181 362 650 RUB
203 669 286 RUB
3 сп
180 м²
181 362 650 RUB
4 сп
210 м²
179 422 943 RUB
179 422 943 RUB
When visiting this house you will notice the unique details of its architecture.
Located in front of the sea, close to Mirante do Peneco, taking the elevator you are on the beach. In about five minutes walking along the Cliff, enjoying the sea view, you reach the historic center which comprises a traditional village with the simplicity of whitewashed houses and narrow streets on the hills that lead to the sea. There you can find your restaurant, as well as shops, services, supermarket, and nightlife areas. About a fifteen minute walk past the Rossio viewpoint, you are at Albufeira Marina.The layout of the living room, dining and cooking area, in front of the pool, with sea views gives you the possibility of enjoying unique moments of conviviality with your family and friends. The swimming pool is heated and salt treated, with automatic PH regulation.The kitchen storage space is comprised of a pantry area, laundry room, and wine cellar cabinets.
All rooms have closets, and there is a private bathroom for each one.
It is also possible to create another area that can serve as a children's room or office.On the roof there is a large roof terrace with a stunning view, where you can install a Jacuzzi, and create a different leisure area to contemplate and listen to the sea breeze.No matter how well this House is described, it will never be the same as being here in front of the Sea, listening and feeling its Melody; Beautiful to see.
I will be at your disposal for more information or to schedule a visit.A survey by the website Cheerfulway chose Albufeira as the best place to live in Portugal.The toponym Albufeira comes from the Arabic word (al-Buayra), a designation from the 8th century, which means the lagoon or the sea, or, according to other experts, sea castle, standing tall and in an amphitheater over the sea. The narrow alleys, the old castle and the very white houses with their terraces and arches remain from the Arab period.
The current area of the municipality of Albufeira has been occupied by man since at least 2000 BC. The Romans gave it the name Baltum, and the Arabs. which they occupied in 716, called it Albuar or Albuhera.
A sea breeze usually cools the average annual temperature in the Algarve, which is 17.7ºC (12ºC in January and up to around 30ºC in August). The region has more than 3,000 hours of sunshine (more than 300 days) during the year, which makes it a favorite destination for those who enjoy such a pleasant climate. Winter is mild.
From the town with a long fishing tradition and a thriving fish export industry, what remains is the shelter port, next to the Albufeira marina, with its colorful artisanal fishing boats, which share the space with the boats dedicated to sea trips along the coast. and visit the fabulous sea caves.Currently, Albufeira and its municipality are one of the main tourist centers in the country, offering almost 30km of coastline and more than two dozen very diverse beaches, both in terms of natural surroundings and in terms of occupation and supply. tourist. Although the tourist facilities, as well as the nightlife, are some of the most famous in the Algarve, they still coexist alongside another reality, that of the quiet villages, where manual arts such as tiles, carved copper or esparto tapestry survive. surrounded by rainfed orchards with almond trees in bloom. Показать больше Показать меньше Préservant l'ancienne façade avec ses caractéristiques architecturales typiques de l'Algarve, une nouvelle maison a été construite, Moderne, Contemporaine, avec des matériaux de finition de très haute qualité, et offrant un grand confort.
En visitant cette maison, vous constaterez les détails uniques de son architecture.
Située face à la Mer, près du Belvédère du Peneco, en prenant l'ascenseur, vous êtes à la Plage. En environ cinq minutes de marche le long de la Falaise, en appréciant la vue sur la Mer, vous arriverez au Centre Historique qui comprend un village traditionnel avec la simplicité des maisons blanchies à la chaux et des ruelles étroites sur les collines qui descendent vers la mer. Là, vous pourrez trouver des restaurants, ainsi que des magasins, des services, un supermarché et des zones de divertissement nocturne. À environ quinze minutes à pied, en passant par le belvédère du Rossio, vous serez à la Marina d'Albufeira.La disposition du salon, de la zone de repas et de cuisine, face à la piscine, avec vue sur la Mer, vous offre la possibilité de profiter de moments uniques de convivialité avec votre famille et vos amis. La piscine est chauffée et traitée au sel, avec un réglage automatique du pH.L'espace de rangement de la cuisine comprend une zone de garde-manger, une buanderie et des armoires avec un range-bouteilles.
Tous les chambres ont des placards, et il y a une salle de bain privative pour chacune.
