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Байан - Дом на продажу

24 843 514 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

3 к
3 сп
3 вн
175 м²
участок 5 544 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T97609134 / 97609134
Magnificent villa in Baião with magnificent mountain views and in part of the house we can admire the beautiful Douro River. This house is located in a place where sun exposure predominates, and on colder days we can count on, in addition to the heat from the sun, a stove and air conditioning in some rooms. The rooms have very generous areas supported by two bathrooms, one of which belongs to the suite. In the social area we have two large rooms supported by two kitchens, one of which is equipped with an oven and wood stove. Outside, we can admire the beautiful views and a large plot of land with fruit trees where you can create your garden, orchard or vegetable garden. On days of conviviality and leisure, you can use the barbecue to prepare various meals that can be enjoyed while admiring the beautiful landscapes.
The agency
Century21 Maxis, with 21 years of experience in the real estate market, closely and professionally monitors developments in the real estate market on a daily basis. Only in this way can our clients be satisfied and well served with our real estate consultancy services, whether as a buyer or seller.
The Real Estate Consultant
A Century21 Maxis Real Estate Consultant can offer all their experience and knowledge of the market where they carry out their work, helping you throughout the process of buying or selling your property, within the ideal time and at a real market price.
Taking your interests into account, the Century21 Maxis Real Estate Consultant, as a result of his continuous training and passion for the business, will help you make the right choice and achieve an excellent deal.
Credit Intermediary
Our Agency has been prepared and accredited by Banco de Portugal since day one to talk about and deal with Mortgage Credit.
We have at our service a Professional with 21 years of experience in Home Credit, who will help you find and choose the financial product that best fits your situation.
Показать больше Показать меньше Magnifique villa à Baião avec une vue magnifique sur les montagnes et dans une partie de la maison nous pouvons admirer le magnifique fleuve Douro. Cette maison est située dans un endroit où l'exposition au soleil prédomine, et les jours les plus froids, nous pouvons compter sur, en plus de la chaleur du soleil, un poêle et la climatisation dans certaines pièces. Les chambres disposent d'espaces très généreux soutenus par deux salles de bains, dont une appartenant à la suite. Dans l'espace social, nous disposons de deux grandes pièces soutenues par deux cuisines dont une équipée d'un four et d'un poêle à bois. A l'extérieur, nous pouvons admirer les belles vues et un grand terrain avec des arbres fruitiers où vous pourrez créer votre jardin, verger ou potager. Les jours de convivialité et de loisirs, vous pourrez utiliser le barbecue pour préparer divers repas que vous pourrez déguster tout en admirant les magnifiques paysages.
Century21 Maxis, avec 21 ans d'expérience sur le marché immobilier, suit quotidiennement de près et de manière professionnelle les évolutions du marché immobilier. Ce n'est qu'ainsi que nos clients pourront être satisfaits et bien servis grâce à nos services de conseil immobilier, que ce soit en tant qu'acheteur ou vendeur.
Le conseiller immobilier
Un consultant immobilier Century21 Maxis peut vous offrir toute son expérience et sa connaissance du marché où il exerce son travail, vous aidant tout au long du processus d'achat ou de vente de votre propriété, dans le délai idéal et au prix réel du marché.
Tenant compte de vos intérêts, le Consultant Immobilier Century21 Maxis, de par sa formation continue et sa passion pour le métier, vous aidera à faire le bon choix et à réaliser une excellente affaire.
Intermédiaire de crédit
Notre agence a été préparée et accréditée par Banco de Portugal depuis le premier jour pour parler et traiter le crédit hypothécaire.
Nous avons à notre service un Professionnel avec 21 ans d'expérience en Crédit Immobilier, qui vous aidera à trouver et choisir le produit financier le mieux adapté à votre situation.
Magnífica moradia em Baião com magnificas vistas para a montanha e numa parte da casa conseguimos admirar o belo Rio Douro. Esta moradia está inserida num local onde a exposição solar predomina, sendo que nos dias mais frios podemos contar, além do calor proveniente do sol, com um recuperador de calor e ar condicionado em alguns cómodos. Os quartos contam com áreas bastante generosas apoiados por dois wcs onde um pertence á suite. Na área social contamos com duas salas amplas apoiadas por duas cozinhas onde uma delas está equipada com forno e fogão a lenha. Na parte exterior podemos contemplar as belas vistas e um basto terreno com árvores de fruto onde poderá criar o seu jardim, pomar ou horta. Nos dias de convívio e lazer pode usufruir da churrasqueira para preparar vários repastos onde poderão ser saboreados enquanto admiras as belas paisagens.
A Agência
