Land for swimming pool, Backyard, Fruit trees and well.
There is another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or rural tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE SCHIST VILLAGES). Pedestrian Paths. Dwell in pure nature. Center of Portugal.
30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
The Rainha Santa Building in Coimbra and Torres Vedras!
Coimbra is one of the oldest cities in Portugal, with Roman, Visigothic origins and Muslim influence. Definitively conquered in 1064, it was the first capital of the kingdom when D. Afonso Henriques settled there with his court. It celebrates its Municipal holiday on July 4 in memory of Queen Santa Isabel of Aragon, patron saint of the City. In 1290, the oldest University in the country and one of the oldest in the world was created by D. Dinis. It began to operate in Lisbon and was definitively transferred to Coimbra in 1537 by order of King D. João III. Initially restricted to the Paço das Escolas, over the years the University was extended throughout Coimbra, thus modifying the landscape and making it the University City we know today. Since 2013, the University of Coimbra has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, given its unique tangible and intangible heritage, essential to the history of European and World scientific culture. A privileged city for its geographical position in the center of mainland Portugal, between the cities of Lisbon and Porto and 40km from beaches.
What connects Coimbra to Torres Vedras?
In common with Coimbra, Torres Vedras has a medieval castle and a history that dates back to the Roman occupation. The city of Torres Vedras had its first human occupation during the Roman invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. The fortification of Torres Vedras was taken in 1148 by the forces of Dom Afonso Henriques, whose tomb is in Coimbra in the Monastery of Santa Cruz. It is said that in 1184, he resisted, for eleven days, the siege that was imposed on him in vain by a column of Muslim troops scattered throughout the region of Santarém. He later received the honours of Dom Dinis of Portugal (The Farmer) and was king of Portugal and the Algarve from 1279 until his death. Energy Rating: E
House with good areas. You need recovery works. It's not habitable. Land for swimming pool, backyard, fruit trees and well. There's another building to rehabilitate. Ideal for holidays or Rural Tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE VILLAGES OF SHALE). Pedestrian paths. Dwell in pure nature. Central Portugal. 30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain. Energy Rating: E
Показать большеПоказать меньше
Moradia com boas áreas.
Necessita de obras de recuperação.
Não está habitável.
Terreno para piscina, Quintal, Árvores de fruto e poço.
Tem outro edifício para reabilitar.
Ideal para férias ou Turismo rural Alojamento local. (ROTA DAS ALDEIAS DE XISTO). Caminhos Pedestres. Habite na natureza pura. Centro de Portugal.
A 30 minutos de Coimbra, 40 minutos da Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 horas de Lisboa, 1 hora de Castelo Branco, 2 horas de Espanha.
A Predial Rainha Santa em Coimbra e Torres Vedras!
Coimbra é uma das cidades mais antigas de Portugal, com origens romanas, visigóticas e influência Muçulmana. Definitivamente conquistada em 1064, foi a primeira capital do reino quando D. Afonso Henriques ali se instalou com a sua corte. Festeja o seu feriado Municipal a 4 de julho em memória da Rainha Santa Isabel de Aragão, padroeira da Cidade. Em 1290 foi criada por D. Dinis a mais antiga Universidade do país e uma das mais antigas do mundo. Esta começou por funcionar em Lisboa tendo sido transferida definitivamente para Coimbra em 1537 por ordem do Rei D. João III. Inicialmente restrita ao Paço das Escolas, ao longo dos anos a Universidade foi-se estendendo por Coimbra, modificando assim a paisagem e tornando-a na Cidade Universitária que hoje conhecemos. Desde 2013 que a Universidade de Coimbra é considerada Património Mundial da UNESCO dado o seu património material e imaterial único e essencial à história da cultura científica Europeia e Mundial. Cidade privilegiada pela sua posição geográfica no centro de Portugal continental, entre as cidades de Lisboa e do Porto e a 40km de praias.
O que liga Coimbra a Torres Vedras?
Em comum com Coimbra, Torres Vedras tem um castelo medieval e uma História que remonta à ocupação Romana. A cidade de Torres Vedras, teve a sua primeira ocupação humana aquando a invasão Romana da Península Ibérica. A fortificação de Torres Vedras foi tomada em 1148 pelas forças de Dom Afonso Henriques, cujo túmulo se encontra em Coimbra no Mosteiro de Santa Cruz. Consta ter resistido em 1184, por onze dias, ao assédio que em vão lhe foi imposto por uma coluna das tropas muçulmanas espalhadas pela região de Santarém. Recebeu mais tarde as honras de Dom Dinis de Portugal (O Lavrador) tendo sido rei de Portugal e do Algarve de 1279 até à sua morte. Categoria Energética: E
House with good areas. You need recovery works. It's not habitable. Land for swimming pool, backyard, fruit trees and well. There's another building to rehabilitate. Ideal for holidays or Rural Tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE VILLAGES OF SHALE). Pedestrian paths. Dwell in pure nature. Central Portugal. 30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain. Energy Rating: E
Casa con buone aree.
Ha bisogno di lavori di recupero.
Non è abitabile.
Terreno per piscina, cortile, alberi da frutto e pozzo.
C'è un altro edificio da riabilitare.
Ideale per vacanze o turismo rurale Alloggio locale. (ITINERARIO DEI VILLAGGI SCISTOSI). Percorsi pedonali. Abita nella natura pura. Centro del Portogallo.
A 30 minuti da Coimbra, a 40 minuti da Figueira da Foz (Praia), a 1,5 ore da Lisbona, a 1 ora da Castelo Branco, a 2 ore dalla Spagna.
L'edificio Rainha Santa a Coimbra e Torres Vedras!
