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  • Область София-град


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Область София-град - Готовый бизнес на продажу

165 365 277 RUB

Готовый бизнес (Продажа)

6 580 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T104209713 / 104209713
Yavlena presents, Eco-agrotourism complex in the village of Praveshka Lakavitsa, Botevgradski Forebalkan, the total area of the property is 6580 sq.m., consists of: - School 2 seminar halls, 2 offices, tavern, canteen and 3 apartments, basement; - House on 2 floors; - underground garage, outdoor and indoor parking, agricultural buildings; - greenhouse, strawberry, vegetable, orchard, acacia grove; - swimming pool and games area; - chapel, etc. The status of the property is an ecotourism complex with a livestock and a dog farm. A complete ecotourism infrastructure has been studied and developed: 42 km of eco-trails, ancient fortresses, active monasteries, a Thracian sanctuary mound and necropolises, an ancient gold mining facility, a training cave and many others. The altitude is between 306-336 m., with a displacement of 28 m. The land is terraced on both sides of the property, as well as in front of it there are rivers, from where additional water can be supplied according to the needs. The current is three-phase. Proximity to Sofia /67 km/, to Pravets /7 km/, Botevgrad /13 km/. ID152982 (yavlenaCOM/152982). Показать больше Показать меньше Явлена представя, Еко-агротуристически комплекс в с.Правешка лакавица, Ботевградски Предбалкан, общата площ на имота е 6580 кв.м., състои се от : - Училище 2 семинарни зали, 2 кабинета, механа, столова и 3 апартамента, мазе; - Къща на 2 етажа; - подземен гараж, външен и вътрешен паркинг, селскостопански сгради; - оранжерия, ягодова, зеленчукова, овощна градина, акациева горичка; - басейн и зона за игри; - параклис и др. Статутът на имота е Екотуристически комплекс с животновъдна и киноложка ферма. Проучена и разработена е цялостна екотуристическа инфраструктура: 42км екопътеки, древни крепости, действащи манастири, тракийска светилищна могила и некрополи, древно златодобивно съоръжение, учебна пещера и много други. Надморската височина е между 306-336м., при денивелация 28м. земята е терасирана от двете страни на имота, както и пред него има рекички, откъдето може да се доставя допълнително вода според нуждите. Токът е трифазен. Близост до София /67км/, до Правец /7км/, Ботевград /13км/. ID152982 (yavlenaCOM/152982). Yavlena présente, Complexe d’éco-agrotourisme dans le village de Praveshka Lakavitsa, Botevgradski Forebalkan, la superficie totale de la propriété est de 6580 m², se compose de : - École 2 salles de séminaire, 2 bureaux, taverne, cantine et 3 appartements, sous-sol ; - Maison sur 2 étages ; - garage souterrain, parking extérieur et intérieur, bâtiments agricoles ; - serre, fraise, légume, verger, bosquet d’acacias ; - piscine et aire de jeux ; - chapelle, etc. Le statut de la propriété est un complexe écotouristique avec un élevage et une ferme pour chiens. Une infrastructure écotouristique complète a été étudiée et développée : 42 km d’éco-sentiers, d’anciennes forteresses, des monastères actifs, un monticule sanctuaire thrace et des nécropoles, une ancienne installation d’extraction d’or, une grotte d’entraînement et bien d’autres. L’altitude est comprise entre 306 et 336 m, avec un déplacement de 28 m. Le terrain est en terrasses des deux côtés de la propriété, ainsi que devant celui-ci il y a des rivières, à partir desquelles de l’eau supplémentaire peut être fournie en fonction des besoins. Le courant est triphasé. Proximité de Sofia /67 km/, de Pravets /7 km/, Botevgrad /13 km/. ID152982 (yavlenaCOM/152982). Yavlena presents, Eco-agrotourism complex in the village of Praveshka Lakavitsa, Botevgradski Forebalkan, the total area of the property is 6580 sq.m., consists of: - School 2 seminar halls, 2 offices, tavern, canteen and 3 apartments, basement; - House on 2 floors; - underground garage, outdoor and indoor parking, agricultural buildings; - greenhouse, strawberry, vegetable, orchard, acacia grove; - swimming pool and games area; - chapel, etc. The status of the property is an ecotourism complex with a livestock and a dog farm. A complete ecotourism infrastructure has been studied and developed: 42 km of eco-trails, ancient fortresses, active monasteries, a Thracian sanctuary mound and necropolises, an ancient gold mining facility, a training cave and many others. The altitude is between 306-336 m., with a displacement of 28 m. The land is terraced on both sides of the property, as well as in front of it there are rivers, from where additional water can be supplied according to the needs. The current is three-phase. Proximity to Sofia /67 km/, to Pravets /7 km/, Botevgrad /13 km/. ID152982 (yavlenaCOM/152982). Yavlena presenta, Complejo de eco-agroturismo en el pueblo de Praveshka Lakavitsa, Botevgradski Forebalkan, el área total de la propiedad es de 6580 metros cuadrados, consta de: - Escuela 2 salas de seminarios, 2 oficinas, taberna, cantina y 3 apartamentos, sótano; - Casa de 2 plantas; - garaje subterráneo, aparcamiento exterior e interior, edificios agrícolas; - invernadero, fresa, hortaliza, huerto, arboleda de acacias; - piscina y zona de juegos; - capilla, etc. El estado de la propiedad es un complejo ecoturístico con una granja de ganado y una granja de perros. Se ha estudiado y desarrollado una infraestructura ecoturística completa: 42 km de senderos ecológicos, antiguas fortalezas, monasterios activos, un montículo santuario tracio y necrópolis, una antigua instalación minera de oro, una cueva de entrenamiento y muchos otros. La altitud está entre 306-336 m., con un desplazamiento de 28 m. El terreno está aterrazado a ambos lados de la propiedad, así como frente a ella hay ríos, desde donde se puede suministrar agua adicional de acuerdo a las necesidades. La corriente es trifásica. Proximidad a Sofía /67 km/, a Pravets /7 km/, Botevgrad /13 km/. ID152982 (yavlenaCOM/152982).
Ссылка: EDEN-T104209713
Страна: BG
Город: Sofia
Категория: Коммерческая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Готовый бизнес
Площадь: 6 580 м²
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