72 510 827 RUB
Дом (Продажа)
участок 1 602 555 м²
/ 96461615
Lakeside Land is located in the beautiful rolling hills of northwest Colorado, this property borders Elkhead Reservoir State Park and has remarkable views of the lake and nearby mountains of Quaker Mountain, Black Mountain, and Bears Ears. With year-round access off County Road 29 and power, this is the perfect place to live, recreate and enjoy the best of Colorado! Lakeside Land consists of 396 acres more or less with approximately 250 tillable farm ground. Of the 250 farmed acres, roughly 40 acres consist of dryland alfalfa, whereas the remaining 210 acres are planted into winter wheat. The land that surrounds the farm ground consists of rolling grass and sagebrush covered hills with Little Cottonwood Creek meandering throughout the bottom on the property. Additionally, there is a good, running spring that flows into Little Cottonwood Creek. The abundancy of vegetation and water sources is excellent for livestock and wildlife that can frequently be found on the property such as antelope and deer. Located in unit 4, this property does qualify for landowner vouchers for deer and antelope, with over-the-counter opportunities for elk. The property borders Elkhead Reservoir State Park on the south side which provides a great view of the lake and easy access for fishing or swimming. The park surrounds and includes the 900 surface acre Elkhead Reservoir that primarily consists of warmwater fish species, including largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, and pike. Activities at the park include both non-electric and electric camping, fishing, boating, wildlife viewing, and hiking. Access to the main boat ramp and campground is less than 5 miles away! Hunting in the area is also excellent for deer, antelope, and the late season elk migration. Many different access points to hundreds of thousands of acres of National Forest are nearby which proves access to Quaker Mountain, Bears Ears and the Black Mountain Areas. The National Forest contains many tourist attractions, endless trails, beautiful camping locations, exceptional hunting, and countless alpine streams and lakes that offer great fishing! Many towns that are located within close proximity also provide many different attractions such as rafting and fishing the rivers, shopping in local businesses and stores, eating at restaurants, and several other annual events. The land is accessed from County Road 29 which is a good, year-around maintained road, and is located approximately 25 minutes northeast from Craig, Colorado and 30 minutes northwest of Hayden, Colorado. Yampa Valley Regional Airport is also located in Hayden which is the closest source for air travel. For additional recreational opportunities and attractions, Steamboat Springs, Colorado is located just under 1 hour from the property.
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Lakeside Land is located in the beautiful rolling hills of northwest Colorado, this property borders Elkhead Reservoir State Park and has remarkable views of the lake and nearby mountains of Quaker Mountain, Black Mountain, and Bears Ears. With year-round access off County Road 29 and power, this is the perfect place to live, recreate and enjoy the best of Colorado! Lakeside Land consists of 396 acres more or less with approximately 250 tillable farm ground. Of the 250 farmed acres, roughly 40 acres consist of dryland alfalfa, whereas the remaining 210 acres are planted into winter wheat. The land that surrounds the farm ground consists of rolling grass and sagebrush covered hills with Little Cottonwood Creek meandering throughout the bottom on the property. Additionally, there is a good, running spring that flows into Little Cottonwood Creek. The abundancy of vegetation and water sources is excellent for livestock and wildlife that can frequently be found on the property such as antelope and deer. Located in unit 4, this property does qualify for landowner vouchers for deer and antelope, with over-the-counter opportunities for elk. The property borders Elkhead Reservoir State Park on the south side which provides a great view of the lake and easy access for fishing or swimming. The park surrounds and includes the 900 surface acre Elkhead Reservoir that primarily consists of warmwater fish species, including largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill, and pike. Activities at the park include both non-electric and electric camping, fishing, boating, wildlife viewing, and hiking. Access to the main boat ramp and campground is less than 5 miles away! Hunting in the area is also excellent for deer, antelope, and the late season elk migration. Many different access points to hundreds of thousands of acres of National Forest are nearby which proves access to Quaker Mountain, Bears Ears and the Black Mountain Areas. The National Forest contains many tourist attractions, endless trails, beautiful camping locations, exceptional hunting, and countless alpine streams and lakes that offer great fishing! Many towns that are located within close proximity also provide many different attractions such as rafting and fishing the rivers, shopping in local businesses and stores, eating at restaurants, and several other annual events. The land is accessed from County Road 29 which is a good, year-around maintained road, and is located approximately 25 minutes northeast from Craig, Colorado and 30 minutes northwest of Hayden, Colorado. Yampa Valley Regional Airport is also located in Hayden which is the closest source for air travel. For additional recreational opportunities and attractions, Steamboat Springs, Colorado is located just under 1 hour from the property.
