Готовый бизнес (Продажа)
110 м²
/ 102845833
Ref. Number: 1384 SHOP IN TOP LOCATION IN VARNA DISTRICT. We offer you a wonderful store on two levels, TOP LOCATION with a large flow of people. Main characteristics: -Area - commercial hall - 70sq.m. and basement (warehouse) 40sq.m. -Ceiling height- 3.20 m -Street face- 4 m. -Parking- PARKING in front of the store It is sold in the form from the photos, ready to meet your new ideas for business development. Location: It is located in a very communicative location with a large flow of people. For more information and organization of viewings, please contact us at the specified number, and you will need the following reference number: 1384 Light Home Properties is a trusted partner of the largest banking institutions in the country and assists in preferential terms in case of need for lending. You will receive legal assistance throughout the transaction process, as well as assistance in preparing, submitting and receiving all necessary documents for the transaction.
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Реф. номер: 1384 МАГАЗИН НА ТОП ЛОКАЦИЯ В КВ. КЪРШИЯКА Предлагаме Ви чудесен магазин на две нива, ТОП ЛОКАЦИЯ с голям човекопоток. Основни характеристики: -Площ- търковска зала - 70кв.м. и сутерен (склад) 40кв.м. -Височина на таваните- 3.20м -Лице на улица- 4м. -Паркиране- ПАРКИНГ пред магазина Продава се във вида от снимките, готов да посрещне вашите нови идеи за бизнес развитие. Локация: Намира се на много комуникативна локация с голям човекопоток. За повече информация и организиране на огледи, моля, свържете се с нас на посочения номер, като ще Ви е необходим следният референтен номер: 1384 Лайт Хоум имоти е доверен партньор на най-големите банкови институции в страната и съдейства за преференциални условия при нужда от кредитиране. Ще получите юридическо съдействие през целия процес на сделката, както и съдействие при подготовка, подаване и получаване на всички необходими документи за сделката.
Ref. Number: 1384 SHOP IN TOP LOCATION IN VARNA DISTRICT. We offer you a wonderful store on two levels, TOP LOCATION with a large flow of people. Main characteristics: -Area - commercial hall - 70sq.m. and basement (warehouse) 40sq.m. -Ceiling height- 3.20 m -Street face- 4 m. -Parking- PARKING in front of the store It is sold in the form from the photos, ready to meet your new ideas for business development. Location: It is located in a very communicative location with a large flow of people. For more information and organization of viewings, please contact us at the specified number, and you will need the following reference number: 1384 Light Home Properties is a trusted partner of the largest banking institutions in the country and assists in preferential terms in case of need for lending. You will receive legal assistance throughout the transaction process, as well as assistance in preparing, submitting and receiving all necessary documents for the transaction.
Ref. Numéro : 1384 MAGASIN DANS L’EMPLACEMENT LE PLUS ÉLEVÉ DANS LE DISTRICT DE VARNA. Nous vous proposons un magnifique magasin sur deux niveaux, TOP EMPLACEMENT avec un grand flux de personnes. Caractéristiques principales : -Superficie - hall commercial - 70 m² et sous-sol (entrepôt) 40 m². -Hauteur sous plafond- 3,20 m -Face rue- 4 m. -Parking- PARKING devant le magasin Il est vendu sous la forme des photos, prêt à répondre à vos nouvelles idées de développement commercial. Emplacement : Il est situé dans un endroit très communicatif avec un grand flux de personnes. Pour plus d’informations et l’organisation des visites, veuillez nous contacter au numéro indiqué, et vous aurez besoin du numéro de référence suivant : 1384 Light Home Properties est un partenaire de confiance des plus grandes institutions bancaires du pays et vous assiste à des conditions préférentielles en cas de besoin de prêt. Vous recevrez une assistance juridique tout au long du processus de transaction, ainsi qu’une assistance pour préparer, soumettre et recevoir tous les documents nécessaires à la transaction.
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Готовый бизнес
110 м²