Готовый бизнес (Продажа)
92 м²
/ 104347115
Real Estate Agency "Property Center Bulgaria" is pleased to present you a shop in a building with Act 16 of 2009. The store has a built-up area of 75.50m2 and has the following layout: large room, warehouse and bathroom. It is located on the ground floor of the building and faces the street and the backyard. The heating is solved by a central heating plant. At the moment it is actively used as a beauty salon. The building has been renovated with a new and modern façade! First of all, in Sofia, the most important thing is the location. Walking distances from the building: 2 min to Bulgaria metro station 2 min to public transport stops 4 min to Zdrave Park and Hipodruma Park 8 min to Medical University 12 min to Military Medical Academy 11 min to South Park The exact location is 21 Han Presiyan Street. The attractive location of the store makes it suitable for both renting and developing your own business. In the building we also offer: one-bedroom, two-bedroom apartments and garages. Lead broker: Martin Kalev
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Агенция за недвижими имоти ,,Имотен Център България'' има удоволствието да ви представи магазин в сграда с акт 16 от 2009г. Магазинът е със застроена площ от 75.50м2 и е със следното разпределение: голямо помещение, склад и санитарен възел Ситуиран е на партереня етаж на сградата и е с лице към улицата и задния двор. Отоплението е решено на ТЕЦ.В момента се използва активно като салон за красота. Сградата е реновирана с нова и модерна фасада! Преди всичко в София, най-важна е локацията. Пешеходни разстояния от сградата: 2 мин до метростанция България 2 мин до спирки на градски траспорт 4 мин до парк Здраве и парк Хиподрума 8 мин до Медицински университет 12 мин до Военномедицинска академия 11 мин до Южен парк Точната локация е ул.Хан Пресиян 21. Атрактивната локация на магазина го прави подходящ , както за отдаване под наем, така и за развитие на собствен бизнес. В сградата предлагаме още: двустайни, тристайни апартаменти и гаражи. Водещ брокер: Мартин Калев
L’agence immobilière « Property Center Bulgaria » a le plaisir de vous présenter un magasin dans un immeuble avec la loi 16 de 2009. Le magasin a une surface bâtie de 75,50 m2 et a la disposition suivante : grande pièce, entrepôt et salle de bain. Il est situé au rez-de-chaussée de l’immeuble et fait face à la rue et à la cour arrière. Le chauffage est résolu par une installation de chauffage central. À l’heure actuelle, il est activement utilisé comme salon de beauté. Le bâtiment a été rénové avec une nouvelle façade moderne ! Tout d’abord, à Sofia, le plus important est l’emplacement. Distances de marche du bâtiment : 2 min de la station de métro Bulgarie 2 min des arrêts de transport en commun 4 min du parc Zdrave et du parc Hipodruma 8 min de l’université de médecine 12 min de l’académie de médecine militaire 11 min du parc du sud L’emplacement exact est 21 rue Han Presiyan. L’emplacement attrayant du magasin le rend adapté à la fois à la location et au développement de votre propre entreprise. Dans le bâtiment, nous proposons également : des appartements d’une chambre, des appartements de deux chambres et des garages. Courtier principal : Martin Kalev
Real Estate Agency "Property Center Bulgaria" is pleased to present you a shop in a building with Act 16 of 2009. The store has a built-up area of 75.50m2 and has the following layout: large room, warehouse and bathroom. It is located on the ground floor of the building and faces the street and the backyard. The heating is solved by a central heating plant. At the moment it is actively used as a beauty salon. The building has been renovated with a new and modern façade! First of all, in Sofia, the most important thing is the location. Walking distances from the building: 2 min to Bulgaria metro station 2 min to public transport stops 4 min to Zdrave Park and Hipodruma Park 8 min to Medical University 12 min to Military Medical Academy 11 min to South Park The exact location is 21 Han Presiyan Street. The attractive location of the store makes it suitable for both renting and developing your own business. In the building we also offer: one-bedroom, two-bedroom apartments and garages. Lead broker: Martin Kalev
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Тип недвижимости:
Готовый бизнес
92 м²