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София - Квартира на продажу

10 136 601 RUB

Квартира (Продажа)

72 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T96945631 / 96945631
One-bedroom apartment consisting of a living room with a dining area and a kitchenette, a bedroom, a bathroom with a toilet, a storage room and a balcony. The building will be built monolithically with reinforced concrete supporting structure and brick walls. The outer surrounding walls will be made of ceramic bricks 25 cm. The partition walls on all floors will be made of ceramic bricks 12 cm or 25 cm, as shown in the drawings. The facade will be filled with silicone and decorative plaster, laid on the necessary thermal insulation. The railings on balconies, loggias and terraces will be min high. 1.05 m from a ready floor (1.20 m for the attic floor). For the most part, it will be glassy. The roof will be flat, reinforced concrete, with the necessary hydro and thermal insulations. The details and installation plans for all types of construction works should be developed in direct cooperation with the specific contractors and according to the instructions of the respective manufacturers of the materials. Envisaged performance by premises: Living rooms: floor laminate; walls latex; ceiling latex. Bedrooms: floor laminate; walls latex; ceiling latex. Rabies/WC: under terracotta; walls faience; ceiling min. plaster. Kuhn. boxing: floor terracotta; walls latex; ceiling latex. Corridors: under terracotta; walls latex; ceiling latex. Terraces: under granite; walls latex; ceiling latex. Square. Obelya 1 Section B are designed: 40 apartments (20 two-bedroom and 20 two-room) and one shop. Vertical communication is provided by a double-armed, directly illuminated staircase and elevator, serving all floors, including the underground. The staircase is separated from the floor corridors by smoke-insulated self-closing doors. The floor corridors are 1.50 m wide. Entrance, communication spaces and general access rooms are designed according to accessibility conditions. An accessible route is provided from the accessible entrance to any dwelling or room for common use in the building. Each dwelling has at least one storage room, included in its very built-up area or located in the underground level of the building. The clear height in the apartments is over 2.60 m. The premises shall be oriented, if possible, to the most sunny-friendly directions. Excellent location with many amenities, a small percentage of common areas, modern architecture and vision offered by a builder with many years of experience! Call now and quote this code 617634 Показать больше Показать меньше Двустаен апартамент състоящ се от дневна с трапезаря и кухненски бокс, спалня, баня с тоалетна, склад и балкон. Сградата ще бъде изградена монолитно със стоманобетонова носеща конструкция и тухлени зидове. Външните ограждащи стени ще се изпълняват от керамични тухли 25 см. Преградните стени по всички етажи ще са от керамични тухли 12 см или 25 см, както е показано на чертежите. Фасадата ще се изпълни със силиконова и декоративна мазилка, положена върху необходимата топлоизолация. Парапетите по балкони, лоджии и тераси ще са с височина мин. 1,05 м от готов под (1,20 м за подпокривния етаж). В голямата си част ще са стъклени. Покривът ще бъде плосък, стоманобетонен, с необходимите хидро и топлоизолации. Детайлите и монтажните планове за всички видове работи по строежа да се разработят в пряко сътрудничество с конкретните фирми изпълнители и съгласно указанията от съответните производители на материалите. Предвиждано изпълнение по помещения: Дневни: под ламинат; стени латекс; таван латекс. Спални: под ламинат; стени латекс; таван латекс. Бяни/WC: под теракот; стени фаянс; таван мин. мазилка. Кухн. бокс: под теракот; стени латекс; таван латекс. Коридори: под теракот; стени латекс; таван латекс. Тераси: под гранитогрес; стени латекс; таван латекс. кв. Обеля 1 Секция Б са проектирани: 40 апартамента (20 тристайни и 20 двустайни) и един магазин. Вертикалната комуникация е осигурена чрез двураменно, директно осветено стълбище и асансьор, обслужващи всички етажи, включително подземния. Стълбището е отделено от етажните коридори посредством димоизолирани самозатварящи се врати. Етажните коридори са с широчина 1,50м. Входните, комуникационните пространства и помещенията за общ достъп са проектирани според условията за достъпност. Осигурен е достъпен маршрут от достъпния вход до всяко жилище или помещение за общо ползване в сградата. Всяко жилище има поне едно складово помещение, включено в самата му застроена площ или разположено в подземното ниво на сградата. Светлата височина в апартаментите е над 2,60 м. Помещенията са ориентирани по възможност към най-благоприятните по отношение на ослънчаването посоки. Отлична локация с множество удобства, малък процент общи части,модерна архитектура и визия предложени от строител с дългогодишен опит! Обади се сега и цитирай този код 617634 Apartamento de un dormitorio que consta de una sala de estar con zona de comedor y cocina americana, un dormitorio, un baño con aseo, un trastero y un balcón. El edificio se