Coimbra è una delle città più antiche del Portogallo, con origini romane, visigote e influenze musulmane. Conquistata definitivamente nel 1064, fu la prima capitale del regno quando D. Afonso Henriques vi si stabilì con la sua corte. Celebra la sua festa comunale il 4 luglio in memoria della regina Santa Isabella d'Aragona, patrona della città. Nel 1290, la più antica università del paese e una delle più antiche del mondo fu creata da D. Dinis. Iniziò ad operare a Lisbona e fu definitivamente trasferita a Coimbra nel 1537 per ordine del re D. João III. Inizialmente ristretta al Paço das Escolas, nel corso degli anni l'Università si estese a tutta Coimbra, modificando così il paesaggio e rendendola la Città Universitaria che conosciamo oggi. Dal 2013 l'Università di Coimbra è considerata Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO, dato il suo patrimonio materiale e immateriale unico, essenziale per la storia della cultura scientifica europea e mondiale. Una città privilegiata per la sua posizione geografica al centro del Portogallo continentale, tra le città di Lisbona e Porto e a 40 km dalle spiagge.
Cosa collega Coimbra a Torres Vedras?
In comune con Coimbra, Torres Vedras ha un castello medievale e una storia che risale all'occupazione romana. La città di Torres Vedras ebbe la sua prima occupazione umana durante l'invasione romana della penisola iberica. La fortificazione di Torres Vedras fu presa nel 1148 dalle forze di Dom Afonso Henriques, la cui tomba si trova a Coimbra nel Monastero di Santa Cruz. Si narra che nel 1184 resistette, per undici giorni, all'assedio che gli fu imposto invano da una colonna di truppe musulmane sparse in tutta la regione di Santarém. In seguito ricevette gli onori di Dom Dinis del Portogallo (Il Contadino) e fu re del Portogallo e dell'Algarve dal 1279 fino alla sua morte. Classe energetica: E
Casa con buone aree. Hai bisogno di lavori di recupero. Non è abitabile. Terreno per piscina, cortile, alberi da frutto e pozzo. C'è un altro edificio da riabilitare. Ideale per vacanze o Turismo Rurale Strutture ricettive locali. (ITINERARIO DEI VILLAGGI DI SCISTO). Percorsi pedonali. Abita nella natura pura. Portogallo centrale. A 30 minuti da Coimbra, a 40 minuti da Figueira da Foz (Praia), a 1,5 ore da Lisbona, a 1 ora da Castelo Branco, a 2 ore dalla Spagna. Classe energetica: E
House with good areas.
It needs recovery works.
It is not habitable.
Land for swimming pool, Backyard, Fruit trees and well.
There is another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or rural tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE SCHIST VILLAGES). Pedestrian Paths. Dwell in pure nature. Center of Portugal.
30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
The Rainha Santa Building in Coimbra and Torres Vedras!
Coimbra is one of the oldest cities in Portugal, with Roman, Visigothic origins and Muslim influence. Definitively conquered in 1064, it was the first capital of the kingdom when D. Afonso Henriques settled there with his court. It celebrates its Municipal holiday on July 4 in memory of Queen Santa Isabel of Aragon, patron saint of the City. In 1290, the oldest University in the country and one of the oldest in the world was created by D. Dinis. It began to operate in Lisbon and was definitively transferred to Coimbra in 1537 by order of King D. João III. Initially restricted to the Paço das Escolas, over the years the University was extended throughout Coimbra, thus modifying the landscape and making it the University City we know today. Since 2013, the University of Coimbra has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, given its unique tangible and intangible heritage, essential to the history of European and World scientific culture. A privileged city for its geographical position in the center of mainland Portugal, between the cities of Lisbon and Porto and 40km from beaches.
What connects Coimbra to Torres Vedras?
In common with Coimbra, Torres Vedras has a medieval castle and a history that dates back to the Roman occupation. The city of Torres Vedras had its first human occupation during the Roman invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. The fortification of Torres Vedras was taken in 1148 by the forces of Dom Afonso Henriques, whose tomb is in Coimbra in the Monastery of Santa Cruz. It is said that in 1184, he resisted, for eleven days, the siege that was imposed on him in vain by a column of Muslim troops scattered throughout the region of Santarém. He later received the honours of Dom Dinis of Portugal (The Farmer) and was king of Portugal and the Algarve from 1279 until his death. Energy Rating: E
House with good areas. You need recovery works. It's not habitable. Land for swimming pool, backyard, fruit trees and well. There's another building to rehabilitate. Ideal for holidays or Rural Tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE VILLAGES OF SHALE). Pedestrian paths. Dwell in pure nature. Central Portugal. 30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain. Energy Rating: E
Dom z dobrymi lokalizacjami.
Wymaga prac naprawczych.
Nie nadaje się do zamieszkania.
Teren pod basen, Podwórko, Drzewa owocowe i studnia.
Jest jeszcze jeden budynek do remontu.
Idealny na wakacje lub turystykę wiejską Lokalne zakwaterowanie. (SZLAK WIOSEK ŁUPKOWYCH). Ścieżki dla pieszych. Zamieszkaj w czystej naturze. Centrum Portugalii.
30 minut od Coimbry, 40 minut od Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 godziny od Lizbony, 1 godzina od Castelo Branco, 2 godziny od Hiszpanii.
Budynek Rainha Santa w Coimbrze i Torres Vedras!
Coimbra jest jednym z najstarszych miast w Portugalii, o rzymskim, wizygockim rodowodzie i wpływach muzułmańskich. Ostatecznie zdobyte w 1064 roku, było pierwszą stolicą królestwa, gdy osiadł tam D. Afonso Henriques ze swoim dworem. 4 lipca obchodzone jest święto miejskie ku pamięci królowej Santa Isabel Aragońskiej, patronki miasta. W 1290 r. najstarszy uniwersytet w kraju i jeden z najstarszych na świecie został utworzony przez D. Dinisa. Rozpoczął działalność w Lizbonie i został ostatecznie przeniesiony do Coimbry w 1537 roku na rozkaz króla D. João III. Początkowo ograniczony do Paço das Escolas, z biegiem lat uniwersytet został rozszerzony na całą Coimbrę, modyfikując w ten sposób krajobraz i czyniąc z niego miasto uniwersyteckie, które znamy dzisiaj. Od 2013 roku Uniwersytet w Coimbrze jest wpisany na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO ze względu na jego unikalne dziedzictwo materialne i niematerialne, które ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla historii europejskiej i światowej kultury naukowej. Uprzywilejowane miasto ze względu na swoje położenie geograficzne w centrum kontynentalnej Portugalii, między miastami Lizbona i Porto oraz 40 km od plaż.