Il est également possible de créer une zone supplémentaire qui peut servir de chambre d'enfant ou de bureau.Sur le toit, il y a une vaste « roof terrasse » avec une vue imprenable, où vous pourrez installer un jacuzzi et créer une zone de loisirs distincte pour contempler et écouter la brise marine.Aussi bien qu'on puisse décrire cette Maison, ce ne sera jamais la même chose que d'être ici face à la Mer, à écouter et à ressentir sa Mélodie ; Belle à voir.
Je suis à votre disposition pour plus d'informations ou pour prendre rendez-vous pour une visite.Une recherche du site Cheerfulway a élu Albufeira comme le meilleur endroit où vivre au Portugal.La toponymie Albufeira provient du mot arabe (al-Buayra), désignation du VIIIe siècle, signifiant la lagune ou la mer, ou, selon d'autres experts, le château de la mer, se dressant fièrement en amphithéâtre sur la mer. De la période arabe, subsistent les ruelles étroites, le vieux château et les maisons très blanches avec leurs toits-terrasses et leurs arcs.
La zone actuelle de la municipalité d'Albufeira est occupée par l'homme depuis au moins l'an 2000 avant J.-C. Les Romains lui ont donné le nom de Baltum, et les Arabes, qui l'ont occupée en 716, l'ont appelée Albuar ou Albuhera.
Une brise maritime rafraîchit habituellement la température moyenne annuelle de l'Algarve qui est de 17,7°C (12°C en janvier et jusqu'à environ 30°C en août). La région compte plus de 3 000 heures de soleil (plus de 300 jours) par an, ce qui en fait une destination favorite pour ceux qui apprécient un climat si agréable. L'hiver est doux.
De la localité à longue tradition de pêche avec une prospère industrie d'exportation de poisson, il ne reste que le port d'abri, près de la marina d'Albufeira, avec ses bateaux de pêche artisanale colorés, qui partagent l'espace avec les embarcations dédiées aux excursions maritimes le long de la côte et à la visite des fabuleuses grottes marines.Actuellement, Albufeira et sa municipalité sont l'un des principaux centres touristiques du pays, offrant près de 30 km de côte et plus de deux douzaines de plages très diversifiées, tant en termes de cadre naturel que d'occupation et d'offre touristique. Bien que les équipements touristiques et l'animation nocturne soient parmi les plus réputés de l'Algarve, ils coexistent encore avec une autre réalité, celle des villages tranquilles, où subsistent des arts manuels comme la faïence, le cuivre taillé ou la tapisserie de sparte, entourés de vergers secs avec des amandiers en fleurs. Preservando a antiga fachada com as suas características de arquitetura típica Algarvia, construiu-se uma casa nova, Moderna, Contemporânea, com materiais de acabamento de elevadíssima qualidade, e de grande conforto.
Ao visitar esta casa constatará os detalhes únicos da sua arquitetura.
Localizada em frente ao Mar, Junto ao Miradouro do Peneco, apanhando o elevador está na Praia. Em cerca de cinco minutos caminhando ao longo da Falésia, a apreciar a vista Mar, chega ao centro Histórico que compreende numa vila tradicional com a simplicidade das casas caiadas e ruas estreitas sobre as colinas que levam ao mar. Aí poderá encontrar o seu restaurante, assim como lojas, serviços, supermercado, e zonas de diversão noturna. A cerca de quinze minutos a pé passando pelo miradouro do Rossio, está na Marina de Albufeira. A disposição da sala de estar, zona de refeições e de cozinhar, em frente á piscina, com vista Mar proporcionam-lhe a possibilidade de desfrutar de momentos únicos de convívio com a sua família e amigos. A Piscina é aquecida, e de tratamento a sal, com regulação automática de PH.O espaço de arrumação da cozinha é compreendido por uma zona de despensa, lavandaria, e armários com garrafeira.
Todos os quartos Têm roupeiros, e existe uma casa de banho privativa para cada um.
É também possível criar mais uma área que pode servir de quarto de criança ou escritório.Na cobertura tem um amplo «roof Terrace» com uma deslumbrante vista, onde poderá instalar um Jacuzzi, e criar uma zona de lazer distinta para estar a contemplar e a ouvir a briza do Mar.Por melhor que se descreva esta Moradia, nunca será o mesmo do que estar aqui em frente ao Mar, a ouvir e a sentir, a sua Melodia; Linda de se ver.
