Дом (Продажа)
/ 96118109
Sao Miguel Santa Eufemia e Rabacal
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227 м²
Come and see this property.The village of Penela is located in the central region of the country, it has the nickname of Vila Presépio, for its beauty and physical and geographical disposition.
Walking through the municipality, the visitor comes across numerous heritage legacies, such as the Pillory of Penela, the Churches of São Miguel, Misericórdia (16th century) or Santa Eufémia (Renaissance), among many others scattered throughout the municipality.
The Municipality of Penela is also rich in mountain villages with its typical well-preserved rural architecture, such as Ferraria de S. João, in the Parish of Cumieira, and is also rich in its natural mountain beauty.
Near Penela is the village of Rabaçal, with its striking Roman Villa dating from the fourth century AD, and its beautiful Valley, from which comes a famous herb: the herb of Santa Maria, which is said to be the enigma for the excellent flavor of its cheese, made from a mixture of sheep's and goat's milk. Показать больше Показать меньше Duas casas de pedra para restaurar. Casa principal de dois pisos para restaurar, com dois quartos, sala, varanda, pátio, pequeno terreno, lojas no seu interior em ótima localização, segunda habitação necessita de total recuperação, tem cozinha do forno, lojas de animais e anexos. Local onde reina a tranquilidade e exposição solar, vistas para a serra da estrela. Ideal para alojamento local ou habitação secundária.
Venha conhecer este imóvel.A Vila de Penela situa-se na região Centro do País, tem o apelido de Vila Presépio, pela sua beleza e disposição física e geográfica.
Caminhado pelo concelho, o visitante depara-se com inúmeros legados patrimoniais, como o Pelourinho de Penela, as Igrejas de São Miguel, da Misericórdia (século XVI) ou a de Santa Eufémia (renascentista), entre tantas outras dispersas pelo município.
O Concelho de Penela é igualmente rico em aldeias serranas com a sua arquitectura rural típica bem conservada, como Ferraria de S. João, na Freguesia da Cumieira, sendo igualmente rico na sua beleza serrana natural.
Perto de Penela situa-se a povoação do Rabaçal, com a sua marcante Villa Romana datada do século IV d.C, e o seu bonito Vale, de onde provém uma erva afamada: a erva de Santa Maria, que diz-se ser o enigma para o sabor excelente do seu Queijo, feito de uma mistura de leite de ovelha e de cabra. Two stone houses to restore. Main house with two floors to restore, with two bedrooms, living room, balcony, patio, small plot, shops inside in great location, second house needs total recovery, has oven kitchen, pet shops and annexes. A place where tranquility and sun exposure reign, views of the Serra da Estrela. Ideal for short-term rentals or secondary housing.
Come and see this property.The village of Penela is located in the central region of the country, it has the nickname of Vila Presépio, for its beauty and physical and geographical disposition.
Walking through the municipality, the visitor comes across numerous heritage legacies, such as the Pillory of Penela, the Churches of São Miguel, Misericórdia (16th century) or Santa Eufémia (Renaissance), among many others scattered throughout the municipality.
The Municipality of Penela is also rich in mountain villages with its typical well-preserved rural architecture, such as Ferraria de S. João, in the Parish of Cumieira, and is also rich in its natural mountain beauty.
Near Penela is the village of Rabaçal, with its striking Roman Villa dating from the fourth century AD, and its beautiful Valley, from which comes a famous herb: the herb of Santa Maria, which is said to be the enigma for the excellent flavor of its cheese, made from a mixture of sheep's and goat's milk. Deux maisons en pierre à restaurer. Maison principale avec deux étages à restaurer, avec deux chambres, salon, balcon, patio, petit terrain, magasins à l’intérieur très bien situé, deuxième maison a besoin d’une récupération totale, dispose d’une cuisine fournée, d’animaleries et d’annexes. Un endroit où règnent la tranquillité et l’exposition au soleil, vue sur la Serra da Estrela. Idéal pour les locations à court terme ou les résidences secondaires.
Venez voir cette propriété.Le village de Penela est situé dans la région centrale du pays, il a le surnom de Vila Presépio, pour sa beauté et sa disposition physique et géographique.
En se promenant dans la municipalité, le visiteur découvre de nombreux héritages patrimoniaux, tels que le pilori de Penela, les églises de São Miguel, Misericórdia (XVIe siècle) ou Santa Eufémia (Renaissance), parmi beaucoup d’autres disséminés dans toute la municipalité.
La municipalité de Penela est également riche en villages de montagne avec son architecture rurale typique bien conservée, comme Ferraria de S. João, dans la paroisse de Cumieira, et est également riche de sa beauté naturelle de montagne.
Près de Penela se trouve le village de Rabaçal, avec sa remarquable villa romaine datant du IVe siècle après J.-C., et sa belle vallée, d’où provient une herbe célèbre : l’herbe de Santa Maria, dont on dit qu’elle est l’énigme de l’excellente saveur de son fromage, fabriqué à partir d’un mélange de lait de brebis et de chèvre.