Urban, consisting of Warehouse, with office and complete bathroom. This warehouse, intended for commerce, services and logistics centre. Built with prefabricated concrete panels, with the most modern manufacturing technology. Roof with sandwich panels, skylights, windows, with high energy comfort, as verified by the Energy Certificate with the classification assigned = B, in which there are no suggestions for improvement. Warehouse, Fraction "J" of the horizontal property, is inserted in a business center, private, fully inhabited. It benefits from services of ease and total convenience, with 24:00 security, possibility of benefiting from energy prices already contracted at more favorable prices. This warehouse/fraction is part of an available and contiguous set for sale totaling 5,867.4 m2 in interior area, to which is added an entire area surrounding the condominium of 24,146 m2. Totally private. The business center is located about 20 kms from the metropolitan area of Porto, with access to the A4 and A41 motorways, as well as the Cête train station. Ideal for logistics, business and/or warehousing services.
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Urban, bestehend aus Lagerhalle, mit Büro und komplettem Badezimmer. Dieses Lager ist für Handel, Dienstleistungen und Logistikzentren bestimmt. Gebaut aus vorgefertigten Betonplatten, mit modernster Fertigungstechnologie. Dach mit Sandwichpaneelen, Oberlichtern, Fenstern, mit hohem Energiekomfort, bestätigt durch den Energieausweis mit der zugewiesenen Klassifizierung = B, in dem es keine Verbesserungsvorschläge gibt. Lagerhaus, Fraktion "J" des horizontalen Grundstücks, befindet sich in einem Geschäftszentrum, privat, voll bewohnt. Es profitiert von Dienstleistungen der Leichtigkeit und des totalen Komforts, mit 24:00 Sicherheit, Möglichkeit, von Energiepreisen zu profitieren, die bereits zu günstigeren Preisen kontrahiert wurden. Dieses Lager/diese Fraktion ist Teil eines verfügbaren und zusammenhängenden Verkaufsangebots mit einer Gesamtfläche von 5.867,4 m2 im Innenbereich, zu dem eine gesamte Fläche rund um die Eigentumswohnung von 24.146 m2 hinzugefügt wird. Völlig privat. Das Business Center befindet sich etwa 20 km von der Metropolregion Porto entfernt und verfügt über eine Anbindung an die Autobahnen A4 und A41 sowie den Bahnhof Cête. Ideal für Logistik-, Geschäfts- und/oder Lagerdienstleistungen.
Urbano, composto por Armazém, com escritório e WC completo. Este armazém, destinado a comércio, serviços e centro de Logística. Construído com painéis de Betão, pré-fabricados, com a mais moderna tecnologia de fabrico. Cobertura com painéis sanduiche, claraboias, janelas, com elevado conforto energético, como se verifica pelo Certificado Energético com a classificação atribuída = B, no qual não consta sugestões de melhoria. Armazém, Fração "J" da propriedade horizontal, está inserido em centro empresarial, privado, totalmente morado. Beneficia de serviços de facilidade e total comodidade, com segurança 24:00H, possibilidade de beneficiar de preços de energia já contratada a preços mais favoráveis. Este armazém/fração, faz parte de um conjunto disponível e contiguo, para venda que totalizam 5.867,4 m2 em área interior, ao qual acresce toda uma área envolvente do condomínio de 24.146 m2. Totalmente privada. O centro empresarial situa-se cerca de 20 Kms da área metropolitana do Porto, com acesso à autoestrada A4 e A41, assim como, à estação ferroviária de Cête. Ideal para serviços logísticos, negócios e/ou armazenagem.
Urbain, composé d’un entrepôt, avec bureau et salle de bain complète. Cet entrepôt, destiné au commerce, aux services et au centre logistique. Construit avec des panneaux de béton préfabriqués, avec la technologie de fabrication la plus moderne. Toit avec panneaux sandwich, lucarnes, fenêtres, avec un confort énergétique élevé, comme vérifié par le certificat énergétique avec la classification attribuée = B, dans lequel il n’y a pas de suggestions d’amélioration. L’entrepôt, fraction « J » de la propriété horizontale, est inséré dans un centre d’affaires, privé, entièrement habité. Il bénéficie de services de facilité et de commodité totale, avec une sécurité 24h00, possibilité de bénéficier des prix de l’énergie déjà contractés à des prix plus favorables. Cet entrepôt/fraction fait partie d’un ensemble disponible et contigu à la vente totalisant 5 867,4 m2 de surface intérieure, auquel s’ajoute toute une surface entourant la copropriété de 24 146 m2. Totalement privé. Le centre d’affaires est situé à environ 20 kms de la zone métropolitaine de Porto, avec un accès aux autoroutes A4 et A41, ainsi qu’à la gare de la Cête. Idéal pour les services de logistique, d’affaires et/ou d’entreposage.