Estarei á sua disposição para mais informações ou marcação de uma visita.Uma pesquisa do site Cheerfulway elegeu Albufeira como o melhor lugar para se viver em Portugal.O topónimo Albufeira provém da palavra árabe (al-Buayra), designação do século VIII, que significa a lagoa ou pelo mar, ou, segundo outros especialistas, castelo do mar, dispondo-se altaneira e em anfiteatro sobre o mar. Do período Árabe perduram as ruelas estreitas, o velho castelo e as casas muito brancas com as suas açoteias e arcos.
A área atual do município de Albufeira encontra-se ocupada pelo homem pelo menos desde o ano 2000 a.C. Os Romanos deram-lhe a designação de Baltum, e os Árabes. que ocuparam em 716, denominaram-na Albuar ou Albuhera.
Uma brisa marítima costuma refrescar a temperatura média anual do Algarve que é de 17,7ºC (12ºC em Janeiro e até cerca dos 30ºC em Agosto). A região conta com mais de 3.000 horas de sol (mais de 300 dias) durante o ano o que a torna um destino favorito para quem aprecia um clima tão agradável. O inverno é ameno.
Da povoação de longa tradição piscatória com uma próspera indústria de exportação de peixe, resta o porto de abrigo, junto à marina de Albufeira, com os seus coloridos barcos de pesca artesanal, os quais partilham o espaço com as embarcações que se dedicam aos passeios marítimos pela costa e à visita das fabulosas grutas marinhas.Atualmente, Albufeira e o seu município assumem-se como um dos principais centros turísticos do país, oferecendo quase 30km de costa e mais de duas dezenas de praias muito diversificadas entre si, tanto no que toca ao enquadramento natural, como em termos de ocupação e oferta turística. Embora os equipamentos turísticos, bem como a animação noturna, sejam dos mais afamados do Algarve, convivem ainda par a par com uma outra realidade, a das aldeias tranquilas, onde subsistem artes manuais como a azulejaria, o cobre talhado ou a tapeçaria de esparto, envolvidas por pomares de sequeiro com amendoeiras em flor. Preserving the old facade with its characteristics of typical Algarve architecture, a new, Modern, Contemporary house was built, with high quality finishing materials and great comfort.
When visiting this house you will notice the unique details of its architecture.
Located in front of the sea, close to Mirante do Peneco, taking the elevator you are on the beach. In about five minutes walking along the Cliff, enjoying the sea view, you reach the historic center which comprises a traditional village with the simplicity of whitewashed houses and narrow streets on the hills that lead to the sea. There you can find your restaurant, as well as shops, services, supermarket, and nightlife areas. About a fifteen minute walk past the Rossio viewpoint, you are at Albufeira Marina.The layout of the living room, dining and cooking area, in front of the pool, with sea views gives you the possibility of enjoying unique moments of conviviality with your family and friends. The swimming pool is heated and salt treated, with automatic PH regulation.The kitchen storage space is comprised of a pantry area, laundry room, and wine cellar cabinets.
All rooms have closets, and there is a private bathroom for each one.
It is also possible to create another area that can serve as a children's room or office.On the roof there is a large roof terrace with a stunning view, where you can install a Jacuzzi, and create a different leisure area to contemplate and listen to the sea breeze.No matter how well this House is described, it will never be the same as being here in front of the Sea, listening and feeling its Melody; Beautiful to see.
I will be at your disposal for more information or to schedule a visit.A survey by the website Cheerfulway chose Albufeira as the best place to live in Portugal.The toponym Albufeira comes from the Arabic word (al-Buayra), a designation from the 8th century, which means the lagoon or the sea, or, according to other experts, sea castle, standing tall and in an amphitheater over the sea. The narrow alleys, the old castle and the very white houses with their terraces and arches remain from the Arab period.
The current area of the municipality of Albufeira has been occupied by man since at least 2000 BC. The Romans gave it the name Baltum, and the Arabs. which they occupied in 716, called it Albuar or Albuhera.
A sea breeze usually cools the average annual temperature in the Algarve, which is 17.7ºC (12ºC in January and up to around 30ºC in August). The region has more than 3,000 hours of sunshine (more than 300 days) during the year, which makes it a favorite destination for those who enjoy such a pleasant climate. Winter is mild.