Co łączy Coimbra i Torres Vedras?
Podobnie jak Coimbra, Torres Vedras posiada średniowieczny zamek i historię sięgającą czasów okupacji rzymskiej. Miasto Torres Vedras miało swoją pierwszą ludzką okupację podczas rzymskiej inwazji na Półwysep Iberyjski. Fortyfikacja Torres Vedras została zdobyta w 1148 roku przez siły Dom Afonso Henriques, którego grobowiec znajduje się w Coimbrze w klasztorze Santa Cruz. Mówi się, że w 1184 roku przez jedenaście dni opierał się oblężeniu, które na próżno narzucała mu kolumna muzułmańskich wojsk rozsianych po całym regionie Santarém. Później otrzymał honory Dom Dinis of Portugal (Rolnik) i był królem Portugalii i Algarve od 1279 roku aż do śmierci. Klasa energetyczna: E
Dom z dobrymi lokalizacjami. Potrzebne są prace naprawcze. Nie nadaje się do zamieszkania. Teren pod basen, podwórko, drzewa owocowe i studnię. Jest jeszcze jeden budynek do remontu. Idealny na wakacje lub turystykę wiejską Lokalne zakwaterowanie. (SZLAK WIOSEK ŁUPKOWYCH). Ścieżki dla pieszych. Zamieszkaj w czystej naturze. Portugalia Środkowa. 30 minut od Coimbry, 40 minut od Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 godziny od Lizbony, 1 godzina od Castelo Branco, 2 godziny od Hiszpanii. Klasa energetyczna: E
Maison avec de bons espaces.
Il a besoin de travaux de récupération.
Il n’est pas habitable.
Terrain pour piscine, Cour arrière, arbres fruitiers et puits.
Il y a un autre bâtiment à réhabiliter.
Idéal pour les vacances ou le tourisme rural. (ROUTE DES VILLAGES DE SCHISTES). Chemins piétonniers. Habitez dans la nature pure. Centre du Portugal.
À 30 minutes de Coimbra, à 40 minutes de Figueira da Foz (Praia), à 1,5 heure de Lisbonne, à 1 heure de Castelo Branco, à 2 heures de l’Espagne.
Le bâtiment Rainha Santa à Coimbra et Torres Vedras !
Coimbra est l’une des plus anciennes villes du Portugal, avec des origines romaines, wisigothiques et une influence musulmane. Conquise définitivement en 1064, elle fut la première capitale du royaume lorsque D. Afonso Henriques s’y installa avec sa cour. Il célèbre sa fête municipale le 4 juillet en mémoire de la reine Santa Isabel d’Aragon, patronne de la ville. En 1290, la plus ancienne université du pays et l’une des plus anciennes du monde a été créée par D. Dinis. Elle a commencé à fonctionner à Lisbonne et a été définitivement transférée à Coimbra en 1537 sur ordre du roi D. João III. Initialement limitée au Paço das Escolas, au fil des ans, l’Université s’est étendue à toute Coimbra, modifiant ainsi le paysage et en faisant la ville universitaire que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. Depuis 2013, l’Université de Coimbra est considérée comme un site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, compte tenu de son patrimoine matériel et immatériel unique, essentiel à l’histoire de la culture scientifique européenne et mondiale. Une ville privilégiée pour sa position géographique au centre du Portugal continental, entre les villes de Lisbonne et Porto et à 40 km des plages.
Qu’est-ce qui relie Coimbra à Torres Vedras ?
Comme Coimbra, Torres Vedras possède un château médiéval et une histoire qui remonte à l’occupation romaine. La ville de Torres Vedras a connu sa première occupation humaine lors de l’invasion romaine de la péninsule ibérique. La fortification de Torres Vedras a été prise en 1148 par les forces de Dom Afonso Henriques, dont la tombe se trouve à Coimbra dans le monastère de Santa Cruz. On raconte qu’en 1184, il résista, pendant onze jours, au siège qui lui fut imposé en vain par une colonne de troupes musulmanes dispersées dans toute la région de Santarém. Il reçut plus tard les honneurs de Dom Dinis du Portugal (Le Fermier) et fut roi du Portugal et de l’Algarve de 1279 jusqu’à sa mort. Classe énergétique : E
Maison avec de bons espaces. Vous avez besoin de travaux de récupération. Ce n’est pas habitable. Terrain pour piscine, cour arrière, arbres fruitiers et puits. Il y a un autre bâtiment à réhabiliter. Idéal pour les vacances ou le tourisme rural, Hébergement local. (ROUTE DES VILLAGES DE SCHISTE). Chemins piétonniers. Habitez dans la nature pure. Centre du Portugal. À 30 minutes de Coimbra, à 40 minutes de Figueira da Foz (Praia), à 1,5 heure de Lisbonne, à 1 heure de Castelo Branco, à 2 heures de l’Espagne. Classe énergétique : E
Huis met goede gebieden.
Het heeft herstelwerkzaamheden nodig.
Het is niet bewoonbaar.
Land voor zwembad, achtertuin, fruitbomen en waterput.
Er is nog een gebouw om te rehabiliteren.
Ideaal voor vakanties of plattelandstoerisme Lokale accommodatie. (ROUTE VAN DE LEISTENEN DORPEN). Voetpaden. Verblijf in de pure natuur. Centrum van Portugal.
30 minuten van Coimbra, 40 minuten van Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 uur van Lissabon, 1 uur van Castelo Branco, 2 uur van Spanje.
Het Rainha Santa-gebouw in Coimbra en Torres Vedras!