Urban, consisting of Warehouse, with office and complete bathroom. This warehouse, intended for commerce, services and logistics centre. Built with prefabricated concrete panels, with the most modern manufacturing technology. Roof with sandwich panels, skylights, windows, with high energy comfort, as verified by the Energy Certificate with the classification assigned = B, in which there are no suggestions for improvement. Warehouse, Fraction "J" of the horizontal property, is inserted in a business center, private, fully inhabited. It benefits from services of ease and total convenience, with 24:00 security, possibility of benefiting from energy prices already contracted at more favorable prices. This warehouse/fraction is part of an available and contiguous set for sale totaling 5,867.4 m2 in interior area, to which is added an entire area surrounding the condominium of 24,146 m2. Totally private. The business center is located about 20 kms from the metropolitan area of Porto, with access to the A4 and A41 motorways, as well as the Cête train station. Ideal for logistics, business and/or warehousing services.
Градски, състоящ се от склад, с офис и пълен санитарен възел. Този склад, предназначен за търговия, услуги и логистичен център. Изграден от сглобяеми бетонни панели, с най-модерна технология на производство. Покрив със сандвич панели, покривни прозорци, прозорци, с висок енергиен комфорт, удостоверен от Енергийния сертификат с присвоена класификация = B, в която няма предложения за подобрение. Склад, фракция "J" на хоризонталния имот, се вмъква в бизнес център, частен, напълно обитаван. Той се възползва от услуги за лекота и пълно удобство, със сигурност в 24:00 часа, възможност за възползване от вече договорените цени на енергията на по-изгодни цени. Този склад/фракция е част от наличен и съседен комплект за продажба с обща площ от 5 867,4 м2 във вътрешна площ, към който е добавена цяла площ около етажната собственост от 24 146 м2. Напълно лично. Бизнес центърът се намира на около 20 км от столичния район на Порто, с достъп до магистрали А4 и А41, както и до жп гара Сет. Идеален за логистични, бизнес и/или складови услуги.
Built with prefabricated concrete panels, with the most modern manufacturing technology. Roof with sandwich panels, skylights, windows, with high energy comfort, as verified by the Energy Certificate with the classification assigned = B, in which there are no suggestions for improvement.
Warehouse, Fraction "J" of the horizontal property, is inserted in a business center, private, fully inhabited. It benefits from services of ease and total convenience, with 24:00 security, possibility of benefiting from energy prices already contracted at more favorable prices.
This warehouse/fraction is part of an available and contiguous set for sale totaling 5,867.4 m2 in interior area, to which is added an entire area surrounding the condominium of 24,146 m2. Totally private.
The business center is located about 20 kms from the metropolitan area of Porto, with access to the A4 and A41 motorways, as well as the Cête train station.
Ideal for logistics, business and/or warehousing services. Показать больше Показать меньше Urban, bestehend aus Lagerhalle, mit Büro und komplettem Badezimmer. Dieses Lager ist für Handel, Dienstleistungen und Logistikzentren bestimmt.
Gebaut aus vorgefertigten Betonplatten, mit modernster Fertigungstechnologie. Dach mit Sandwichpaneelen, Oberlichtern, Fenstern, mit hohem Energiekomfort, bestätigt durch den Energieausweis mit der zugewiesenen Klassifizierung = B, in dem es keine Verbesserungsvorschläge gibt.
Lagerhaus, Fraktion "J" des horizontalen Grundstücks, befindet sich in einem Geschäftszentrum, privat, voll bewohnt. Es profitiert von Dienstleistungen der Leichtigkeit und des totalen Komforts, mit 24:00 Sicherheit, Möglichkeit, von Energiepreisen zu profitieren, die bereits zu günstigeren Preisen kontrahiert wurden.
Dieses Lager/diese Fraktion ist Teil eines verfügbaren und zusammenhängenden Verkaufsangebots mit einer Gesamtfläche von 5.867,4 m2 im Innenbereich, zu dem eine gesamte Fläche rund um die Eigentumswohnung von 24.146 m2 hinzugefügt wird. Völlig privat.
Das Business Center befindet sich etwa 20 km von der Metropolregion Porto entfernt und verfügt über eine Anbindung an die Autobahnen A4 und A41 sowie den Bahnhof Cête.
