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Пениши - Земельный участок на продажу

166 971 498 RUB

Земельный участок (Продажа)

3 440 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T96821966 / 96821966
Exclusive Allotment for Dreamers by the Sea!
Explore this unique investment opportunity in an exquisitely located subdivision just an hour from Lisbon, where coastal life comes alive and prospers!
Key features:
Six lots available:
A plot with collective housing and retail building (5 3 bedroom apartments and 2 shops).
Five plots for single-family townhouses (5 3 bedroom villas).
Local shops and services within walking distance Underground parking for comfort and convenience
Close to beautiful internationally known beaches
Paradise for water sports lovers: surfing, body boarding, scuba diving and much more
Excellent restaurants and beachfront terraces
Fishing port and marina for pleasure boats
Markets with fresh local produce, with emphasis on fish and seafood
Convenient highway access to the entire country
Privileged Location:
Enjoy the convenience of being just an hour from Lisbon, without compromising the tranquillity and beauty of the surrounding beaches. This is the ideal place to live, relax and invest.Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of this stunning scenery! Contact us today for more information and schedule a site visit. Welcome to your new seaside lifestyle!
Показать больше Показать меньше Exklusiver Schrebergarten für Träumer am Meer!
Entdecken Sie diese einzigartige Investitionsmöglichkeit in einer exquisit gelegenen Unterteilung, nur eine Stunde von Lissabon entfernt, wo das Leben an der Küste lebendig wird und gedeiht!
Sechs Lose verfügbar:
Ein Grundstück mit Gemeinschaftswohnungen und Geschäftshaus (5 3-Zimmer-Wohnungen und 2 Geschäfte).
Fünf Grundstücke für Einfamilienhäuser (5 Villen mit 3 Schlafzimmern).
Lokale Geschäfte und Dienstleistungen zu Fuß erreichbar
Tiefgarage für Komfort und Bequemlichkeit
In der Nähe von schönen, international bekannten Stränden
Paradies für Wassersportliebhaber: Surfen, Bodyboarden, Tauchen und vieles mehr
Ausgezeichnete Restaurants und Terrassen am Strand
Fischereihafen und Yachthafen für Sportboote
Märkte mit frischen Produkten aus der Region, mit Schwerpunkt auf Fisch und Meeresfrüchten
Bequeme Autobahnanbindung an das ganze Land
Privilegierte Lage:
Genießen Sie den Komfort, nur eine Stunde von Lissabon entfernt zu sein, ohne die Ruhe und Schönheit der umliegenden Strände zu beeinträchtigen. Dies ist der ideale Ort zum Leben, Entspannen und Investieren.Verpassen Sie nicht diese einmalige Gelegenheit, Teil dieser atemberaubenden Landschaft zu sein! Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und einen Termin für einen Besuch vor Ort zu vereinbaren. Willkommen in Ihrem neuen Lebensstil am Meer!
Allocation exclusive pour les rêveurs au bord de la mer !
Explorez cette opportunité d'investissement unique dans un lotissement magnifiquement situé à seulement une heure de Lisbonne, où la vie côtière s'anime et prospère !
Caractéristiques principales :
Six terrains disponibles :
Un terrain avec logements collectifs et immeuble commercial (5 appartements de 3 chambres et 2 commerces).
Cinq parcelles pour maisons de ville unifamiliales (5 villas de 3 chambres).
Commerces et services de proximité accessibles à pied
Parking souterrain pour plus de confort et de commodité
Proche de belles plages de renommée internationale
Paradis pour les amateurs de sports nautiques : surf, bodyboard, plongée sous-marine et bien plus encore
Excellents restaurants et terrasses en bord de mer
Port de pêche et port de plaisance pour bateaux de plaisance
Marchés avec des produits frais locaux, avec un accent sur le poisson et les fruits de mer
Accès routier pratique à l'ensemble du pays
Situation privilégiée :
Profitez de la commodité d'être à seulement une heure de Lisbonne, sans compromettre la tranquillité et la beauté des plages environnantes. C'est l'endroit idéal pour vivre, se détendre et investir.Ne manquez pas cette occasion unique de faire partie de ce paysage époustouflant ! Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour plus d'informations et planifier une visite du site. Bienvenue dans votre nouveau style de vie en bord de mer !
