45 205 401 RUB
46 787 505 RUB
43 929 749 RUB
39 600 134 RUB
41 817 741 RUB
A propriedade tem também uma piscina exterior, solário, ginásio e, como o nome sugere, belos jardins com árvores e pomares exóticos centenários.Escolher Os Jardins do Morgado significa também viver num ecossistema amigo do ambiente, com painéis solares e pontos de carregamento para veículos elétricos.Em termos de segurança, os edifícios têm uma nova estrutura que cumpre com as mais recentes normas antissísmicas, portões elétricos e um sistema de videovigilância com um porteiro.Gostámos particularmente da combinação de edifícios históricos com novas construções que refletem o saber-fazer tradicional e moderno. O jardim é uma verdadeira auréola de vegetação que o fará esquecer que está no coração da cidade de Setúbal. O elevado padrão de acabamento e as instalações de última geração dos apartamentos proporcionar-lhe-ão todo o conforto moderno que procura hoje. Além disso, os complexos de lazer incluídos na residência proporcionar-lhe-ão uma qualidade de vida que não se encontra em qualquer outra parte do centro da cidade.Jardins do Morgado é escolher viver ao ar livre ao longo do rio Sado, tudo no centro de Setúbal. O local é de facto ideal: entre o mar e as montanhas, Setúbal fica apenas a 10 minutos das praias do Parque Natural da Arrábida e perto de vários campos de golfe. No dia-a-dia, Os Jardins do Morgado estão ao alcance dos transportes públicos, lojas, hospitais, restaurantes, parques e escolas e infantários. A 25 minutos de Alcácer do Sal, a 30 minutos de Tróia, Comporta, Lisboa e do seu aeroporto internacional. Morgado Gardens is a new development under construction in Setubal. This haven of peace and greenery in the town center, consists of 19 apartments in 4 buildings, combining tradition and modernity. It is a unique residence in the Setúbal region.Morgado Gardens is at the very heart of Setúbal town. The project was born as a result of the rehabilitation of a historical place called the gardens of the Quinta del Aranguês. This place, full of history, was the former home of Morgado de Setúbal, a regional famous Portuguese painter. The advantage of this residence is that it has a park with its century-old exotic trees, which will allow residents to stroll through while they're walking towards the residence's swimming pool.The two old buildings that will be totally renovated are the Morgado House and the Fresco House, which has an old fresco in front of the fountain. The two completely new buildings are the Tree House and the Fountain House.The apartment is located in the main house, where Morgado de Setubal once lived. The building will be renovated and will keep its historical characteristics, such as the stone staircase and the authentic roof with its authentic tiles of the region.Located on the first floor, the apartment has two bedrooms, one of which is a suite. The apartment has a large central living area including a living room, a dining room and a fully equipped, open kitchen with a kitchen island. Outside, there's a parking space and a cellar of 3.1 m2. The apartment has direct access to the residence's gardens.The property also has an outdoor swimming pool, solarium, gym and, as the name mentions, beautiful gardens with century-old exotic trees and orchards.Choosing Morgado Gardens also means living in an environmentally friendly ecosystem, since the residence has solar panels and charging points for electric vehicles.In terms of security, the buildings have a new structure that complies with the latest anti-seismic standards, electric gates and a video surveillance system with a doorman.We particularly like the combination of historical buildings with new constructions reflecting traditional and modern know-how. The garden is a real haven of greenery that will make you forget that you are in the heart of Setubal town. The level of finishing and the latest equipment of the apartments will offer you all the modern comfort you are looking for nowadays. In addition, the leisure complexes included in the residence will provide you with a quality of life not found elsewhere in the town center.Morgado Gardens is choosing an outdoor life along the Sado, all in the Setúbal's center. The location is, in fact, ideal: between sea and mountains, Setubal is located 10 minutes from the beaches of the natural park of Arrabida and near several golf courses. On a day-to-day basis, Morgado Gardens, has quick access to public transport, shops, hospitals, restaurants, parks and schools & day care centers. It is also 25 minutes from Alcácer do Sal, 30 minutes from Tróia, Comporta, Lisbon and its international airport. Morgado Gardens je nový projekt vo výstavbe v Setubale. Toto útočisko pokoja a zelene v centre mesta, pozostáva z 19 apartmánov v 4 budovách, ktoré spájajú tradíciu a modernosť. Je to jedinečná rezidencia v regióne Setúbal.Záhrady Morgado sa nachádzajú v samom srdci mesta Setúbal. Projekt sa zrodil ako výsledok obnovy historického miesta nazývaného záhrady Quinta del Aranguês. Toto miesto, plné histórie, bolo bývalým domovom Morgada de Setúbala, regionálne slávneho portugalského maliara. Výhodou tejto rezidencie je, že má park so storočnými exotickými stromami, ktoré umožnia obyvateľom prechádzať sa pri prechádzke smerom k bazénu rezidencie.Dve staré budovy, ktoré budú kompletne zrekonštruované, sú Morgado House a Fresco House, ktorý má pred fontánou starú fresku. Dve úplne nové budovy sú Tree House a Fountain House.Byt sa nachádza v hlavnom dome, kde kedysi žil Morgado de Setubal. Budova bude zrekonštruovaná a zachová si svoje historické charakteristiky, ako je kamenné schodisko a autentická strecha s autentickými škridlami regiónu.Apartmán sa nachádza na prvom poschodí a má dve spálne, z ktorých jedna je apartmán. Byt má veľký centrálny obývací priestor vrátane obývacej izby, jedálne a plne vybavenej otvorenej kuchyne s kuchynským ostrovčekom. Vonku sa nachádza parkovacie státie a pivnica s rozlohou 3,1 m2. Z bytu je priamy vstup do záhrad rezidencie.Súčasťou nehnuteľnosti je aj vonkajší bazén, solárium, posilňovňa a, ako už názov napovedá, krásne záhrady so storočnými exotickými stromami a sadmi.Výber záhrad Morgado znamená aj život v ekologickom ekosystéme, pretože rezidencia má solárne panely a nabíjacie stanice pre elektrické vozidlá.Z hľadiska bezpečnosti majú budovy novú konštrukciu, ktorá spĺňa najnovšie antiseizmické normy, elektrické brány a kamerový systém s vrátnikom.Obzvlášť sa nám páči kombinácia historických budov s novostavbami odrážajúcimi tradičné a moderné know-how. Záhrada je skutočným útočiskom zelene, vďaka ktorému zabudnete, že ste v srdci mesta Setubal. Úroveň povrchovej úpravy a najmodernejšie vybavenie apartmánov vám ponúkne všetok moderný komfort, ktorý v dnešnej dobe hľadáte. Okrem toho vám rekreačné komplexy zahrnuté v rezidencii poskytnú kvalitu života, akú inde v centre mesta nenájdete.Morgado Gardens si vyberá život v prírode pozdĺž Sado, všetko v centre Setúbalu. Poloha je v skutočnosti ideálna: medzi morom a horami sa Setubal nachádza 10 minút od pláží prírodného parku Arrabida a v blízkosti niekoľkých golfových ihrísk. Morgado Gardens má každodenný prístup k verejnej doprave, obchodom, nemocniciam, reštauráciám, parkom a školám a centrám dennej starostlivosti. Je tiež vzdialený 25 minút od Alcácer do Sal, 30 minút od Tróie, Comporty, Lisabonu a jeho medzinárodného letiska.