Ideal für Logistik-, Geschäfts- und/oder Lagerdienstleistungen. Urbano, composto por Armazém, com escritório e WC completo. Este armazém, destinado a comércio, serviços e centro de Logística.
Construído com painéis de Betão, pré-fabricados, com a mais moderna tecnologia de fabrico. Cobertura com painéis sanduiche, claraboias, janelas, com elevado conforto energético, como se verifica pelo Certificado Energético com a classificação atribuída = B, no qual não consta sugestões de melhoria.
Armazém, Fração "J" da propriedade horizontal, está inserido em centro empresarial, privado, totalmente morado. Beneficia de serviços de facilidade e total comodidade, com segurança 24:00H, possibilidade de beneficiar de preços de energia já contratada a preços mais favoráveis.
Este armazém/fração, faz parte de um conjunto disponível e contiguo, para venda que totalizam 5.867,4 m2 em área interior, ao qual acresce toda uma área envolvente do condomínio de 24.146 m2. Totalmente privada.
O centro empresarial situa-se cerca de 20 Kms da área metropolitana do Porto, com acesso à autoestrada A4 e A41, assim como, à estação ferroviária de Cête.
Ideal para serviços logísticos, negócios e/ou armazenagem. Urbain, composé d’un entrepôt, avec bureau et salle de bain complète. Cet entrepôt, destiné au commerce, aux services et au centre logistique.
Construit avec des panneaux de béton préfabriqués, avec la technologie de fabrication la plus moderne. Toit avec panneaux sandwich, lucarnes, fenêtres, avec un confort énergétique élevé, comme vérifié par le certificat énergétique avec la classification attribuée = B, dans lequel il n’y a pas de suggestions d’amélioration.
L’entrepôt, fraction « J » de la propriété horizontale, est inséré dans un centre d’affaires, privé, entièrement habité. Il bénéficie de services de facilité et de commodité totale, avec une sécurité 24h00, possibilité de bénéficier des prix de l’énergie déjà contractés à des prix plus favorables.
Cet entrepôt/fraction fait partie d’un ensemble disponible et contigu à la vente totalisant 5 867,4 m2 de surface intérieure, auquel s’ajoute toute une surface entourant la copropriété de 24 146 m2. Totalement privé.
Le centre d’affaires est situé à environ 20 kms de la zone métropolitaine de Porto, avec un accès aux autoroutes A4 et A41, ainsi qu’à la gare de la Cête.
Idéal pour les services de logistique, d’affaires et/ou d’entreposage. Urban, consisting of Warehouse, with office and complete bathroom. This warehouse, intended for commerce, services and logistics centre.
Built with prefabricated concrete panels, with the most modern manufacturing technology. Roof with sandwich panels, skylights, windows, with high energy comfort, as verified by the Energy Certificate with the classification assigned = B, in which there are no suggestions for improvement.
Warehouse, Fraction "J" of the horizontal property, is inserted in a business center, private, fully inhabited. It benefits from services of ease and total convenience, with 24:00 security, possibility of benefiting from energy prices already contracted at more favorable prices.
This warehouse/fraction is part of an available and contiguous set for sale totaling 5,867.4 m2 in interior area, to which is added an entire area surrounding the condominium of 24,146 m2. Totally private.
The business center is located about 20 kms from the metropolitan area of Porto, with access to the A4 and A41 motorways, as well as the Cête train station.
Ideal for logistics, business and/or warehousing services. Градски, състоящ се от склад, с офис и пълен санитарен възел. Този склад, предназначен за търговия, услуги и логистичен център.
Изграден от сглобяеми бетонни панели, с най-модерна технология на производство. Покрив със сандвич панели, покривни прозорци, прозорци, с висок енергиен комфорт, удостоверен от Енергийния сертификат с присвоена класификация = B, в която няма предложения за подобрение.
Склад, фракция "J" на хоризонталния имот, се вмъква в бизнес център, частен, напълно обитаван. Той се възползва от услуги за лекота и пълно удобство, със сигурност в 24:00 часа, възможност за възползване от вече договорените цени на енергията на по-изгодни цени.
Този склад/фракция е част от наличен и съседен комплект за продажба с обща площ от 5 867,4 м2 във вътрешна площ, към който е добавена цяла площ около етажната собственост от 24 146 м2. Напълно лично.
Бизнес центърът се намира на около 20 км от столичния район на Порто, с достъп до магистрали А4 и А41, както и до жп гара Сет.
Идеален за логистични, бизнес и/или складови услуги.