A Century21 Maxis, com 21 anos de experiência no mercado imobiliário, acompanha diariamente de forma atenta e profissional a evolução do mercado imobiliário. Só desta forma, os nossos clientes podem ficar satisfeitos e bem servidos com os nossos serviços de consultoria imobiliária, seja como cliente comprador ou vendedor.
O Consultor Imobiliário
Um Consultor Imobiliário Century21 Maxis, pode oferecer toda a sua experiência e conhecimento do mercado onde desenvolve o seu trabalho, ajudando-o em todo o processo de compra ou venda do seu imóvel, dentro do tempo ideal e com um preço real de mercado.
Tendo em conta os seus interesses, o Consultor Imobiliário Century21 Maxis, fruto da sua formação contínua e paixão pelo negócio, irá ajuda-lo a fazer a escolha certa e a realizar um excelente negócio.
Intermediário de Crédito
A nossa Agência está desde o primeiro dia preparada e creditada pelo Banco de Portugal para falar e tratar de Crédito habitação.
Temos ao nosso serviço uma Profissional com 21 anos de experiência em Crédito Habitação, que o vai ajudar a encontrar e a escolher o produto financeiro que melhor se enquadra na sua situação.
Magnificent villa in Baião with magnificent mountain views and in part of the house we can admire the beautiful Douro River. This house is located in a place where sun exposure predominates, and on colder days we can count on, in addition to the heat from the sun, a stove and air conditioning in some rooms. The rooms have very generous areas supported by two bathrooms, one of which belongs to the suite. In the social area we have two large rooms supported by two kitchens, one of which is equipped with an oven and wood stove. Outside, we can admire the beautiful views and a large plot of land with fruit trees where you can create your garden, orchard or vegetable garden. On days of conviviality and leisure, you can use the barbecue to prepare various meals that can be enjoyed while admiring the beautiful landscapes.
The agency
Century21 Maxis, with 21 years of experience in the real estate market, closely and professionally monitors developments in the real estate market on a daily basis. Only in this way can our clients be satisfied and well served with our real estate consultancy services, whether as a buyer or seller.
The Real Estate Consultant
A Century21 Maxis Real Estate Consultant can offer all their experience and knowledge of the market where they carry out their work, helping you throughout the process of buying or selling your property, within the ideal time and at a real market price.
Taking your interests into account, the Century21 Maxis Real Estate Consultant, as a result of his continuous training and passion for the business, will help you make the right choice and achieve an excellent deal.
Credit Intermediary
Our Agency has been prepared and accredited by Banco de Portugal since day one to talk about and deal with Mortgage Credit.
We have at our service a Professional with 21 years of experience in Home Credit, who will help you find and choose the financial product that best fits your situation.
Prachtige villa in Baião met prachtig uitzicht op de bergen en in een deel van het huis kunnen we de prachtige rivier de Douro bewonderen. Dit huis is gelegen op een plek waar blootstelling aan de zon de boventoon voert, en op koudere dagen kunnen we, naast de warmte van de zon, rekenen op een kachel en airconditioning in sommige kamers. De kamers hebben zeer royale ruimtes die worden ondersteund door twee badkamers, waarvan er één bij de suite hoort. In de sociale ruimte hebben we twee grote kamers ondersteund door twee keukens, waarvan er één is uitgerust met een oven en houtkachel. Buiten kunnen we genieten van het prachtige uitzicht en een groot stuk grond met fruitbomen waar u uw tuin, boomgaard of moestuin kunt aanleggen. Op dagen van gezelligheid en vrije tijd kunt u de barbecue gebruiken om verschillende maaltijden te bereiden waarvan u kunt genieten terwijl u de prachtige landschappen bewondert.
Het agentschap
Century21 Maxis, met 21 jaar ervaring in de vastgoedmarkt, volgt dagelijks de ontwikkelingen in de vastgoedmarkt op de voet en professioneel. Alleen op deze manier kunnen onze klanten tevreden zijn en goed worden bediend met onze vastgoedadviesdiensten, zowel als koper als verkoper.
De Vastgoed Adviseur
Een Century21 Maxis Real Estate Consultant kan al zijn ervaring en kennis van de markt waar hij zijn werk uitvoert aanbieden en u helpen tijdens het hele proces van het kopen of verkopen van uw onroerend goed, binnen de ideale tijd en tegen een reële marktprijs.
Rekening houdend met uw belangen, zal de Century21 Maxis Real Estate Consultant, als resultaat van zijn voortdurende bijscholing en passie voor het vak, u helpen de juiste keuze te maken en een uitstekende deal te sluiten.
Ons bureau is vanaf de eerste dag voorbereid en geaccrediteerd door Banco de Portugal om te praten over en om te gaan met hypothecair krediet.
Wij hebben een professional tot onze dienst met 21 jaar ervaring in Home Credit, die u zal helpen bij het vinden en kiezen van het financiële product dat het beste bij uw situatie past.
Ссылка: EDEN-T97609134
Страна: PT
Город: Baiao
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 175 м²
Участок: 5 544 м²
Комнат: 3
Спален: 3
Ванных: 3



Средняя цена за м²
Июн 2014
3 мес
1 год
89 200 RUB



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