Alentejo hill in ruin to recover in mixed land with close to 19 ha in São Martinho das Amoreiras, in the municipality of Odemira. Monte dos Milagres is a rustic property with a total area of almost 19 hectares, covered by cork oaks, strawberry trees, oaks, various fruit trees and olive trees.
This is a property surrounded by green areas, a dream for nature lovers and ideal for a rural or community tourism project. The property has a ruin in one of the highest areas of the land, allowing its reconstruction and providing an unobstructed view of the countryside. In addition to this ruin, an ecological house was built focused on caring for nature and preserving the environment, made with octagonal wooden structures, which gives it a unique beauty. The property has two wells, one of them with abundant water, has a high quality solar pump system for capturing water in a sustainable way, with a tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters of water to supply the urban part and for use in agriculture, watering vegetable gardens and gardens. The land has solar panels for energy production. There is the possibility of building a lake that can be supplied with natural water from the surrounding area. An area full of green spaces, perfect for those looking to be in the middle of nature, in a quiet and unique place. For more information or to schedule a visit, talk to us! Ariana Cabrita » ... More about Predimed Vasco da Gama on our blog » ... / Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaAMI License No. 22503Legal Person No. 517 239 345Civil Liability Insurance: Policy No. RC65379424 Fidelidade Features: - Garden
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Monte Alentejano em ruína para recuperar em terreno misto com perto de 19 ha em São Martinho das Amoreiras, no concelho de Odemira. O Monte dos Milagres é uma propriedade rústica com uma área total de quase 19 hectares, contemplada de sobreiros, medronheiros, carvalhos, diversas árvores de frutos e oliveiras.
Esta é uma propriedade envolta de zonas verdes, um sonho para os amantes da natureza e ideal para um projeto de turismo rural ou comunitário. A propriedade tem uma ruína numa das zonas mais altas do terreno, permitindo a sua reconstrução e proporcionando uma vista desafogada para o campo. Para além desta ruína foi construída uma casa ecológica focada no cuidado com a natureza e na preservação do meio ambiente, feita com estruturas de madeira em formato octogonal, que lhe confere uma beleza única. A propriedade tem dois poços, um deles com água abundante, dispõe de um sistema com bomba solar de grande qualidade para a captação de água de forma sustentável, com um depósito com capacidade para 5.000 litros de água para fornecimento à parte urbana e para utilização na agricultura, rega de hortas e jardins. O terreno dispõe de painéis solares para produção de energia. Existe a possibilidade de construir um lago que pode ser abastecido com água natural da zona envolvente. Zona repleta de espaços verdes, perfeita para quem procura estar no meio da natureza, num local tranquilo e único. Para mais informações ou para marcar uma visita, fale connosco! Ariana Cabrita » ... Mais sobre a Predimed Vasco da Gama no nosso blog » ... / Predimed PORTUGAL Mediação Imobiliária Lda.Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaLicença AMI nº 22503Pessoa Coletiva nº 517 239 345Seguro Responsabilidade Civil: Nº de Apólice RC65379424 Fidelidade Features: - Garden
Alentejo-heuvel in puin om te herstellen in gemengd land met bijna 19 ha in São Martinho das Amoreiras, in de gemeente Odemira. Monte dos Milagres is een rustiek landgoed met een totale oppervlakte van bijna 19 hectare, bedekt met kurkeiken, aardbeibomen, eiken, diverse fruitbomen en olijfbomen.
