Rustic land with a total area of 17,625m2, with a rural construction of 245m2 of area. Area of haystacks, olive groves, vineyards, orchard, vegetable garden, several fruit trees (citrus, fig tree) and cork oak forests. Two wells with abundant water, one of them with channeling directed to the haystack area and vegetable garden. Mains water and electricity near the property. It is located in Lousa, a village with cafes, local shops, public transport and public services. Ethnographic nucleus in Lousã and traditional dances. Located about 8km from the A23, 15km from Castelo Branco and 19km from Idanha-a-Nova.Don't miss this business opportunity. Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21? Because, for FREE, we provide: - A personalized market study for your property - An advanced marketing plan - Real estate consultants who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process - Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions - Administrative staff who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house. Our success is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams!
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Terreno rústico com área total de 17.625m2, com uma construção rural de 245m2 de área. Zona de palheiros, olival, vinha, pomar, zona de horta, diversas árvores de fruto (citrinos, figueira) e montado de sobreiros. Dois poços com água abundante, um deles com canalização direcionada à zona dos palheiros e horta. Água de rede e eletricidade junto da propriedade. Localiza-se na Lousa, aldeia com cafés, comércio local, transportes públicos e serviços públicos. Núcleo etnográfico na Lousa e danças tradicionais. Localizado a cerca de 8km da A23, 15km de Castelo Branco e 19km de Idanha-a-Nova.Não perca esta oportunidade de negócio. Porquê vender ou comprar com a CENTURY 21? Porque, de forma GRATUITA, facultamos: - Um estudo de mercado personalizado para o seu imóvel - Um plano de marketing avançado - Consultores imobiliários que o acompanham em todo o processo burocrático - Especialista de Crédito Habitação que lhe oferecerá as melhores soluções de financiamento - Staff administrativo que o apoiará em todo o processo de venda ou compra de casa. O nosso sucesso não é mais do que a concretização dos sonhos dos nossos clientes!
Rustic land with a total area of 17,625m2, with a rural construction of 245m2 of area. Area of haystacks, olive groves, vineyards, orchard, vegetable garden, several fruit trees (citrus, fig tree) and cork oak forests. Two wells with abundant water, one of them with channeling directed to the haystack area and vegetable garden. Mains water and electricity near the property. It is located in Lousa, a village with cafes, local shops, public transport and public services. Ethnographic nucleus in Lousã and traditional dances. Located about 8km from the A23, 15km from Castelo Branco and 19km from Idanha-a-Nova.Don't miss this business opportunity. Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21? Because, for FREE, we provide: - A personalized market study for your property - An advanced marketing plan - Real estate consultants who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process - Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions - Administrative staff who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house. Our success is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams!
Rustikales Grundstück mit einer Gesamtfläche von 17.625 m2 mit einer ländlichen Bebauung von 245 m2 Fläche. Bereich mit Heuhaufen, Olivenhainen, Weinbergen, Obstgarten, Gemüsegarten, mehreren Obstbäumen (Zitrusfrüchten, Feigenbäumen) und Korkeichenwäldern. Zwei Brunnen mit reichlichem Wasser, einer davon mit Kanalisation, der zum Heuhaufen und zum Gemüsegarten führt. Wasser- und Stromanschluss in der Nähe der Unterkunft. Es befindet sich in Lousa, einem Dorf mit Cafés, lokalen Geschäften, öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und öffentlichen Dienstleistungen. Ethnographischer Kern in Lousã und traditionelle Tänze. Das Hotel liegt etwa 8 km von der A23, 15 km von Castelo Branco und 19 km von Idanha-a-Nova entfernt.Verpassen Sie nicht diese Geschäftsmöglichkeit. Warum mit CENTURY 21 verkaufen oder kaufen? Denn wir bieten KOSTENLOS: - Eine personalisierte Marktstudie für Ihre Immobilie - Ein fortschrittlicher Marketingplan - Immobilienberater, die Sie durch den bürokratischen Prozess begleiten - Hypothekenspezialist, der Ihnen die besten Finanzierungslösungen anbietet - Verwaltungspersonal, das Sie während des gesamten Prozesses des Verkaufs oder Kaufs eines Hauses unterstützt. Unser Erfolg ist nichts anderes als die Verwirklichung der Träume unserer Kunden!
Rustiek land met een totale oppervlakte van 17.625m2, met een landelijke constructie van 245m2 oppervlakte. Gebied van hooibergen, olijfgaarden, wijngaarden, boomgaard, moestuin, verschillende fruitbomen (citrus, vijgenboom) en kurkeikenbossen. Twee putten met overvloedig water, waarvan er één met kanalisatie gericht is op het hooiberggebied en de moestuin. Leidingwater en elektriciteit in de buurt van het pand. Het is gelegen in Lousa, een dorp met cafés, lokale winkels, openbaar vervoer en openbare diensten. Etnografische kern in Lousã en traditionele dansen. Gelegen op ongeveer 8 km van de A23, 15 km van Castelo Branco en 19 km van Idanha-a-Nova.Mis deze zakelijke kans niet. Waarom verkopen of kopen met CENTURY 21? Omdat wij GRATIS het volgende bieden: - Een gepersonaliseerde marktstudie voor uw woning - Een geavanceerd marketingplan - Vastgoedadviseurs die u begeleiden tijdens het bureaucratische proces - Hypotheekspecialist die u de beste financieringsoplossingen biedt - Administratief medewerkers die u ondersteunen tijdens het hele proces van het verkopen of kopen van een huis. Ons succes is niets meer dan de realisatie van de dromen van onze klanten!
Area of haystacks, olive groves, vineyards, orchard, vegetable garden, several fruit trees (citrus, fig tree) and cork oak forests.
