Готовый бизнес (Продажа)
136 м²
/ 103905984
Real estate agency 'Nomad' is pleased to present you a dental clinic near Grand Hotel Plovdiv (Novotel). Distribution: Reception, three offices, sterilization room, corridor, consultation room, toilet for patients, milling room, biowaste room, staff room, staff toilet, scanner room, along with a technical room with an area of 1.33 sq.m, located in the basement floor. Dental clinic with purpose - Health services, located entirely on the ground floor facing east / north. With a separate entrance to the site from the intersection of two streets. With the possibility of purchasing a garage/depot, with a height of 3.00 m., located in the northwestern part of the clinic with a built-up area of 18.50 sq.m. Nomad Real Estate Agency is an official partner of Credit Center. We offer our clients a legal due diligence of the property you have chosen, as well as providing attractive conditions for buying with a mortgage loan. Assistance until the very finalization of the deal! For more information, call the specified phone number. Offer 2051
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Агенция за недвижими имоти 'Номад' има удоволствието да Ви представи дентална клиника в близост до Гранд Хотел Пловдив (Новотел). Разпределение: Рецепция, три работни кабинета, стерилизационно помещение, коридор, консултативен кабинет, тоалетна за пациенти, помещение за фреза, помещение биологични отпадъци, стая за персонал, тоалетна за персонал, помещение за скенер, заедно с техническо помещетие с площ от 1,33 кв.м, разположено в сутеренен етаж . Дентална клиника с предназначение - Здравни услуги, разположена изцяло на партерен етаж с изложение изток/север. Със самостоятелен вход за обекта от кръстовището на две улици. С възможност за закупуване на гараж/депо, с височина 3,00 м., находящ се в северозападната част на клиниката със застроена площ 18,50 кв.м. Агенция за недвижими имоти Номад е официален партньор на Credit Center Предлагаме на клиентите си юридическа проверка на избрания от Вас имот, както и осигуряване на атрактивни условия при покупка с ипотечен кредит. Съдействие до самото финализиране на сделката! За повече информация се обадете на посочения телефон. Оферта 2051
L’agence immobilière 'Nomad' a le plaisir de vous présenter une clinique dentaire près du Grand Hotel Plovdiv (Novotel). Distribution : Réception, trois bureaux, salle de stérilisation, couloir, salle de consultation, toilettes pour les patients, salle de broyage, salle des biodéchets, salle du personnel, toilettes du personnel, salle des scanners, ainsi qu’un local technique d’une superficie de 1,33 m², situé au sous-sol. Clinique dentaire à but - Services de santé, située entièrement au rez-de-chaussée orientée est/nord. Avec une entrée séparée du site à partir de l’intersection de deux rues. Avec la possibilité d’acheter un garage/dépôt, d’une hauteur de 3,00 m., situé dans la partie nord-ouest de la clinique avec une surface bâtie de 18,50 m². L’agence immobilière Nomad est un partenaire officiel de Credit Center. Nous proposons à nos clients une due diligence juridique du bien que vous avez choisi, ainsi que des conditions attrayantes pour l’achat avec un prêt hypothécaire. Assistance jusqu’à la finalisation même de l’affaire ! Pour plus d’informations, appelez le numéro de téléphone indiqué. Offre 2051
Real estate agency 'Nomad' is pleased to present you a dental clinic near Grand Hotel Plovdiv (Novotel). Distribution: Reception, three offices, sterilization room, corridor, consultation room, toilet for patients, milling room, biowaste room, staff room, staff toilet, scanner room, along with a technical room with an area of 1.33 sq.m, located in the basement floor. Dental clinic with purpose - Health services, located entirely on the ground floor facing east / north. With a separate entrance to the site from the intersection of two streets. With the possibility of purchasing a garage/depot, with a height of 3.00 m., located in the northwestern part of the clinic with a built-up area of 18.50 sq.m. Nomad Real Estate Agency is an official partner of Credit Center. We offer our clients a legal due diligence of the property you have chosen, as well as providing attractive conditions for buying with a mortgage loan. Assistance until the very finalization of the deal! For more information, call the specified phone number. Offer 2051
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Готовый бизнес
136 м²