Coimbra is een van de oudste steden van Portugal, met een Romeinse, Visigotische oorsprong en islamitische invloeden. Het werd definitief veroverd in 1064 en was de eerste hoofdstad van het koninkrijk toen D. Afonso Henriques zich er met zijn hof vestigde. Het viert zijn gemeentelijke feestdag op 4 juli ter nagedachtenis aan koningin Santa Isabel van Aragon, patroonheilige van de stad. In 1290 werd de oudste universiteit van het land en een van de oudste ter wereld opgericht door D. Dinis. Het begon te werken in Lissabon en werd in 1537 definitief overgebracht naar Coimbra in opdracht van koning D. João III. Aanvankelijk beperkt tot de Paço das Escolas, werd de universiteit in de loop der jaren uitgebreid door heel Coimbra, waardoor het landschap veranderde en het de universiteitsstad werd die we vandaag kennen. Sinds 2013 wordt de Universiteit van Coimbra beschouwd als UNESCO-werelderfgoed, gezien het unieke materiële en immateriële erfgoed, essentieel voor de geschiedenis van de Europese en wereldwetenschappelijke cultuur. Een bevoorrechte stad vanwege de geografische ligging in het centrum van het vasteland van Portugal, tussen de steden Lissabon en Porto en op 40 km van de stranden.
Wat verbindt Coimbra met Torres Vedras?
Net als Coimbra heeft Torres Vedras een middeleeuws kasteel en een geschiedenis die teruggaat tot de Romeinse bezetting. De stad Torres Vedras had zijn eerste menselijke bewoning tijdens de Romeinse invasie van het Iberisch schiereiland. Het fort van Torres Vedras werd in 1148 ingenomen door de troepen van Dom Afonso Henriques, wiens graf zich in Coimbra in het klooster van Santa Cruz bevindt. Er wordt gezegd dat hij in 1184 elf dagen lang weerstand bood aan het beleg dat hem tevergeefs werd opgelegd door een colonne moslimtroepen verspreid over de regio Santarém. Later ontving hij de onderscheidingen van Dom Dinis van Portugal (De Boer) en was koning van Portugal en de Algarve van 1279 tot aan zijn dood. Energielabel: E
Huis met goede gebieden. Je hebt herstelwerkzaamheden nodig. Het is niet bewoonbaar. Land voor zwembad, achtertuin, fruitbomen en waterput. Er is nog een gebouw om te rehabiliteren. Ideaal voor vakanties of plattelandstoerisme Lokale accommodatie. (ROUTE VAN DE DORPEN VAN LEISTEEN). Voetpaden. Verblijf in de pure natuur. Midden-Portugal. 30 minuten van Coimbra, 40 minuten van Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 uur van Lissabon, 1 uur van Castelo Branco, 2 uur van Spanje. Energielabel: E
Къща с добри площи.
Нуждае се от възстановителни работи.
Не е обитаема.
Парцел за басейн, двор, овощни дръвчета и кладенец.
Има още една сграда за рехабилитация.
Идеален за почивка или селски туризъм Местно настаняване. (МАРШРУТ НА ШИСТОВИТЕ СЕЛА). Пешеходни пътеки. Живейте в чистата природа. Център на Португалия.
30 минути от Коимбра, 40 минути от Фигейра да Фош (Прая), 1,5 часа от Лисабон, 1 час от Кастело Бранко, 2 часа от Испания.
Сградата на Райнха Санта в Коимбра и Торес Ведрас!
Коимбра е един от най-старите градове в Португалия, с римски, вестготски произход и мюсюлманско влияние. Окончателно завладян през 1064 г., той е първата столица на кралството, когато Д. Афонсу Енрикес се установява там с двора си. Той празнува своя общински празник на 4 юли в памет на кралица Санта Изабел от Арагон, покровителка на града. През 1290 г. най-старият университет в страната и един от най-старите в света е създаден от Д. Динис. Започва да функционира в Лисабон и е окончателно прехвърлен в Коимбра през 1537 г. по заповед на крал Д. Жоао III. Първоначално ограничен до Paço das Escolas, през годините университетът е разширен в цяла Коимбра, като по този начин променя пейзажа и го превръща в университетския град, който познаваме днес. От 2013 г. Университетът в Коимбра се счита за обект на световното наследство на ЮНЕСКО, като се има предвид уникалното му материално и нематериално наследство, което е от съществено значение за историята на европейската и световната научна култура. Привилегирован град заради географското си положение в центъра на континентална Португалия, между градовете Лисабон и Порто и на 40 км от плажовете.
Какво свързва Коимбра с Торес Ведрас?
Подобно на Коимбра, Торес Ведрас има средновековен замък и история, която датира от римската окупация. Град Торес Ведрас претърпява първата си човешка окупация по време на римското нашествие на Иберийския полуостров. Укреплението на Торес Ведрас е превзето през 1148 г. от силите на Дом Афонсу Енрикес, чиято гробница е в Коимбра в манастира Санта Круз. Говори се, че през 1184 г. той се съпротивлява в продължение на единадесет дни на обсадата, която му е наложена напразно от колона от мюсюлмански войски, разпръснати из района на Сантарем. По-късно той получава почестите на Dom Dinis от Португалия (Фермерът) и е крал на Португалия и Алгарве от 1279 г. до смъртта си. Енергиен рейтинг: E
Къща с добри площи. Имате нужда от възстановителни работи. Не е обитаема. Парцел за басейн, двор, овощни дръвчета и кладенец. Има още една сграда за рехабилитация. Идеален за почивка или селски туризъм Местно настаняване. (МАРШРУТ НА СЕЛАТА НА ШИСТИ). Пешеходни пътеки. Живейте в чистата природа. Централна Португалия. 30 минути от Коимбра, 40 минути от Фигейра да Фош (Прая), 1,5 часа от Лисабон, 1 час от Кастело Бранко, 2 часа от Испания. Енергиен рейтинг: E
It needs recovery works.
It is not habitable.
Land for swimming pool, Backyard, Fruit trees and well.
There is another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or rural tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE SCHIST VILLAGES). Pedestrian Paths. Dwell in pure nature. Center of Portugal.
