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Wesoła - Дом на продажу

31 655 772 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

4 к
2 сп
2 вн
178 м²
участок 948 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T97532504 / 97532504
A single-storey single-family house located close to the center of Wesoła and the SKM train station, in the second line of buildings from the street with an asphalt surface equipped with a sidewalk, street lighting and all municipal utilities.
The neighborhood is a loose single-family housing, a quiet neighborhood without nuisance, nearby forest, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, a clinic, a pharmacy and shops.
Direct access to the center of Warsaw is provided by 3 bus lines, SKM and Koleje Mazowieckie.
A large plot of 948m2 in the shape of a rectangle with old trees, landscaped, is a secluded garden giving residents a respite after a day of work.
The plot was developed in the years 2010-2012 with a one-storey, single-family, partially basement detached house built using the traditional method, made of siporex, insulated with polystyrene, roof covered with sheet metal, wooden window joinery, some windows equipped with aesthetic bars and the terrace window with anti-burglary glass. The house was built after the expansion and revitalization of a small residential building from the 60s.
The house is heated by a gas boiler and a fireplace with a water jacket, part of the living room, corridor and bathroom next to the living room also have heated floors.
Utilities: electricity, power, municipal sewage system, city water and additionally own intake, natural gas, internet.
Functional layout of the house: vestibule 3.2m 2, corridor 22.4m 2, 3 bedrooms (15m 2 , 15m 2 , 21m 2 ), in the large bedroom a separate wardrobe made of wooden logs. A spacious (40m2) living room with a marble fireplace in Italian style and a wooden sliding window 3.5m wide, the window divided into two parts provides access to the terrace and garden, all windows and doors are made of wood. The living room is connected to the kitchen. The house is equipped with two bathrooms, one with a bathtub and the other with a shower.
There is also a heated room next to the house - originally a garage and now a studio (15m 2) with possible other uses.
The basement with an area of approx. 33m2 is technical (boiler room with a gas furnace m-ki Saunier Duval) and auxiliary (storage areas).
Cars can be parked under the shelter.



Our credit advisor will provide free assistance in obtaining a mortgage.

Note: This offer is commercial information and cannot be considered as an offer within the meaning of Article 66 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. It constitutes an invitation to negotiations within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.
- Terrace
Показать больше Показать меньше Parterowy dom jednorodzinny położony w blisko centrum Wesołej i stacji kolejki SKM, w drugiej linii zabudowy od ulicy z nawierzchnią asfaltową wyposażoną w chodnik, oświetlenie uliczne i wszystkie media miejskie.
Sąsiedztwo stanowi lużna zabudowa jednorodzinna, spokojna okolica bez uciążliwości, nieopodal las, przedszkola, szkoły podstawowe i ponadpodstawowe, przychodnia, apteka oraz sklepy.
Bezpośredni dojazd do centrum W-wy zapewniają 3 linie autobusowe, SKM oraz koleje Mazowieckie.
Duża działka 948m 2 w kształcie prostokąta ze starodrzewem, zagospodarowana stanowi zaciszny ogród dający wytchnienie mieszkańcom po dniu pracy.
Działka zabudowana została w latach 2010-2012 parterowym, jednorodzinnym, częściowo podpiwniczony domem wolnostojącym wybudowanym metodą tradycyjną, murowany z siporexu, ocieplony styropianem, dach pokryty blachą, stolarka okienna drewniana, część okien wyposażona w estetyczne kraty a okno tarasowe w szyby antywłamaniowe. Dom powstał po rozbudowie i rewitalizacji małego budynku mieszkalnego z lat 60-ych.
Dom ogrzewany jest kotłem gazowym oraz kominkiem z płaszczem wodnym, część salonu, korytarza i łazienka przy salonie ma także podgrzewane podłogi.
Media: prąd, siła, kanalizacja miejska, woda miejska i dodatkowo własne ujęcie, gaz ziemny, internet.
Układ funkcjonalny domu : wiatrołap 3,2m 2 , korytarz 22,4m 2 , 3 sypialnie (15m 2 , 15m 2 , 21m 2 ), w dużej sypialni wydzielona garderoba z bali drewnianych. Przestrzenny (40m 2 ) salon z marmurowym kominkiem w stylu włoskim oraz drewnianym oknem przesuwnym o szerokości 3,5m, okno dzielone na dwie części zapewnia wyjście na taras i do ogrodu, wszystkie okna i drzwi wykonane są z drewna. Salon połączony jest z kuchnią. Dom wyposażony jest w dwie łazienki, jedna z wanną, a druga z prysznicem.
Przy domu jest też ogrzewane pomieszczenie - pierwotnie garaż a obecnie pracownia (15m 2 ) z możliwym innym wykorzystaniem.
Piwnica o powierzchni ok. 33m2 ma charakter techniczny (kotłownia z piecem gazowym m-ki Saunier Duval) oraz pomocniczy (powierzchnie magazynowe).
Auta można parkować pod wiatą.



Nasz doradca kredytowy udzieli bezpłatnej pomocy w uzyskaniu kredytu hipotecznego.

Uwaga : Niniejsza oferta jest informacją handlową i nie może być uznawana za ofertę w rozumieniu art. 66 ustęp 1 Kodeksu Cywilnego. Stanowi ona zaproszenie do rokowań w rozumieniu art. 71 Kodeksu Cywilnego.
- Terrace
A single-storey single-family house located close to the center of Wesoła and the SKM train station, in the second line of buildings from the street with an asphalt surface equipped with a sidewalk, street lighting and all municipal utilities.
The neighborhood is a loose single-family housing, a quiet neighborhood without nuisance, nearby forest, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, a clinic, a pharmacy and shops.
Direct access to the center of Warsaw is provided by 3 bus lines, SKM and Koleje Mazowieckie.
A large plot of 948m2 in the shape of a rectangle with old trees, landscaped, is a secluded garden giving residents a respite after a day of work.
The plot was developed in the years 2010-2012 with a one-storey, single-family, partially basement detached house built using the traditional method, made of siporex, insulated with polystyrene, roof covered with sheet metal, wooden window joinery, some windows equipped with aesthetic bars and the terrace window with anti-burglary glass. The house was built after the expansion and revitalization of a small residential building from the 60s.
The house is heated by a gas boiler and a fireplace with a water jacket, part of the living room, corridor and bathroom next to the living room also have heated floors.
Utilities: electricity, power, municipal sewage system, city water and additionally own intake, natural gas, internet.
Functional layout of the house: vestibule 3.2m 2, corridor 22.4m 2, 3 bedrooms (15m 2 , 15m 2 , 21m 2 ), in the large bedroom a separate wardrobe made of wooden logs. A spacious (40m2) living room with a marble fireplace in Italian style and a wooden sliding window 3.5m wide, the window divided into two parts provides access to the terrace and garden, all windows and doors are made of wood. The living room is connected to the kitchen. The house is equipped with two bathrooms, one with a bathtub and the other with a shower.
There is also a heated room next to the house - originally a garage and now a studio (15m 2) with possible other uses.
The basement with an area of approx. 33m2 is technical (boiler room with a gas furnace m-ki Saunier Duval) and auxiliary (storage areas).
Cars can be parked under the shelter.



Our credit advisor will provide free assistance in obtaining a mortgage.

Note: This offer is commercial information and cannot be considered as an offer within the meaning of Article 66 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. It constitutes an invitation to negotiations within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.
- Terrace
Ссылка: EDEN-T97532504
Страна: PL
Город: Warszawa
Почтовый индекс: 03
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 178 м²
Участок: 948 м²
Комнат: 4
Спален: 2
Ванных: 2
Терасса: Да
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