From the town with a long fishing tradition and a thriving fish export industry, what remains is the shelter port, next to the Albufeira marina, with its colorful artisanal fishing boats, which share the space with the boats dedicated to sea trips along the coast. and visit the fabulous sea caves.Currently, Albufeira and its municipality are one of the main tourist centers in the country, offering almost 30km of coastline and more than two dozen very diverse beaches, both in terms of natural surroundings and in terms of occupation and supply. tourist. Although the tourist facilities, as well as the nightlife, are some of the most famous in the Algarve, they still coexist alongside another reality, that of the quiet villages, where manual arts such as tiles, carved copper or esparto tapestry survive. surrounded by rainfed orchards with almond trees in bloom. Met behoud van de oude gevel met zijn kenmerken van typische Algarve-architectuur werd een nieuw, modern, eigentijds huis gebouwd, met hoogwaardige afwerkingsmaterialen en veel comfort.
Bij een bezoek aan dit huis zult u de unieke details van de architectuur opmerken.
Gelegen tegenover de zee, dicht bij Mirante do Peneco, met de lift bent u op het strand. In ongeveer vijf minuten lopen langs de klif, genietend van het uitzicht op zee, bereikt u het historische centrum dat bestaat uit een traditioneel dorp met de eenvoud van witgekalkte huizen en smalle straatjes op de heuvels die naar de zee leiden. Daar vindt u uw restaurant, evenals winkels, diensten, supermarkten en uitgaansgelegenheden. Ongeveer een kwartier lopen voorbij het uitzichtpunt Rossio, bent u bij de jachthaven van Albufeira.De indeling van de woonkamer, eet- en kookhoek, voor het zwembad, met uitzicht op zee geeft u de mogelijkheid om te genieten van unieke momenten van gezelligheid met uw familie en vrienden. Het zwembad is verwarmd en behandeld met zout, met automatische PH-regeling.De opslagruimte in de keuken bestaat uit een bijkeuken, een wasruimte en wijnkelderkasten.
Alle kamers hebben kasten en er is een eigen badkamer voor elke kamer.
Het is ook mogelijk om een andere ruimte te creëren die kan dienen als kinderkamer of werkkamer.Op het dak is er een groot dakterras met een prachtig uitzicht, waar u een jacuzzi kunt installeren en een ander recreatiegebied kunt creëren om de zeebries te bewonderen en te beluisteren.Hoe goed dit huis ook wordt beschreven, het zal nooit hetzelfde zijn als hier voor de zee staan, luisteren en de melodie ervan voelen; Prachtig om te zien.
Ik sta tot uw beschikking voor meer informatie of om een bezoek te plannen.Een enquête van de website Cheerfulway koos Albufeira als de beste plek om te wonen in Portugal.Het toponiem Albufeira komt van het Arabische woord (al-Buayra), een aanduiding uit de 8e eeuw, wat de lagune of de zee betekent, of, volgens andere experts, zeekasteel, dat hoog staat en in een amfitheater boven de zee. De smalle steegjes, het oude kasteel en de zeer witte huizen met hun terrassen en bogen stammen uit de Arabische periode.
Het huidige gebied van de gemeente Albufeira wordt al sinds minstens 2000 voor Christus door de mens bewoond. De Romeinen gaven het de naam Baltum, en de Arabieren. die ze in 716 bezetten, noemden het Albuar of Albuhera.
Een zeebries koelt meestal de gemiddelde jaartemperatuur in de Algarve af, die 17,7ºC bedraagt (12ºC in januari en tot ongeveer 30ºC in augustus). De regio heeft meer dan 3.000 zonuren (meer dan 300 dagen) gedurende het jaar, waardoor het een favoriete bestemming is voor degenen die van zo'n aangenaam klimaat houden. De winter is mild.
Van de stad met een lange visserijtraditie en een bloeiende visexportindustrie, blijft de schuilhaven over, naast de jachthaven van Albufeira, met zijn kleurrijke ambachtelijke vissersboten, die de ruimte delen met de boten die gewijd zijn aan zeetochten langs de kust. en bezoek de prachtige zeegrotten.Momenteel zijn Albufeira en zijn gemeente een van de belangrijkste toeristische centra van het land, met bijna 30 km kustlijn en meer dan twee dozijn zeer diverse stranden, zowel in termen van natuurlijke omgeving als in termen van bezetting en aanbod. toerist. Hoewel de toeristische voorzieningen, evenals het nachtleven, tot de beroemdste in de Algarve behoren, bestaan ze nog steeds naast een andere realiteit, die van de rustige dorpen, waar handwerk zoals tegels, gesneden koper of espartowandtapijten bewaard zijn gebleven. Omgeven door regenachtige boomgaarden met amandelbomen in bloei.