Dit is een woning omgeven door groene gebieden, een droom voor natuurliefhebbers en ideaal voor een landelijk of gemeenschapstoeristisch project. Het pand heeft een ruïne in een van de hoogste delen van het land, waardoor het kan worden gereconstrueerd en een vrij uitzicht op het platteland biedt. Naast deze ruïne werd een ecologisch huis gebouwd dat gericht is op de zorg voor de natuur en het behoud van het milieu, gemaakt met achthoekige houten constructies, wat het een unieke schoonheid geeft. Het pand heeft twee putten, waarvan één met overvloedig water, heeft een hoogwaardig zonnepompsysteem voor het opvangen van water op een duurzame manier, met een tank met een capaciteit van 5.000 liter water om het stedelijke deel te bevoorraden en voor gebruik in de landbouw, het besproeien van moestuinen en tuinen. Het land heeft zonnepanelen voor de opwekking van energie. Er is de mogelijkheid om een meer aan te leggen dat kan worden voorzien van natuurlijk water uit de omgeving. Een gebied vol groene ruimtes, perfect voor wie midden in de natuur wil zijn, op een rustige en unieke plek. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie of om een bezoek te plannen! Ariana Cabrita » ... Meer over Predimed Vasco da Gama op onze blog » ... / Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaAMI Licentie nr. 22503Rechtspersoon nr. 517 239 345Wettelijke aansprakelijkheidsverzekering: Polis nr. RC65379424 Fidelidade Features: - Garden
Alentejo hill in ruin to recover in mixed land with close to 19 ha in São Martinho das Amoreiras, in the municipality of Odemira. Monte dos Milagres is a rustic property with a total area of almost 19 hectares, covered by cork oaks, strawberry trees, oaks, various fruit trees and olive trees.
This is a property surrounded by green areas, a dream for nature lovers and ideal for a rural or community tourism project. The property has a ruin in one of the highest areas of the land, allowing its reconstruction and providing an unobstructed view of the countryside. In addition to this ruin, an ecological house was built focused on caring for nature and preserving the environment, made with octagonal wooden structures, which gives it a unique beauty. The property has two wells, one of them with abundant water, has a high quality solar pump system for capturing water in a sustainable way, with a tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters of water to supply the urban part and for use in agriculture, watering vegetable gardens and gardens. The land has solar panels for energy production. There is the possibility of building a lake that can be supplied with natural water from the surrounding area. An area full of green spaces, perfect for those looking to be in the middle of nature, in a quiet and unique place. For more information or to schedule a visit, talk to us! Ariana Cabrita » ... More about Predimed Vasco da Gama on our blog » ... / Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaAMI License No. 22503Legal Person No. 517 239 345Civil Liability Insurance: Policy No. RC65379424 Fidelidade Features: - Garden
Monte dos Milagres is a rustic property with a total area of almost 19 hectares, covered by cork oaks, strawberry trees, oaks, various fruit trees and olive trees.
This is a property surrounded by green areas, a dream for nature lovers and ideal for a rural or community tourism project.
The property has a ruin in one of the highest areas of the land, allowing its reconstruction and providing an unobstructed view of the countryside.
In addition to this ruin, an ecological house was built focused on caring for nature and preserving the environment, made with octagonal wooden structures, which gives it a unique beauty.
The property has two wells, one of them with abundant water, has a high quality solar pump system for capturing water in a sustainable way, with a tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters of water to supply the urban part and for use in agriculture, watering vegetable gardens and gardens.
The land has solar panels for energy production.
There is the possibility of building a lake that can be supplied with natural water from the surrounding area.
An area full of green spaces, perfect for those looking to be in the middle of nature, in a quiet and unique place.
For more information or to schedule a visit, talk to us!
Ariana Cabrita » ...
More about Predimed Vasco da Gama on our blog » ... / Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaAMI License No. 22503Legal Person No. 517 239 345Civil Liability Insurance: Policy No. RC65379424 Fidelidade
- Garden Показать больше Показать меньше Monte Alentejano em ruína para recuperar em terreno misto com perto de 19 ha em São Martinho das Amoreiras, no concelho de Odemira.
O Monte dos Milagres é uma propriedade rústica com uma área total de quase 19 hectares, contemplada de sobreiros, medronheiros, carvalhos, diversas árvores de frutos e oliveiras.
Esta é uma propriedade envolta de zonas verdes, um sonho para os amantes da natureza e ideal para um projeto de turismo rural ou comunitário.
A propriedade tem uma ruína numa das zonas mais altas do terreno, permitindo a sua reconstrução e proporcionando uma vista desafogada para o campo.
Para além desta ruína foi construída uma casa ecológica focada no cuidado com a natureza e na preservação do meio ambiente, feita com estruturas de madeira em formato octogonal, que lhe confere uma beleza única.