Two wells with abundant water, one of them with channeling directed to the haystack area and vegetable garden. Mains water and electricity near the property.
It is located in Lousa, a village with cafes, local shops, public transport and public services.
Ethnographic nucleus in Lousã and traditional dances.
Located about 8km from the A23, 15km from Castelo Branco and 19km from Idanha-a-Nova.Don't miss this business opportunity.
Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21?
Because, for FREE, we provide:
- A personalized market study for your property
- An advanced marketing plan
- Real estate consultants who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process
- Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions
- Administrative staff who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house.
Our success is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams! Показать больше Показать меньше Terreno rústico com área total de 17.625m2, com uma construção rural de 245m2 de área.
Zona de palheiros, olival, vinha, pomar, zona de horta, diversas árvores de fruto (citrinos, figueira) e montado de sobreiros.
Dois poços com água abundante, um deles com canalização direcionada à zona dos palheiros e horta. Água de rede e eletricidade junto da propriedade.
Localiza-se na Lousa, aldeia com cafés, comércio local, transportes públicos e serviços públicos.
Núcleo etnográfico na Lousa e danças tradicionais.
Localizado a cerca de 8km da A23, 15km de Castelo Branco e 19km de Idanha-a-Nova.Não perca esta oportunidade de negócio.
Porquê vender ou comprar com a CENTURY 21?
Porque, de forma GRATUITA, facultamos:
- Um estudo de mercado personalizado para o seu imóvel
- Um plano de marketing avançado
- Consultores imobiliários que o acompanham em todo o processo burocrático
- Especialista de Crédito Habitação que lhe oferecerá as melhores soluções de financiamento
- Staff administrativo que o apoiará em todo o processo de venda ou compra de casa.
O nosso sucesso não é mais do que a concretização dos sonhos dos nossos clientes! Rustic land with a total area of 17,625m2, with a rural construction of 245m2 of area.
Area of haystacks, olive groves, vineyards, orchard, vegetable garden, several fruit trees (citrus, fig tree) and cork oak forests.
Two wells with abundant water, one of them with channeling directed to the haystack area and vegetable garden. Mains water and electricity near the property.
It is located in Lousa, a village with cafes, local shops, public transport and public services.
Ethnographic nucleus in Lousã and traditional dances.
Located about 8km from the A23, 15km from Castelo Branco and 19km from Idanha-a-Nova.Don't miss this business opportunity.
Why sell or buy with CENTURY 21?
Because, for FREE, we provide:
- A personalized market study for your property
- An advanced marketing plan
- Real estate consultants who accompany you throughout the bureaucratic process
- Mortgage Specialist who will offer you the best financing solutions
- Administrative staff who will support you throughout the process of selling or buying a house.
Our success is nothing more than the realization of our customers' dreams! Rustikales Grundstück mit einer Gesamtfläche von 17.625 m2 mit einer ländlichen Bebauung von 245 m2 Fläche.
Bereich mit Heuhaufen, Olivenhainen, Weinbergen, Obstgarten, Gemüsegarten, mehreren Obstbäumen (Zitrusfrüchten, Feigenbäumen) und Korkeichenwäldern.
Zwei Brunnen mit reichlichem Wasser, einer davon mit Kanalisation, der zum Heuhaufen und zum Gemüsegarten führt. Wasser- und Stromanschluss in der Nähe der Unterkunft.
Es befindet sich in Lousa, einem Dorf mit Cafés, lokalen Geschäften, öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und öffentlichen Dienstleistungen.
Ethnographischer Kern in Lousã und traditionelle Tänze.
Das Hotel liegt etwa 8 km von der A23, 15 km von Castelo Branco und 19 km von Idanha-a-Nova entfernt.Verpassen Sie nicht diese Geschäftsmöglichkeit.
Warum mit CENTURY 21 verkaufen oder kaufen?
Denn wir bieten KOSTENLOS:
- Eine personalisierte Marktstudie für Ihre Immobilie
- Ein fortschrittlicher Marketingplan
- Immobilienberater, die Sie durch den bürokratischen Prozess begleiten
- Hypothekenspezialist, der Ihnen die besten Finanzierungslösungen anbietet
- Verwaltungspersonal, das Sie während des gesamten Prozesses des Verkaufs oder Kaufs eines Hauses unterstützt.
Unser Erfolg ist nichts anderes als die Verwirklichung der Träume unserer Kunden! Rustiek land met een totale oppervlakte van 17.625m2, met een landelijke constructie van 245m2 oppervlakte.
Gebied van hooibergen, olijfgaarden, wijngaarden, boomgaard, moestuin, verschillende fruitbomen (citrus, vijgenboom) en kurkeikenbossen.
Twee putten met overvloedig water, waarvan er één met kanalisatie gericht is op het hooiberggebied en de moestuin. Leidingwater en elektriciteit in de buurt van het pand.
Het is gelegen in Lousa, een dorp met cafés, lokale winkels, openbaar vervoer en openbare diensten.
Etnografische kern in Lousã en traditionele dansen.
Gelegen op ongeveer 8 km van de A23, 15 km van Castelo Branco en 19 km van Idanha-a-Nova.Mis deze zakelijke kans niet.
Waarom verkopen of kopen met CENTURY 21?
Omdat wij GRATIS het volgende bieden:
- Een gepersonaliseerde marktstudie voor uw woning
- Een geavanceerd marketingplan
- Vastgoedadviseurs die u begeleiden tijdens het bureaucratische proces
- Hypotheekspecialist die u de beste financieringsoplossingen biedt
- Administratief medewerkers die u ondersteunen tijdens het hele proces van het verkopen of kopen van een huis.
Ons succes is niets meer dan de realisatie van de dromen van onze klanten!