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Область София-град - Квартира на продажу

11 735 711 RUB

Квартира (Продажа)

1 к
44 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T98352590 / 98352590
ONE-BEDROOM WITH PARKING SPACE! IN A NEW BRICK BUILDING from 2012! The YOHOME real estate team is pleased to present you a one-bedroom apartment with a net built-up area of 37 sq.m., consisting of: entrance hall, living room, balcony, bathroom and toilet. The property is fully furnished with all necessary furniture and electrical appliances, and the heating is by central heating. The exposure of the apartment is southwest, and the property is entirely internal and with covered terraces, external insulation of 10 cm. and PVC windows. The building has its own parking lot, and the management board has decided that the parking lot should be used by the residents, and the property has a parking space /ideal parts of the land/, with which BGN 30 is paid for the maintenance of the building for an outdoor parking space for the residents in it. The property is one-space with the status of an Atelier, which is for living and was purchased with a mortgage loan, and the financing of the property is standard. Maintenance and heating supplies for the property are low. The property is rented for BGN 800 without the parking space. For more information and to organize a viewing, contact us and quote the ad code 12881. Показать больше Показать меньше ЕДНОСТАЕН С ПАРКОМЯСТО! В НОВА ТУХЛЕНА СГРАДА от 2012 година! Екипът на YOHOME недвижими имоти има удоволствието да ви представи едностаен апартамент с чиста застроена площ от 37 кв.м., състоящ се от: входно антре, всекидневна, балкон, баня и тоалетна. Имотът е напълно обзаведен с всички необходими мебели и електроуреди, като отоплението е на ТЕЦ. Изложението на жилището е югозападно, като имотът е изцяло вътрешен и с покрити тераси, външна изолация от 10 см. и ПВЦ дограма. Сградата има собствен паркинг, като управителният съвет е взел решение паркинга да се ползва от живущите, като към имота има паркомясто / идеални части от земята /, с които се заплаща 30 лева към поддръжката на сградата за външно паркомясто на живущите в нея. Имотът е еднопространствен със статут на Ателие, което е за живеене и е закупен с ипотечен кредит, като финансирането на имота е стандартно. Консумативите за поддръжка и отопление за имота са ниски. Имотът е отдаван под наем за 800 лева без мястото за паркиране. За повече информация и организиране на оглед, свържете се с нас и цитирайте кода на обявата 12881. ONE-BEDROOM WITH PARKING SPACE! IN A NEW BRICK BUILDING from 2012! The YOHOME real estate team is pleased to present you a one-bedroom apartment with a net built-up area of 37 sq.m., consisting of: entrance hall, living room, balcony, bathroom and toilet. The property is fully furnished with all necessary furniture and electrical appliances, and the heating is by central heating. The exposure of the apartment is southwest, and the property is entirely internal and with covered terraces, external insulation of 10 cm. and PVC windows. The building has its own parking lot, and the management board has decided that the parking lot should be used by the residents, and the property has a parking space /ideal parts of the land/, with which BGN 30 is paid for the maintenance of the building for an outdoor parking space for the residents in it. The property is one-space with the status of an Atelier, which is for living and was purchased with a mortgage loan, and the financing of the property is standard. Maintenance and heating supplies for the property are low. The property is rented for BGN 800 without the parking space. For more information and to organize a viewing, contact us and quote the ad code 12881.
Ссылка: EDEN-T98352590
Страна: BG
Город: Sofia
Почтовый индекс: 1715
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 44 м²
Комнат: 1
Этаж: 8


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