30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
The Rainha Santa Building in Coimbra and Torres Vedras!
Coimbra is one of the oldest cities in Portugal, with Roman, Visigothic origins and Muslim influence. Definitively conquered in 1064, it was the first capital of the kingdom when D. Afonso Henriques settled there with his court. It celebrates its Municipal holiday on July 4 in memory of Queen Santa Isabel of Aragon, patron saint of the City.
In 1290, the oldest University in the country and one of the oldest in the world was created by D. Dinis. It began to operate in Lisbon and was definitively transferred to Coimbra in 1537 by order of King D. João III. Initially restricted to the Paço das Escolas, over the years the University was extended throughout Coimbra, thus modifying the landscape and making it the University City we know today. Since 2013, the University of Coimbra has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, given its unique tangible and intangible heritage, essential to the history of European and World scientific culture.
A privileged city for its geographical position in the center of mainland Portugal, between the cities of Lisbon and Porto and 40km from beaches.
What connects Coimbra to Torres Vedras?
In common with Coimbra, Torres Vedras has a medieval castle and a history that dates back to the Roman occupation. The city of Torres Vedras had its first human occupation during the Roman invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. The fortification of Torres Vedras was taken in 1148 by the forces of Dom Afonso Henriques, whose tomb is in Coimbra in the Monastery of Santa Cruz. It is said that in 1184, he resisted, for eleven days, the siege that was imposed on him in vain by a column of Muslim troops scattered throughout the region of Santarém. He later received the honours of Dom Dinis of Portugal (The Farmer) and was king of Portugal and the Algarve from 1279 until his death.
Energy Rating: E
House with good areas.
You need recovery works.
It's not habitable.
Land for swimming pool, backyard, fruit trees and well.
There's another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or Rural Tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE VILLAGES OF SHALE). Pedestrian paths. Dwell in pure nature. Central Portugal. 30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
Energy Rating: E Показать больше Показать меньше Moradia com boas áreas.
Necessita de obras de recuperação.
Não está habitável.
Terreno para piscina, Quintal, Árvores de fruto e poço.
Tem outro edifício para reabilitar.
Ideal para férias ou Turismo rural Alojamento local. (ROTA DAS ALDEIAS DE XISTO). Caminhos Pedestres. Habite na natureza pura. Centro de Portugal.
A 30 minutos de Coimbra, 40 minutos da Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 horas de Lisboa, 1 hora de Castelo Branco, 2 horas de Espanha.
A Predial Rainha Santa em Coimbra e Torres Vedras!
Coimbra é uma das cidades mais antigas de Portugal, com origens romanas, visigóticas e influência Muçulmana. Definitivamente conquistada em 1064, foi a primeira capital do reino quando D. Afonso Henriques ali se instalou com a sua corte. Festeja o seu feriado Municipal a 4 de julho em memória da Rainha Santa Isabel de Aragão, padroeira da Cidade.
Em 1290 foi criada por D. Dinis a mais antiga Universidade do país e uma das mais antigas do mundo. Esta começou por funcionar em Lisboa tendo sido transferida definitivamente para Coimbra em 1537 por ordem do Rei D. João III. Inicialmente restrita ao Paço das Escolas, ao longo dos anos a Universidade foi-se estendendo por Coimbra, modificando assim a paisagem e tornando-a na Cidade Universitária que hoje conhecemos. Desde 2013 que a Universidade de Coimbra é considerada Património Mundial da UNESCO dado o seu património material e imaterial único e essencial à história da cultura científica Europeia e Mundial.
Cidade privilegiada pela sua posição geográfica no centro de Portugal continental, entre as cidades de Lisboa e do Porto e a 40km de praias.
O que liga Coimbra a Torres Vedras?
Em comum com Coimbra, Torres Vedras tem um castelo medieval e uma História que remonta à ocupação Romana. A cidade de Torres Vedras, teve a sua primeira ocupação humana aquando a invasão Romana da Península Ibérica. A fortificação de Torres Vedras foi tomada em 1148 pelas forças de Dom Afonso Henriques, cujo túmulo se encontra em Coimbra no Mosteiro de Santa Cruz. Consta ter resistido em 1184, por onze dias, ao assédio que em vão lhe foi imposto por uma coluna das tropas muçulmanas espalhadas pela região de Santarém. Recebeu mais tarde as honras de Dom Dinis de Portugal (O Lavrador) tendo sido rei de Portugal e do Algarve de 1279 até à sua morte.
Categoria Energética: E
House with good areas.
You need recovery works.
It's not habitable.
Land for swimming pool, backyard, fruit trees and well.
There's another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or Rural Tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE VILLAGES OF SHALE). Pedestrian paths. Dwell in pure nature. Central Portugal. 30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
Energy Rating: E Casa con buone aree.
Ha bisogno di lavori di recupero.
Non è abitabile.
Terreno per piscina, cortile, alberi da frutto e pozzo.
C'è un altro edificio da riabilitare.
Ideale per vacanze o turismo rurale Alloggio locale. (ITINERARIO DEI VILLAGGI SCISTOSI). Percorsi pedonali. Abita nella natura pura. Centro del Portogallo.
A 30 minuti da Coimbra, a 40 minuti da Figueira da Foz (Praia), a 1,5 ore da Lisbona, a 1 ora da Castelo Branco, a 2 ore dalla Spagna.
L'edificio Rainha Santa a Coimbra e Torres Vedras!
Coimbra è una delle città più antiche del Portogallo, con origini romane, visigote e influenze musulmane. Conquistata definitivamente nel 1064, fu la prima capitale del regno quando D. Afonso Henriques vi si stabilì con la sua corte. Celebra la sua festa comunale il 4 luglio in memoria della regina Santa Isabella d'Aragona, patrona della città.
