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Chlewiska - Дом на продажу

26 737 616 RUB

Дом (Продажа)

10 к
183 м²
участок 123 138 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T97039464 / 97039464
New price PLN 1,200,000

We do not charge any commission from the Buyer's Client.
Our fee is paid by the seller.

A habitat with a historic mill, ponds, meadows, a forest, a wooden residential building, a barn, an outbuilding.

Romanów, the former Iron Fryszerka from the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries.

The property is located in:

Towns: Pawłów 245,
commune: Chlewiska,
district: Szydłowiec,
voivodeship: mazowieckie.

For sale a very charming land property with a total area of 12.3138 hectares, on which are located:

1. A hundred-year-old three-storey mill with a usable area of 549 m2.
It was built of stone and red brick - to be renovated (the mill is not under the supervision of a conservator), but it is entered on the list of monuments of the Chlewiska Commune.

The mill is a former iron mill from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.

In addition, the following are built:

2. Wooden, almost century-old, detached house on stone foundations with an area of 110 m2. The roof is covered with bitumen.

The house consists of:

- a spacious kitchen with a tiled stove and a gas stove powered by a tourist cylinder,
- 3 large rooms on the ground floor and one on the first floor,

Heating with tiled stoves or electric radiators
Date of completion of construction 1940 year.

3. Outbuilding with an area of 86 m2,
Construction completion date: 1940

4. In addition, a wooden barn with an area of 110 m2 is built on stone and brick pillars, the roof is covered with eternite.
Construction completion date: 1926

Access to the property is via an asphalt road.
sewage system: septic tank (municipal sewage system on the way),
current, force,
Well, municipal water supply on the way.

On the agricultural plot there are ponds, meadows and forest, a wooden residential building, a barn, an outbuilding.

The Szabasówka River flows through the property, on which three dams are located to regulate the water level in the ponds.

Nearby in Chlewiska there is a stylish four-star SPA Hotel Manor House with thermal baths 5.8 km, 8 min by car, 18 min by bike,
- to the Castle in Szydłowiec it is 4.2 km, 5 minutes by car, 13 minutes by bike,
- Młyn Ruiny Marywil 1.7 km, 3 min by car, 5 min by bike
- to the Commune Office in Chlewiska 5.5 km, 7 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bike,
- to the Roman Catholic Church 5 km, 5 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bike,
- to the ABC store 1.7 km, 2 min by car, 4 min by bike
- to Biedronka in Szydłowiec 5.4 km, 8 min by car, 18 min by bike
- to the Cukrówka Public Primary School 4.5 km, 6 minutes by car, 15 minutes by bike
- to the Kindergarten in Szydłowiec 5.3 km, 8 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bike
- to the railway station in Szydłowiec 10 km, 13 minutes by car, 30 minutes by bike
- to the PKO Bank in Szydłowiec 4.7 km, 6 minutes by car, 13 minutes by bike
- to Warsaw 133 km, 1.45 h by car, 6.42 h by bike

We invite you to the presentation.

In the case of this offer, the remuneration of our office is covered by the owner of the property.
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of the inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, may be subject to update and does not constitute an offer specified in Article 66 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Offer sent from ASARI CRM (asaricrm.com)
Показать больше Показать меньше Nowa cena 1 200 000 zł

Nie pobieramy prowizji od Klienta Kupującego.
Nasze wynagrodzenie opłaca sprzedający.

Siedlisko z zabytkowym Młynem, stawy, łąki, las, drewniany budynek mieszkalny, stodoła, budynek gospodarczy.

Romanów, dawna Fryszerka Żelaza z przełomu XVII/ XIX wielu.

Nieruchomość położona jest w:

miejscowości: Pawłów 245,
gmina: Chlewiska,
powiat: Szydłowiec,
województwo: Mazowieckie.

Na sprzedaż bardzo urokliwa nieruchomość gruntowa o powierzchni łącznej 12,3138 ha na której są posadowione:

1. Stuletni trzykondygnacyjny Młyn o powierzchni użytkowej 549 m2.
Wybudowany z kamienia i czerwonej cegły - do remontu (młyn nie jest pod nadzorem konserwatora zabytków), ale jest wpisany na listę zabytków Gminy Chlewiska.

Młyn to dawna fryszerka żelaza z przełomu XVIII/XIX w.

Ponadto pobudowane są:

2. Drewniany prawie stuletni wolnostojący Dom na fundamentach z kamienia o powierzchni 110 m2. Dach pokryty bitumem.

Dom składa się z:

- przedsionka
- obszernej kuchni z kaflową kuchenką oraz kuchenką gazową zasilaną z butli turystycznej,
- 3 dużych pokoi na parterze i jednego na piętrze,
- ubikacji,

Ogrzewanie piecami kaflowymi lub grzejnikami na prąd
Data zakończenia budowy 1940 rok.

3. Budynek gospodarczy o powierzchni 86 m2,
Data zakończenia budowy 1940 rok

4. Ponadto pobudowana jest drewniana stodoła o powierzchni 110 m2 na filarach z kamienia i cegły, dach kryty eternitem.
Data zakończenia budowy 1926 rok

Dojazd do nieruchomości drogą asfaltową.
kanalizacja: szambo (kanalizacja gminna w drodze),
prąd, siła,
studnia, wodociąg gminny w drodze.

