6 388 446 RUB
5 976 288 RUB
5 100 452 RUB
Land with a construction area next to the public road.
Good access.
Great sun exposure and with a lot of tranquility.
The land has, in addition to a construction area, a possible agricultural area.
Located at:
9 minutes from the center of Castelo de Paiva;
40 minutes from Porto;
10/15 minutes from river beaches;
4 minutes from National Highway 222;
28 minutes from Paiva Walkways.Internal reference of the property: 0322039
Menfinvest Trading Ltd
License AMI: 15215
Linked Credit Intermediary No.: 0007189 About Us - Gold Imóveis
The Gold Imóveis project was born with the objective of bringing differentiation and addition to the real estate market, with the main premise being the satisfaction of our customers. In 2019, we started our activity with the opening of the store in Penafiel and as a result of our continuous expansion, you can also find us in Oliveira de Azeméis and Castelo de Paiva.
We are credit intermediaries authorized by the Bank of Portugal and, together with our professionals, we help to obtain the best market proposals. In a comfortable and calm way, we take care of the entire process, from the first contact to the day of the deed, thus becoming another Golden Smile. If you are looking for a service capable of changing your routine, contact us. Показать больше Показать меньше Terreno localizado no lugar de Sá, Santa Maria de Sardoura no concelho de Castelo de Paiva, com uma área de 3690 m 2
Terreno com uma área de construção junto à via pública .
Bons acessos.
Ótima exposição solar e com muita tranquilidade.
O terreno possui, além de área de construção, uma possível área agrícola.
Localizado a:
9 minutos do Centro de Castelo de Paiva;
40 minutos do Porto;
10/15 minutos de praias fluviais;
4 minutos da estrada nacional 222;
28 minutos dos Passadiços do Paiva.Referência interna do imóvel: 0322039
Menfinvest Trading Lda
Licença AMI: 15215
Intermediário de Crédito Vinculado nº: 0007189 Quem Somos - Gold Imóveis
O projeto Gold Imóveis nasceu com o objetivo de trazer diferenciação e acréscimo ao mercado imobiliário, tendo como principal premissa a satisfação dos nossos clientes. Em 2019, iniciamos a nossa atividade com a abertura da loja em Penafiel e fruto da nossa expansão continua, pode também encontrar-nos em Oliveira de Azeméis e Castelo de Paiva.
Somos intermediários de crédito autorizados pelo Banco de Portugal e, juntamente com os nossos profissionais, ajudamos a obter as melhores propostas de mercado. De forma cómoda e tranquila, tratamos de todo o processo, desde o primeiro contacto até ao dia da escritura, tornando-se assim mais um Sorriso Gold. Se procura um serviço capaz de mudar a sua rotina, contacte-nos. Grond gelegen in de plaats Sá, Santa Maria de Sardoura in de gemeente Castelo de Paiva, met een oppervlakte van 3690 m2
Grond met een bouwplaats naast de openbare weg.
Goede toegang.
Geweldige blootstelling aan de zon en met veel rust.
De grond heeft, naast een bouwgebied, een mogelijk agrarisch gebied.
Gevestigd op:
9 minuten van het centrum van Castelo de Paiva;
40 minuten van Porto;
10/15 minuten van rivierstranden;
4 minuten van National Highway 222;
28 minuten van Paiva Walkways.Interne referentie van het onroerend goed: 0322039
Menfinvest Trading Ltd
Licentie AMI: 15215
Gekoppeld krediet bemiddelaar nr.: 0007189 Over ons - Gold Imóveis
Het Gold Imóveis-project is geboren met als doel differentiatie en aanvulling op de vastgoedmarkt te brengen, met als belangrijkste uitgangspunt de tevredenheid van onze klanten. In 2019 zijn we onze activiteit gestart met de opening van de winkel in Penafiel en als gevolg van onze voortdurende uitbreiding kunt u ons ook vinden in Oliveira de Azeméis en Castelo de Paiva.
Wij zijn kredietbemiddelaars die zijn geautoriseerd door de Bank van Portugal en samen met onze professionals helpen wij bij het verkrijgen van de beste marktvoorstellen. Op een comfortabele en rustige manier verzorgen we het hele proces, van het eerste contact tot de dag van de daad, en worden we zo weer een Golden Smile. Als u op zoek bent naar een service die uw routine kan veranderen, neem dan contact met ons op. Земя, разположена на мястото на Sá, Санта Мария де Сардура в община Castelo de Paiva, с площ от 3690 m2
Парцел със строителна площадка до обществения път.
Добър достъп.
Страхотно излагане на слънце и с много спокойствие.
Земята има, освен зона за застрояване, възможна земеделска площ.
Намира се на адрес:
на 9 минути от центъра на Кастело де Пайва;
40 минути от Порто;
10/15 минути от речните плажове;
4 минути от национална магистрала 222;
На 28 минути от пешеходните пътеки Пайва.Вътрешна референция на имота: 0322039
Менфинвест Трейдинг ООД
Лиценз AMI: 15215
Свързан кредитен посредник No: 0007189 За нас - Gold Imóveis
Проектът Gold Imóveis е роден с цел да внесе диференциация и допълнение към пазара на недвижими имоти, като основната предпоставка е удовлетвореността на нашите клиенти. През 2019 г. започнахме дейността си с откриването на магазина в Penafiel и в резултат на непрекъснатото ни разширяване можете да ни намерите и в Oliveira de Azeméis и Castelo de Paiva.
Ние сме кредитни посредници, упълномощени от Банката на Португалия и заедно с нашите професионалисти помагаме за получаването на най-добрите пазарни предложения. По удобен и спокоен начин се грижим за целия процес, от първия контакт до деня на делото, като по този начин се превръщаме в поредната Златна усмивка. Ако търсите услуга, която може да промени рутината ви, свържете се с нас. Land located in the place of Sá, Santa Maria de Sardoura in the municipality of Castelo de Paiva, with an area of 3690 m2
Land with a construction area next to the public road.
Good access.
Great sun exposure and with a lot of tranquility.
The land has, in addition to a construction area, a possible agricultural area.
Located at:
9 minutes from the center of Castelo de Paiva;
40 minutes from Porto;
10/15 minutes from river beaches;
4 minutes from National Highway 222;
28 minutes from Paiva Walkways.Internal reference of the property: 0322039
Menfinvest Trading Ltd
License AMI: 15215
Linked Credit Intermediary No.: 0007189 About Us - Gold Imóveis
The Gold Imóveis project was born with the objective of bringing differentiation and addition to the real estate market, with the main premise being the satisfaction of our customers. In 2019, we started our activity with the opening of the store in Penafiel and as a result of our continuous expansion, you can also find us in Oliveira de Azeméis and Castelo de Paiva.
We are credit intermediaries authorized by the Bank of Portugal and, together with our professionals, we help to obtain the best market proposals. In a comfortable and calm way, we take care of the entire process, from the first contact to the day of the deed, thus becoming another Golden Smile. If you are looking for a service capable of changing your routine, contact us.