Область София-град - Офисы и коммерческая недвижимость на продажу
94 900 452 RUB
Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость (Продажа)
421 м²
/ 102845668
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present a first-class office for your successful business or investment in a top district of Sofia - 'Krastova Vada'. The property is located just meters from the boulevard. Cherni Vrah, a 5-minute walk from Paradise Center and Vitosha metro station, with quick access to the Ring Road. Parameters: the distribution is on two levels, with a total area of 421 sq.m; ground level - 111 sq.m; level '-1' - 310 sq.m; The exposure is favorable - south-east. The business property is offered finished 'turnkey', with high-end finishing works with elegant and modern design. The heating is gas and air conditioners. If you would like to arrange a viewing of a property you are interested in or visit one of our offices, please contact us. To arrange a day and time for a meeting or viewing, you can call the phone number indicated in the ad or send an inquiry via e-mail. Our consultant will assist you with all the necessary details and arrange a convenient time for you. Are you looking for the right property for you? Do not hesitate to contact us and tell us about your needs and preferences. Our team will conduct in-depth market research to offer you properties that exactly meet your criteria. We have an exceptional portfolio of high-quality and exclusive homes that are only available to our clients. To be the first to receive information about them, contact us. Additional services As a valued client of our company, you will have the privilege to use the services of our experienced legal team completely free of charge. In addition, we offer complex solutions, including property insurance, free financial advice, as well as favorable financing conditions. Our services also extend to the field of resale, rental and property management. We provide high-quality repair works and furniture through specialized companies, For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: SOF-127511 Tel: ... , 02 424 99 00 Responsible broker: Ivo Tsenov
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LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... Представяме първокласен офис за Вашия успешен бизнес или инвестиция в топ квартал на София - 'Кръстова вада'. Имотът е разположен само на метри от бул. 'Черни връх', на 5 минути пеша от Paradise Center и метростанция 'Витоша', с бърз достъп до Околовръстен път. Параметри: разпределението е на две нива, с обща площ 421 кв.м; партерно ниво - 111 кв.м; ниво '-1' - 310 кв.м; изложението е благоприятно - юг-изток. Бизнес имотът се предлага завършен 'до ключ', с висок клас довършителни работи с елегантен и модерен дизайн. Отоплението е на газ и климатици. Очакваме Вашето запитване Ако желаете да организирате оглед на имот, който Ви интересува, или да посетите някой от нашите офиси, моля свържете се с нас. За да уговорите ден и час за среща или оглед, можете да се обадите на посочения в обявата телефон или да изпратите запитване чрез електронната поща. Нашият консултант ще Ви съдейства с всички необходими подробности и ще уговори удобно за Вас време. Търсите подходящия за Вас имот? Не се колебайте да се свържете с нас и да ни разкажете за Вашите нужди и предпочитания. Нашият екип ще проведе задълбочено проучване на пазара, за да Ви предложи имоти, които точно отговарят на Вашите критерии. Разполагаме с изключително портфолио от висококачествени и ексклузивни жилища, които са достъпни само за нашите клиенти. За да сте първите, които ще получите информация за тях свържете се с нас. Допълнителни услуги Като ценен клиент на нашата компания, Вие ще имате привилегията да ползвате напълно безплатно услугите на нашия опитен юридически екип. В допълнение, предлагаме комплексни решения, включващи имуществена застраховка, безплатна финансова консултация, както и изгодни условия за финансиране. Нашите услуги се разпростират и в сферата на препродажбата, отдаването под наем и управлението на имоти. Осигуряваме висококачествени ремонтни дейности и обзавеждане чрез специализирани фирми, За повече информация свържете се с нас и цитирайте референтния номер на имота. Моля, кажете, че сте видeли обявата в този сайт. Референтен номер: SOF-127511 Тел: ... , 02 424 99 00 Отговорен брокер:Иво Ценов