Na działce rolnej są stawy, łąki i las, drewniany budynek mieszkalny, stodoła, budynek gospodarczy.

Przez nieruchomość przepływa rzeka Szabasówka na której posadowione są trzy tamy pozwalające regulować poziom wód w stawach.

W pobliżu w Chlewiskach jest stylowy czterogwiazdkowy Hotel SPA Manor House z łaźniami termalnymi 5,8 km, 8 min autem, 18 min rowerem,
- do Zamku w Szydłowcu jest 4,2 km, 5 min autem, 13 min rowerem,
- Młyn Ruiny Marywil 1,7 km, 3 min autem, 5 min rowerem
- do Urzędu Gminy w Chlewiskach 5,5 km, 7 min autem, 17 min rowerem,
- do Kościoła Rzymskokatolickiego 5 km, 5 min autem, 17 min rowerem,
- do sklepu ABC 1,7 km, 2 min autem, 4 min rowerem
- do Biedronki w Szydłowcu 5,4 km, 8 min autem, 18 min rowerem
- do Publicznej Szkoły Podstawowej Cukrówka 4,5 km, 6 min autem, 15 min rowerem
- do Przedszkola w Szydłowcu 5,3 km, 8 min autem, 17 min rowerem
- do Dworca PKP w Szydłowcu 10 km, 13 min autem, 30 min rowerem
- do Banku PKO w Szydłowcu 4,7 km, 6 min autem, 13 min rowerem
- do Warszawy 133 km, 1,45 h autem, 6,42 h rowerem

Zapraszamy na prezentację.

W przypadku tej oferty wynagrodzenie naszego biura pokrywa właściciel nieruchomości.
Opis oferty zawarty na stronie internetowej sporządzany jest na podstawie oględzin nieruchomości oraz informacji uzyskanych od właściciela, może podlegać aktualizacji i nie stanowi oferty określonej w art. 66 i następnych K.C.

Oferta wysłana z programu dla biur nieruchomości ASARI CRM (asaricrm.com)
New price PLN 1,200,000

We do not charge any commission from the Buyer's Client.
Our fee is paid by the seller.

A habitat with a historic mill, ponds, meadows, a forest, a wooden residential building, a barn, an outbuilding.

Romanów, the former Iron Fryszerka from the turn of the 17th and 19th centuries.

The property is located in:

Towns: Pawłów 245,
commune: Chlewiska,
district: Szydłowiec,
voivodeship: mazowieckie.

For sale a very charming land property with a total area of 12.3138 hectares, on which are located:

1. A hundred-year-old three-storey mill with a usable area of 549 m2.
It was built of stone and red brick - to be renovated (the mill is not under the supervision of a conservator), but it is entered on the list of monuments of the Chlewiska Commune.

The mill is a former iron mill from the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.

In addition, the following are built:

2. Wooden, almost century-old, detached house on stone foundations with an area of 110 m2. The roof is covered with bitumen.

The house consists of:

- a spacious kitchen with a tiled stove and a gas stove powered by a tourist cylinder,
- 3 large rooms on the ground floor and one on the first floor,

Heating with tiled stoves or electric radiators
Date of completion of construction 1940 year.

3. Outbuilding with an area of 86 m2,
Construction completion date: 1940

4. In addition, a wooden barn with an area of 110 m2 is built on stone and brick pillars, the roof is covered with eternite.
Construction completion date: 1926

Access to the property is via an asphalt road.
sewage system: septic tank (municipal sewage system on the way),
current, force,
Well, municipal water supply on the way.

On the agricultural plot there are ponds, meadows and forest, a wooden residential building, a barn, an outbuilding.

The Szabasówka River flows through the property, on which three dams are located to regulate the water level in the ponds.

Nearby in Chlewiska there is a stylish four-star SPA Hotel Manor House with thermal baths 5.8 km, 8 min by car, 18 min by bike,
- to the Castle in Szydłowiec it is 4.2 km, 5 minutes by car, 13 minutes by bike,
- Młyn Ruiny Marywil 1.7 km, 3 min by car, 5 min by bike
- to the Commune Office in Chlewiska 5.5 km, 7 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bike,
- to the Roman Catholic Church 5 km, 5 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bike,
- to the ABC store 1.7 km, 2 min by car, 4 min by bike
- to Biedronka in Szydłowiec 5.4 km, 8 min by car, 18 min by bike
- to the Cukrówka Public Primary School 4.5 km, 6 minutes by car, 15 minutes by bike
- to the Kindergarten in Szydłowiec 5.3 km, 8 minutes by car, 17 minutes by bike
- to the railway station in Szydłowiec 10 km, 13 minutes by car, 30 minutes by bike
- to the PKO Bank in Szydłowiec 4.7 km, 6 minutes by car, 13 minutes by bike
- to Warsaw 133 km, 1.45 h by car, 6.42 h by bike

We invite you to the presentation.

In the case of this offer, the remuneration of our office is covered by the owner of the property.
The description of the offer contained on the website is prepared on the basis of the inspection of the property and information obtained from the owner, may be subject to update and does not constitute an offer specified in Article 66 et seq. of the Civil Code.

Offer sent from ASARI CRM (asaricrm.com)
Ссылка: EDEN-T97039464
Страна: PL
Город: Chlewiska
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Дом
Площадь: 183 м²
Участок: 123 138 м²
Комнат: 10
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