construirá de forma monolítica con estructura portante de hormigón armado y muros de ladrillo. Los muros exteriores circundantes serán de ladrillos cerámicos de 25 cm. Los tabiques de todas las plantas serán de ladrillos cerámicos de 12 cm o 25 cm, tal y como se muestra en los planos. La fachada se rellenará con silicona y yeso decorativo, colocándose sobre el aislamiento térmico necesario. Las barandillas de los balcones, logias y terrazas tendrán una altura mínima. A 1,05 m de una planta preparada (1,20 m para la planta abuhardillada). En su mayor parte, será vidrioso. La cubierta será plana, de hormigón armado, con los aislamientos hidro y térmicos necesarios. Los detalles y los planes de instalación para todo tipo de obras de construcción deben desarrollarse en cooperación directa con los contratistas específicos y de acuerdo con las instrucciones de los respectivos fabricantes de los materiales. Prestaciones previstas por locales: Salas de estar: suelo laminado; paredes de látex; látex de techo. Dormitorios: suelo laminado; paredes de látex; látex de techo. Rabia/WC: bajo terracota; loza de los muros; techo mín. yeso. Kuhn. Boxeo: suelo de terracota; paredes de látex; látex de techo. Pasillos: bajo terracota; paredes de látex; látex de techo. Terrazas: bajo granito; paredes de látex; látex de techo. Cuadrado. Obelya 1 Sección B están diseñados: 40 apartamentos (20 de dos dormitorios y 20 de dos habitaciones) y una tienda. La comunicación vertical se realiza a través de una escalera de doble brazo con iluminación directa y un ascensor, que da servicio a todas las plantas, incluido el subterráneo. La escalera está separada de los pasillos del piso por puertas de cierre automático aisladas de humo. Los pasillos del piso tienen una anchura de 1,50 m. La entrada, los espacios de comunicación y las salas de acceso general se diseñan de acuerdo con las condiciones de accesibilidad. Se proporciona una ruta accesible desde la entrada accesible a cualquier vivienda o habitación de uso común en el edificio. Cada vivienda dispone de al menos un trastero, incluido en su propia superficie urbanizada o situado en la cota subterránea del edificio. La altura libre en los apartamentos es de más de 2,60 m. Los locales deberán estar orientados, si es posible, en las direcciones más soleadas. Excelente ubicación con muchas comodidades, un pequeño porcentaje de áreas comunes, arquitectura moderna y visión ofrecida por un constructor con muchos años de experiencia! Llame ahora y cite este código 617634 One-bedroom apartment consisting of a living room with a dining area and a kitchenette, a bedroom, a bathroom with a toilet, a storage room and a balcony. The building will be built monolithically with reinforced concrete supporting structure and brick walls. The outer surrounding walls will be made of ceramic bricks 25 cm. The partition walls on all floors will be made of ceramic bricks 12 cm or 25 cm, as shown in the drawings. The facade will be filled with silicone and decorative plaster, laid on the necessary thermal insulation. The railings on balconies, loggias and terraces will be min high. 1.05 m from a ready floor (1.20 m for the attic floor). For the most part, it will be glassy. The roof will be flat, reinforced concrete, with the necessary hydro and thermal insulations. The details and installation plans for all types of construction works should be developed in direct cooperation with the specific contractors and according to the instructions of the respective manufacturers of the materials. Envisaged performance by premises: Living rooms: floor laminate; walls latex; ceiling latex. Bedrooms: floor laminate; walls latex; ceiling latex. Rabies/WC: under terracotta; walls faience; ceiling min. plaster. Kuhn. boxing: floor terracotta; walls latex; ceiling latex. Corridors: under terracotta; walls latex; ceiling latex. Terraces: under granite; walls latex; ceiling latex. Square. Obelya 1 Section B are designed: 40 apartments (20 two-bedroom and 20 two-room) and one shop. Vertical communication is provided by a double-armed, directly illuminated staircase and elevator, serving all floors, including the underground. The staircase is separated from the floor corridors by smoke-insulated self-closing doors. The floor corridors are 1.50 m wide. Entrance, communication spaces and general access rooms are designed according to accessibility conditions. An accessible route is provided from the accessible entrance to any dwelling or room for common use in the building. Each dwelling has at least one storage room, included in its very built-up area or located in the underground level of the building. The clear height in the apartments is over 2.60 m. The premises shall be oriented, if possible, to the most sunny-friendly directions. Excellent location with many amenities, a small percentage of common areas, modern architecture and vision offered by a builder with many years of experience! Call now and quote this code 617634 Appartement met één slaapkamer bestaande uit een woonkamer met een eethoek en een kitchenette, een slaapkamer, een badkamer met toilet, een berging en een balkon. Het gebouw wordt monolithisch