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES : ... Nous vous présentons un bureau de première classe pour votre entreprise ou votre investissement prospère dans un quartier de premier plan de Sofia - 'Krastova Vada'. La propriété est située à quelques mètres du boulevard. Cherni Vrah, à 5 minutes à pied du Paradise Center et de la station de métro Vitosha, avec un accès rapide au périphérique. Paramètres : la distribution est sur deux niveaux, avec une superficie totale de 421 m² ; rez-de-chaussée - 111 m² ; niveau '-1' - 310 m² ; L’exposition est favorable - sud-est. L’établissement d’affaires est proposé fini 'clé en main', avec des travaux de finition haut de gamme avec un design élégant et moderne. Le chauffage est au gaz et les climatiseurs. Si vous souhaitez organiser une visite d’une propriété qui vous intéresse ou visiter l’un de nos bureaux, veuillez nous contacter. Pour convenir d’un jour et d’une heure pour une réunion ou une visite, vous pouvez appeler le numéro de téléphone indiqué dans l’annonce ou envoyer une demande par e-mail. Notre conseiller vous aidera avec tous les détails nécessaires et conviendra d’un moment qui vous convient. Vous êtes à la recherche de la propriété qui vous convient ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter et à nous faire part de vos besoins et préférences. Notre équipe réalisera des études de marché approfondies afin de vous proposer des biens qui répondent exactement à vos critères. Nous disposons d’un portefeuille exceptionnel de maisons exclusives et de haute qualité qui ne sont disponibles que pour nos clients. Pour être le premier à recevoir des informations à leur sujet, contactez-nous. En tant que client précieux de notre entreprise, vous aurez le privilège d’utiliser les services de notre équipe juridique expérimentée entièrement gratuitement. De plus, nous proposons des solutions complexes, notamment une assurance habitation, des conseils financiers gratuits, ainsi que des conditions de financement favorables. Nos services s’étendent également au domaine de la revente, de la location et de la gestion immobilière. Nous fournissons des travaux de réparation et de mobilier de haute qualité par l’intermédiaire d’entreprises spécialisées, Pour plus d’informations, contactez-nous et indiquez le numéro de référence de la propriété. Veuillez dire que vous avez vu l’annonce sur ce site. Numéro de référence : SOF-127511 Tél : ... , 02 424 99 00 Courtier responsable : Ivo Tsenov
LUXIMMO FINEST ESTATES: ... We present a first-class office for your successful business or investment in a top district of Sofia - 'Krastova Vada'. The property is located just meters from the boulevard. Cherni Vrah, a 5-minute walk from Paradise Center and Vitosha metro station, with quick access to the Ring Road. Parameters: the distribution is on two levels, with a total area of 421 sq.m; ground level - 111 sq.m; level '-1' - 310 sq.m; The exposure is favorable - south-east. The business property is offered finished 'turnkey', with high-end finishing works with elegant and modern design. The heating is gas and air conditioners. If you would like to arrange a viewing of a property you are interested in or visit one of our offices, please contact us. To arrange a day and time for a meeting or viewing, you can call the phone number indicated in the ad or send an inquiry via e-mail. Our consultant will assist you with all the necessary details and arrange a convenient time for you. Are you looking for the right property for you? Do not hesitate to contact us and tell us about your needs and preferences. Our team will conduct in-depth market research to offer you properties that exactly meet your criteria. We have an exceptional portfolio of high-quality and exclusive homes that are only available to our clients. To be the first to receive information about them, contact us. Additional services As a valued client of our company, you will have the privilege to use the services of our experienced legal team completely free of charge. In addition, we offer complex solutions, including property insurance, free financial advice, as well as favorable financing conditions. Our services also extend to the field of resale, rental and property management. We provide high-quality repair works and furniture through specialized companies, For more information, contact us and quote the reference number of the property. Please say that you have seen the ad on this site. Reference number: SOF-127511 Tel: ... , 02 424 99 00 Responsible broker: Ivo Tsenov
Тип сделки:
Тип недвижимости:
Офисы и Коммерческая недвижимость
421 м²