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Пловдивская область - Склад и производство на продажу

42 786 984 RUB

Склад и производство (Продажа)

600 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T98082456 / 98082456
Offer 81800 South Industrial Zone, Ring Road. I offer you an industrial property consisting of a newly built thermal panel hall with an area of 600sq.m. together with a divisible plot of about 1200sq.m. The hall is suitable for both production and purely warehouse activities. The property has its own transformer station with a capacity of 1.2 MW, of which 100 kW are currently used. The hall has dimensions of 16.66 m. at 36m. The height was about 6.80 m., the eaves were 6 m. Industrial door 4m. 4 m. The water is from its own water source, and the reverse is from a septic tank. It is built with thermal panels of 10 cm, and has natural lighting. The floor is sanded concrete. Seamless TIR access. On one side of the hall is an internal private road leading to the back of the property, and on the other is a shed along the entire length. Price: 460,000 euros without VAT Показать больше Показать меньше Оферта 81800 Южна Индустриална Зона, Околовръстното шосе. Предлагам ви индустриален имот съставляващ новопостроено термопанелно хале с площ 600кв.м. ведно с делим парцел около 1200кв.м. Халето е подходящо, както за производствена, така и за чисто складова дейност. Имота разполага със собствен трафопост с мощност 1,2,Мw, от който в момента се използват 100Кw. Халето е с размери 16,66м. на 36м. Височина било около 6,80м., стреха 6м. Индустриална врата 4м. на 4м. Водата е от собствен водоизточник, а обратната е на септична яма. Изградено е с термопанели 10см., като има естетсвено осветление. Пода е шлайфан бетон. Безпроблемен ТИР достъп. От едната страна на халето е вътрешен частен път водещ до задната част на имота, а от другата е изграден по цялата дължина навес. Цена: 460 000 евро без ДДС Offer 81800 South Industrial Zone, Ring Road. I offer you an industrial property consisting of a newly built thermal panel hall with an area of 600sq.m. together with a divisible plot of about 1200sq.m. The hall is suitable for both production and purely warehouse activities. The property has its own transformer station with a capacity of 1.2 MW, of which 100 kW are currently used. The hall has dimensions of 16.66 m. at 36m. The height was about 6.80 m., the eaves were 6 m. Industrial door 4m. 4 m. The water is from its own water source, and the reverse is from a septic tank. It is built with thermal panels of 10 cm, and has natural lighting. The floor is sanded concrete. Seamless TIR access. On one side of the hall is an internal private road leading to the back of the property, and on the other is a shed along the entire length. Price: 460,000 euros without VAT Aanbieding 81800 Zuid-industriezone, ringweg. Ik bied u een industrieel pand aan bestaande uit een nieuw gebouwde thermische paneelhal met een oppervlakte van 600 m². samen met een deelbaar perceel van ongeveer 1200 m². De hal is geschikt voor zowel productie- als puur magazijnactiviteiten. Het pand beschikt over een eigen transformatorstation met een vermogen van 1,2 MW, waarvan momenteel 100 kW wordt gebruikt. De hal heeft afmetingen van 16,66 m. op 36m. De hoogte was ongeveer 6,80 m., de dakrand was 6 m. Industriële deur 4m. 4 meter. Het water komt uit zijn eigen waterbron en het omgekeerde komt uit een septic tank. Het is gebouwd met thermische panelen van 10 cm en heeft natuurlijke verlichting. De vloer is geschuurd beton. Naadloze TIR-toegang. Aan de ene kant van de hal is een interne privéweg die leidt naar de achterkant van het pand, en aan de andere kant is een schuur over de gehele lengte. Prijs: 460.000 euro exclusief btw
Ссылка: EDEN-T98082456
Страна: BG
Город: Plovdiv
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Склад и производство
Площадь: 600 м²


Средняя цена за м²
Янв 2022
3 мес
1 год
26 686 RUB
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