metri dall'accesso alla A1
Vicino a scuole/college
Pista ciclabile nelle vicinanze dello sviluppo con accesso diretto alla spiaggiaOfferta i-Wish Consulenza legale
i-Wish offre consulenza finanziariaData di fine lavori: fine 2024
Atti: Q1 2025Termini di pagamento:
20% CPCV
80% Scrittura(*) A causa della recente modifica della normativa in materia di certificazione energetica degli edifici (decreto-legge n. 1182013, del 20 agosto) e dell'elevato numero di processi in corso, il certificato energetico di questo immobile è già stato richiesto, ma è in fase di valutazione e sviluppo da parte delle autorità competenti.
Ισορροπία και αρμονίαΗ ανάπτυξη του Garden's Harmony έχει σχεδιαστεί για να προωθήσει έναν ενεργό τρόπο ζωής, ριζωμένο στη σύνδεση με τη φύση και συμπληρωμένο από μια εξαιρετική πινελιά.
Το έργο αυτό έχει ως στόχο να παρέχει στους κατοίκους την ευκαιρία να απολαύσουν την ύπαιθρο σε ένα φιλόξενο περιβάλλον όπου η ευημερία ολόκληρης της οικογένειας αποτελεί προτεραιότητα.
Η επιλεγμένη χρωματική παλέτα αντικατοπτρίζει τη νηφαλιότητα και τη φινέτσα του έργου, με ουδέτερους και εκλεπτυσμένους τόνους, δίνοντας μια διαχρονική και κομψή εμφάνιση στην πρόσοψη.Σε πλήρη σύνδεση με τη φύση, με 5000m2, ο κήπος, σχολαστικά σχεδιασμένος, περιβάλλεται από μια ατμόσφαιρα γαλήνης και γαλήνης. Οι χαλαρωτικοί ήχοι της φύσης και η χαλαρωτική θέα του κήπου παρέχουν μια αίσθηση ισορροπίας και ευεξίας.
Καθώς περπατάτε στον κήπο, θα ανακαλύψετε φιλόξενους χώρους για να χαλαρώσετε και να απολαύσετε την ηρεμία της υπαίθρου. Τα στρατηγικά τοποθετημένα παγκάκια παρέχουν ένα ιδανικό σημείο για να καθίσετε, να διαβάσετε ένα βιβλίο, να διαλογιστείτε ή απλά να απολαύσετε την εκπληκτική θέα γύρω σας.
Ολόκληρη η πολυκατοικία θα έχει ιδιωτικό κήπο. εξωτερική πισίνα και τέσσερα γήπεδα Padel.Το Garden's Harmony είναι οργανωμένο σε μια περιφραγμένη κοινότητα, όλα τα διαμερίσματα της ανάπτυξης είναι προσανατολισμένα ώστε να μπορούν να απολαύσουν τον εξαιρετικό κήπο που χαρακτηρίζει τον ιδιωτικό κήπο.
Στο εσωτερικό, η λεπτομέρεια και η κομψότητα ξεχωρίζουν.
Οι εκλεπτυσμένες λεπτομέρειες προσθέτουν μια πινελιά κομψότητας χωρίς να διακυβεύεται η σύνδεση με τη φύση
Απολαύστε, χαλαρώστε και ζήστε στο Garden's Harmony, τη φύση στο κατώφλι σας!Η πολυκατοικία έκλεισε με:
Ιδιωτικός κήπος
Γκαράζ με αποθηκευτικό χώρο
Γήπεδα Padel
Εξωτερική πισίναΤοποθεσία:
Δίπλα στο Arrábida Shopping
Κοντά σε: Marina Douro
Λίγα μέτρα μακριά από την πρόσβαση στον αυτοκινητόδρομο Α1
Κοντινά σχολεία/κολέγια
Ποδηλατόδρομος κοντά στην ανάπτυξη με άμεση πρόσβαση στην παραλίαΗ i-Wish προσφέρει νομικές συμβουλές
Προσφορά i-Wish Οικονομικές ΣυμβουλέςΗμερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης κατασκευής: τέλος του 2024
Πράξεις: 1ο τρίμηνο 2025Όροι πληρωμής:
20% CPCV
80% Γραφή(*) Λόγω της πρόσφατης αλλαγής της νομοθεσίας για την ενεργειακή πιστοποίηση των κτιρίων (Νομοθετικό Διάταγμα αριθ. 1182013, της 20ης Αυγούστου) και του μεγάλου αριθμού εν εξελίξει διαδικασιών, το ενεργειακό πιστοποιητικό του ακινήτου αυτού έχει ήδη ζητηθεί, αλλά βρίσκεται στη φάση αξιολόγησης και ανάπτυξης από τις αρμόδιες αρχές.
Ссылка: EDEN-T98708032
Страна: PT
Город: Canidelo
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 1 183 м²
Гараж: 1


Средняя цена за м²
Окт 2023
3 мес
1 год
395 115 RUB
445 015 RUB



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