Loteamento Exclusivo junto ao Mar!
Explore esta oportunidade única de investimento em um loteamento primorosamente localizado a apenas uma hora de Lisboa, onde a vida costeira ganha vida e prosperidade!
Características Principais:
Seis lotes disponíveis:
Um lote com edifício de habitação coletiva e comércio (5 apartamentos T3 e 2 lojas).
Cinco lotes para moradias unifamiliares em banda (5 moradias V3).
Comércios e serviços locais a uma curta distância
Estacionamento subterrâneo para conforto e conveniência
Próximo a belíssimas praias conhecidas internacionalmente
Paraíso para os amantes de desportos náuticos: surf, body board, mergulho e muito mais
Excelentes restaurantes e esplanadas à beira-mar
Porto de pesca e marina para barcos de recreio
Mercados com produtos frescos locais, com destaque para o peixe e marisco
Acesso conveniente por autoestrada para todo o país
Localização Privilegiada:
Aprecie a comodidade de estar a apenas uma hora de Lisboa, sem comprometer a tranquilidade e beleza das praias circundantes. Este é o local ideal para viver, relaxar e investir.Não perca esta oportunidade única de fazer parte deste cenário deslumbrante! Entre em contato connosco hoje mesmo para mais informações e agende uma visita ao local. Seja bem-vindo ao seu novo estilo de vida à beira-mar!
Exclusive Allotment for Dreamers by the Sea!
Explore this unique investment opportunity in an exquisitely located subdivision just an hour from Lisbon, where coastal life comes alive and prospers!
Key features:
Six lots available:
A plot with collective housing and retail building (5 3 bedroom apartments and 2 shops).
Five plots for single-family townhouses (5 3 bedroom villas).
Local shops and services within walking distance Underground parking for comfort and convenience
Close to beautiful internationally known beaches
Paradise for water sports lovers: surfing, body boarding, scuba diving and much more
Excellent restaurants and beachfront terraces
Fishing port and marina for pleasure boats
Markets with fresh local produce, with emphasis on fish and seafood
Convenient highway access to the entire country
Privileged Location:
Enjoy the convenience of being just an hour from Lisbon, without compromising the tranquillity and beauty of the surrounding beaches. This is the ideal place to live, relax and invest.Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of this stunning scenery! Contact us today for more information and schedule a site visit. Welcome to your new seaside lifestyle!
Exclusive Allotment for Dreamers by the Sea!
Explore this unique investment opportunity in an exquisitely located subdivision just an hour from Lisbon, where coastal life comes alive and prospers!
Key features:
Six lots available:
A plot with collective housing and retail building (5 3 bedroom apartments and 2 shops).
Five plots for single-family townhouses (5 3 bedroom villas).
Local shops and services within walking distance Underground parking for comfort and convenience
Close to beautiful internationally known beaches
Paradise for water sports lovers: surfing, body boarding, scuba diving and much more
Excellent restaurants and beachfront terraces
Fishing port and marina for pleasure boats
Markets with fresh local produce, with emphasis on fish and seafood
Convenient highway access to the entire country
Privileged Location:
Enjoy the convenience of being just an hour from Lisbon, without compromising the tranquillity and beauty of the surrounding beaches. This is the ideal place to live, relax and invest.Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to be part of this stunning scenery! Contact us today for more information and schedule a site visit. Welcome to your new seaside lifestyle!
Ссылка: EDEN-T96821966
Страна: PT
Город: Peniche
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Земельный участок
Площадь: 3 440 м²


Средняя цена за м²
Окт 2023
3 мес
1 год
218 752 RUB
253 025 RUB


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