gebouwd met een draagstructuur van gewapend beton en bakstenen muren. De buitenste omringende muren worden gemaakt van keramische stenen van 25 cm. De scheidingswanden op alle verdiepingen worden gemaakt van keramische stenen van 12 cm of 25 cm, zoals te zien is op de tekeningen. De gevel wordt gevuld met siliconen en sierpleister, gelegd op de nodige thermische isolatie. De balustrades op balkons, loggia's en terrassen worden minimaal hoog. 1,05 m vanaf een instapvloer (1,20 m voor de zolderverdieping). Voor het grootste deel zal het glazig zijn. Het dak wordt vlak, gewapend beton, met de nodige hydro- en thermische isolatie. De details en installatieplannen voor alle soorten bouwwerken moeten worden ontwikkeld in directe samenwerking met de specifieke aannemers en volgens de instructies van de respectieve fabrikanten van de materialen. Beoogde prestaties per bedrijfsruimte: Woonkamers: vloerlaminaat; muren latex; plafond latex. Slaapkamers: vloerlaminaat; muren latex; plafond latex. Hondsdolheid/WC: onder terracotta; muren faience; plafond min. pleister. Kuhn. boksen: vloer terracotta; muren latex; plafond latex. Gangen: onder terracotta; muren latex; plafond latex. Terrassen: onder graniet; muren latex; plafond latex. Vierkant. Obelya 1 Sectie B zijn ontworpen: 40 appartementen (20 twee-slaapkamer en 20 twee-kamer) en een winkel. Verticale communicatie wordt verzorgd door een dubbelarmige, direct verlichte trap en lift, die alle verdiepingen bedient, inclusief de metro. Het trappenhuis is gescheiden van de vloergangen door rookgeïsoleerde zelfsluitende deuren. De vloergangen zijn 1,50 m breed. Entree, communicatieruimtes en algemene toegangsruimtes zijn ontworpen volgens de toegankelijkheidsvoorwaarden. Er is een toegankelijke route voorzien vanaf de toegankelijke entree naar elke woning of ruimte voor gemeenschappelijk gebruik in het gebouw. Elke woning heeft minstens één berging, opgenomen in de bebouwde kom of gelegen in de ondergrondse verdieping van het gebouw. De vrije hoogte in de appartementen is ruim 2,60 m. De lokalen moeten, indien mogelijk, in de meest zonvriendelijke richtingen worden gericht. Uitstekende locatie met veel voorzieningen, een klein percentage gemeenschappelijke ruimtes, moderne architectuur en visie aangeboden door een bouwer met jarenlange ervaring! Bel nu en citeer deze code 617634 Appartamento con una camera da letto composto da un soggiorno con zona pranzo e angolo cottura, una camera da letto, un bagno con wc, un ripostiglio e un balcone. L'edificio sarà costruito monoliticamente con struttura portante in cemento armato e muri in mattoni. I muri perimetrali esterni saranno realizzati in mattoni ceramici da 25 cm. Le pareti divisorie di tutti i piani saranno realizzate in mattoni ceramici da 12 cm o 25 cm, come mostrato nei disegni. La facciata sarà riempita con silicone e intonaco decorativo, posato sul necessario isolamento termico. Le ringhiere di balconi, logge e terrazze saranno alte al minimo. 1,05 m da un piano pronto (1,20 m per il piano sottotetto). Per la maggior parte, sarà vitreo. Il tetto sarà piano, in cemento armato, con i necessari isolamenti idro e termici. I dettagli e i piani di installazione per tutti i tipi di lavori di costruzione devono essere sviluppati in collaborazione diretta con gli appaltatori specifici e secondo le istruzioni dei rispettivi produttori dei materiali. Prestazioni previste per locali: Soggiorni: pavimento in laminato; pareti in lattice; lattice del soffitto. Camere da letto: pavimento in laminato; pareti in lattice; lattice del soffitto. Rabbia/WC: sotto terracotta; pareti in maiolica; soffitto min. gesso. Kuhn. Pugilato: pavimento in cotto; pareti in lattice; lattice del soffitto. Corridoi: sotto il cotto; pareti in lattice; lattice del soffitto. Terrazze: sotto granito; pareti in lattice; lattice del soffitto. Quadrato. Obelya 1 Sezione B sono progettati: 40 appartamenti (20 bilocali e 20 bilocali) e un negozio. La comunicazione verticale è assicurata da una scala a doppio braccio, illuminata direttamente e da un ascensore, che serve tutti i piani, compreso quello sotterraneo. La scala è separata dai corridoi del piano da porte a chiusura automatica isolate dal fumo. I corridoi del piano sono larghi 1,50 m. L'ingresso, gli spazi di comunicazione e le stanze di accesso generale sono progettati in base alle condizioni di accessibilità. È previsto un percorso accessibile dall'ingresso accessibile a qualsiasi abitazione o stanza ad uso comune nell'edificio. Ogni abitazione dispone di almeno un ripostiglio, compreso nel suo stesso centro abitato o situato nel piano interrato dell'edificio. L'altezza libera negli appartamenti è di oltre 2,60 m. I locali devono essere orientati, se possibile, nelle direzioni più soleggiate. Ottima posizione con molti servizi, una piccola percentuale di aree comuni, architettura moderna e visione offerta da un costruttore con molti anni di esperienza! Chiama ora e cita questo codice 617634
Ссылка: EDEN-T96945631
Страна: BG
Город: Sofia
Почтовый индекс: 1387
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 72 м²
Этаж: 6


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