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Варна - Квартира на продажу

31 987 921 RUB

Квартира (Продажа)

248 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T91742610 / 91742610
Residential Park Complex Varna View is the final realization of a multifunctional complex with an emblematic location and excellent access. The complex combines extensive residential, commercial, business and park areas with a panorama of the sea shore and Varna lake. The complex has a pronounced energy-efficient orientation gasified and equipped with its own photovoltaic park. Transport secured through internal road infrastructure and roundabouts, which quickly and safely connect it with the transport scheme of the town of Plovdiv. Varna. The residential park complex harmonizes with the natural relief and urbanization of the surrounding area. It connects an exceptional sunny exhibition with an elegant architectural concept and comfort! Varna View guarantees quality of environment and life among a variety of natural greenery and areas for rest and entertainment. In the 10 residential buildings were realized 134 spacious apartments with varied distribution, regular shapes, elegant line and emphasized amenities. The buildings and apartments in them are provided with basements, garages, underground and open parking spaces. Part of the residential park complex Varna View is a Trade & Business Center. Innovative, 3-section multifunctional building with public purpose, 495 sq. m basin complex and variety of services offered, which reflects the most modernist and user-oriented distribution between commercial and office space. The center is a high-quality building that greatly increases the practicality and convenience of the whole complex, fitting with harmony! Call now and quote this code 552649 Показать больше Показать меньше Жилищен парк комплекс Варна Вю е финалната реализация на многофункционален комплекс с емблематична локация и отличен достъп. Комплексът съчетава обширни жилищни, търговски, бизнес и паркови площи с панорама към морския бряг и варненското езеро. Комплексът е с подчертана енергоефективна насоченост газифициран и оборудван със собствен фотоволтаичен парк. Транспортно обезпечен чрез вътрешна шосейна инфраструктура и кръгови кръстовища, които бързо и безопасно го свързват с транспортната схема на гр. Варна. Жилищният парк комплекс хармонира с естествения релеф и урбанизацията на територията наоколо. Свързва изключително слънчево изложение с елегантна архитектурна концепция и комфорт! Варна Вю гарантира качество на среда и живот сред многообразие от естествена зеленина и зони за почивка и развлечение. В 10-те жилищни сгради са реализирани 134 обширни апартамента с разнообразно разпределение, правилни форми, елегантна линия и подчертани удобства. Сградите и апартаментите в тях са обезпечени с избени помещения, гаражи, подземни и открити паркоместа. Част от жилищен парк комплекс Варна Вю е Търговски & Бизнес център. Иновативна, 3-секционна многофункционална сграда с обществено предназначение, 495 кв. м басейнов комплекс и многообразие на предлагани услуги, която отразява най-модернистичното и потребителски ориентирано разпределение между търговски и офис площи. Центърът е висококачествена сграда, която повишава многократно практичността и удобството на целия комплекс, вписвайки се с хармония! Обади се сега и цитирай този код 552649 Residential Park Complex Varna View is the final realization of a multifunctional complex with an emblematic location and excellent access. The complex combines extensive residential, commercial, business and park areas with a panorama of the sea shore and Varna lake. The complex has a pronounced energy-efficient orientation gasified and equipped with its own photovoltaic park. Transport secured through internal road infrastructure and roundabouts, which quickly and safely connect it with the transport scheme of the town of Plovdiv. Varna. The residential park complex harmonizes with the natural relief and urbanization of the surrounding area. It connects an exceptional sunny exhibition with an elegant architectural concept and comfort! Varna View guarantees quality of environment and life among a variety of natural greenery and areas for rest and entertainment. In the 10 residential buildings were realized 134 spacious apartments with varied distribution, regular shapes, elegant line and emphasized amenities. The buildings and apartments in them are provided with basements, garages, underground and open parking spaces. Part of the residential park complex Varna View is a Trade & Business Center. Innovative, 3-section multifunctional building with public purpose, 495 sq. m basin complex and variety of services offered, which reflects the most modernist and user-oriented distribution between commercial and office space. The center is a high-quality building that greatly increases the practicality and convenience of the whole complex, fitting with harmony! Call now and quote this code 552649 Le complexe du parc résidentiel Varna View est la réalisation finale d’un complexe multifonctionnel avec un emplacement emblématique et un excellent accès. Le complexe combine de vastes zones résidentielles, commerciales, d’affaires et de parcs avec vue sur la côte et le lac Varna. Le complexe a une orientation économe en énergie prononcée, gazéifié et équipé de son propre parc photovoltaïque. Il est transporté par des infrastructures routières internes et des ronds-points, qui le relient rapidement et en toute sécurité au système de transport de la ville de Varna. Varna. Le complexe résidentiel est en harmonie avec le relief naturel et l’urbanisation de la zone environnante. Il allie une exposition exceptionnellement ensoleillée à un concept architectural élégant et au confort ! Varna View garantit la qualité de l’environnement et de la vie parmi une variété de verdure naturelle et d’espaces de loisirs et de divertissement. Dans les 10 bâtiments résidentiels sont réalisés 134 appartements spacieux avec une variété d’agencement, des formes régulières, des lignes élégantes et des équipements mis en valeur. Les bâtiments et les appartements qui s’y trouvent sont pourvus de caves, de garages, de places de parking souterraines et extérieures. Faisant partie du complexe résidentiel Varna View est un centre commercial et d’affaires. Bâtiment multifonctionnel innovant de 3 sections à vocation publique, 495 m². m de complexe de piscines et une variété de services offerts, qui reflète la distribution la plus moderniste et orientée vers le consommateur entre les espaces commerciaux et de bureaux. Le centre est un bâtiment de haute qualité qui augmente plusieurs fois la praticité et la commodité de l’ensemble du complexe, s’intégrant harmonieusement ! Appelez maintenant et indiquez ce code 552649
Ссылка: EDEN-T91742610
Страна: BG
Город: Varna
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 248 м²
Этаж: 2


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