Nel 1290, la più antica università del paese e una delle più antiche del mondo fu creata da D. Dinis. Iniziò ad operare a Lisbona e fu definitivamente trasferita a Coimbra nel 1537 per ordine del re D. João III. Inizialmente ristretta al Paço das Escolas, nel corso degli anni l'Università si estese a tutta Coimbra, modificando così il paesaggio e rendendola la Città Universitaria che conosciamo oggi. Dal 2013 l'Università di Coimbra è considerata Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO, dato il suo patrimonio materiale e immateriale unico, essenziale per la storia della cultura scientifica europea e mondiale.
Una città privilegiata per la sua posizione geografica al centro del Portogallo continentale, tra le città di Lisbona e Porto e a 40 km dalle spiagge.
Cosa collega Coimbra a Torres Vedras?
In comune con Coimbra, Torres Vedras ha un castello medievale e una storia che risale all'occupazione romana. La città di Torres Vedras ebbe la sua prima occupazione umana durante l'invasione romana della penisola iberica. La fortificazione di Torres Vedras fu presa nel 1148 dalle forze di Dom Afonso Henriques, la cui tomba si trova a Coimbra nel Monastero di Santa Cruz. Si narra che nel 1184 resistette, per undici giorni, all'assedio che gli fu imposto invano da una colonna di truppe musulmane sparse in tutta la regione di Santarém. In seguito ricevette gli onori di Dom Dinis del Portogallo (Il Contadino) e fu re del Portogallo e dell'Algarve dal 1279 fino alla sua morte.
Classe energetica: E
Casa con buone aree.
Hai bisogno di lavori di recupero.
Non è abitabile.
Terreno per piscina, cortile, alberi da frutto e pozzo.
C'è un altro edificio da riabilitare.
Ideale per vacanze o Turismo Rurale Strutture ricettive locali. (ITINERARIO DEI VILLAGGI DI SCISTO). Percorsi pedonali. Abita nella natura pura. Portogallo centrale. A 30 minuti da Coimbra, a 40 minuti da Figueira da Foz (Praia), a 1,5 ore da Lisbona, a 1 ora da Castelo Branco, a 2 ore dalla Spagna.
Classe energetica: E House with good areas.
It needs recovery works.
It is not habitable.
Land for swimming pool, Backyard, Fruit trees and well.
There is another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or rural tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE SCHIST VILLAGES). Pedestrian Paths. Dwell in pure nature. Center of Portugal.
30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
The Rainha Santa Building in Coimbra and Torres Vedras!
Coimbra is one of the oldest cities in Portugal, with Roman, Visigothic origins and Muslim influence. Definitively conquered in 1064, it was the first capital of the kingdom when D. Afonso Henriques settled there with his court. It celebrates its Municipal holiday on July 4 in memory of Queen Santa Isabel of Aragon, patron saint of the City.
In 1290, the oldest University in the country and one of the oldest in the world was created by D. Dinis. It began to operate in Lisbon and was definitively transferred to Coimbra in 1537 by order of King D. João III. Initially restricted to the Paço das Escolas, over the years the University was extended throughout Coimbra, thus modifying the landscape and making it the University City we know today. Since 2013, the University of Coimbra has been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site, given its unique tangible and intangible heritage, essential to the history of European and World scientific culture.
A privileged city for its geographical position in the center of mainland Portugal, between the cities of Lisbon and Porto and 40km from beaches.
What connects Coimbra to Torres Vedras?
In common with Coimbra, Torres Vedras has a medieval castle and a history that dates back to the Roman occupation. The city of Torres Vedras had its first human occupation during the Roman invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. The fortification of Torres Vedras was taken in 1148 by the forces of Dom Afonso Henriques, whose tomb is in Coimbra in the Monastery of Santa Cruz. It is said that in 1184, he resisted, for eleven days, the siege that was imposed on him in vain by a column of Muslim troops scattered throughout the region of Santarém. He later received the honours of Dom Dinis of Portugal (The Farmer) and was king of Portugal and the Algarve from 1279 until his death.
Energy Rating: E
House with good areas.
You need recovery works.
It's not habitable.
Land for swimming pool, backyard, fruit trees and well.
There's another building to rehabilitate.
Ideal for holidays or Rural Tourism Local accommodation. (ROUTE OF THE VILLAGES OF SHALE). Pedestrian paths. Dwell in pure nature. Central Portugal. 30 minutes from Coimbra, 40 minutes from Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1.5 hours from Lisbon, 1 hour from Castelo Branco, 2 hours from Spain.
Energy Rating: E Dom z dobrymi lokalizacjami.
Wymaga prac naprawczych.
Nie nadaje się do zamieszkania.
Teren pod basen, Podwórko, Drzewa owocowe i studnia.
Jest jeszcze jeden budynek do remontu.
Idealny na wakacje lub turystykę wiejską Lokalne zakwaterowanie. (SZLAK WIOSEK ŁUPKOWYCH). Ścieżki dla pieszych. Zamieszkaj w czystej naturze. Centrum Portugalii.
30 minut od Coimbry, 40 minut od Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 godziny od Lizbony, 1 godzina od Castelo Branco, 2 godziny od Hiszpanii.
Budynek Rainha Santa w Coimbrze i Torres Vedras!
Coimbra jest jednym z najstarszych miast w Portugalii, o rzymskim, wizygockim rodowodzie i wpływach muzułmańskich. Ostatecznie zdobyte w 1064 roku, było pierwszą stolicą królestwa, gdy osiadł tam D. Afonso Henriques ze swoim dworem. 4 lipca obchodzone jest święto miejskie ku pamięci królowej Santa Isabel Aragońskiej, patronki miasta.
W 1290 r. najstarszy uniwersytet w kraju i jeden z najstarszych na świecie został utworzony przez D. Dinisa. Rozpoczął działalność w Lizbonie i został ostatecznie przeniesiony do Coimbry w 1537 roku na rozkaz króla D. João III. Początkowo ograniczony do Paço das Escolas, z biegiem lat uniwersytet został rozszerzony na całą Coimbrę, modyfikując w ten sposób krajobraz i czyniąc z niego miasto uniwersyteckie, które znamy dzisiaj. Od 2013 roku Uniwersytet w Coimbrze jest wpisany na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO ze względu na jego unikalne dziedzictwo materialne i niematerialne, które ma zasadnicze znaczenie dla historii europejskiej i światowej kultury naukowej.