A propriedade tem dois poços, um deles com água abundante, dispõe de um sistema com bomba solar de grande qualidade para a captação de água de forma sustentável, com um depósito com capacidade para 5.000 litros de água para fornecimento à parte urbana e para utilização na agricultura, rega de hortas e jardins.
O terreno dispõe de painéis solares para produção de energia.
Existe a possibilidade de construir um lago que pode ser abastecido com água natural da zona envolvente.
Zona repleta de espaços verdes, perfeita para quem procura estar no meio da natureza, num local tranquilo e único.
Para mais informações ou para marcar uma visita, fale connosco!
Ariana Cabrita » ...
Mais sobre a Predimed Vasco da Gama no nosso blog » ... / Predimed PORTUGAL Mediação Imobiliária Lda.Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaLicença AMI nº 22503Pessoa Coletiva nº 517 239 345Seguro Responsabilidade Civil: Nº de Apólice RC65379424 Fidelidade
- Garden Alentejo-heuvel in puin om te herstellen in gemengd land met bijna 19 ha in São Martinho das Amoreiras, in de gemeente Odemira.
Monte dos Milagres is een rustiek landgoed met een totale oppervlakte van bijna 19 hectare, bedekt met kurkeiken, aardbeibomen, eiken, diverse fruitbomen en olijfbomen.
Dit is een woning omgeven door groene gebieden, een droom voor natuurliefhebbers en ideaal voor een landelijk of gemeenschapstoeristisch project.
Het pand heeft een ruïne in een van de hoogste delen van het land, waardoor het kan worden gereconstrueerd en een vrij uitzicht op het platteland biedt.
Naast deze ruïne werd een ecologisch huis gebouwd dat gericht is op de zorg voor de natuur en het behoud van het milieu, gemaakt met achthoekige houten constructies, wat het een unieke schoonheid geeft.
Het pand heeft twee putten, waarvan één met overvloedig water, heeft een hoogwaardig zonnepompsysteem voor het opvangen van water op een duurzame manier, met een tank met een capaciteit van 5.000 liter water om het stedelijke deel te bevoorraden en voor gebruik in de landbouw, het besproeien van moestuinen en tuinen.
Het land heeft zonnepanelen voor de opwekking van energie.
Er is de mogelijkheid om een meer aan te leggen dat kan worden voorzien van natuurlijk water uit de omgeving.
Een gebied vol groene ruimtes, perfect voor wie midden in de natuur wil zijn, op een rustige en unieke plek.
Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie of om een bezoek te plannen!
Ariana Cabrita » ...
Meer over Predimed Vasco da Gama op onze blog » ... / Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaAMI Licentie nr. 22503Rechtspersoon nr. 517 239 345Wettelijke aansprakelijkheidsverzekering: Polis nr. RC65379424 Fidelidade
- Garden Alentejo hill in ruin to recover in mixed land with close to 19 ha in São Martinho das Amoreiras, in the municipality of Odemira.
Monte dos Milagres is a rustic property with a total area of almost 19 hectares, covered by cork oaks, strawberry trees, oaks, various fruit trees and olive trees.
This is a property surrounded by green areas, a dream for nature lovers and ideal for a rural or community tourism project.
The property has a ruin in one of the highest areas of the land, allowing its reconstruction and providing an unobstructed view of the countryside.
In addition to this ruin, an ecological house was built focused on caring for nature and preserving the environment, made with octagonal wooden structures, which gives it a unique beauty.
The property has two wells, one of them with abundant water, has a high quality solar pump system for capturing water in a sustainable way, with a tank with a capacity of 5,000 liters of water to supply the urban part and for use in agriculture, watering vegetable gardens and gardens.
The land has solar panels for energy production.
There is the possibility of building a lake that can be supplied with natural water from the surrounding area.
An area full of green spaces, perfect for those looking to be in the middle of nature, in a quiet and unique place.
For more information or to schedule a visit, talk to us!
Ariana Cabrita » ...
More about Predimed Vasco da Gama on our blog » ... / Avenida Brasil 43, 12º Andar, 1700-062 LisboaAMI License No. 22503Legal Person No. 517 239 345Civil Liability Insurance: Policy No. RC65379424 Fidelidade
- Garden