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Варненская область - Квартира на продажу

14 054 095 RUB

Квартира (Продажа)

70 м²
Ссылка: EDEN-T102538765 / 102538765
SKU: 21270 Exclusive from Accent Invest! No commission from the Buyer! Directly from an Investor! One-bedroom property - ap. 19, floor 5, exposure - South; Total living area 70.12 sq.m. - corridor, living room with kitchen and dining room, bedroom, bathroom with toilet, laundry room, terrace. Accent Invest presents to your attention its latest investment project for a residential building with apartments, which will be built in Briz district. The building consists of 6 residential floors with a total of 22 apartments, 4 studios and an outdoor parking lot for residents with a total of 27 parking spaces, of which 7 with the possibility of placing a charging station. All apartments will be issued according to BDS (Bulgarian State Standard). Start of construction: January 2025 Implementation period: 24 months / until the end of 2026. The location is extremely convenient, with quick access to hypermarkets and shopping centers. Several schools, kindergartens, a Technical University and health facilities are located near the building. Various sports activities are available in the adjacent multifunctional halls and gyms. The building is located a 5-minute walk from a vast park area and 15 minutes from the Sea Garden. The area has a developed street infrastructure and excellently organized public transport. High-quality materials are used in construction and finishing works. Construction: Reinforced concrete structure and masonry made with Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F Light and Porotherm 12 N+F Façade: Thermal insulation system Termoflex 10cm; High-quality Bond suspended façade and ceramics, weatherproof, water-repellent, non-combustible. Window frames 7-chamber (85mm) system, triple glazing (44mm) with two special glasses (four seasons + white + K glass) with argon gas Glass railings with aluminum profile system. Air conditioning and ventilation: Fully laid route (pipes and cable) with outlets to each room. Separate places for the air conditioning systems on the rear façade of the building, covered with decorative elements. The installation for drainage of the air conditioning units is connected to the sewerage system of the building. Elevator: ORONA Spain: The company is one of the world leaders in the production of passenger elevators. ORONA elevators are distinguished by a very high quality of the materials used and comfort in operation. 8 persons 630 kg. Silent movement without machine room moving to the nearest stop in case of power outage Braille buttons emergency lighting digital board Common areas: Fully finished common areas with granite flooring, painted walls and ceilings, automatic lighting with photocells (according to the project). Показать больше Показать меньше код: 21270 Ексклузивно от Акцент Инвест! Без комисионна от Купувача! Директно от Инвеститор! Двустаен имот - aп. 19, етаж 5, изложение - Юг; Обща жилищна площ 70,12 кв.м. - коридор, дневна с кухня и трапезария, спалня, баня с тоалетна, перално помещение,тераса. Акцент Инвест представя на Вашето внимание своя най-нов инвестиционен проект за жилищна сграда с апартаменти, която ще бъде построена в кв.Бриз. Сградата се състои от 6 жилищни етажа с общо 22 апартамента, 4 ателиета и открит паркинг за живущите с общо 27 паркоместа, от които 7 с възможност за поставяне на зарядна станция. Всички апартаменти ще бъдат издадени по БДС (Български държавен стандарт). Стартиране на строителството: Януари 2025г. Срок за изпълнение: 24 мсеца/ до края на 2026г. Местоположението е изключително удобно, с бърз достъп до хипермаркети и търговски центрове. В близост до сградата са разположени няколко училища, детски градини, Технически университет и здравни заведения. Различни спортни занимания се предлагат в съседните мултифункционални зали и фитнеси. Сградата се намира на 5 минути пеша от обширна паркова зона и на 15 минути от Морската градина. Районът е с развита улична инфраструктура и отлично организиран градски транспорт. В строителството и довършителните работи са заложени висококачествени материали. Конструкция: Стоманобетонова конструкция и зидария изпълнена с Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F Light и Porotherm 12 N+F Фасада: Топлоизолационна система Termoflex 10см; Висококачествена окачена фасада тип Бонд и керамика, устойчива на атмосферни влияния, водоотблъскваща, негорима. Дограма 7-камерна (85мм) система, троен стъклопакет (44мм) с две специални стъкла (четири сезона + бяло + К стъкло) с газ аргон Стъклени парапети със система от алуминиев профил. Климатизация и вентилация: Изцяло положено трасе (тръби и кабел) с изводи към всяка стая. Обособени места за климатичните системи на задната фасада на сградата закрити с декоративни елементи. Инсталацията за отводняване на климатичните тела е включена към канализационната система на сградата. Асансьор: ORONA Испания: Компанията е една от лидерите в световен мащаб в производството на пътнически асансьори. Асансьорите на ORONA се отличават с много високо качество на вложените матириали и комфорт при експлоатация. 8 лица 630 кг. Безшумно движение без машинно помещение придвижване до най-близката спирка в случай на спиране на електричеството бутони с Брайлова азбука аварийно осветление дигитално табло Общи части: Напълно завършени общи части с поставени подови настилки от гранитогрес, боядисани стени и тавани, автоматично осветление с фотоклетки (по проект). SKU: 21270 Exclusive from Accent Invest! No commission from the Buyer! Directly from an Investor! One-bedroom property - ap. 19, floor 5, exposure - South; Total living area 70.12 sq.m. - corridor, living room with kitchen and dining room, bedroom, bathroom with toilet, laundry room, terrace. Accent Invest presents to your attention its latest investment project for a residential building with apartments, which will be built in Briz district. The building consists of 6 residential floors with a total of 22 apartments, 4 studios and an outdoor parking lot for residents with a total of 27 parking spaces, of which 7 with the possibility of placing a charging station. All apartments will be issued according to BDS (Bulgarian State Standard). Start of construction: January 2025 Implementation period: 24 months / until the end of 2026. The location is extremely convenient, with quick access to hypermarkets and shopping centers. Several schools, kindergartens, a Technical University and health facilities are located near the building. Various sports activities are available in the adjacent multifunctional halls and gyms. The building is located a 5-minute walk from a vast park area and 15 minutes from the Sea Garden. The area has a developed street infrastructure and excellently organized public transport. High-quality materials are used in construction and finishing works. Construction: Reinforced concrete structure and masonry made with Wienerberger Porotherm 25 N+F Light and Porotherm 12 N+F Façade: Thermal insulation system Termoflex 10cm; High-quality Bond suspended façade and ceramics, weatherproof, water-repellent, non-combustible. Window frames 7-chamber (85mm) system, triple glazing (44mm) with two special glasses (four seasons + white + K glass) with argon gas Glass railings with aluminum profile system. Air conditioning and ventilation: Fully laid route (pipes and cable) with outlets to each room. Separate places for the air conditioning systems on the rear façade of the building, covered with decorative elements. The installation for drainage of the air conditioning units is connected to the sewerage system of the building. Elevator: ORONA Spain: The company is one of the world leaders in the production of passenger elevators. ORONA elevators are distinguished by a very high quality of the materials used and comfort in operation. 8 persons 630 kg. Silent movement without machine room moving to the nearest stop in case of power outage Braille buttons emergency lighting digital board Common areas: Fully finished common areas with granite flooring, painted walls and ceilings, automatic lighting with photocells (according to the project).
Ссылка: EDEN-T102538765
Страна: BG
Город: Varna
Категория: Жилая
Тип сделки: Продажа
Тип недвижимости: Квартира
Площадь: 70 м²
Этаж: 5



Средняя цена за м²
Окт 2023
3 мес
1 год
53 977 RUB
98 177 RUB


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