Uprzywilejowane miasto ze względu na swoje położenie geograficzne w centrum kontynentalnej Portugalii, między miastami Lizbona i Porto oraz 40 km od plaż.
Co łączy Coimbra i Torres Vedras?
Podobnie jak Coimbra, Torres Vedras posiada średniowieczny zamek i historię sięgającą czasów okupacji rzymskiej. Miasto Torres Vedras miało swoją pierwszą ludzką okupację podczas rzymskiej inwazji na Półwysep Iberyjski. Fortyfikacja Torres Vedras została zdobyta w 1148 roku przez siły Dom Afonso Henriques, którego grobowiec znajduje się w Coimbrze w klasztorze Santa Cruz. Mówi się, że w 1184 roku przez jedenaście dni opierał się oblężeniu, które na próżno narzucała mu kolumna muzułmańskich wojsk rozsianych po całym regionie Santarém. Później otrzymał honory Dom Dinis of Portugal (Rolnik) i był królem Portugalii i Algarve od 1279 roku aż do śmierci.
Klasa energetyczna: E
Dom z dobrymi lokalizacjami.
Potrzebne są prace naprawcze.
Nie nadaje się do zamieszkania.
Teren pod basen, podwórko, drzewa owocowe i studnię.
Jest jeszcze jeden budynek do remontu.
Idealny na wakacje lub turystykę wiejską Lokalne zakwaterowanie. (SZLAK WIOSEK ŁUPKOWYCH). Ścieżki dla pieszych. Zamieszkaj w czystej naturze. Portugalia Środkowa. 30 minut od Coimbry, 40 minut od Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 godziny od Lizbony, 1 godzina od Castelo Branco, 2 godziny od Hiszpanii.
Klasa energetyczna: E Maison avec de bons espaces.
Il a besoin de travaux de récupération.
Il n’est pas habitable.
Terrain pour piscine, Cour arrière, arbres fruitiers et puits.
Il y a un autre bâtiment à réhabiliter.
Idéal pour les vacances ou le tourisme rural. (ROUTE DES VILLAGES DE SCHISTES). Chemins piétonniers. Habitez dans la nature pure. Centre du Portugal.
À 30 minutes de Coimbra, à 40 minutes de Figueira da Foz (Praia), à 1,5 heure de Lisbonne, à 1 heure de Castelo Branco, à 2 heures de l’Espagne.
Le bâtiment Rainha Santa à Coimbra et Torres Vedras !
Coimbra est l’une des plus anciennes villes du Portugal, avec des origines romaines, wisigothiques et une influence musulmane. Conquise définitivement en 1064, elle fut la première capitale du royaume lorsque D. Afonso Henriques s’y installa avec sa cour. Il célèbre sa fête municipale le 4 juillet en mémoire de la reine Santa Isabel d’Aragon, patronne de la ville.
En 1290, la plus ancienne université du pays et l’une des plus anciennes du monde a été créée par D. Dinis. Elle a commencé à fonctionner à Lisbonne et a été définitivement transférée à Coimbra en 1537 sur ordre du roi D. João III. Initialement limitée au Paço das Escolas, au fil des ans, l’Université s’est étendue à toute Coimbra, modifiant ainsi le paysage et en faisant la ville universitaire que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. Depuis 2013, l’Université de Coimbra est considérée comme un site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, compte tenu de son patrimoine matériel et immatériel unique, essentiel à l’histoire de la culture scientifique européenne et mondiale.
Une ville privilégiée pour sa position géographique au centre du Portugal continental, entre les villes de Lisbonne et Porto et à 40 km des plages.
Qu’est-ce qui relie Coimbra à Torres Vedras ?
Comme Coimbra, Torres Vedras possède un château médiéval et une histoire qui remonte à l’occupation romaine. La ville de Torres Vedras a connu sa première occupation humaine lors de l’invasion romaine de la péninsule ibérique. La fortification de Torres Vedras a été prise en 1148 par les forces de Dom Afonso Henriques, dont la tombe se trouve à Coimbra dans le monastère de Santa Cruz. On raconte qu’en 1184, il résista, pendant onze jours, au siège qui lui fut imposé en vain par une colonne de troupes musulmanes dispersées dans toute la région de Santarém. Il reçut plus tard les honneurs de Dom Dinis du Portugal (Le Fermier) et fut roi du Portugal et de l’Algarve de 1279 jusqu’à sa mort.
Classe énergétique : E
Maison avec de bons espaces.
Vous avez besoin de travaux de récupération.
Ce n’est pas habitable.
Terrain pour piscine, cour arrière, arbres fruitiers et puits.
Il y a un autre bâtiment à réhabiliter.
Idéal pour les vacances ou le tourisme rural, Hébergement local. (ROUTE DES VILLAGES DE SCHISTE). Chemins piétonniers. Habitez dans la nature pure. Centre du Portugal. À 30 minutes de Coimbra, à 40 minutes de Figueira da Foz (Praia), à 1,5 heure de Lisbonne, à 1 heure de Castelo Branco, à 2 heures de l’Espagne.
Classe énergétique : E Huis met goede gebieden.
Het heeft herstelwerkzaamheden nodig.
Het is niet bewoonbaar.
Land voor zwembad, achtertuin, fruitbomen en waterput.
Er is nog een gebouw om te rehabiliteren.
Ideaal voor vakanties of plattelandstoerisme Lokale accommodatie. (ROUTE VAN DE LEISTENEN DORPEN). Voetpaden. Verblijf in de pure natuur. Centrum van Portugal.
30 minuten van Coimbra, 40 minuten van Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 uur van Lissabon, 1 uur van Castelo Branco, 2 uur van Spanje.
Het Rainha Santa-gebouw in Coimbra en Torres Vedras!