Das Lakeside Land befindet sich in den wunderschönen sanften Hügeln im Nordwesten Colorados, diese Unterkunft grenzt an den Elkhead Reservoir State Park und bietet einen bemerkenswerten Blick auf den See und die nahe gelegenen Berge Quaker Mountain, Black Mountain und Bears Ears. Mit ganzjähriger Anbindung an die County Road 29 und Strom ist dies der perfekte Ort, um zu leben, sich zu erholen und das Beste von Colorado zu genießen! Lakeside Land besteht aus mehr oder weniger 396 Hektar mit ca. 250 bebaubarem Ackerland. Von den 250 Hektar bewirtschafteten Hektar bestehen etwa 40 Hektar aus Trockenland-Luzerne, während die restlichen 210 Hektar mit Winterweizen bepflanzt sind. Das Land, das das Farmgelände umgibt, besteht aus sanftem Gras und Beifuß, die mit Beifuß bedeckt sind, wobei sich der Little Cottonwood Creek durch den Boden des Grundstücks schlängelt. Zusätzlich gibt es eine gute, fließende Quelle, die in den Little Cottonwood Creek mündet. Der Reichtum an Vegetation und Wasserquellen ist hervorragend für Vieh und Wildtiere, die häufig auf dem Grundstück zu finden sind, wie Antilopen und Hirsche. Diese Unterkunft befindet sich in Einheit 4 und berechtigt für Gutscheine für Grundbesitzer für Hirsche und Antilopen, mit rezeptfreien Möglichkeiten für Elche. Das Anwesen grenzt auf der Südseite an den Elkhead Reservoir State Park, der einen herrlichen Blick auf den See und einen einfachen Zugang zum Angeln oder Schwimmen bietet. Der Park umgibt und umfasst das 900 Hektar große Elkhead Reservoir, das hauptsächlich aus Warmwasserfischarten besteht, darunter Forellenbarsch, Black Crappie, Bluegill und Hecht. Zu den Aktivitäten im Park gehören sowohl nicht-elektrisches als auch elektrisches Camping, Angeln, Bootfahren, Tierbeobachtungen und Wandern. Der Zugang zur Hauptbootsrampe und zum Campingplatz ist weniger als 5 Meilen entfernt! Die Jagd in der Gegend eignet sich auch hervorragend für Hirsche, Antilopen und die Elchwanderung in der Spätsaison. Viele verschiedene Zugangspunkte zu Hunderttausenden von Hektar National Forest befinden sich in der Nähe, was den Zugang zum Quaker Mountain, Bears Ears und den Black Mountain Areas beweist. Der Nationalwald bietet viele touristische Attraktionen, endlose Wanderwege, schöne Campingplätze, außergewöhnliche Jagdmöglichkeiten und unzählige Alpenbäche und Seen, die zum Angeln einladen! Viele Städte, die sich in unmittelbarer Nähe befinden, bieten auch viele verschiedene Attraktionen wie Rafting und Angeln auf den Flüssen, Einkaufen in lokalen Geschäften und Geschäften, Essen in Restaurants und verschiedene andere jährliche Veranstaltungen. Der Zugang zum Grundstück erfolgt über die County Road 29, eine gute, ganzjährig instand gehaltene Straße, die etwa 25 Minuten nordöstlich von Craig, Colorado, und 30 Minuten nordwestlich von Hayden, Colorado, liegt. Der Yampa Valley Regional Airport befindet sich ebenfalls in Hayden, der nächstgelegenen Quelle für Flugreisen. Weitere Freizeitmöglichkeiten und Attraktionen finden Sie in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, das nur knapp 1 Stunde von der Unterkunft entfernt liegt.
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1 602 555 м²