Coimbra is een van de oudste steden van Portugal, met een Romeinse, Visigotische oorsprong en islamitische invloeden. Het werd definitief veroverd in 1064 en was de eerste hoofdstad van het koninkrijk toen D. Afonso Henriques zich er met zijn hof vestigde. Het viert zijn gemeentelijke feestdag op 4 juli ter nagedachtenis aan koningin Santa Isabel van Aragon, patroonheilige van de stad.
In 1290 werd de oudste universiteit van het land en een van de oudste ter wereld opgericht door D. Dinis. Het begon te werken in Lissabon en werd in 1537 definitief overgebracht naar Coimbra in opdracht van koning D. João III. Aanvankelijk beperkt tot de Paço das Escolas, werd de universiteit in de loop der jaren uitgebreid door heel Coimbra, waardoor het landschap veranderde en het de universiteitsstad werd die we vandaag kennen. Sinds 2013 wordt de Universiteit van Coimbra beschouwd als UNESCO-werelderfgoed, gezien het unieke materiële en immateriële erfgoed, essentieel voor de geschiedenis van de Europese en wereldwetenschappelijke cultuur.
Een bevoorrechte stad vanwege de geografische ligging in het centrum van het vasteland van Portugal, tussen de steden Lissabon en Porto en op 40 km van de stranden.
Wat verbindt Coimbra met Torres Vedras?
Net als Coimbra heeft Torres Vedras een middeleeuws kasteel en een geschiedenis die teruggaat tot de Romeinse bezetting. De stad Torres Vedras had zijn eerste menselijke bewoning tijdens de Romeinse invasie van het Iberisch schiereiland. Het fort van Torres Vedras werd in 1148 ingenomen door de troepen van Dom Afonso Henriques, wiens graf zich in Coimbra in het klooster van Santa Cruz bevindt. Er wordt gezegd dat hij in 1184 elf dagen lang weerstand bood aan het beleg dat hem tevergeefs werd opgelegd door een colonne moslimtroepen verspreid over de regio Santarém. Later ontving hij de onderscheidingen van Dom Dinis van Portugal (De Boer) en was koning van Portugal en de Algarve van 1279 tot aan zijn dood.
Energielabel: E
Huis met goede gebieden.
Je hebt herstelwerkzaamheden nodig.
Het is niet bewoonbaar.
Land voor zwembad, achtertuin, fruitbomen en waterput.
Er is nog een gebouw om te rehabiliteren.
Ideaal voor vakanties of plattelandstoerisme Lokale accommodatie. (ROUTE VAN DE DORPEN VAN LEISTEEN). Voetpaden. Verblijf in de pure natuur. Midden-Portugal. 30 minuten van Coimbra, 40 minuten van Figueira da Foz (Praia), 1,5 uur van Lissabon, 1 uur van Castelo Branco, 2 uur van Spanje.
Energielabel: E Къща с добри площи.
Нуждае се от възстановителни работи.
Не е обитаема.
Парцел за басейн, двор, овощни дръвчета и кладенец.
Има още една сграда за рехабилитация.
Идеален за почивка или селски туризъм Местно настаняване. (МАРШРУТ НА ШИСТОВИТЕ СЕЛА). Пешеходни пътеки. Живейте в чистата природа. Център на Португалия.
30 минути от Коимбра, 40 минути от Фигейра да Фош (Прая), 1,5 часа от Лисабон, 1 час от Кастело Бранко, 2 часа от Испания.
Сградата на Райнха Санта в Коимбра и Торес Ведрас!
Коимбра е един от най-старите градове в Португалия, с римски, вестготски произход и мюсюлманско влияние. Окончателно завладян през 1064 г., той е първата столица на кралството, когато Д. Афонсу Енрикес се установява там с двора си. Той празнува своя общински празник на 4 юли в памет на кралица Санта Изабел от Арагон, покровителка на града.
През 1290 г. най-старият университет в страната и един от най-старите в света е създаден от Д. Динис. Започва да функционира в Лисабон и е окончателно прехвърлен в Коимбра през 1537 г. по заповед на крал Д. Жоао III. Първоначално ограничен до Paço das Escolas, през годините университетът е разширен в цяла Коимбра, като по този начин променя пейзажа и го превръща в университетския град, който познаваме днес. От 2013 г. Университетът в Коимбра се счита за обект на световното наследство на ЮНЕСКО, като се има предвид уникалното му материално и нематериално наследство, което е от съществено значение за историята на европейската и световната научна култура.
Привилегирован град заради географското си положение в центъра на континентална Португалия, между градовете Лисабон и Порто и на 40 км от плажовете.
Какво свързва Коимбра с Торес Ведрас?
Подобно на Коимбра, Торес Ведрас има средновековен замък и история, която датира от римската окупация. Град Торес Ведрас претърпява първата си човешка окупация по време на римското нашествие на Иберийския полуостров. Укреплението на Торес Ведрас е превзето през 1148 г. от силите на Дом Афонсу Енрикес, чиято гробница е в Коимбра в манастира Санта Круз. Говори се, че през 1184 г. той се съпротивлява в продължение на единадесет дни на обсадата, която му е наложена напразно от колона от мюсюлмански войски, разпръснати из района на Сантарем. По-късно той получава почестите на Dom Dinis от Португалия (Фермерът) и е крал на Португалия и Алгарве от 1279 г. до смъртта си.
Енергиен рейтинг: E
Къща с добри площи.
Имате нужда от възстановителни работи.
Не е обитаема.
Парцел за басейн, двор, овощни дръвчета и кладенец.
Има още една сграда за рехабилитация.
Идеален за почивка или селски туризъм Местно настаняване. (МАРШРУТ НА СЕЛАТА НА ШИСТИ). Пешеходни пътеки. Живейте в чистата природа. Централна Португалия. 30 минути от Коимбра, 40 минути от Фигейра да Фош (Прая), 1,5 часа от Лисабон, 1 час от Кастело Бранко, 2 часа от Испания.
Енергиен рейтинг: E